Unit 1 - Question Pack - Spectator Safety Level 2

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Unit 1: Prepare for Spectator Events – Question Pack

Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety (RQF)

Learner Name: MAZHAR ALI

Assessor Name: ________________________

Q1: What are the legal, organisational and venue requirements for the type of events that
you are involved in? (1.1.1)
Compliance with legal requirements generally involves obtaining required permits, adhering to
safety regulations, and ensuring accessibility. Organizational aspects include budget allocation,
scheduling arrangements, and logistical coordination. Venue specifications encompass factors such
as capacity, available amenities, and suitability for the nature of the event.

Prior authorization from the local authority is requisite for hosting an event. All events must
adhere to the stipulations outlined by:
Temporary Event Notice.
Sports Grounds Act 1975.
Licensing Act 2003.
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
Equality Act 2010.
Data Protection Act 2018.

Q2: What guidance documents are there for safety at events? (1.1.2)
Various guidance documents exist to ensure safety at events, such as the Event Safety Guide, fire
safety documents, and first aid protocols. These resources offer comprehensive guidance and
procedures to effectively mitigate risks and address emergencies during events.

Q3: Why are event and venue registration procedures important? (1.1.3)
This holds considerable significance for various reasons, including organizational structure, security
measures, attendance management protocols, effective communication strategies, and the capacity
to tailor safety procedures to meet specific event requirements.

Unit 1 Question Pack – Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety (RQF) Page 1
Q4: Why is it important to attend a pre-event briefing? (1.1.4)
Attending a pre-event briefing is essential as it provides crucial information about the event's
objectives, schedule, logistics, participant roles, and expectations. This ensures thorough
preparation, alignment, and awareness among all involved individuals, thereby facilitating the
smooth execution of the event. Additionally, such briefings address inquiries or uncertainties,
promoting clarity and confidence among participants.

Q5: Why is it important to collect, look after, and return any identification / other
resources? (1.1.5)
There are several important reasons for implementing this measure. Primarily, it serves to restrict
access to only genuine customers or ticket holders, ensuring the security of the premises or stadium
and compliance with legal regulations.

Q6: Why are the following important? (1.1.6)

- Signing in
Signing in is important because Signing in provides a record that who is present at an event or
location. It helps organizers to keep record of attendees.

- Collecting required information / materials

It ensures that individual have what they need to Perform their task efficiently. It also contributes to
prevent delays, misunderstandings and mistakes

- Searching designated areas and checking equipment

Searching is important because Searching designated areas helps to ensure that environment is free
from hazards and dangers. Checking equipment ensures that the tools or machinery are in order.

Q7: Why is it important to ensure that we do not disrupt stakeholders when carrying out
our checks? (1.2.2)
It is imperative to uphold positive relationships with stakeholders and minimize disruptions during
checks to cultivate trust and cooperation. Disruptions can lead to frustration, delays, and financial
losses, adversely affecting both the organization and its stakeholders. By minimizing disruptions, we
establish an environment conducive to cooperation, collaboration, and sustainable business

Unit 1 Question Pack – Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety (RQF) Page 2
Q8: Why is it important to ensure that we communicate with people and our colleagues
clearly? (1.2.6 / 2.2.6)
Clear communication holds significant importance for several reasons:

Avoiding misunderstandings.
Facilitating effective communication.
Building trust among individuals.
Enhancing collaboration within teams.
Boosting productivity levels.
Minimizing errors and mistakes.
Facilitating the easy and quick resolution of problems

Q9: Give examples of actions that could endanger yourself or others? (1.2.7)
Neglecting safety protocols: Failure of a security guard to adhere to the stadium's evacuation
procedures during an emergency, disregarding established protocols and endangering the safety of
all present.

Engaging in extreme sports without proper equipment or training: A security guard

participating in parkour within the stadium premises without utilizing appropriate safety
gear such as helmets and knee pads, posing a significant risk of severe injury from falls or
Disregarding warning signs or safety instructions in hazardous environments: A security
guard ignoring posted signs indicating wet floors in the stadium concourse and neglecting to
place warning cones, heightening the risk of slip-and-fall accidents for patrons.
Not wearing appropriate safety gear during sports events: A security guard on duty during a
baseball game failing to wear a helmet while patrolling the area near the foul lines, exposing
themselves to potential head injuries from foul balls or stray bats.
Violating crowd control measures at concerts or festivals: A security guard permitting
unauthorized individuals to enter restricted areas during a music festival, failing to enforce
crowd control measures and contributing to overcrowding and potential safety hazards.

Q10: What criteria do we use to assess threats and hazards? (1.2.9)

Assessing threats and hazards generally encompasses evaluating factors such as likelihood, impact,
vulnerability, and the ability to manage or mitigate them.

Unit 1 Question Pack – Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety (RQF) Page 3
Probability: Evaluate the likelihood of the threat or hazard occurring by analyzing past
incidents, current conditions, and any warning signs or indicators.
Vulnerability: Identify weaknesses or vulnerabilities in security measures, infrastructure, or
procedures that could be exploited by the threat or hazard.
Exposure: Determine the degree to which individuals, assets, or areas are exposed to the
threat or hazard. Consider factors such as proximity, accessibility, and duration of exposure.

Learner Name: Click or tap here.

Learner Signature:
Date: Click or tap here.

Unit 1 Question Pack – Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety (RQF) Page 4
Office Use Only:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.2.2 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.9
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Assessor Name: _____________________

Assessor Signature: __________________
Date: ___________

Unit 1 Question Pack – Highfield Level 2 Certificate in Spectator Safety (RQF) Page 5

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