प्रकाशन शैली

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k|sfzs k|fSsyg

g]kfn ;/sf/ kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| k|f/lDes afnlzIffb]lv sIff !@ ;Ddsf] ljBfno
lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno lzIffsf] kf7\oj|md, kf7\ok':ts Pjd\ cGo z}Ifl0fs ;fdu|Lsf] ljsf;,
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| kl/dfh{g tyf ;'wf/ u/L lzIffsf] /fli6«o p2]Zo k|flKtdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpgsf
;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/ nflu :yflkt lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfnocGtu{tsf] k|fl1s s]Gb| xf] .
ljBfno txsf kf7\oj|md, kf7\ok':tsnufotsf k7gLo z}lIfs ;fdu|Lx¿
ljsf; tyf k|sfzg a[xt\ / r'gf}tLk"0f{ sfo{ xf] . k|sfzgsf] Pp6f dxŒjk"0f{
kIf tyf eflifs z'4tf z}nLut Ps¿ktf sfod u/L k|sflzt ;fdu|Lx¿
ljZj;gLo agfpg' xf] . k|sfzgsf] oxL kIfnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{sf nflu o;
© k|sfzsdf s]Gb|n] of] k|sfzg z}nL ljsf; u/]sf] 5 . k|sfzg z}nL (House Style)
s'g} klg k|sfzg u[xn] lnlvt ;fdu|L ;Dkfbg / k|sfzgsf nflu
j0f{ljGof;, efiff / 6ª\sgsf ;DaGwdf tof/ kf/]sf lgodx¿sf] ;ª\sng
xf] . of] ;fdu|L k|sfzgsf] z}nL lgwf{/0f ug]{ cfwf/ klg xf] . k|sfzg
klxnf] ;+:s/0f M @)%^ z}nLdf efiffsf j0f{x¿sf] /vfO, z'4Ls/0f, ;ª\lIfKt ¿k, kbj|md,
bf];|f] ;+:s/0f M @)^# kb;ª\ult, eflifs z}nLsf ;fy} 6ª\sg, lrqfª\sgnufot ljljw kIfdf
t];|f] ;+:s/0f M @)&) :ki6 kfg]{ p2]Zon] @)%^ ;fndf tof/ kfl/Psf] k|sfzg ;fdu|L ;Dkfbg
rf}yf] -kl/dflh{t_ ;+:s/0f M @)&! z}nL k'l:tsfnfO{ ljleGg ljifo lzIfs, k|fWofks, ;~rf/sdL{ / cGo
kfFrf}F -kl/dflh{t_ ;+:s/0f M @)&^ efiffljb\x¿ ;+nUg sfo{zfnfaf6 kl/dfh{g u/fO{ k'gM @)^# ;fndf k|sfzg
;Dkfbg z}nL k':tssf ¿kdf / @)^( df k|sfzg z}nLsf ¿kdf tof/
kfl/Psf] lyof] . k|sfzg z}nLsf] of] /fli6«o kf7\oj|md ljsf; tyf d"Nofª\sg
d'b|s M kl/ifb\sf] ^$cf}F a}7sn] lgb]{z u/]cg';f/ g]kfn k|1f k|lti7fgsf] a[xt\
g]kfnL zAbsf]z cg'¿k j0f{ljGof; cBfjlws u/L g]kfnL dfWoddf k|sfzg
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|sf] lnlvt :jLs[ltlagf o; ;fdu|Lsf] k'/} jf cf+lzs x'g] ;fdu|Lsf] ;Dkfbgsf nflu tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . o; ;+:s/0fdf cª\u|]hL
efu x'ax' k|sfzg ug{, kl/jt{g u/]/ k|sfzg ug{, s'g} ljB'tLo ;fwg jf dfWodsf l;sfO ;fdu|Lsf nflu ;d]t pkof]uL x'g] u/L cª\u|]hL dfWodsf
cGo k|ljlwaf6 clen]va¢ ug{ / k|ltlnlk lgsfNg kfOg] 5}g . ;fdu|L ;Dkfbgsf] z}nL;d]t ljsf; u/L ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . sfo{bnaf6
tof/ kfl/Psf] o; k|sfzg z}nLnfO{ g]kfnL efiff ljifo ;ldlt, cª\u|]hL
efiff ljifo ;ldlt / ;dGjo tyf ;Dkfbg ;ldltdf 5nkmn u/L o; ljifo;"rL
¿kdf tof/ kfl/Psf] xf] . efu M Ps
o; k|sfzg z}nLdf ljBfno txsf ljBfyL{nfO{ b[li6ut u/L efiffsf k[i7 ;ª\Vof
j0f{x¿sf] /vfO, z'4Ls/0f, ;ª\lIfKt ¿k, kbj|md, kb;ª\ult, eflifs z}nLsf kf7\ok':ts tyf kf7\o;fdu|Lsf] 9fFrf / cGo ;fGble{s hfgsf/L
;fy} 6ª\sg, lrqfª\sgnufot ljljw kIfdf g]kfnL / cª\u|]hL b'j} dfWodsf !–!$
l;sfO ;fdu|L ;Dkfbgsf kIfx¿nfO{ PsLs[t ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf] tof/Ldf != k|sfzg z}nLsf] kl/ro !
ljZjljBfno tyf g]kfn k|1f k|lti7fgsf ;Da4 k|fWofks tyf k|f1, @= k|fl1s OdfGbf/L !
;DalGwt ljifosf lzIfs, k|a'4 efiffljb\, ljleGg kf7\o;fdu|L / #= ljljwtfsf] ;Djf]wg @
kqklqsfsf] k|sfzgdf ;+nUg ljlzi6 dxfg'efjx¿ tyf ;Da4 $= cg'lbt ;fdu|Lsf] kl/ro #
ljz]if1x¿sf] ;+nUgtf /x]sf] 5 . of] z}nL k'l:tsf ljsf; ug{] sfo{df %= n]vg tl/sf #
of]ubfg ug'{x'g] ;a}k|lt kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| s[t1tf k|s6 u5{ . ^= kf7\ok':ts / kf7\o;fdu|Ldf /xg] k|f/lDes zAbx¿ $
kf7\ok':ts tyf kf7\o;fdu|L n]vg / z}Ifl0fs k|of]udf Ps¿ktf Nofpg] ^=!= cfj/0f k[i7 $
p2]Zon] o;sf] k|sfzg ul/Psf] xf] . o; ;fdu|LnfO{ ;/n, ;j{dfGo, ^=@ zLif{s k[i7 %
Jofjxfl/s, j:t'lgi7 / k|of]uk/s agfpg ;Da4 ;a} kIfsf] cd"No ;'emfj ^=#= ;jf{lwsf/ k[i7 %
k|fKt x'g] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| o;nfO{ cem kl/is[t ^=$= k|fSsyg÷e"ldsf k[i7 ^
kfg{ k|of]ustf{ dxfg'efjx¿af6 /rgfTds ;'emfjsf] ck]Iff ub{5 . ^=% ljifo;"rL &
&= clGtd k[i7 &
@)&^, h]7 lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno &=!= clGtd leqL tyf aflx/L k[i7 &
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| *= ;fdu|L n]vg tyf ;Dkfbgdf ljljwtfsf] ;Djf]wg &
(= ;ª\lIfKt gfd *
!)= ;ª\Vofsf] n]vg (
!!= dfk tyf gfk;DaGwL zAbx¿ !!
!@= lrqj0f{g !@
!#= kf7\o;fdu|Lsf] 9fFrf !#
!$= kf7\ok':ts tyf cGo ;fdu|Lsf nflu cIf/sf] ;fOh !$
!%= k':tssf] cfsf/ !%
!^= kl/R5]b÷PsfO !% *=*= a / j;DaGwL #*
!&= cª\s, cIf/ / a'n]6 !^ *=( o / P #(
!*= cIf/ / cIf/ ;ª\Vof tyf zAb / zAb ;ª\Vof !^ *=!) If ;DaGwL #(
!(= p¢/0f / ;Gbe{sf] k|of]u !* *=!!= C ;DaGwL #(
@)= efiff ;Dkfbg ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ kIfx¿ !* *=!@= 1 ;DaGwL $)
*=!#= z÷if÷;;DaGwL $)
efu M b'O{ (= ljljw $@
!= tTej zAbsf] j0f{ljGof; @) (=!= P sf] g' cGTodf cfpg] s[bGt zAb
!=! zAbflb / zAbdWodf x|:j n]lvg zAbx¿ @) k5fl8 n] df ljelSt nfUbf lno{s\ ?k $@
!=@ zAtfGtdf bL3 O{ / pm x'g] zAbx¿ @# (=@= ljelSto'St ;j{gfd $@
@= cfuGt's zAb @% (=#= ljz]if0f -e]bs_ sf ¿kdf ;j{gfd $@
#= xnGt / chGt;DaGwL @^ !)= n]Vo lrx\gsf] k|of]u $#
$= a / j;DaGwL @& !)=!= k"0f{ lj/fd $#
%= lz/ljGb', rGb|ljGb' / k~rd j0f{sf] k|of]u @* !)=@= cNk lj/fd $#
^= kbof]u / kbljof]u @* !)=#= cw{ lj/fd $#
^=!= kbof]u @( !)=$= lgb]{z lrx\g $$
^=@= kbljof]u #! !)=%= k|Zgjfrs $$
&= tT;d zAbsf] j0f{ljGof; ## !)=^= lj:do;"rs $$
*= x|:jbL3{ ;DaGwL #$ !)=&= of]hs lrx\g $%
*=!= zAtflbdf x|:j O / p x'g] zAbx¿ #$ !)=*= sf]i7s lrx\g $%
*=@= zAbdWodf x|:j O jf p x'g] zAbx¿ #$ !)=(= p4/0f lrx\g $%
*=#= zAbfGtdf x|:j O jf p x'g] zAbx¿ #% !!= lnlk lrx\gsf] k|of]u $^
*=$= zAbflbdf bL3{ O{ jf pm x'g] zAbx¿ #^ Parti 3
*=%= zAbdWodf bL3{ O{ jf pm x'g] zAbx¿ #^ House Style
*=^= zAbfGtdf bL3{ O{ jf pm x'g] zAbx¿ #& 1. Introduction 47
*=&= xnGt / chGt;DaGwL #& 2. Academic Honesty 47
3. Acknowledgement the diversity efu M Ps
in language and content 48 -efiffdf ul/g] k|sfzg z}nL k|sfzgsf nflu_
4. Preliminary pages 49
!= k|sfzg z}nLsf] kl/ro
4.1. Cover page 49
k|sfzg z}nL (House Style) s'g} klg k|sfzg u[xn] lnlvt ;fdu|L
4.2. Inside Cover/Title pages 50
;Dkfbg / k|sfzgsf nflu j0f{ljGof;, efiff / 6ª\sgsf ;DaGwdf
4.3 The page of the publisher's blurb 5
tof/ kf/]sf lgodx¿sf] ;ª\sng xf] . o;nfO{ z}nL k'l:tsf klg
4.4. Preface 52
elgG5 . o;df efiffsf j0f{x¿sf] /vfO, z'4Ls/0f, ;ª\lIfKt ¿k,
4.5. Table of contents 52
5. Appendices 53
kbj|md, kb;ª\ult, eflifs z}nLsf ;fy} 6ª\sg, lrqfª\sgnufot ljljw
6. Writing caption : kIfdf :ki6 kfg]{ sfo{ ul/G5 .
describing pictures and photographs 53 k|To]s k|sfzg u[xsf n]cfp6, l8hfOg cflbsf ;DaGwdf cfcfˆg}
7. Layout format of the materials 54 tf}/tl/sf x'Gf ;S5g\ . k|sfzg ePsf ljljw ;fdu|Ldf eflifs /
8. Font face and font size 56 k|fljlws Ps¿ktf sfod ug{sf lglDt eg] k|sfzg z}nLsf] cjnDag
9. The size of the book 58 ug{' cfjZos 5 . o;n] n]vg, ;Dkfbg, ;fh;Hhf, k|sfzg cflb
10. The use of the heading, subheading sfo{df lglZrttf, ;xhtf / Ps¿ktfsf lglDt dfu{lgb]{zg ub{5 .
and sub-subheading 58 z}nL k'l:tsfdf n]vg 9fFrf -:yfgfª\sg, cIf/, k|:t'lt cflb_,
11. Numbers of letters and words in text 58 kf08'lnlksf] tof/L, 6ª\sg 9fFrf, z}nLut kIf ;d]tsf] lgb]{zg ul/G5 .
12. In-text citation and refrencing 59 n]vs / ;Dkfbsn] oxL z}nL k'l:tsfdf cfwfl/t eP/ cfˆgf] sfo{
13. Consistency in either American English ;Dkfbg ug'{kb{5 .
or British English 60 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G› kf7\oj|md, kf7\ok':ts tyf cGo z}Ifl0fs
14. Factors to be considered while editing 60 ;fdu|Lx¿sf] ljsf; tyf k|sfzg ug]{ ;+:yf xf] . ;Dkfbg / k|sfzg ug]{
15. Punctuation 61 ;fdu|Ldf z'4tfsf ;fy} ;+:yfut klxrfg / Ps¿ktf x'g'kg]{
16. Numbers 70 cfjZostfnfO{ b[li6ut u/L of] k|sfzg z}nL ljsf; ul/Psf] xf] .
17. Fractions 71 @ k|fl1s Odfgbf/L (Academic Honesty)
18. Writing Dates 72 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| k|fl1s dof{bf, Odfgbf/L / g}lts d"Nok|lt
19. Abbreviations and Acronyms 73
k|lta4 /x]sf] 5 . o;sf nflu pko'St ;Gbe{ ;|f]t lng], n]vsLo
ljrf/sf] df}lnstfsf] k|:t'lt ug]{, ;"rgf / ljrf/sf ;|f]tsf] pkof]u ug]{
tyf ljBfyL{;dIf k|bfg ul/g] k7g ;fdu|Ldf :ki6 efj ;Dk|]if0f x'g] u/L $ cg"lbt ;fdu|Lsf] k|of]u
k|:t'lt lbg] h:tf k|fl1s Odfgbf/Lsf] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . o;afx]s  cg"lbt ;fdu|Ldf :ki6 ¿kdf d"n n]vssf] gfd pNn]v ug]{
c¿sf /rgfsf] efjx/0f ug]{, ;flxTo / snfsf] h:tfsf] t:t} gSsn  s'g} s[lt÷kf7 n]vs jf cg'jfbssf] gfd;d]t pNn]v ug]{
ug]{ tyf c¿sf s[ltsf] s'g} g s'g} c+zsf] rf]/L ug]{ h:tf af}l4s rf]/L
 cg"lbt ;fdu|Lsf af/]df af}l4s Odfgbfl/tf sfod ug]{
kIfnfO{ k"0f{ lgif]w ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf nflu lgDglnlvt s'/f gxf];\ eGg]
% n]vg tl/sf
s'/fdf ;ts{ x'g' cfjZos 5 M
kf7\oj|md, kf7\ok':tsnufotsf l;sfO ;fdu|L n]vg tyf
 c¿n] n]v]sf] s[lt jf u/]sf sfdnfO{ cfˆgf] eGg gx'g]
;Dkfbg ubf{ lgDglnlvt s'/fdf Wofg lbg'k5{ M
 s;}sf zAbx¿ jf ljrf/nfO{ n]vssf] gfd glbO{ cfˆgf] eg]/
 n]Vbf 5f]6f] jfSo k|of]u ug'{k5{ . 5f]6f jfSo k9\g / a'‰g
k|:t't ug{ gkfOg]
;xh x'G5 . ;fdfGotM :t/cg';f/ @) zAbeGbf dflysf
 c¿sf egfOnfO{ p4/0f lrx\gleq /fv]/ k|:t't ug'{kg]{
jfSo pko'St dflgFb}g . jfSodf cgfjZos zAbx¿ k|of]u
 s'g} ;|f]taf6 lnOPsf ;fdu|LnfO{ aª\UofP/ k|:t't ug{ gx'g]
ug'{ x'Fb}g .
 zAb jf efiff kl/jt{g u/L c¿sf] egfOnfO{ s'g} ;|f]t glbO{
 af]w Ifdtfsf] ljsf;df ljBfno txdf 5f]6f cg'R5]b g}
cfˆgf] efiffdf n]Vg gx'g]
pko'St dflgG5g\ . ;fdfGotM a9Ldf bz jfSo jf !))–!%)
 c¿sf] j]a;fO6af6 s'g} klg ;fdu|L :jLs[ltlagf lng gx'g]
zAb;Ddsf] cg'R5]b pko'St x'G5 . 5f]6f] cg'R5]bn]
# ljljwtfsf] ;Daf]wg
kf7÷n]vgnfO{ 5l/tf] / :ki6 agfpF5 .
ljljwtfsf] ;Daf]wg x'g] u/L kf7\oj|md, kf7\ok':tsnufotsf
kf7\o;fdu|Ldf lgDglnlvt kIfdf Wofg lbg'kb{5 M  n]vgdf cgfjZos kb tyf kbfjnL Pjd\ kfl/eflifs zAbsf]
 ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO cj;/sf] lg/Gt/tf / ljsf;df ;a} k|of]u ug'{ x'Fb}g . kf7\ok':ts cfd ljBfyL{ jf ;fdfGo
k|sf/sf ljljwtfsf] ;Daf]wg kf7ssf nflu x'g] x'Fbf ck|fljlws jf ckfl/eflifs zAbsf]
 ;a} ljljwtf ePsf ljBfyL{nfO{ ;s];Dd ;Daf]wg ug]{ u/L rog ug'{ /fd|f] x'G5 . kfl/eflifs tyf k|fljlws zAb k|of]u
ljifo / lj|mofsnfksf] k|:t'lt ug'{kg]{ cj:yfdf klg ltgsf] cy{ v'Ng] u/L ;lhnf] agfP/
 n}ªl\ us, hftLo, k];fut, ef}uf]lns, eflifs, juL{o / k|:t't ug'{kb{5 .
ckfª\utf;DaGwL lje]b emlNsg] zAb, kbfjnL, pvfg 6'Ssf  n]vgdf Ps¿ktf sfod ug]{ kIfdf Wofg lbg'kb{5 . o;sf
/ ldysnufotsf ;fdu|Lsf] k|of]udf lgif]w nflu zAbfjnL, ;ª\lIfKt zAb, jfSo, lrx\g k|of]unufotdf
 cfk;L ;b\efj, k|]d, ljZjf; / dfgjLo efjgfnfO{ k|f]T;fxg klg Ps¿ktf eof] ePg eGg] s'/fdf Vofn ug'{kb{5 .
ug]{ lsl;dsf l;sfO ;fdu|Ldf hf]8  n]vsn] n]v]sf] l;sfO ;fdu|L kf7ssf nflu xf] eGg] s'/fdf
2 3
Vofn k'¥ofpg'kb{5 . /fd|f] kf7\ok':ts n]vsn] afnaflnsf÷ ^=@ zLif{s k[i7
kf7ssf k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbg ;Sg'kb{5 . o;sf nflu s'g pd]/ -s_ zLif{s k[i7sf] ;'?df kf7\ok':ts÷;Gbe{ k':tssf] gfd
;d"x -sIff_, s'g ljifo tyf s'g :t/sf ljBfyL{sf nflu kf7 /xg] 5 .
n]lvPsf] xf], To;sf] Vofn ug'{kb{5 . pgLx¿n] klxn] g} s] -v_ lardf n]vssf] gfd /xg] 5 . kl/dflh{t k':tsdf d"n
s'/fsf] cg'ej u/]sf 5g\ / n]vsn] n]Vg] zLif{sdf ltgsf] n]vs tyf kl/dfh{gstf{x¿sf] gfd, ;Dkfbs, k|fSsyg÷
?lr jf af]w s] x'g ;S5 eGg] s'/fdf Wofg lbg'kb{5 . To;}n] e"ldsf÷xfd|f] egfOdf dfq /xg] 5 ._
n]vg of]hgf agfpFbf jf k"j{tof/L ubf{ g} ljifoj:t', zLif{s k[i7sf] gd'gf o;k|sf/ x'g] 5 M
k|fljlws af]wsf] :t/, ltgsf] ?lr / n]vsn] lbPsf] ;"rgfsf g]kfnL
cfwf/df ltgn] ug{ ;Sg] cEof;÷sfo{sf af/]df ljrf/ sIff !)
k'¥ofpg'k5{ . n]vssf] gfd

 cfjZostfcg';f/ cf}krfl/s / cgf}krfl/s efiffsf] k|of]u g]kfn ;/sf/

ug'{ pko'St x'G5 . uDeL/ ljifodf cf}krfl/s k|:t'lt g} a9L lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›
pko'St dflgG5 . ;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/
^= kf7\ok':ts / kf7\o;fdu|Ldf /xg] k|f/lDes k[i7x¿ ^=# ;jf{lwsf/ k[i7
kf7\ok':tssf ;'?sf k[i7x¿nfO{ lgDgfg';f/sf] j|mddf /fVg'k5{ M ljj/0f -;jf{lwsf/_ k[i7df lgDglnlvt s'/fx¿ j|mdzM /xg] 5g\ M
cfj/0f k[i7 bfofF k[i7 (Recto) df -s_ k|sfzssf] gfd / 7]ufgf
zLif{s k[i7 bfofF k[i7 (Recto) df -v_ ;jf{lwsf/ -;jf{lwsf/sf nflu © sf] k|of]u u/L
ljj/0f -;jf{lwsf/_ k[i7 afofF k[i7df (Verso) clwsf/jfnfsf] gfd /fVg]_
k|fSsyg÷e"ldsf bfofF k[i7df -u_ ;+:s/0f
ljifo;"rL bfofF k[i7df -3_ k|sfzg -jif{ lj=;+= df n]Vg]_
-ª_ d'›ssf] gfd / 7]ufgf
^=! cfj/0f k[i7
-r_ d"No
cfj/0f k[i7df kf7\ok':tssf] gfd / kf7\ok':tssf] ljifoj:t'sf]
-5_ ISBN
k|ltlglwŒj ug]{ b[i6fGt lrq /xg] 5g\ . cfj/0fsf] cluNnf]
-h_ ;'emfj tyf lgb]{zg
(Front) / kl5Nnf] (Back) b'j} efunfO{ k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5 .

4 5
^=$= k|fSsyg÷e"ldsf k[i7 ^=%= ljifo;"rL
kf7\oj|md÷kf7\ok':ts÷lgb]{lzsfx¿÷;Gbe{ ;fdu|Ldf cfwf/e"t / ljifo;"rLsf] gd'gf lgDgfg';f/sf] x'g] 5 M
dfWolds txsf nflu 5'66\ f5'6\6} e"ldsf k[i7 /xg] 5g\ . ;a} l;sfO j|m=;= zLif{s k[i7 ;ª\Vof
;fdu|Ldf /flvg] e"ldsf k[i7sf klxnf] / t];|f] cg'R5]b Ps} vfnsf /xg]
5g\ eg] bf];|f] cg'R5]bdf ljifout ;"rgfd"ns hfgsf/L /xg] 5g\ . &= clGtd k[i7x¿
o;sf cltl/St o;df lgDglnlvt s'/fx¿ /xg] 5g\ M -s_ clGtd k[i7x¿df lgDgfg';f/sf zLif{sx¿ cfjZostfcg';f/ /xg]
d"n n]vssf] gfd M 5g\ M
kl/dfh{sx¿sf] gfd M  kl/lzi6
efiff ;Dkfbssf] gfd M  ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L (References)
6fOk ug]{sf] gfd M
 zAbfjnL (Glossary)
lrqfª\sgstf{sf] gfd M
;fh;Hhfsf/sf] gfd M  cg'j|mdl0fsf
o; k[i7sf] cGTodf b]a|]k6\l6 k|sfzg ldlt / bflxg]k6\l6 k|sfzssf] gfd  k':tsdf k|of]u ul/Psf ;fdu|Lsf ;|f]t ;ª\s]t
/xg] 5 . ljj/0f k[i7 / e"ldsf k[i7sf] gd'gf lgDglnlvt k|sf/sf] x'g]  cg';"rL
5M &=!= clGtd leqL tyf aflx/L k[i7
k|sfzs xfd|f] egfO kf7\ok':tsdf eP clGtd leqL tyf aflx/L k[i7df sIffut jf
lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›
;fd"lxs uLt /fVg'k5{ / cGo ;fdu|Ldf eP kf7\oj|md ljsf;
;a} ljifodf
;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/ != ;femf cg'R5]b s]G›af6 k|sflzt ;fdu|Lx¿sf] ;"rL jf cGo ;fGble{s ljifoj:t'
@= ljifout cg'R5]b ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg] 5 . kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›af6 ;xof]uL
g]kfn ;/sf/
© kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| #= ;femf cg'R5]b ;fdu|Lsf ¿kdf k|of]u ug{ k|sflzt ;fdu|Lsf] cg'jfb ul/Pdf
;+:s/0f M ============================= ltgdf klg g]kfnL ;+:s/0fdf /x]sf] sIffut jf ;fd"lxs uLt
k|sfzg jif{ M
d'›s M g]kfnL efiffdf g} h:tfsf] t:t} /flvg] 5 .
d"No ?= g]kfn ;/sf/ *= ;fdu|L n]vg tyf ;Dkfbgdf ljljwtfsf] ;Daf]wg
ISBN lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G› ;fdu|L n]vg tyf ;Dkfbgdf n}ªl\ us, If]qLo / ;f+:s[lts
kf7\ok':tssf ;DaGwdf s'g} ;'emfj ;Gt'ngnfO{ lgDgfg';f/ ;dfj]z ug'{kg]{ 5 M
ePdf kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›, ;Dkfbg lj=;+= ========
tyf k|sfzg zfvfdf k7fOlbg'xg' -s_ dlxnf jf k'?ifn] k/Dk/fut e"ldsfsf ;fy} ;dfg e"ldsf klg
cg'/f]w 5 .
6 7
lgjf{x ul//x]sf x'G5g\ eGg] s'/fdf ;r]t eO{ kf7\o;fdu|Lx¿ k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M
tof/ kfg'{k5{ . /fli6«o ;dfrf/ ;ldlt -/f;;_
-v_ kl/jf/, lzIff, k];f, ;fdflhs sfo{ cflbdf dlxnf / k'?ifsf] ufpFkflnsf -ufkf_÷gu/kflnsf -gkf_
;dfg e"ldsf /xG5 eGg] s'/fdf ;r]t eO{ kf7\o;fdu|L tof/ ;+o'St /fi6«;ª\3 -;+/f;_
kfg'{k5{ . o'gfO6]8 :6]6\; ckm cd]l/sf -o'P;P_
-u_ /fi6«sf lhDd]jf/ gful/ssf x}l;otn] afnaflnsf, Ho]i7 gful/s, -v_ Pp6} zAbdf n]lvg] zAbsf] ;ª\lIfKt ¿knfO{ laGb' glbO{
dlxnf / k'?ifsf] ;dfg clwsf/ tyf st{Jo x'G5 eGg] s'/fdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M 6]lnlehg -l6eL_, lel;8L, lala;L, l;cf/;L
Wofg k'¥ofpg'k5{ . -u_ lj=;+=, O=k"=, 8f=, aL=P=, Pd=P=, Pd=P8=, Pd=P:;L=, ;]=ld=,
-3_ dfgjLo ;fdflhs cl:tŒjaf]w u/fpg tyf ;+/If0f ug{ cfk;L ld=ld=, ls=u|f= h:tf ;ª\lIfKt gfdx¿ ;'?d} klg ;ª\lIfKt ¿kdf
;xof]u / cfb/ ;Ddfg ug]{ h:tf ljifoj:t'x¿df dlxnf jf k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .
k'?ifnfO{ ;dfg ¿kdf k|:t't ug'{k5{ . -3_ klxnf cIf/x¿ ldn]/ aGg] c+zfIf/L gfdx¿ (Acronyms) ;'?d}
-ª_ ljz]if bhf{ hgfpg] / ljz]if lnª\unfO{ af]w u/fpg] x]8df:6/, ;ª\If]kdf n]Vg klg ;lsG5 . h:t} M o'lg;]km, ;fs{, o'g]:sf]
;efklt, r]o/d]g, d]gkfj/ h:tf zAb k|of]u gu/L o;sf 7fpFdf cflb .
k|frfo{, ;efWoIf, r]o/ k;{g, hgzlSt h:tf j}slNks jf !)= ;ª\Vofsf] n]vg
¿kfGtl/t zAbsf] k|of]u ug'{k5{ . pd]/, ;do, ut] h:tf ltly, ldlt, dfkgsf PsfO, d'›f, tflnsf,
-r_ kf7\o;fdu|Ldf s'g} If]q ljz]if jf :yfg ljz]if jf ToxfFsf clen]v, tfkdfg, hg;ª\Vof, k|ltzt cflbnfO{ lgDgfg';f/
hg;d'bfonfO{ clk|o nfUg] vfnsf ljifoj:t' ;dfj]z gxf]pg\ n]Vg'k5{ M
egL Wofg k'¥ofpg'k5{ . -s_ pvfg 6'Ssfdf cª\ssf] k|of]u x'g] eP To;nfO{ cIf/df n]Vg'k5{ .
-5_ s'g} klg wd{, ;+:s[lt, k/Dk/f, /xg;xg cflbsf] ;Ddfg h:t} M
ul/g'k5{ . afx| 5f]/f t]/ gflt, a'9fsf] wf]j|mf] sfFw}dfly
-h_ s'g} hfthflt jf ;d'bfo, lnª\u, j0f{, ju{, cj:yf, czSttf, gf}tn] 3/sf] ‰ofn g 9f]sf
ckfª\utf cflbsf cfwf/df s;}nfO{ nf~5gf nfUg] jf xf]Rofpg] -v_ ;do hgfpFbf cª\ssf] k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M $ ah] . #M#)
jf clk|o / cZnLn nfUg] vfnsf kf7, zAb, pvfg 6'Ssf, egfO ah] .
cflb kf7\o;fdu|Ldf ;dfj]z ug'{ x'Fb}g . ;do hgfpg cfwf, kf}g], ;jf h:tf zAb k|of]u ug]{ eP ltgnfO{
(= ;ª\lIfKt gfd cIf/df n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;f9] b'O{ ah] .
-s_ ;'?df k'/} gfd n]Vg] / bf]xf]¥ofpg' kbf{ To;sf] ;ª\lIfKt ¿k dfq -u_ ut] hgfpg] ;ª\Vof ;w}F cª\sdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M j}zfv !)
8 9
ut] . kmfu'g ! ut] . k|f/Ded} === .
-3_ jif{ jf ;fn hgfpg] ;ª\Vof cª\sdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M g]kfndf -9_ j|md hgfpFbf cª\ssf ;fydf yf]Knf] / cIf/sf ;fydf sf]i7s
@))& ;fn kmfu'g & ut] k|hftGq cfof] . k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M !=, -s_
-ª_ dfkg, cfofd, cfotg, ulx/fO, prfO, nDafO, rf}8fO cflbdf !!= dfk tyf gfk;DaGwL zAbx¿
cª\ssf] k|of]u u/L cfofdsf] k|0ffnL -OGr, ln6/, ld6/ cflb_ dfk;DaGwL zAbfjnLsf] k|of]u dfgs :t/cg';f/ ug'{k5{ .
cIf/df n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;Ltf !=^ ld6/ cUnL l5g\ . ;Ltfn] ! ef}lts kl/efiff ;ª\s]t
ln6/ kfgLdf hLjghn agfOg\ . -bzdnj PsfO k|of]u ubf{ nDafO ld6/ (m)
cª\s / bzdnj laGb'sf] k|of]u ug'{k5{ ._ ;]lG6ld6/ (cm)
-r_ PseGbf sdsf] bzdnj PsfOdf laGb'sf] cl3lNt/ z"Gosf] k|of]u ldlnld6/ (mm)
ug'{k5{ . h:t} M )=!@ ld6/ .
lk08 lsnf]u|fd (Kg)
-5_ Ps ltxfO, b'O{ ltxfO, tLg rf}yfO cflb cIf/df n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
;do ;]s]G8 (s)
p;n] Ps ltxfO sfd ;Sof] .
tfkj|md ;]lN;o; (C)
-h_ ;dofjlw hgfpFbf cIf/df n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M 5 lbg] ofqf . Ps
ljB't\ wf/f PlDko/ (A)
dlxgfsf] sfd .
ljB't\ cj/f]w cf]xd (Ω)
-em_ tLgeGbf dflysf] cª\sdf cNklj/fd lrx\gsf] k|of]u ug'{k5{ .
h:t} M %,%%%÷%%,%%%÷%,%%,%%% sfo{÷zlSt h'n (J)
-`_ jfSosf] ;'?sf] cª\s cIf/df n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M afO; a;]{ an Go'6g (N)
/fdaxfb'/n] ;u/dfyf r9] . ;f]/ a;]{ pd]/}df d} klg lemNs] x'Fbf] ;fdYo{ jf6 (W)
x'F . ul0ft ljifodf cª\saf6} klg jfSo ;'? ug{ ;lsG5 . ult ld6/ k|lt;]s]G8 (m/s)
-6_ ul0ft, lj1fg h:tf ljifodf k|ltzt hgfpg k|ltzt lrx\gsf] k|j]u ld6/ k|ltju{;]s]G8 (m/s2)
k|of]u ug'{k5{ . efiffdf eg] cIf/d} n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ()Ü If]qkmn ju{ld6/ (m2)
ljBfyL{n] g]kfnL ljifodf P Kn; u|]8 NofP . xfjfdf &*Ü cfotg 3gld6/ (m3)
gfO6«f]hg 5 . 3gŒj lsnf]u|fd k|lt3gld6/ (Kg/m3)
xfdL cfkm\gf] nIodf ztk|ltzt ;kmn eof}F . rfk kf:sn (Pa)
-7_ ldlt n]Vbf jif{, dlxgf / ut]sf] j|mddf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M @)&^ cfj[lQ xh{ (Hz)
c;f/ @! ut] jf @)&^÷)#÷@! n]Vg'k5{ . kf]6]lG;on km/s ef]N6 (V)
-8_ ;fn jf jif{df cª\ss} k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M lj=;+= @)&^ sf]
10 11
!@= lrq j0f{g (Caption) !#= kf7\o;fdu|Lsf] 9f“rf (Layout format)
lrq j0f{gn] kf7df /x]sf] ljifoj:t' bf]xf]¥ofpg] sfd gu/L -s_ lrqsf] j0f{g Ps nx/sf] x'g'kg]{ 5 .
ljifoj:t'nfO{ JofVof, yk k'li6 ug{ jf k|sfz kfg{ ;3fpg'k5{ . -v_ lsgf/f ;f]emf] (Justify) ug'{k5{ .
lrq j0f{gsf] cfsf/ d"ntM lrqsf] :j¿k tyf ljifoj:t'df e/ -u_ cufl8 g5f]8]sf] (No indent) x'g'k5{ .
k5{ . lrq j0f{g ;s];Dd Ps} kª\lStdf / g;lsPdf b'O{ kª\lStdf -3_ kf7\ok':tssf ;fdu|Lx¿ nx/ (Column) df /fVg' x'Fb}g . klqsf,
lbg'k5{ . lrq j0f{g ubf{ lgDglnlvt s'/fdf Wofg lbg'k5{ M hg{n, a|f];/ / k|lŒj]bg (Report) x¿df nx/df /fVg'kg]{ eP b'O{
-s_ lrq j0f{g (Caption) 5f]6f] jfSodf n]Vg'k5{ . nx/df (Two column) n]cfp6 ug'{k5{ . ;fdu|LnfO{ nx/df
-v_ ;fdfGotof s] -ljifoj:t'_, sf] -JolSt_, sxfF -7fpF_ h:tf /fVbf bfofF afofF a/fa/ kf/L (Justify) /fVg'k5{ .
lh1f;fnfO{ :ki6 ug{ lrq j0f{g ug'{k5{ . -ª_ Ps cg'R5]bb]lv csf]{ cg'R5]blarsf] cGt/fn / kf7\o;fdu|Lsf]
-u_ lrq j0f{g ;/n, k|efjsf/L / k"0f{ x'g'k5{ . d"n c+znfO{ c6f] lnl8ª (Auto leading) ug'{k5{ .
-3_ lrq j0f{gn] tl:a/ jf lrqn] b]vfPsf s'/fx¿ bf]xf]¥ofP/ -r_ k[i7 ;ª\Vof /fVbf k[i7sf] k'R5/ (Footer) df k':tssf] gfd,
atfpg'eGbf lrqn] k|:6 gb]vfPsf k[i7e"ldsf s'/f j0f{g ug'{k5{ .
sIff / k[i7 ;ª\Vof lahf]/ k[i7df bfofF / hf]/ k[i7df afofFlt/
h:t} M lxdfn b]lvg] lrqdf of] lxdfn xf] jf of] lxdfnsf] lrq xf]
/fVg'k5{ . e"ldsf, k|fSsyg, s[t1tf cflb cnUu} /fVg'k5{ .
eGg' cfjZos 5}g . a? To;df c¿ ;ª\s]tx¿af/] hfgsf/L
logdf k[i7 ;ª\Vof /flvFb}g . o:tf ;fdu|Lsf] ;ª\Vof hgfpg
lbg'k5{ . lrq j0f{g sIffsf] :t/cg';f/ x'g'k5{ .
5'66\ } ;ª\s]t /fVg'k5{ . d"n ;fdu|Laf6 dfq k[i7 ;ª\Vof ;'?
-ª_ lrq tyf kmf]6f] cflbsf nflu kof{Kt ljj/0f (Description)
ug'{k5{ .
cyjf lrq jf kmf]6f] (Photographs) x¿ /fVg'kg]{ 5 .
-5_ kfb l6Kk0fL (Foot notes) /fVg'kg]{ ;fdu|Ldf d"n kf7sf] cIf/sf]
-r_ lrqx¿ cfjZos lgb]{zgcg';f/ sfnf] jf /ª\uLg x'g'kg]{ 5 .
-5_ lrq (Art work) agfpFbf k"j{ k|sflzt lrqx¿ jf lSnk cf6{ cfsf/ (Text size) eGbf b'O{ ;fOh ;fgf] /fVg'k5{ .
(Clip art) sf] k|of]u ug{ kfOg] 5}g . -h_ kfb l6Kk0fL (Foot notes) /fVbf cª\ssf] k|of]u ug'{k5{ . kfb
-h_ lrqsf] tn /xg] lrq ljj/0f ;fgf] cIf/df /xg] 5 . o;leq /xg] l6Kk0fLsf nflu Ps ;]=ld= Footer 5f]8g\ 'k5{ .
lrqsf] ;ª\Vof n]Vg] tl/sf lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5 M h:t} M kfb l6Kk0fL ! ===
lrq g= !=! cyjf tflnsf g=!=! kfb l6Kk0fL @ ===
-em_ kf7leq lrqx¿ /fVbf lrqsf] ;fOh kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|sf] -em_ kf7\ok':tssf cfjZos 7fpFdf lzIf0fsf nflu jf cGo ;fGble{s
lgb]{zgcg';f/ x'g'kg]{ 5 . lrqnfO{ ;DalGwt ljifoj:t' /x]sf] lgb]{zg /fVg ;lsg] 5 .
pko'St 7fpFdf /fVg'kg]{ 5 . kf7 / lrq k|of]u ePsf ;fdu|Lsf 6fOk ubf{ A4 ;fOhdf tNnf] / dflyNnf] nfOgsf lardf b'O{ cGt/fn
k[i7df lrq dfq g/fvL kf7\of+z klg /fVg'k5{ . 5f]8g\ 'k5{ / afofFlt/ sDtLdf 8]9 OGr vfnL 7fpF 5f]8g\ 'k5{ . bfofFlt/sf
12 13
vfnL 7fpF sDtLdf Ps OGr / tn / dflysf] vfnL 7fpF sDtLdf b'O{ Roman cflbdWo] s'g} pko'St Font sf] k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
OGr 5f]l8Psf] x'g'k5{ . o;n] ubf{ l8hfOg / ljifo tyf efiff ;Dkfbg ;do j|mddf cGo ;'xfpFbf kmG6 klg k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
-3_ kf7\o;fdu|Lsf] 6fOk ug'{k"j{ k|of]u ul/g] kmG6, n]cfp6 / l8hfOg
(Copy editing) ug{ k|z:t 7fpF x'G5 / :ki6 klg x'G5 .
(Font, Layout and Design) sf af/]df s]Gb|af6 hfgsf/L
!$= kf7\ok':ts tyf cGo ;fdu|Lsf nflu cIf/sf] ;fOh (Type
lng'kg]{ 5 .
faces and type sizes)
!%= k':tssf] cfsf/ (Book size)
ljBfno txsf kf7\ok':tsx¿df ;fdfGotM lgDgfg';f/ ;fOhsf
-s_ cfwf/e"t tx tyf dfWolds txsf kf7\ok':tssf] ;fOh (Trim
cIf/x¿ k|of]u ug'k{ g]{ 5 M
size) !* ;]lG6ld6/ (cm) × @$ ;]lG6ld6/ (cm) jf @!
sIff g]kfnL cª\u|]hL
! @$ !* ;]lG6ld6/ (cm) × @* ;]lG6ld6/ (cm) x'g] 5 .
@ @$ !* -v_ cfwf/e"t tx tyf dfWolds txsf kf7\ok':tssf] ljifoj:t'sf]
# @@ !^ cfsf/ (Running text)
$ !* !$
% !* !$ !$ ;]lG6ld6/ (cm) × @@ ;]lG6ld6/ (cm) / !& ;]lG6ld6/ (cm
^ !^ !$ × @$ ;]lG6ld6/ (cm)
& !^ !$
* !^ !@ !^= kl/R5]b÷PsfO (Chapter/Unit font size)
( !$ !@ ljBfno txdf kf7\o;fdu|Lsf] kl/R5]b÷PsfO 9fFrf ;fdfGotM
!) !$ !@ lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5 M
b|i6Jo M sIff g]kfnL cIf/ English Font
zLif{s pkzLif{s pkpkzLif{s Heading Sub- Sub-Sub-
-s_ ul0ft ljifosf ;DaGwdf lrq, cIf/ / cª\s;d]tnfO{ b[li6ut Heading Heading
u/L cIf/sf] ;fOh sIffut ¿kdf cGo ljifoeGbf km/s x'g ! @* uf9f @^ uf9f @$ uf9f 24 Bold 20 Bold 18 Bold
@ @* uf9f @^ uf9f @$ uf9f 24 Bold 20 Bold 18 Bold
;Sg] 5 .
# @^ uf9f @$ uf9f @@ uf9f 24 Bold 18 Bold 16 Bold
-v_ kf7\o;fdu|Ldf ;Dej eP;Dd OTF (Open Type Font) sf] $ @$ uf9f @@ uf9f !* uf9f 22 Bold 16 Bold 16 Bold
k|of]u ug'{kg]{ 5 . % @$ uf9f @@ uf9f !* uf9f 22 Bold 16 Bold 16 Bold
-u_ xfnnfO{ g]kfnL 6fOkdf lxdfnL, k|Llt, ;u/dfyf (Himalli, ^ @) uf9f !* uf9f !^ uf9f 22 Bold 16 Bold 14 Bold
Preeti, Sagarmatha) / lxdfn af]N8 (Himal Bold) jf kfljs] & @) uf9f !* uf9f !^ uf9f 20 Bold 16 Bold 14 Bold
jf cGo cflwsfl/s lgsfon] tof/ kf/]sf pko'St Font tyf * @) uf9f !^ uf9f !^ uf9f 20 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold
cª\u|]hL 6fOkdf Century Gothic, Arial jf Times New (–!@ @) uf9f !^ uf9f !^ uf9f 20 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold

14 15
!&= cª\s, cIf/ / a'n]6 -v_ cfwf/e"t txcGtu{t sIff 5b]lv cf7;Ddsf kf7\ok':ts / cGo
kf7\o;fdu|Ldf zLif{s, pkzLif{s cflbnfO{ 5'6o\ fpg lgDgfg';f/ cª\s kf7\o;fdu|Lx¿df ;fdfGotof kfFr cIf/ jf zAbf+z;Ddsf
cIf/ / a'n]6 /fVg'k5{ M zAbx¿sf] k|of]u ug{' pko'St x'G5 . h:t} M
!= zLif{s pQ/fk]IfL -pt\=t=/f=k]s\=l5_, ;+jw} flgstf -;d\=a}=wf=lgs\=tf_,
!=!= pkzLif{s ;fdfGotof -;f=dfg\=Go=t=of_, k':tsfno -k';=\ t=sf=n=o_,
-s_ pkpkzLif{s k|of]uzfnf -k|=of]u=\ ;f=nf_ cflb .
-c_ cGo zLif{s / a'Fbfx¿ cflb . -u_ dfWolds txsf kf7\ok':ts / cGo kf7\o;fdu|Lx¿df ;ftb]lv
;ª\s]t lrx\g -a'n]6_ sf] k|of]u ;se/ sd ug'{k5{ . cª\s jf cIf/af6 dflysf cIf/ jf zAbf+zx¿sf] klg k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . h:t} M
sfd grNg] 7fpFdf dfq ;ª\s]t lrx\g -a'n]6_ k|of]u ug'{k5{ . pQ/bfloŒjk"j{s -pt\=t/\=bf=Ot\=Œj=k'/=\ as\_, efiff j}1flgsx¿n]
!*= cIf/, cIf/ ;ª\Vof, zAb / zAb ;ª\Vof -ef=;f=a}=Uof=lgs\=x=?=n]_, kl/lzi6fª\sx¿af6
zAbdf cIf/ ;ª\Vof lgwf{/0f ubf{ efiff lzIf0fsf] ;}4flGts -k=l/=l;;\=6fª\=s=x=?=af=6_, pQ/flwsf/Lx¿af6
cjwf/0ffcg';f/ ;/ntfaf6 hl6ntfsf] j|mddf k|f/lDes sIffb]lv -pt\=t=/f=lw=sf=l/=x=?=af=6_ cflb .
dflyNnf sIffx¿df j|mdzM l;Sg ;Sg] u/L k|of]u ug'{k5{ . -3_ w]/} cIf/ ePsf zAbx¿ k9\g k|f/lDes sIffsf ljBfyL{x¿nfO{
-s_ cIf/ ljefhg tyf zAbf+z -l;n]an_ sf b[li6n] cfwf/e"t sl7g x'g] x'Fbf To:tf sIffdf sd cIf/ ePsf zAbx¿ dfq k|of]u
txcGtu{t sIff Psb]lv kfFr;Ddsf kf7\ok':ts / cGo
ug'{ pko'St x'G5 . g]kfnL efiffdf ;'kf7\otfsf nflu jfSo
kf7\o;fdu|Lx¿df rf/ cIf/ jf zAbf+z;Ddsf zAbx¿sf] k|of]u
lgdf{0fsf nflu lgDgfg';f/sf] dfgs tof/ ul/Psf] 5 M
pko'St x'G5 . o; txdf ;+o'St j0f{x¿sf] k|of]u ;se/ sd
* zAb jf To;eGbf sd k9\g c;fWo} ;lhnf] (Very easy)
ug'{k5{ . h:t} M
(–!! zAb;Dd k9\g ;lhnf] (Easy)
 d, k9\, eg\, vf, 5]s\, p7\, dg -dg\_, ?v -?v\_, sfd -sfd\_
!@–!$ zAb;Dd k9\g l7Ss} ;lhnf] (Fairly easy)
cflb . -Ps cIf/_
!& zAb;Dd :t/Lo (Standard)
 kv{ -k/\=v_, em':; -em';\=;_, d;L -d=l;=_, 6f]kL -6f]=lk=_, h'Qf !*–@! zAb;Dd k9\g s]xL sl7g (Fairly difficult)
-h't=\ tf_, k|tLs -k|=lts\_ cflb . -b'O{ cIf/_ @@–@% zAb;Dd k9\g sl7g (Difficult)
 d's'Gb- d'=s'g\=b_, ;':t/L -;';\=t=l/_, ljBfyL{ -lab\=b\of/\=ly_ @^ zAbeGbf dfly k9\g w]/} sl7g (Very difficult)
cflb . -tLg cIf/_ o; b[li6n] k|lŒjfSo @) eGbf a9L zAbx¿sf] k|of]u ePsf jfSo k9\g
 ;';dfrf/ -;'=;=df=rf/\_, cfjthfjt -cf=jt\=hf=jt\_, sl7g x'g] b]lvG5 . o;df klg efjjfrs / ;+o'St zAbsf] k|ltzt s'n
kf08'lnlk -kfg\=8'=ln=lk_ cflb . -rf/ cIf/_ zAbsf] bz k|ltzteGbf a9L x'g' x'Fb}g . ljBfno txsf kf7\o;fdu|Lsf]
16 17
jfSo u7gdf sd zAb ePsf 5f]6f jfSosf] k|of]u pko'St x'G5 . s'g} hfthfltnfO{ cfIf]k nfUg] zAb, cZnLn zAb / c:jLsfo{
;fdfGotof cfwf/e"t txsf] sIff Psb]lv kfFr;Dddf cf7 zAbeGbf zAb k|of]u x'g lbg' x'Fb}g . g]kfnL efiffsf eflifsfdf k|of]u x'g]
sd / sIff 5b]lv cf7;Dddf !$ zAbeGbf sd tyf dfWolds txdf zAbdf eGbf :t/Lo / dfgs efiff k|of]udf hf]8 lbg'k5{ .
@! zAb;Ddsf jfSox¿ dfq k|of]u ug'{k5{ . ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L / cGo
;fdu|Ldf klg pko'{St zAb ;Ldfsf] Vofn ug'{k5{ .
!(= p4/0f / ;Gbe{sf] k|of]u
-s_ kf7\o;fdu|Ldf cGo s'g} ;|f]taf6 s'g} c+z p4/0f ubf{ pb\w[t\ c+z
h:tfsf] t:t} eP bf]xf]/f] p4/0f lrx\gleq /fVg'k5{ . h:t} M
afns[i0f ;d eG5g\, æ1fg db{5 xfF;]/, /f]O{ lj1fg db{5 .Æ
-v_ p4/0fnfO{ kf7\o;fdu|Ldf cg's"lnt u/L /flvPsf] eP klg k]6]
l6Kk0fL jf kfb l6Kk0fL lbg'k5{ . kfb l6Kk0fL /fVg gldNg] 7fpF
eP ;f] c+z k/]s} k[i7df k]6] l6Kk0fLsf ¿kdf ;|f]t v'nfpg'k5{ .
-u_ kf7\o;fdu|Ldf s'g} cGo ;fdu|Lsf] k|ltlnlk /flvPsf] eP klg
To;sf] ;|f]t v'nfpg'k5{ .
@)= efiff ;Dkfbg ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ kIfx¿
6ª\lst lnlknfO{ :ki6 kfg{ / bf]xf]/f] cy{ gnfUg] agfpg tyf
q'l6/lxt agfpg efiff ;Dkfbg ul/G5 . efiff ;Dkfbg ubf{
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›sf] lglZrt dfgs (standard) nfO{
k5\ofpg'k5{ . o;sf nflu kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›n] tof/ kf/]sf]
k|sfzg z}nLnfO{ cjnDag ug'{k5{ . efiff ;Dkfbg ubf{ d"ntM
lgDgfg';f/sf kIfdf Wofg lbg'kb{5 M
-s_ z'4 j0f{ljGof; k|of]u ug'{k5{ . k|sfzg z}nL cjnDag ug'{k5{ .
efiff ;Dkfbsn] ;DalGwt sIffsf ljBfyL{sf] :t/cg';f/sf
zAb÷jfSosf] k|of]udf ljz]if Vofn ug'{k5{ .
-v_ kf7\o;fdu|Ldf ljBfyL{ cndlng], ax' cy{ nfUg] / c:ki6 efiff
/xg lbg' x'Fb}g . eflifs q'l6 gxf];\ eGg] s'/fdf ;r]t /xg'k5{ .
18 19
efu M b'O{ -3_ tT;d zAbdf tb\ej k|Too nfu]df ltgsf] Osf/ / psf/ x|:j
j0f{ljGof; n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›af6 k|sflzt ;fdu|Lx¿df kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›n] k'a]{nL -k"j{±PnL_, d'Vof{OF -d"v{±ofOF_, a;]{lg -jif{±Plg_, a;]{
tof/ kf/]sf] k|sfzg z}nLcg';f/sf] j0f{ljGof; k|of]u ug'{k5{ . -jif{±P_, k':6\ofOF -k'li6±ofOF_, b':6\ofOF -b'i6±ofOF_, w'Tof{OF
!= tb\ej zAbsf] j0f{ljGof; -w"t{±ofOF_, b;f{pg' -b[z± \ cfpg'_, la/lStg' -lj/lSt±g'_, AolStg'
!=!= zAbflb / zAbdWodf x|:j n]lvg] zAbx¿ -JoSt±Og'__, c+l;of/ -c+z±Oof/_, l:jsfg'{ -:jLsf/±g'_ cflb .
-s_ tb\ej zAbsf] zAbflb / zAbdWosf] Osf/ / psf/ x|:j -ª_ ;ª\Vofjfrs zAbnfO{ lgDgfg';f/ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M Ps, b'O{, tLg, rf/ kfFr, 5, ;ft, cf7, gf}, bz, P3f/, afx|, t]/,
;'g, g'g, ylkgL, g'lgnf], slnnf], alnof], ;lhnf], af?nf], aflx/, rf}w, kGw|, ;f]/, ;q, c7f/, pGgfO;, la;, PSsfO;, afO;, t]O;,
leq, lalQs}, vflt/, lglDt, klxnf], dflxnf], ulx/f], /l;nf], a6'jf, rf}la;, klRr;, 5lAa;, ;QfO;, c7\7fO;, pglGt;, lt;,
xr'jf, lemlnSs, ltl//L, lkml//L, l;l/l;/L cflb . Pslt;, alQ;, t]lQ;, rfF}lt;, k}Flt;, 5lQ;, ;F}lt;, c7lt;,
-v_ ;+:s[t tT;d zAbaf6 ¿k kl/jt{g eP/ g]kfnLdf cfPsf pgGrfln;, rfln;, Psrfln;, aofln;, lqrfln;, rjfln;,
k/Dk/fut ¿kdf zAbflb / zAbdWodf bL3{ n]lvPsf tb\ej k}Ftfln;, 5ofln;, ;trfln;, c7rfln;, pgGrf;, krf;,
zAbnfO{ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
PsfpGg, afpGg, lqkGg, rpGg, krkGg, 5kGg, ;GtfpGg,
lgnf] -gLn_, ls/f] -sL6_, l3g -3[0ff_, lsnf]÷lvn -sLn_, lv/
cG7fpGg, pgG;f7L, ;f7L, Ps;6\7L, ao;6\7L, lq;6\7L, rf};6\7L,
-IfL/_, lbof] -bLk_, lk/ -kL8f_, lk/f] -kL8s_, ulx/f] -ueL/_, lr;f]
k}F;6\7L, 5o;6\7L, ;t;6\7L, c7;6\7L, pgG;Q/L,
-zLt_, lap -aLh_, lhp -hLj_, w'nf] -w"ln_, w'jfF -w"d_, ;'/f] -z"/_,
;Q/L, PsxQ/, axQ/, lqxQ/, rf}xQ/, krxQ/, 5oxQ/,
d';f] -d"ifs_, d'nf -d"n_ cflb .
;txQ/, c7xQ/, pgf;L, c;L, Psf;L, aof;L, lqof;L, rf}/f;L,
-u_ k/Dk/fut ¿kdf bL3{ n]lvg] zAbx¿ klg tb\ej g} ePsfn] ltgsf]
zAbflb / zAbdWosf] Osf/ -O_, psf/ -p_ nfO{ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . krf;L, 5of;L, ;tf;L, c7f;L, pgfGgAa], gAa], PsfgAa],
h:t} M aofgAa], lqofgAa], rf}/fgAa], kGrfgAa], 5ofgAa], ;GtfgAa],
 lttf], ld7f], ltvf], lk7f], a'9f], l96f], b'w, ldt, ?v, ?vf], ?uf, cG7fgAa], pgfG;o, ;o .
sk't, ;k't, r'g, r's, lrn, lar, l;k, lbuf], l7s, 7'nf], -r_ zAbfGtdf bL3{ n]lvg] zAb k|Too nfu]kl5 x|:j n]lvG5g\ . h:t} M
lev, le/ cl;cf}F -c;L±cf}F_, ;fl7cf}F -;f7L±cf}F_, ;Ql/cf}F -;Q/L±cf}F_,
 ;'Gbf pRrf/0f Pp6} nfUg] t/ cy{ leGg x'g] zAbx¿sf] lxHh] lq;6\l7cf}F -lq;6\7L±cf}F_
lgDgfg';f/ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M km'n -c08f_, km"n -k'ik_, k'/f -
h'7f] s'/f_, k"/f -k"0f{_, h'g -kbju{_, h"g -rGb|df_, ltg - b'O6f -b'O{ ± cf]6f_ cflb .
kbju{_, tLg -;ª\Vof_ cflb . -5_ cfBfIf/df yf]Knf] glbO{ Pp6} l8sf]df n]lvPdf ;ª\lIfKt zAbsf
20 21
cflb / dWo Osf/ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M -9_ psf/fGt gfd, ljz]if0f / cJoo x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
l;l8cf], o'g]:sf], o'lg;]km, lala;L gfd
yf]Knf] lbP/ n]lvPdf eg] PsfIf/L Osf/ bL3{ g} n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M efp, bfp, l3p, lhp, cfn', s]/fp, lap, l;?, lxpF, plgpF, klgpF
;L=8L=cf], aL=aL=;L= cflb .
-h_ cg's/0ffTds zAbsf lardf cfpg] Osf/ psf/ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . ufpF, 7fpF, d'u', rfFu', ;fFv,' afnfh', b'Nn', tgx'F, 6]s', x]nDa',
h:t} M lr;ª\v', ;f]n', sfx'F cflb .
l6lnSs, ldlnSs, l;lgQ, ;'n'Q, x'n'Ss, lemlnldnL, l;l//L, t'??, lnv', dn]v,' aNv', ;fx', efn', lxGb', v'Da', afDa', ofDkm', Hofk',
e'??, 6'n'6'n' cflb . yf?, xfo', sf]o',t]nu', pb'{ cflb .
-em_ gftfaf]ws k'lnª\uL zAbsf] zAbfGtdf /x]sf O, p x|:j n]Vg]'k5{ . ljz]if0f
h:t} M rfn', pNn', 56\6', 98\8', d6\7', nb\b', kq', lk6\7', lk5nUu', b'wfn',
HjfOF, bfO, efO, klt, kgflt, h]7fh', bfh', km'kfh', legfh' cflb . l;sf?, lasfp, nfu', 7fn', n8fs' cflb .
-`_ cfO, ofO“, cfp, cf?, cfn', Pn' k|Too nfu]/ ag]sf zAbx¿sf] cJoo
Osf/ psf/ k|Toocg';f/ g} x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;fd', cfR5', cfTy', px', a?
k9fO, n]vfO, sdfO, ndfO, b':6\ofOF, a'9\ofOF, /f]kfOF, 3]/fp, r'gfp, -0f_ ;dfks 5' / x' lj|mofkbsf] psf/ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
l6sfp, lasfp, l;sf?, x6f?, Ovfn', d}tfn', 3/]n' cflb . d /fd|f] 5' . d g]kfnL x'F . d kmnkm"n vfG5' .
-6_ s]xL cJoo zAb / ljelStsf] cGTosf] O x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M !=@ zAbfGtdf bL3{ O{, pm x'g] zAbx¿
cufl8, k5fl8, clu, kl5, jfl/, kfl/, dfly, d'lg, v]l/, km]l/, el/, -s_ ;a} :qLlnª\uL zAbx¿sf cGTodf Osf/ / psf/ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ .
jl/kl/, nflu, lglDt, b]lv, lsgls, clg, klg, tfklg, xlu, s'lGg, h:t} M
rflxF . Osf/fGt gfdkb M s]6L, /fgL, lbbL, ufO{, dfO{, e}F;L
t/ xL, xLF, k|Too nfu]sf oxL, sxLF, oxLF ToxLF / nfO{ ljelSt eg] gftfaf]ws zAb M efph", km'k", ;f;", dfOh" cflb .
bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . -v_ lghL{j j:t' hgfpg] Osf/fGt zAbx¿ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
-7_ kl/df0f hgfpg] zAb x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M 7]sL, bxL, dxL, sf]bfnL, 6f]kL, 5ftL, d;L, af/L, afnL, sfutL,
slt, olt, plt, hlt, Tolt, cln cflb . gf;kftL cflb .
-8_ n3' jf lk|o cy{df cfpg] psf/ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M s]xL ;hLj gfdsf cGTodf cfpg] Osf/ bL3{ n]Vg] M hf]uL, ;DwL,
sfn', /fd', afa', aRr', ;fg', gfg', 5f]6' cflb . xfQL, v;L .

22 23
-u_ gfd / ljz]if0faf6 ag]sf efjjfrs Osf/fGt gfd bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . alxgL 3/ uO{ . alxgLn] pkGof; k9L .
h:t} M -`_ …P/Ú k|ToofGt s[bGt lj|mofsf ;6\6fdf k|of]u x'g] s[bGt lj|mofsf]
ul/aL, ;fem]bf/L, Odfgbf/L, va/bf/L, df:6/L, 8fS6/L, v]tL, Osf/ klg bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t}M
gf]s/L cflb . cfO{ -cfP/_, ;sL -;s]/_, b]vfO{ -b]vfP/_ cflb .
-3_ gbL / :yfgjfrs Osf/fGt gfd bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M pgLx¿n] snd lsgL -lsg]/_ dnfO{ lbP .
jfUdtL, gf/fo0fL, dxfsfnL, sGsfO{, ;]tL, sf];L, /f];L, e]/L, -6_ zAbfGtdf cfpg] OR5fy{s tyf cf1fy{s lj|mofkbsf] psf/ bL3{
/fKtL, dfbL, df8L, d]rL cflb . n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
-ª_ :yfgjfrs ljz]if0f / cGo ljz]if0fsf] cGTosf] Osf/ bL3{ hfpm, vfpm, a;"F, x]¿F, b]vfpm, hfg", k9\g" cflb .
n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M OR5fy{s lj|mofkbsf] larsf] psf/ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
emfkfnL, kfNkfnL, u'Nd]nL, :ofª\hfnL, cd]l/sfnL, /l;ofnL, hfpg\, vfpg\, p8'g\, afFr'g\, a;'g,\ b]v'g\ cflb .
clk|msL, h'DnL, ;'v]{tL cflb . -7_ /L÷c/L, t/L, tL / O{ df 6'ªl\ ug] lj|mofof]uL zAbx¿sf] Osf/
vfnL, cN5L, hftL, nf5L, l;NnL, bfdL, c;nL, sfg'gL, b]vfj6L bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
cflb . o;/L, p;/L, o:t/L, p:t/L, s;/L, s:t/L, o:t/L, /fd|/L,
-r_ hft, y/, k];f a'emfpg] klxrfg;“u hf]l8Psf zAbsf clGtd Osf/ a/a/L, bgbgL, ;/;/tL, kmgkmgtL, 6\jfn6\jfntL, t/t/L,
/ psf/ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;/f;/L, lkml//L, l;l//L, ltl//L cflb .
clwsf/L, /fO{, 5]qL, e6\6/fO{, ahufO{F, k'hf/L, 8sdL{, wf]aL, t]nL, -8_ k[ys\ / :jtGq ¿kdf k|of]u x'g] bL3{ Osf/fGt zAbx¿ ;df;
lnDa" cflb . k|rngdf /x]sf] ;fold h:tf k|of]unfO{ oyfjt\ ePkl5 klg oyfjt\ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
¿kdf n]Vg'k5{ . :jfdLeSt, e]8Luf]7, h8La'6L, xfQLjg, d}qLk"0f{, gfnLa]nL,
-5_ hflt, wd{, ju{, efiff cflb hgfpg] zAbsf] clGtd Osf/ bL3{ af]nLrfnL, xfF;Lv]nL, sf]/Laf6L cflb .
n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M -9_ ax'jrg hgfpg] …x¿Ú tyf cfb/ hgfpg] …Ho"Ú bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ .
g]kfnL, cª\u|]hL, aª\ufnL, lxGbL cflb . h:t} M
-h_ ;j{gfd zAbsf] cGTosf] Osf/ / psf/ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M efOx¿, pgLx¿
ltdL, xfdL, pgL, oL, tL, tkfO{F, cfkm", pm, c¿ cflb . ;DkfbsHo", k|wfgdGqLHo" OToflb .
-em_ ;dfks :qLlnª\uL lj|mofkbsf] cGTosf] Osf/ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t}M @= cfuGt's zAb
uO{, k9L, lxF8L, a;L, k9fO{, v]nL -s_ zAbflb / zAbdWodf cfpg] Osf/ / psf/ tb\ejs} lgodcg';f/

24 25
x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;fdfGo pbfx/0f lgDgfg';f/ 5g\ M
ul/a, sfg'g, l;kmfl/;, dlxgf, tflnd, clha, /l;b, ;lxb, -s_ gfd, ;j{gfd / ljz]if0f zAbsf] pRrf/0f ubf{ cGTodf xnGt
OlGhg, OlGhlgol/ª, P;f]l;P;g, le6fldg, 6]lnlehg, o'/f]k, pRrf/0f eP klg n]Vbf chGt n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
Go'lhNofG8, yfONofG8, Go'/f]8, Go'of]s{, xflh/, xh'/ cflb . /fd, eft, ‰ofn, sfd, wfg, c;n, v/fa, Odfg cflb .
-v_ cfuGt's zAbdf bGTo ; -;_ dfq n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;ª\lIfKt zAbdf klg xnGt pRrf/0f eP klg chGt g} n]Vg'k5{ .
l;kmfl/;, ;x/, ;lxb, ;'?, ?;, :6];g, :6'l8of], df:6/, /lh:6/, h:t} M
Pe/]:6, kf]:6, OlG:6Ro'6, P;f]l;P;g cflb . Pd=P=, Pd=P8=, aL=P8=, aL=P:;L=, P;=Pn=;L=
t/ tfnJo z n]Vg] ul/Psf gfd, y/ / kbjLdf eg] tfnJo …zÚ g} pRrf/0f xnGt x'g] cfuGt's zAbnfO{ klg chGt g} n]Vg'k5{ .
k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M h:t}M
hf]zL, zfx, s'zjfx, z]kf{, z]/axfb'/ cflb l/hN6, l;d]G6, aNa, lkmN8 cflb .
-u_ tb\ej / cfuGt's zAbsf] ;+o'St Jo~hgdf cNkk|f0fkl5 dxfk|f0f -v_ k|Too nfu]kl5 zAbdWodf k/]sf] cfwf/ c+z klxn] chGt n]lvg]
j0f{ cfpg] x'“bf ;f]xLcg';f/ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M eP ;f]xLcg';f/ chGt g} n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
;DxfNg', Nxf;f, Nxf];f/, Dx]Gb', kf;fª Nxfd', R5f]/f]Nkf Odfgbf/, hldgbf/, n]vgbf; cflb .
#= xnGt / chGt;DaGwL -u_ låTj k|s[ltsf cg's/0ffTds zAbdf xnGt pRrf/0f eP klg
Jo~hg j0f{nfO{ xn\ / :j/ j0f{nfO{ cr\ klg elgG5 . s'g} cIf/ chGt n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
jf zAbsf cGTodf Jo~hg cfPdf To:tfnfO{ xnGt elgG5 . km/km/, ;/;/, kmgkmg, ld/ld/, vnvn, rdrd, ;/;/L
zAbdf cfpg] xn\ j0f{nfO{ k|foM tLg lsl;dn] n]lvG5 . s'g} cIf/ -3_ OR5fy{s psf/fGtafx]ssf lj|mofkbdf pRrf/0fcg';f/ n]Vg'k5{ .
jf zAbsf cGTodf :j/ j0f{ cfPdf To:tf zAbnfO{ chGt h:t} M
elgG5 . xnGtnfO{ Jo~hgfGt / chGtnfO{ :j/fGt klg elgG5 . eg\, eg];\, cfP;\, elgg\, kl9g\, al;g\
g]kfnLdf ª, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, b, x nfO{ cfwf cIf/df n]Vg gldNg] elgg, ul/g, vfOg, al;g cflb .
ePsfn] lognfO{ xnGt agfpFbf ;w}F v'6\6f sf6]/ -ª\, 5\ cflb_, $= a / j;DaGwL
-;ª\lng', pb\3f6g, e6\6L, k8\lsg' cflb_ n]Vg] rng 5 . r, h, -s_ tb\ej / cfuGt's zAbdf pRrf/0fcg';f/ -a_ cyjf -j_
e h:tf 7f8f] wsf]{ -kfO{_ ePsf j0f{nfO{ 7f8f] wsf]{ x6fP/ -R, H, n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
E cflb_ zAbsf] cflb / dWodf xnGt -aRrf, dlGb/, aflN6g_ a sf] pRrf/0f
agfOG5 . s, em, km df eg] xft efFr]/ -S===_ xnGt -kSsf, as'Nnf], avt, afkt, afs;, afN6L, alxgL, afl56f, af6f], aflx/,
;lS5g\_ agfOPsf] klg kfOG5 . xnGt / chGt zAb;DaGwL s]xL afª\uf] cflb .
26 27
j sf] pRrf/0f /fdl;t -kbof]u M ;xL_ /fd l;t -kbljof]u M unt_
jlsn, kfj/, jhg, jfsjfs, jf/kf/, jfl/;, a]jf:tf, km]jf, d]jf, /fdsf nflu -kbljof]u M ;xL_ /fdsfnflu -kbof]u M unt_
;?jf cflb . ^=!= kbof]u
%= lz/laGb', rGb|laGb' / k~rd j0f{sf] k|of]u -s_ ljelSt / jrgaf]ws k|Too kbof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
-s_ !=%=! o, /, n, j, z, if, ;, x sf clu cg'gfl;s pRrf/0f /fdn], /fdnfO{, /fdsf], 3/df, ?vaf6, ;8sb]lv, sf7x¿,
ePdf lz/laGb' k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M efOx¿, alxgLx¿ .
;+jfb, ;+od, ;+/rgf, ;+/If0f, ;+nUg, ;+jt\, j+z, ;+;f/, x+;, c+z, -v_ gfdof]uLnfO{ kbof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
;+xf/ cflb . /fd;Fu, /fdl;t, 3/;Dd, af6fd'lg, 3/lt/, Kjfnlar, k"j{k6\l6,
-v_ tb\ej / cfuGt's zAbdf cfpg] cg'gfl;s :j/nfO{ 3/tkm{, ;'Gtnfafx]s, kfg;d]t, eg]adf]lhd, sfg'gadf]lhd,
pRrf/0fcg';f/ g} rGb|laGb' - “ _ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M cfb]zd'tflas, lzIfsnufot, ljefucGtu{t, lgodcg'¿k,
uPF, vfPF, ufpF5, cfpF5, sfF7, cfFk, cFWof/f], pFwf], ;Fu xflsd;dIf, x'nfsdfkm{t, sfg'gk|lts"n cflb .
sf7df8f}F, x'Fbf, ul/Fb}, b;}F, gjf}F, kfFrf}F cflb . -kl5, clu, k"j{, d'lg, dfly, jfl/, lar, leq, aflx/, tkm{, lt/,
-u_ tb\ej / cfuGt's zAbdf /x]sf k~rd j0f{nfO{ pRrf/0fcg';f/ ;fd', eGbf, ;Dd, k6\l6, ts, ;Fu, l;t, afx]s, ;d]t ;dIf,
-ª_, -g_ / -d_ g} n]Vg'k5{ . h:t}M dfkm{t, ko{Gt, pk/, nufot, adf]lhd, ;Ddt, cg';f/, d'tflas,
s/ª, cª\u|]h, rª\uf, cª\u'n, ;Gsfxf, l;Gsf, ;Gr}, dfG5], sfG5f, cGtu{t, cg'¿k, cg's"n, k|lts"n cflb gfdof]uL x'g\ ._
x'G5, efGhf, emGem6, hGhfn, cG8f, emG8f, 6G6f, xG8/, -u_ s'g} b'O{ jf b'O{eGbf a9L zAbsf lar ;df; eP/ ag]sf b'O{ jf
OGh]S;g, uGhfuf]n, kGw|, sDkfpG8/, aG8n, nG8g, kG8fn, b'O{eGbf a9L lnlk lrx\gdf n]lvg] zAbx¿nfO{ kbof]u u/L
KofG6, ;]G6/, ;'kl/G6]G8]G6, lhG;L cflb . n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
-3_ xnGt ª dfq pRrf/0f x'g] zAbdf ª\u gn]vL ª dfq n]Vg'k5{ . bfneft, wgdfn, 3/af/L, vfgfvr{, cfdfafa', v]ns'b, u[xTofu,
h:t} M hGdhft, /f]ud'St, 3/wgL, efG;f3/, cy{dGqL, uugr'DaL
u'?ª, tfdfª, dgfª, df]/ª, afun'ª, bfª, aemfª, bflh{lnª, ›i6Jo M ;+o'St j0f{nfO{ klg oxfF Pp6} lnlk dflgPsf] 5 .
xªsª, s/ª, OlGhlgol/ª, af]l8{ª, lalN8ª, 6«]lgª, /ª 5n{ªª\ , -3_ cfwf/ tŒj;“u ;df; x'“bf a$ k|s[ltsf cyjf k|Toojt\ eO{ cfPsf
t'n'{ªª\ , km'?ª\ª, km'ª\ª, vª\/ª\, 5\ofª\ª, bª\ª zAbsf] c+z kbof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
^= kbof]u / kbljof]u gf6ssf/, Oltxf;sf/, >dd"ns, cfTdk/s, ank"j{s, s]G›Ls/0f,
kbof]u x'g] zAbnfO{ Pp6} l8sfdf / kbof]u gx'g] zAbnfO{ leGg gfds/0f, xflgsf/s, j:t'ut, ljsf;zLn, ;doa$, sfo{/t,
leGg l8sfdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;Gtf]ifhgs, pQ/bfoL, lj:dosf/L, k|ZgjfrL, zLif{:y, lzIffk|b,
28 29
hafkmb]xL cflb . -`_ gfd / y/sf lardf cfpg] dWojtL{ gfdnfO{ Ps} l8sfdf hf]8]/
-ª_ ¿kdf÷¿kn] eGg] clek|fodf lj|mofof]uLsf] sfo{ hgfpg kbfGtdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
b]lvg] :j¿k zAb cluNnf] gflds c+z;“u hf]8]/ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M /fdaxfb'/ yfkf, vu]G›k|;fb e6\6/fO{, k/z'gf/fo0f rf}w/L,
kmn:j¿k, kl/0ffd:j¿k, k|df0f:j¿k, pkxf/:j¿k ;'/]z/fh d}gfnL, /fds'df/L dxtf]
kl/0ffd:j¿k pm d;Fu l/;fof] . p;n] dnfO{ pkxf/:j¿k b'O6f ^=@= kbljof]u
snd lbof] . d}n] k|df0f:j¿k Pp6f lr7L k]; u/]F . -s_ ljelStkl5 cfpg] gfdof]uLnfO{ kbljof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
-r_ kl/jlt{t jf cf+lzs kl/jlt{t eP/ ag]sf cg's/0f hgfpg] jf /fdsf nflu, 3/b]lv dfly, efOsf] ;d]t, To;sf] eGbf cflb .
ghgfpg] låŒj zAb kbof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M -v_ ;df; eP klg tnsf zAbx¿nfO{ cnu l8sfdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
;'n;'n, km'/km'/, r6r6, kmgkmg, tgtg, s'?ªs'?ª, lt/ld/, g]kfn ;/sf/, gu/ ljsf;, ;8s ;'wf/, ;dfh ;]jf, dfgj wd{,
n6/k6/, t8se8s, cfnf]kfnf], cfgLafgL, cf]N6f]sf]N6f], u/uxgf, cWoog k|lŒj]bg, kl/jf/ lgof]hg, dfgj clwsf/, ;+ljwfg ;ef,
eft;ft, aNntNn, hf]8hf8, cl;gkl;g, ;;fgf], cfcfˆgf], ;d'b\3f6g ;df/f]x, ;dfkg ;df/f]x, >d ljefu, jg ;+/If0f, b]z
7'N7'nf], bf}8fbf}8, l/;fl/; cflb . ljsf;, lzIff ljefu, hLjg /Ifs, ;~rf/ u[x, ;'/Iff Joj:yf,
-5_ cs/0fsf] …gÚ nfO{ kbof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M kmnkm"n k;n cflb .
gv]n, ghf, gb]vfpm, hfFb}g, k9\b}gYof], k9\b}g, vfGgF, elGbgF -u_ ;fy{s låŒj zAbnfO{ kbljof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
cflb . hf] hf], sf] sf], h] h], s] s], h'g h'g, s'g s'g, hlt hlt, hxfF
-h_ ;lGw x'“bf ljsf/ eP/ ag]sf ;d:t zAb jf ;+o'St lj|mof;d]t hxfF, jg jg, ;8s ;8s, /fd|f] /fd|f], ld7f] ld7f], x'G5 x'G5,
kbof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M a:of] a:of] .
dGqfno, ljBfno, ;"of]{bo, hGdf]T;j, lbJof]kb]z, ;flGbbL, -3_ ;+o'St lj|mofdf cfpg] lgDglnlvt s[bGt c+znfO{ kbljof]u u/L
dgf]Joyf, cTofjZos, lghfTds, lgodfg';f/, sk85fg, n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
3f]8r9L, /tGwf], elGbg', eG7fGg' cflb . k9\g' 5, b]vfpg' 5, ;'gfpg' lyof] .
-em_ ;+o'St lj|mofdf cfpg] lgDglnlvt s[bGt c+znfO{ kbof]u u/L k9\g] 5, hfg] 5, atfpg] 5, b]vfpg] lyof] .
n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;'g]sf] 5, eg]sf] lyof] .
hfg'k5{, ug'{k5{, cfpg'k5{, hfg'k¥of], ug'{k/]sf] 5 . vfFbf] 5, vfFbf] lyof], lxF8b\ } 5, cfpFb} lyof] .
hfg'xf];,\ cfpg'xf];\ . vfg x'G5, cfpg x'G5, k9\g ;S5, lxF8\g ;SYof] .
vfg'x'G5, cfpg'xG' 5 . vfP x'G5, uP x'G5, cfP x'GYof], b]vfP xf]nf .
kl9xfN5, uO;S5, n]lvlbG5, lbO;lsxfNof], x]l//xG5 . x]/s
] f] x]¥o}, ;'g]sf] ;'Go} .
30 31
o:t} gflds lj|mof;Fu cfpg] gfd cnu l8sfdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M kbljof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
dg kg'{, xfd kmfNg', ph'/ ug'{ cflb . g]kfn k|1f k|lti7fg, dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u, nf]s ;]jf cfof]u,
-ª_ /Llt hgfpg] Osf/fGt lj|mofnfO{ cluNnf] zAb;“u kbljof]u u/L g]kfn ljB't\ k|flws/0f, clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u
n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M &= tT;d zAbsf] j0f{ljGof;
l9nf] u/L, ;lhnf] u/L, ;'lgg] u/L, b]lvg] u/L cflb . -s_ lgDglnlvt tT;d zAbx¿nfO{ ;+:s[ts} lgodfg';f/ j0f{ljGof;
-r_ PsfyL{ :yfg gfd zAbnfO{ kbof]u u/]/ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ldnfO{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
eStk'/, nlntk'/, ljZjljBfno . :d/0f, k|zf;g, jg, j]nf, ;Gb]x, /fli6«o, ejbLo, s[lt, dlt,
b'O{ zAbaf6 ag]sf PsfyL{ zAbnfO{ kbof]u u/]/ n]Vg'k5{ . pRrf/0f, zª\sf, ljno, Iflt, :jod\, If]q, z/L/ cflb .
h:t} M z'esfdgf, k|wfgdGqL, z'eofqf cflb . -v_ tT;d zAbdf cfPsf] ª, `, 0f, g, d nfO{ oL j0f{eGbf k/jtL{
-5_ lgkftx¿ kbljof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M :kz{ j0f{ -…sÚ b]lv …dÚ ;Ddsf j0f{_ eP ;f] :kz{ j0f{sf] ;juL{o
d t, /fd g}, alxgL kf], xl/ em}F . xl/ rflxF d;Fu l/;fof] . efO k~rd j0f{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
dfq rf}/df bf}8o\ f] . pm slxn] hfG5 v} < olt kf7 k9 n . -u_ …sÚ ju{eGbf cufl8 …ª\Ú n]Vg'k5{ .h:t} M
-h_ hgf zAbnfO{ cnu l8sfdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M zª\sf, cnª\sf/, zª\v, d[bª\u, uª\uf, cª\u, ;ª\u7g, ;ª\3,
kfFr hgf s]6f, bz hgf dfG5] cflb . ;ª\3if{ cflb .
-em_ ljefhs g nfO{ kbljof]u u/]/ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M -3_ …rÚ ju{eGbf cufl8 …`\Ú n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
g /fd g Zofd cfof] cflb . ;~ro, r~rn, nf~5gf, jf~5f, ;~hfn, k'~h, em~emfjft
-`_ h:tf], h:t}, hqf], h;/L, em}“, ;l/ cflb t'ngfaf]ws zAbsf -ª_ …6Ú ju{eGbf cufl8 …0f\Ú n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
cufl8 cfpg] gfd, ;j{gfd cflb;“u kb ljof]u u/L n]Vg'k5{ . s06s, 306f, s07, v08, lk08, u08sL, vl08t, v08g,
h:t} M s'idf08, b08, d[b08, dfs{08]o cflb .
/fd h:tf], lxdfno hqf, xfdL h:t}, atfP h:t}, b]vfP h;/L -r_ …tÚ ju{sf cufl8 …g\Ú n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
/fwf em}F /fd|L,afF; em}F nfdf], ufO{ ;l/ ;fw' ;Gtfk, b]xfGt, clGtd, tGt', ;Gt[Kt, ;Gqf;, u|GyL, kGy, dGyg,
-6_ JolSt, hflt, :yfg cflb zLif{ gfdsf] kl/ro hgfpg] zAbnfO{ ;Gb]z, ;Gbe{, ;Gb]x, cfgGb, cfGbf]lnt, dGb, k|aGw, ;GWof,
cnu l8sfdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M lgaGw, ;lGw, pGglt, ;lGgs6 cflb .
sf:sL lhNnf, /f/f tfn, sf];L gbL, u'?ª hflt, gf/L ;dfh, -5_ …kÚ ju{sf cufl8 …d\Ú n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
lzIfs ju{, df3 dlxgf, a'$ wd{
;Dks{, ;Dkfbg, ;Dk|bfo, ;Dk/LIf0f, ;Dk|]if0f, ;DaGw, ;DalGwt,
-7_ b'O{eGbf a9L zAbaf6 ag]sf ;d:t -;df; ePsf_ zAbnfO{
32 33
;Daf]wg, ;Dej, ;Def]u, ;De|fGt, ;Dd]ng, ;Dd'v, ;d|f6\ cflb . -v_ Os, Osf, Ot, Od, Odf, Oi7, ps k|Toox¿sf] Osf/ / psf/
t/ tT;d zAbdf k~rd j0f{eGbf k/jtL{ -o, j, /, n, z, if, ;, x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
x, j0f{ eP k~rd j0f{sf] ;6\6f cg':jf/ - _+ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M k|fl1s, eflifs, n]lvsf, gflosf, uflosf, /lrt, x]lnt, kl08t,
…oÚ k/lt/ x'Fbf M ;+od, ;+o'St, ;+of]u :jl0f{d, clu|d, cflbd, ul/df, gLlndf, dlxdf, slgi7, jl/i7,
…/Ú k/lt/ x'Fbf M ;+/rgf, ;+/lIft, ;+/If0f ul/i7, hfu?s, efj's, sfd's cflb .
…nÚ k/lt/ x'Fbf M ;+nUg, ;+nfk -u_ zAbfGtdf bL3{ n]lvg] zAb k|Too nfu]kl5 x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
…jÚ k/lt/ x'Fbf M ;+ljwfg, ;+jt\, ;+jfb pkof]lutf, k|efjsfl/tf, bfloŒj, :jfldŒj cflb .
…zÚ k/lt/ x'Fbf M ;+zf]wg, ;+>o, ;+zo t/ :qLlnª\uL zAbx¿df eg] k|Too nfu] klg oyfjt\ n]Vg'k5{ .
…;Ú k/lt/ x'Fbf M ;+;f/, ;+;u{, ;+;b\ h:t} M
…xÚ k/lt/ x'Fbf M ;+xf/, ;+lxtf ;tLŒj, :qLŒj cflb .
*= x|:jbL3{;DaGwL *=#= zAbfGtdf x|:j O jf p x'g] zAbx¿
*=!= zAbflbdf x|:j O jf p x'g] zAbx¿ -s_ lr, l6, l0f, lt, ly, l¢, lw, lg, lk, le, ld, l/, ln, lj, lz,
-s_ lj, lg, lg;\, lg/\, ;', pk, pt\, b';\, b'/\ pk;u{ nfu]sf zAbx¿sf] lif, li6 cGtdf cfpg] s]xL zAbx¿ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
zAbflbsf] Osf/ / psf/ x|:j n]Vg]'k5{ . h:t} M ?lr, z'lr, q'l6, sf]l6, kfl0f, s[lt, ult, dlt, Iflt, k|s[lt, elSt,
ljrf/, ljgfz, ljho, lgkft, lgZro, lgof]u, ;'dfu{, ;'s'df/, gLlt, k|0flt, sLlt{, ltly, ;f/ly, cltly, k|Llt, uLlt, l;l$, a'l$,
;'kfRo, pkrf/, pkxf/, pksf/, pTvgg, pTkft, pTklQ, b'u{d,
j[l$, Cl$, ljlw, lglw, ;lGw, Joflw, clUg, cwLlt, zlg, d'lg,
b'lj{rf/, b'a{n cflb .
Unflg, xflg, lnlk, oBlk, gfle, ;'/le, b'Gb'le, pmld{, lgld, /lZd,
-v_ lå, lq ePsf ;ª\VofjfrL zAbdf Osf/ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M lul/, cl/, sln, aln, xlj, 5lj, slj, /flz, s[lif, Clif, ;[li6,
låafx', låd'v, lqsf]0f, lqh6f, lqe'h, lqlk6s, lqzª\s', lqkmnf j[li6, b[li6 cflb .
cflb . ckjfb M t/ g]kfnLdf zAbfGtdf bL3{ rn]sf o'jtL, >]0fL, ;"rL,
*=@= zAbdWodf x|:j O jf p x'g] zAbx¿ c~hnL ->$f~hnL_, cfjnL -zAbfjnL_, cf}ifwL, u|GyL -dgf]u|GyL_
-s_ clt, clw, cg', k|lt, kl/, cle pk;u{ nfu]sf zAbx¿sf] cflbnfO{ bL3{ g} n]Vg'k5{ .
zAbdWosf] Osf/ / psf/ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M -v_ cGTodf g', e', w', ?, n' ePsf s]xL zAbx¿ x|:j n]Vg] h:t} M
cltl/St, clŒjfb, cltzo, clwsf/, clwjStf, cg'xf/, cg's/0f, efg', zGtg', zDe', lje', k|e', ;fw', r?, u'?, ;'rf?, eL?, >$fn',
k|ltlj|mof, k|ltufdL, kl/sNkgf, kl/j|mdf, cleof]u, clegGbg s[kfn', bofn', O{iof{n' cflb .
cflb .
34 35
*=$= zAbflbdf bL3{ O{ jf pm x'g] zAbx¿ h:t} M
-s_ /]km nfu]sf j0f{eGbf cufl8 cfPsf ;+oS' t Jo~hgdf Osf/ jf s]G›Lo, uf]qLo, If]qLo, k|fGtLo, ejbLo, ;+;bLo, :juL{o, juL{o,
psf/ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M bnLo, k|frLg, gjLg, u|fdL0f, ;jf{ªu\ L0f, dfggLo, :d/0fLo,
sLt{g, sLlt{, hL0f{, zL0f{, bL3{, sL0f{, zLif{s, d"v{, k"lt{, k"j{, k"0f{, /If0fLo, cfb/0fLo, sygLo, bogLo, k7gLo, låtLo, t[tLo,
z"k{0fvf, pmhf{, k"0f{, w"t{, :km"t{, jLo{, pmWj{, r"0f{, s"d{ cflb . ejbLo cflb .
-v_ zAbsf ;'?df O{If\, O{z,\ hLj\, tLIf\, bLk\, b"/\, wL/\, k|L, e", e"if\, ckjfb M /fli6«o, OlG›o, >f]lqo, Iflqo, uf]lqo zAbdWosf Osf/
d"/\, /L, ¿k\, ;"/\ cflb ePsf zAbx¿sf] Osf/ jf psf/ bL3{ x|:j n]Vg'k5{ .
n]Vg'k5{ .h:t} M -u_ tnsf s]xL tT;d zAbsf lardf cfpg] Osf/ jf psf/ bL3{
O{If0f, O{Iff, O{Zj/, O{zfg, O{z, hLjg, hLljt, tLI0f, tLI0ftf, n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
bLlkt, bLlksf, bLk, b"/bzL{, b"/bz{g, b"/fGjoL, wL/, jL/, wL/tf, chLj, cj|m/" , ck"0f{, cd"No, ;ª\sL0f{, ljk/Lt, k/LIff, ;Dk"0f{,
k|Llt, k|Lt, e"t, e"klt, e"ld, e"if0f, e"lift, d"lt{, /Llt, ¿k, ¿lkt, k|tLIff, k|lts"n, ctLt, k|tLs, lqz"n, ljeLif0f, z/L/, ;dLIff,
¿lkd, ¿kfog, ;"o{ cflb . bLIff, ceLi6, euL/y, ljb"ifs, ;dL/, ;'u|Lj, p2Lkg, s't"xn,
-u_ cGo s]xL tT;d zAbdf zAbflbsf Osf/ jf psf/ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . s:t"/L, kLo"if cflb .
h:t} M *=^= zAbfGtdf bL3{ O{ jf pm x'g] zAbx¿
k"hf, b"t, w"k, ;"rgf, ;"rL, z"nL, ;"ts, e"|0f, s"k, k"/s, d"n, -s_ cGTodf dtL, jtL k|Too nfu]sf zAbx¿ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
IfL0f, bLg, gLr, eL?, zLtn, uLt, 6Lsf, kL8f, ;Ltf, ;Ldf, >LdtL, ¿kjtL, cd/fjtL, eujtL, ;f}efUojtL, sflGtdtL,
kLo"if, gL/, ;"Id, j|m/" , Go"g, :t"k, :y"n, :km"lt{ cflb . ue{jtL cflb .
*=%= zAbdWodf bL3{ O{ jf pm x'g] zAbx¿ -v_ :qLlnª\uL zAbx¿ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
-s_ e" / s[ wft'af6 ag]sf ejg, e"t, s/0f, s[t, efj, sf/eGbf b]jL, efuL/yL, O{Zj/L, nIdL, sfldgL, kfj{tL, uf}/L, jw" cflb .
clusf] zAbsf] -To;af6 x'g]÷ul/g] jf ePsf]÷ul/Psf] eGg] -u_ cGTodf ‘jL’, ‘O{’ k|Too nfu]sf zAbx¿ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
clek|fodf ‘O{’ k|Too nfuL ag]sf]_ O{ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M t]h:jL, oz:jL, dfofjL, d]wfjL, cf]h:jL, tk:jL, ;+odL, lj›f]xL,
;dLejg, ;dLs/0f, ;dfhLs/0f, PsLs/0f, s]G›Ls/0f, :jfdL, u'0fL cflb .
;anLs/0f, s]G›Le"t, pidLe"t, :jLs[t, PsLefj, :jLsf/, *=&= xnGt / chGt;DaGwL
cª\uLsf/ cflb . cGTodf jt\, jfg\, dfg\, s\, u\, 6\, t\, b\, g\, k\, d\ cfpg] s]xL
-v_ O{o, O{g, cgLo, tLo k|Too nfu]sf zAbsf] Osf/ bL3{ n]Vg'k5{ . zAb xnGt n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M

36 37
k"j{jt\, ljåt\, ofjt\, b08jt\, e|ft[jt\, eujfg\, ljåfg\, Cs\, kfs\, cjx]ngf, cjsfz, cjut, cjr]tg, cjtf/, cjglt, cj/f]w,
k[ys\, lbs\, Cu\, ;d|f6, hut\, cyf{t,\ cs:dft\, ;fIfft\, kZrft\, ljsf;, ljsn, ljj|]mtf, ljls/0f, lj1fg, ljwfg, ljwftf, ljj]s,
ljB't\, ljkt\, cfkt\, ;+;b\, ;ef;b\, a[xt\, efiffljb\, dxfg\, ljjfb, lj/f]w, lj/fu, ljz]if cflb .
cg'i6'k\, :jod\, z'ed\, Pjd\, cxd\, :jfutd\, >Ldfg\, a'l$dfg\, -r_ Œjo, Œj, jt\, jfg\, jtL, jL k|Too nfu]sf zAbdf ‘j’ n]Vg'k5{ .
eujfg\, zLnjfg\, ¿kjfg\ cflb . h:t} M
*=*= a / j;DaGwL uGŒjo, eljŒjo, jSŒjo, g]t[Œj, :jŒj, ;tLŒj, k"j{jt\, cfTdjt\,
-s_ zAbflbdf aGw, a|x\d, a[x, alx;\, ax', afw, afn, a'w, cfPsf u'0fjfg\, bofjfg\, wgjfg\, k'qjtL, ue{jtL, eujtL, u'0fjtL,
zAbdf ‘a’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M d]wfjL cflb .
aGw', aGw, a¢, a|xd \ f, a|fx\dL, a|fx\d0f, alx/ª\u, alxisf/, -5_ ;+o'St cIf/df j pRrf/0f x'g] 7fpFdf ‘j’ g} n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
a[x:klt, ax'j|Llx, ax'dt, ax'/ª, afws, afWo, afns, aflnsf, :j/, :j}/, :jl:t, Zjf;, ljZj, :jfdL, :jfb, :j]R5f
a'w, a'$, af]w, af]wfy{ cflb . *=(= o/P
-v_ ‘d’ kl5 / b\, w\ eGbf klxn] cfPdf -a_ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M -s_ lgDglnlvt zAbdf ‘o’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
clDasf, r'Das, ;DaGw, cDa/, zAb, ztfAbL, :tAw, If'Aw, nAw, o1, od, oIf, oq, ofg, of]u, ofrgf, ofqf, of]hgf, oGq, jfo',
clAw, pknlAw cflb . o'jf, k|To]s, ho]G›, Wo]o, ljho, cljh]o, u]o, k|0f]o cflb .
-u_ ;+:s[tsf jb\, j~r, j[, jr\, ljb\, ljz\, jx\, ljr\, j[t\, hLj\ -v_ lgDglnlvt zAbdf ‘P’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
wft'af6 ag]sf zAbdf ‘j’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M Ps, Ptt\, PsfGt, Pjd\, Pstf, PsLe"t cflb .
jfb, jbg, j~rg, jl~rt, j[t, kl/j[t, ;+jt[ , j/0f, ;+j/0f, j/, *=!)= ‘If’ ;DaGwL
jrg, jfRo, jStf, jSŒjo, jfSo, k|jrg, jfrg, ljBf, ljåfg\, lgDglnlvt zAbdf ‘If’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
ljåQf, j]b, j]bgf, lgj]bg, k|j]z, k|ljli6, cfj]i6g, cfj]u, jfxs, /Iff, cWoIf, nIo, gIfq, kIf, k|tLIff, If0f, cIftf, lzIff, lzIfs,
jxg, k|jfx, j[lQ, jt{g, jflt{s, hLjg, hLljt, hLljsf cflb . sIff, Ifo, df]If, bIf, kIff3ft, k/LIff, Iflqo, If]qLo, k|If]k,
-3_ ;+:s[tdf g} j / a b'j} j}slNks ¿kdf rn]sf g]kfnLdf a9L cfIf]k, If]Kof:q, ljIf]k, If]d, cIf/, sIff, lIflth, rIf' cflb .
k|rlnt tnsf zAbdf ‘a’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M tT;d zAbdf dfq …IfÚ sf] k|of]u x'g] u5{ t/ tb\ej /
af0f, laGb', laDa, a]nf -s'a]nf, ;'an ] f_ af/ -cfOtaf/, a'waf/_, cfuGt'sdf o;sf] k|of]u x'Fb}g .
lagf cflb . *=!!= ‘C’ ;DaGwL
-ª_ cj, lj, pk;u{df ‘j’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M lgDglnlvt zAbdf ‘C’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M

38 39
Cs\, CUj]b, Cl$, Ct', C0f, Clif, Crf, Csf/, s[lt, s[lif, j}zfv, ozf]w/f, lzlz/, j}Zo, z'>"iff, cfzf, zlSt, zLt,
s[t1, u[x, 3[t, 3[0ff, e[s'6L, d[t, d[u, s[i0f, t[0f g}C{To, j[lQ cfzLjf{b, s]z, sf]z, ljZj, ljZjf; cflb .
cflb . -ª_ s[if\, k'if\, efif\, e"if\, lzif\, z'if\ wft'af6 ag]sf zAbdf ‘if’
tT;d zAbdf dfq …CÚ sf] k|of]u x'G5 t/ tb\ej / cfuGt'sdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
o;sf] k|of]u x'Fb}g . s[lif, cfsif{0f, s[ifs, lgs[i6, k'i6, kf]if0f, kf]lift, kf}if, kf}io,
*=!@= ‘1’ ;DaGwL efiff, efif0f, e"if0f, e"lift, cfe"if0f, lzi6, lzio, z'is, zf]if0f,
tnsf tT;d zAbdf ‘1’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M zf]ifs cflb .
o1, k|1f, k|f1, 1ftf, 1fg, cf1f, lj1fg, k|lt1f, cgle1, 1fgL, -r_ s, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0f, k eGbf klxnf ‘if‘ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
lh1f;f, lh1f;', lj1, lj1fkg, ;fd|f1L, o'j/f1L cflb . lgisd{, k'is/, dl:tis, alxisf/, kl/isf/, lgisnª\s, b[li6,
tT;d zAbdf dfq …1Ú sf] k|of]u x'G5 . tb\ej / cfuGt'sdf :ki6, gi6, w[i6, k[i7, sfi7, cf]i7, ul/i7, jl/i7, lgi7f, iff]8z,
o;sf] k|of]u x'Fb}g . cfiff9, lji0f', s[i0f, t[i0f, k'ik, k'ikf cflb .
*=!#= z÷if÷;;DaGwL -5_ lgDglnlvt zAbx¿df ‘if’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M
-s_ z;\, lzif\, zf;\, z'r,\ z'if\, b[z,\ >', z'e\, Zj;\, lzIf\, z+;\ cflb O{iof{, e]if, sf]if, Clif, eLid, u|Lid, xif{, jiff{, jif{, pTsif{, lgd]if,
wft'af6 ag]sf zAbdf ‘z’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M k|]ifs, ljiffb\, ljif, e]if, å]if, pmid, ljifo, cflzif\ cflb .
zf:q, z:o, lzio, z]if, lzi6, ljlzi6, zf;g, zf:q, zf;s, -h_ ;, ;', ;t\, ;d\, ;x, :j, :jod\ hf]l8Psf zAbdf ‘;’ n]Vg'k5{ .
zf;g, z'lr, z'is, zf]lift, bz{g, bz{s, b[Zo, >'lt, >j0f, >fj0f, h:t} M
z'e, zf]ef, zf]let, Zjf;, ljZjf;, k|z+;f, lzIfs, lzIff, lzIf0f ;kmn, ;uf]n, ;kTgL, ;r]t, ;an, ;:g]x, ;fb/, ;sfd, ;'gLn,
cflb . ;'zLn, ;'of]Uo, ;'eflift, ;'kfq, ;'j0f{, ;'of]u, ;'zfGt, ;'oz,
-v_ C, r, /, n eGbf klxn] ;fdfGotM ‘z’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;'jf;, ;Tsfo{, ;lbR5f, ;b\ult, ;Tk|of;, ;bfrf/, ;b\efjgf,
kZrft\, klZrd, lgZro, cfZro{, kfZrfTo, z[ªu\ f/, lj>fd, ;Gdfu{, ;DklQ, ;+:sf/, ;dLIff, ;Dkfbs, ;+o'St, ;ª\uf]i7L,
cf>d, c>', Zn]if, lZni6 ;ª\If]k, ;Dd'v, ;xk|fWofks, ;x;lrj, ;xof]u, ;xsfo{, ;xsf/,
-u_ lgDglnlvt zAbsf cGtdf ‘z’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;xrf/L, ;x;Dkfbs, :jsd{, :jsLo, :jrflnt, :jR5, :jR5Gb,
cIf/zM, j|mdzM, k|fozM, ztzM, ;x;|zM cflb . :j¿k, :ju{, :j0f{, :joDe", :jo+j/ cflb .
-3_ lgDglnlvt zAbdf ‘z’ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M -em_ :yf, :d[, :t', :km'6,\ :gf cflb wft'af6 ag]sf zAbdf ‘;’ n]Vg'k5{ .
zzL, lzz', z}zj, zzfª\s, zfZjt, zs'Gtnf, O{z, u0f]z, h:t} M
zfnu|fd, Zofd, /flz, >]i7, z"›, lqz"n, >fk, cfz'slj, zf]eg, :yfg, :yfkTo, l:yt, k|:yfg, pkl:ylt, :d/0f, :d[lt, :df/s,
40 41
:t'lt, :km'/0f, :km"lt{, :gfts, :gfg, :gfo' cflb . !)= n]Vo lrx\gsf] k|of]u
-`_ lgDglnlvt zAbdf ‘;’ n]Vg'k5{ M !)=!= k"0f{lj/fd -._ M jfSosf] cGTo x'Fbf k"0f{lj/fd lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ .
;fIfft\, ;fIfL, t]h:jL, /h:jnf, /fh;L, k|of;, d:ts, /x:o, h:t} M /fd 3/ uof] .
lx+;f, ;fx;, df;, df+;, jf;'b]j, ;/:jtL, c;Lldt, pT;'s, ltdL eft vfP/ ljBfno hfpm .
k|x;g, /;, k':ts, zf;g, gd:sf/, :kz{, :qL, ;fw', :tg, ;3g g]kfnL efiffsf] ;+/If0f ug]{ bfloŒj xfdL ;a}sf] xf] .
cflb . kf7\o;fdu|Ldf jfSo k"/f ePkl5 dfq k"0f{lj/fd lrx\g k|of]u
›i6Jo M tT;d zAbdf z, if, ; sf] k|of]u x'G5 t/ cfuGt's / ug'{k5{ . s'g} a'Fbf k|:t't ubf{ jf ck"0f{ jfSo k|:t't ubf{
tb\ej zAbdf …;Ú sf] dfq k|of]u x'G5 . k"0f{lj/fdsf] k|of]u ug'{ x'Fb}g . h:t} M
(= ljljw kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›n] kf7\ok':tssf] ljsf; u5{ . -k"0f{lj/fd_
(=!= Psf], g' cGTodf cfpg] s[bGt zAbsf k5fl8 n], df ljelSt nfUbf kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]G›sf p@]Zo lgDglnlvt 5g\ M
lto{s\ ¿k n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M kf7\oj|md lgdf{0f ug'{ -k"0f{lj/fd gx'g]_
ePsf] ± n] Ö ePsfn], k9]sfn], ePsfn], af]nfPsfn] kf7\ok':ts ljsf; ug'{ -k"0f{ lj/fd gx'g]_
ug'{ ± n] Ö ugf{n], eGgfn], v]Ngfn], b]Vgfn] !)=@= cNklj/fd -,_ M cNklj/fd eg]sf] cf+lzs lj>fd xf] . jfSodf
ePsf] ± df Ö ePsfdf, k9]sfdf, v]n]sfdf, xfF;]sfdf PseGbf a9L k|sf/sf kb, kbfjnL, pkjfSo cflbnfO{ 5'6o\ fpg,
cGoq rflxF lto{s\ ¿k gn]vL oyfjt\ n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M ;+of]hs k|of]u gePsf 7fpFdf, ;+o'St jfSodf / sylotf c+zsf]
ug'{ ± sf] Ö ug'{sf], k9\g'sf], n]Vg'sf], eGg'sf] k5fl8 cNklj/fd lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M
ug'{ ± nfO{ Ö ug{nfO{, k9\gnfO{, n]VgnfO{, eGgnfO{ /fd, Zofd, /lj, /df / ;l/tf lj/f6gu/ uP .
ug'{ ± af6 Ö ug{af6 /lj cToGt ljrf/zLn, uDeL/, ;Ifd / s'zn k|zf;s x'g\ .
(=@= ljelSto'St ;j{gfdnfO{ lto{s\ ¿kdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M /ljn] eft vfof], n'uf nufof] / lstfa af]s]/ ljBfno uof] .
o;n], To;nfO{, p;n], logn], ltgsf], t}Fn], d}n] cflb . lbbL, bfh' b'j} cfpg'eof] .
(=#= ljz]if0f -e]bs_ sf ¿kdf ;j{gfd cfp“bf ljz]iodf ljelSt eP !)=#= cw{lj/fd -Ù_ M cNklj/fdeGbf a9L / k"0f{lj/fdeGbf sd lj>fd
ljz]if0f -;j{gfd_ nfO{ klg lto{s\ ¿kdf n]Vg'k5{ . h:t} M x'Fbf cw{lj/fd lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M
To; dfG5]nfO{, o; s]6fn], d]/f 5f]/fnfO{, xfd|f 3/df, t]/f -s_ dfgjtf g}ltstfsf] gfd xf]Ù axfb'/Lsf] gfd xf] / ljZjf;sf] gfd
efOnfO{, ltd|f ;fyLaf6, p;sf lstfax¿, pgsL alxgL, pgsf xf] .
v]nf}gfx¿ cflb . -v_ /fd|/L k9"FÙ wg sdfpmFÙ ;'vL ag"FÙ ;a}sf ;femf OR5f x'g\ .
k"0f{lj/fdn] jfSox¿nfO{ Pscsf{af6 ljR5]lbt u5{ eg]
42 43
cw{lj/fdn] tL jfSox¿nfO{ ;fk]If agfpF5 . !)=&= of]hs lrx\g -–_ M kf/:kl/s cy{ hgfpg] ;d:t jf låŒj
k"0f{lj/fdkl5 s'g} s'/fsf] pbfx/0f lbFbf pbfx/0ffy{df ;fk]If jf zAbx¿sf lar / kª\lStsf cGTodf zAb gc6]df 6'S|ofpg'kbf{
lgb]{z lrx\geGbf cw{lj/fd lrx\g k|of]u ug'{ plrt x'G5 . of]hs lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M
cw{lj/fdn] nfdf jfSodf jfSo ;/x g} k|of]u ePsf] pkjfSonfO{ g]kfn – rLg ;DaGw, ;ª\s6f–7d]n le8Gt
5'6o\ fpg] sfd u5{ . Pp6} jfSodf zAb, kbfjnL / pkjfSo g]kfnsf] ;ª\3Lo Joj:yfcg';f/ :yfgLo txn] dfWolds lzIff–
5'6o\ fpg'kbf{ zAb / kbfjnL 5'6\ofpg cNklj/fd / pkjfSo ;Ddsf] Joj:yfkg u5{ .
5'6o\ fpg cw{lj/fd k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . !)=*= sf]i7s lrx\g - _ M cy{ :ki6 kfg{ / j|md hgfpg sf]i7s lrx\g
!)=$= lgb]{z lrx\g - M _ M s'g} ljifosf] lglZrt ;"rgf lbFbf lgb]{z lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M Eofu'tf] peor/ -hldg / kfgL b'jd} f a:g]
k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M k|f0fL_ xf] .
g]kfndf zf;g Joj:yfsf tLg tx 5g\ M ;ª\3, k|b]z / :yfgLo -!_ -@_ -#_ -$_ ===
tx !)=(= p4/0f lrx\g -æ Æ÷‘ ’_M c? s;}sf] egfO pNn]v ubf{ / u|Gy,
tnsf s'g} Ps ljifodf lgaGw n]v M k':ts, kqklqsf, k'/:sf/ cflbnfO{ ljz]if hf]8 lbOPsf] hgfpFbf
-s_ lxdfn -v_ ko{6g p$/0f lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ .
o;nfO{ ck"0f{ lj/fd / ;fk]If lj/fd klg elgG5 . -s_ u|Gy, k':ts, kq, klqsf, k'/:sf/ cflbdf Psn p$/0f
!)=%= k|Zgjfrs lrx\g -<_ M lh1f;f k|s6 ubf{ jf ;f]Wbf k|Zgjfrs lrx\g k|of]u ug]{ h:t} M …lbJof]kb]zÚ …dw'ks{Ú, …dbg
lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M k'/:sf/, cflb .
ltd|f] gfd s] xf] < -v_ s;}sf] egfO pNn]v ubf{ bf]xf]/f] p$/0f lrx\g k|of]u
gjLg slxn] cfpF5 < ug'{k5{ . h:t} M
!)=^= lj:do;"rs lrx\g - Û _ M cfZro{, 3[0ff, xif{, la:dft\ cflb ljz]if b]jsf]6fn] eg], æd]/f] d'gf dbg ghnfpg" .Æ
efj a'emfpg lj:do;"rs lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ . h:t} M -u_ egfOleqsf] ljz]if zAbdf Psn p$/0f lrx\g k|of]u
cfxf Û slt /fd|f] km"n Û ug'{k5{ . h:t} M
l5 Û s] Kof6\6 s'6]sf] Û ;dn] eg], æb]jsf]6fsf] pTs[i6 s[lt …d'gfdbgÚ xf] .Æ
xh'/ Û Ps k};f kfpmF g Û -3_ s'g} zAbnfO{ hf]8 lbFbf Psn p$/0f lrx\g k|of]u ug'{k5{ .
jfSosf] k5fl8 lj:do;"rs lrx\g /fVbf eg] jfSo g} h:t} M
lj:do;"rs x'G5 .h:t} M …aGbÚ lj/f]wsf] ;xL tl/sf xf]Og .
pm kf; eP5 / Û
44 45
!!= lnlk lrx\gsf] k|of]u Part Three
!!=! Pp6} kf7\o;fdu|Lleq ;s];Dd j}slNks lnlkx¿sf] k|of]u ug'{
x'Fb}g . pbfx/0ffy{ M …emÚ sf] k|of]u u/] kf7\o;fdu|Lel/ g} o:t} House Style
…emÚ n]Vg'k5{ . (For the Publication of Materials in English)
!!=@ b / t j0f{ hf]l8P/ cfPsf zAbnfO{ k|rngcg';f/ n]Vg'k5{ .
1. Introduction
h:t} M e2f, ljBf, p4f/, pb\3f6g, zlSt, elSt, tŒj cflb .
House style is a set of conventions adopted by a publishing house for
editing and publishing. It is also known as Publication Manual. It
includes spelling, punctuation, text formatting, abbreviation, layout,
caption, number and dates, etc.
Each publishing house has its own layout and designing. A
publishing house needs its own house style to maintain uniformity,
accuracy and standard in all published books and other materials in
terms of language and technical aspects. It is the guideline for book
writers, editors, layout designers and illustrators.
Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) publishes curricula,
textbooks, teacherÚs guides and other resource materials. CDC has
designed this House Style in order to provide the book writers and
editors with some standard norms and systems. It primarily focuses
on maintaining consistency and accuracy in syntax, vocabulary,
style, formatting and designing. This house style will be instrumental
in order to establish self-recognition of the publication Curriculum
Development Centre.
2. Academic Honesty
Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) is dedicated to academic
norms, honesty and ethical values. For this purpose, it follows the
standard system of giving credit to the original sources through the
in-text citations and referencing. In addition, the materials to be
prepared for our readers will own the originality of the writers.

46 47
However, in the case of acknowledging the original sources, the profession, social work, etc.
sense they convey should not be deviated while writers are c. Equal rights and duties of children, women and men as the
paraphrasing and summarising them. The act of plagiarism as the responsible citizens
academic dishonesty has been completely forbidden. In order to d. Equal dignity and respect to the male and female
maintain consistency in writing textbooks and to avoid the charge of e. Use of neutral words such as …head teacher/principal,
plagiarism, the following code of conduct has been provisioned: chairperson, salesperson, etc.Ú instead of …headmaster,
a. It is prohibited to present works of other writers without chairman, sales boy/girl', etc.Ú
acknowledging them. f. Avoidance of the words reflecting negative connotation in
b. Specific ideas and information generated by other writers the realization of people living in particular regions
should not be presented without giving credit to the g. Equal respect to all the religions, cultures and modes of life
original writers. of people
c. The ideas and information of other writers should not be h. Avoidance of the proverbs and sayings, words and phrases
deviated from the original content of the texts. that have offensive sense related to cultures, religions,
d. The information about the source of the text should be ethnicity, gender, or mental/physical disabilities.
mentioned. 4. Preliminary pages
e. The content of other writers should not be presented by At the beginning of a textbook, the following preliminary pages are
changing only some key words and sentences. designed:
f. The information from the electronic sources should be  Cover page (should be right page)
acknowledged in an accepted style.  Title page (should be right page)
3. Acknowledging the Diversity in Language and Content  PublisherÚs blurb (should be left page)
In preparing curricula, textbooks and other curricular materials,  Preface/forward (should be right page)
various diversities, such as contents belonging gender, religion,  Table of contents (should be right)
region and culture are to be considered. In order to acknowledge
them while developing materials; the following aspects should be 4.1 Cover page : front and back
considered : It contains title of the book and pictures representing the central idea
a. In addition to socially and naturally established roles of the of the content.
male and female members in society equal treatment to the,
responsibilities and capabilities of the both genders
b. Equality in role of the both genders in the family, education,

48 49
Front Cover Back Cover My English
Grade 10
Name (s) of the Writer(s)

My English
Grade 10
Class song in Nepali

Picture Government of Nepal

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Curriculum Development Centre
4.2 Inside cover/title page Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Inside cover page contains:
 Title of the book (at the top centre)
4.3 The page of the publisherÚs blurb
 Full name (s) of the writer (s)
The page of the publisher's blurb contains the following
In the revised book, name of the writer (s), reviser(s) and the editors
information in the order:
will remain only in the preface.
a. Name and address of the publisher
b. Copyright to (for copyright use the symbol © and place
the name of the one who owns copyright)
c. Edition
d. Year of publication in AD
e. Printed at (i.e. name and address of the printer)
f. Price
g. ISBN number
h. Instruction and feedback
50 51
Example variation among subjects.)
Publisher: Government of Nepal S.N. Title Page number
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Curriculum Development Centre
5. Appendices
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
The following topics will be included in the appendices as per the
© Publisher
Year of Publication:  References (To be prepared according the recent APA
Printed at: Manual system)
Price: Rs. .............  Glossary (To be arranged in an alphabetical order; should
ISBN: …............... indicate word/ phrase/idiom spelling, word class,
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, (pronunciation and meaning)
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any other form or by 6. Writing caption: describing pictures and photographs
any means for commercial purpose without the prior permission in The caption of a picture or photograph should express its main
writing of the Curriculum Development Centre. concept, and it is simply written in one or two sentences. The
following things should be kept in mind while writing a caption:
4.4 Preface  The caption should be written in short sentences.
The preface includes the following information in the order:  It should clarify the answers to …what, who, and whereÚ.
 Paragraph 1: General introduction (common for all  It should be simple, effective and complete.
subjects)  Appropriate size of the picture/photograph should be
 Paragraph 2: Subject-specific information (There can be determined as per the grade and size of the book.
more than one paragraph.)  Multi-coloured pictures are better than black ones;
 Paragraph 3: Acknowledgement to writer(s), reviser(s) therefore, they should be made impressive by using
(if any), editor(s), typist(s), artists, cover designer(s), different colours properly.
layout designer(s), etc.  Previously published pictures in others' materials and clip
 Date of publication to the left margin (bottom) art must not be used while making pictures.
 Name of the publisher to the right margin (bottom)  The font size of the caption should be two-point smaller
4.5 Table of Contents than the font size of the running text.
Table of contents includes the following information: (There can be  The number of the picture should be written as Fig 1.1, Fig

52 53
1.2, etc. just under it. Major causes of pollution ……………………………....
 Some portion of the running text should be written on the
page of the picture, not only the picture.
Fig 1.2 The alarming effects of pollution ………………………..
............................... ………………………………………………….....
d. Generally, the running text of the book should not be
Caption designed in columns; but some of the texts such as news
stories, letter to the editor, newspaper articles, etc. can be
7. Layout format of the material
written in two columns in order to make them look like
With reference to the layout format of the materials, the
following aspects should be kept in mind:
e. The page number should be written at the left margin of
a. The caption should be written in one or two lines, but not
the footer on the even page and at the right margin on the
more than two.
odd page. The subject and the class should be written
b. The text has to be justified.
opposite the page number.
c. The beginning of each paragraph should not be indented.
f. The initial pages should be given different indication as
There must be double space between two paragraphs.
the number of the page. The page number of the book
Example : should begin from the first page of the body part.
Pollution in Kathmandu g. Consistency has to be maintained in line-space, margin,
font-type, font-size, type of English (American/British)
The capital city of Nepal …………………………….......
and language use (formal/informal).
…………………………………………………….. h. The font-size of the foot-note should be two-point smaller
…………………………………………………...... than the size of the text.
…………………………………………………….. i. The number such as 1, 2,3, etc. should be used to indicate
the foot-note, and two-cm space should be provisioned

54 55
for it. 8 12
j. Some instructions for teaching-learning strategies can be 9 12
incorporated in the text if required, but they should be 10 12
written distinctly. 11 12
k. The size of the paper and its space should be maintained 12 12
as below. b. Font size of the unit/chapter, heading, sub-heading and
sub-sub-heading will be as follows:
15 cm Class Heading Sub-heading Sub-sub-heading
1 24 Bold 20 Bold 18 Bold
2 cm 1 inch space 2 24 Bold 20 Bold 18 Bold
3 24 Bold 18 Bold 16 Bold
4 22 Bold 16 Bold 16 Bold
5 22 Bold 16 Bold 16 Bold
6 22 Bold 16 Bold 14 Bold
7 20 Bold 16 Bold 14 Bold
8 20 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold
9 20 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold
10 20 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold
2.5 cm
11 20 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold
8. Font face and font size 12 20 Bold 14 Bold 12 Bold
a. Font size of the main text of a book will be as follows: c. The font size of the text in tables, charts, graphs and
Class Font size diagrams can be 2-size smaller than that of the running
1 18 text.
2 18 d. Any one of the following font types can be used:
3 16  Century Gothic
4 14  Arial
5 14
 Times New Roman
6 14
e. The line space of the running text should be 1.15
7 14

56 57
9. The size of the book Number of words in a sentence Difficulty level
a. Trim size of the Basic and Secondary Level textbook Below 8 Very easy
should be (18 cm. × 24 cm.) or (21 cm × 28 cm.).
9 – 11 Easy
b. The running text size of the Basic and Secondary level
12 – 14 Fairly easy
textbook should be (14 cm. × 22 cm.) and (17 cm × 24
cm.) 15 –17 Standard
10. The use of the heading, subheading and sub-subheading 18 – 21 Fairly difficult
The digit, letter and bullet in the curricular materials should be 22 – 25 Difficult
used in the following order to separate heading, sub-heading Above 26 Very difficult
and sub-sub heading.
1. (digit) heading It seems that the sentences with more than 20 words are difficult to
1.1. subheading read and understand. The use of abstract and compound words in
a. sub-subheading sentences make it even more difficult to understand.

 other topics d. Appropriate number of words in sentences for

different levels in English is recommended as follows:
11. Number of letters and words in a text
a. Number of letters in words, number of words in sentences Grades Number of words in sentences
and nature of the words should be decided on the basis of 1–5 Up to 8
the level/grade of the learners. The principle of simple to 6–8 Up to 14
complex should be followed while using words and 9 – 10 Up to 21
number of words in sentences. The complexity should 11-12 Up to 25
gradually move to the higher grades. e. Compound words and abstract words should not be more
b. The sentences having more words become difficult to read than 10 percent of the total number of words in the text for
for the students of lower grades. Therefore, sentences to be school level; however, this percent will not be suitable for
included in the curricular materials for the students of primary level (1-5) because of their level of cognitive
basic level should not contain more words. development. Therefore, such words should be minimised
c. Based on the conclusion of research findings, the in lower grades.
following guideline is recommended for deciding the 12. In-text Citation and Referencing
number of words in sentences: a. Instead of making Reference List, foot-note should be
used to give the source of the text cited. It should be

58 59
written in a format. interest
Example: 1. (Rai, 2009, p.22) or (Rai, 2009, pp. 3-7) j. Types of content: real-world, fictional and opinion-based,
b. Digits 1, 2, 3, etc. should be used to indicate the source in and their proper ratio
the text and the foot-note. 15. Punctuation
13. Consistency in either American English or British English Punctuation establishes the cadence of a sentence, telling the
a. Both American and British English should be used in reader where to pause (comma, semicolon, and colon), stop
writing books in order to get learners exposed to these (period and question mark), or take a detour (dash,
Standard English Varieties. parentheses, and brackets). Punctuation of a sentence usually
b. Regarding vocabulary, either American English or British denotes a pause in thought; different kinds of punctuation
English system can be followed in a particular text, but indicate different kinds and lengths of pauses.
alternative equivalent term can be given in the foot-note. a. Period
c. In the case of lexical difference of the vocabulary items of Use a period to end a complete sentence. Periods are used with
British English and American English, the difference abbreviations as follows:
should be clearly given in the foot-note. For example,
pants ( AE) = trousers ( BrE) Use periods:
 to mark the end of sentence
14. Factors to be considered while editing  in websites and email addresses (called dot) (e.g.
a. Accuracy in structures www.moecdc.gov.np)
b. Appropriateness of the level of language structures and  in numbers to separate the whole number from the decimal
vocabulary items based on the particular grade (called decimal point) (e.g. Rs. 14.45)
c. Content order from simple to complex Do not use periods:
d. Level of cognitive development of learners  with web addresses in text or in the reference list (http
e. Clarity in language ://www.apa.org). In text, include these in parentheses
f. Proper use of words indicating particular race, culture, when possible or revise the sentence to avoid ending a
religion, etc. sentence with a URL and no punctuation.
g. Avoidance of swear words  at the end of headings, phrases and words. Sometimes
h. Correlation between the text and curriculum (learning single word or phrase functions as a sentence. In this case
outcomes) use full stop (e.g. 'Good morning.', 'Sure.')
i. Nature of the content: content-familiarity and content-  if a sentence ends with an ellipsis (...), with an

60 61
abbreviation that takes a point (e.g. 'etc.' or with a involved
quotation complete in itself that ends in a full stop, Food such as rice, bread, bananas, etc. gives us
question mark or exclamation mark before the closing carbohydrates.
quote. The committee discussed vitamins etc., then moved on to
Example : Right Honorable Prime Minister said, "Nepal minerals.
is moving ahead with the mission of prosperous Nepal, Do not use a comma:
happy Nepali."  before a restrictive clause, that is, a clause that limits or
b. Comma defines the material it modifies removal of such a clause
Use a comma: from the sentence would alter the intended meaning.
 to separate a list of three or more items, except for the The girl with a red sari is my sister.
final two, which are separated by 'and' or 'or'  to separate parts of measurement
Mr. Thapa bought a book, pen and bag. 8 years 2 months 3 min 40 s
 to set off a non-restrictive clause c. Semicolon
My brother Jack, who lives next door, is a teacher. Use a semicolon:
 to separate two independent clauses joined by a  to separate two independent clauses that are not joined by
conjunction a conjunction
Mr. Bhandari went to the class, and he started correcting The participants in the first batch were paid; those in the
the students' tasks. second were unpaid.
Note:  to separate elements in a series that already contain
a. If the subject of the second sentence is omitted, or if the commas
conjunction is 'and', 'or', 'but', the comma is not obligatory. The colour order was red, yellow, blue; blue, yellow, red;
The boy entered into the hall and said hello to everyone. or yellow, red, blue.
b. Where there is no conjunction, use a semicolon; The membership of the international commission was as
The government and the representatives of the trade unions follows: France: 4, which had 3 members until 2010;
agreed on the common points regarding promotion; the issue Germany: 5, whose membership remained stable; and
of transfer was not considered. Italy: 3, whose membership increased from 1 in 2001.
 to set off the year in exact dates d. Colon
April 10, 2015, was the correct date. Use a colon:
 before 'etc.' in a series, but do not use it if no series is  between a grammatically complete introductory clause

62 63
(one that could stand as a sentence) and a final phrase or  to cite a letter, word, phrase, or sentence as a linguistic
clause that illustrates, extends, or amplifies the preceding example. Instead, italicize the term.
thought. If the clause following the colon is a complete He clarified the distinction between competence and
sentence, it begins with a capital letter. performance.
Pokhrel (1999) wrote two books on education: One  to introduce a technical or key term. Instead, italicize the
on educational leadership and the other on term.
educational planning. The term reengineering of the system appeared frequently
The committee has agreed on the agenda: The in the speech.
members must attend its regular meetings. g. Parentheses
 in ratios and proportions Use parentheses:
The proportion (saltwater) was 1:8  to set off structurally independent elements
 in references between place of publication and publisher The content of this curriculum basically contains the
London : Oxford University Press language functions (see scope and sequence section).
Do not use a colon:  to introduce an abbreviation
 after an introduction that is not an independent clause or This activates the language acquisition device (LAD).
complete sentence.  to set off letters that identify items in a series within a
The formula is e = mc2 sentence or paragraph
 at the end of headings The participants included (a) school supervisors, (b) head
Living with a Predator teachers, and (c) local level representatives.
e. Dash  to group mathematical expressions
Use a dash to indicate only a sudden interruption in the (k - 1)/(g - 2)
continuity of a sentence. Overuse weakens the flow of  To separate extra information or a comment from the rest
material. of the sentence
These two participants-one from community school and one Mt. Everest (8,848 m) is the highest mountain in the
from institutional school were tested separately. world.
f. Quotation marks  To enclose cross-references
Use double quotation marks for the quotations. This moral ambiguity is a feature of Shakespeare's later
Jack said, "I feel really happy today." works (see Chapter Eight)
Do not use double quotation marks:  Around numbers or letters in text

64 65
Our objectives are (1) to increase output, (2) to improve Do not use a slash:
quality and (3) to maximize profits.  when a phrase would be clearer
h. Brackets Each child handed the ball to her mother or guardian.
Use brackets: not
 to enclose the values that are the limits of a confidence Each child handed the ball to her mother/guardian.
interval  for simple comparisons. Use a hyphen or short dash (en
85% Cls [-9.2, 5.3], [9.2, 10.5 ], and [-2.1,- 0.5] dash) instead.
 to enclose material inserted in a quotation by some person test-retest method
other than the original writer not
"The consequences [of deforestation in Nepal] are test/retest method
alarming." (Karki, 1999, p. 25) j. Hyphen
 to enclose parenthetical material that is already within Use hyphen:
parentheses  to form a compound from two or more other words
(The results for the control group [n = 6] are also good-for-nothing, passers-by, son-in-law, hard- hearted
presented in Figure 5.)  to form a compound from a prefix and a proper name
i. Slash pre-service post-listening
Use a slash (also called a virgule, solidus, or shill):  when writing compound numbers between 21 and 99 in
 to clarify a relationship in which a hyphenated words
compound is used the classification/similarity- seventy-three thirty-one
judgment condition hits/false-alarms comparison  to separate a prefix ending in a vowel from a word
 to separate numerator from denominator beginning with the same vowel
A/B co-operate pre-eminent
 to indicate per to separate units of measurement Note: Use no space before or after hyphen
accompanied by a numerical value k. Capitalization
0.5 deg/s 6.4 mg/kg Capitalize:
 to set off English phonemes  the first word in a complete sentence
/v/ Nepal is a beautiful country.
 to cite a republished work in text  the first word after a colon that begins a complete sentence
Baral (2015/2016) The author made one main point: No explanation that has

66 67
been suggested so far answers all questions. Professor Chomsky, Technical Officer
 major words in titles of books and articles within the body  names of mountains, rivers, cities, geographical area
of the paper the Mount Everest, the Bagmati, the Nile, Lake Superior,
In the book, History of Knowledge... the Sahara Desert, the Pacific Ocean
 proper nouns  title of books, works of arts, films, newspaper, TV/ Radio
Hari Mina Dolam Kathmandu programmes
 names of university departments if they refer to a specific The Good Earth, Mona Lisa, Titanic, The Times,
department within a specific university and complete BihaniPakha
names of academic courses if they refer to a specific course  abbreviations
Department of Psychology, Tribhuvan University B.A., M. Ed., SRRP, MDG
but  the word of a quotation
a psychology department He said, "Experience is the best teacher."
an introductory psychology course  the pronoun 'I' and the interjection 'O'
 nouns followed by numerals or letters that denote a  the important historical events, e.g. the Russian
specific place in a numbered series. Revolution, the American War of Independence
On Day 2 of Experiment 4  the forms of address in letters, e.g. Dear Sir, Dear Madam
during Trial 5, the no-delay group performed  the names of ships, political parties, societies, etc.
as shown in Table 2, Figure 38, and Chapter 4 l. Italics
 exact, complete titles of published and unpublished tests. Use italics:
Words such as test or scale are not capitalized if they refer  titles of books, periodicals, films, videos, TV shows, and
to subscales of tests. microfilm publications
Advanced Reading Test The Elements of Style
 nations and nationality American Psychologist
France, the French language, a Frenchman, a French artist  genera, species, and varieties
 names of days, months and festivals Macacamulatta
Sunday, July, New Year, Dashain, Christmas  introduction of a new, technical, or key term or label (after
 periods in history a term has been used once, do not italicize it)
the Renaissance, the Dark Ages The term backward masking
 title of people box labeled empty

68 69
 a letter, word, or phrase cited as a linguistic example 25 ( twenty-five), 54 ( fifty-four)
words such as big and little  Use 'and' to write numbers over 100.
the letter a 324 ( three hundred and twenty four)
 words that could be misread  There are two ways of writing numbers over 1000.
the small group [meaning a designation, not group size] 1200 (one thousand two hundred: formal)
 letters used as statistical symbols or algebraic variables 1200 (twelve hundred: informal)
Cohen's d = 0.084 2600 (two thous and six hundred: formal)
a/b = c/d 2600 (twenty-six hundred: informal)
SEM  Use 'comma' to divide 'the large numbers' into groups of
Do not use italics for : three figures.
 foreign phrases and abbreviations common in English (i.e., 2,333,345 (two million three hundred and thirty-three
phrases found as mainentries in Merriam-Webster's thousand three hundred and forty-five)
Collegiate Dictionary, 2005).  Use commas between groups of three digits in most
a posteriori et al. figures of 1,000 or more.
a priori Exceptions:
ad lib page numbers page 1029
 chemical terms binary digits 00110010
NaCl, LSD serial numbers 290466960
 trigonometric terms degrees of temperature 3071 0F
sin, tan, log acoustic frequency designations 2000 Hz
 mere emphasis. (Italics are acceptable if emphasis might  Write ordinal numbers as follows.
otherwise be lost; in general, however, use syntax to 22nd (twenty-second)
provide emphasis.) 131st (one hundred and thirty-first)
 letters used as abbreviations  Use …OneÚ instead of …aÚ:
Curriculum Development Center (CDC) 121 (one hundred and twenty-one)
16. Numbers 17. Fractions
 Use numerals to express numbers 10 and above and words  Write fractions as follows:
to express numbers below 10. 1 1 2 4
( a/one half), (one fourth), (two thirds), (four fifths)
2 4 3 5
 Use hyphen to write numbers over 20 and below 100.

70 71
 Use 'over' to write complex fractions: 23/1/2019
22/69 (twenty-two over sixty-nine) on the twenty-third of January 2019
 Write whole numbers as follows: on January the twenty-third 2019
1 1 American English
3 (three and a half), 4 (four and one fourth)
2 4 1/23/2019
 At the first position of the sentence use …wordÚ, not …figureÚ January 23, 2019
Write : Twenty-two passengers travelling on the bus were 19. Abbreviations and Acronyms
injured in the accident.  First introduce full form followed by
Do not write : 22 passengers travelling on the bus were injured in abbreviation/acronym in brackets. From the second time,
the accident. use abbreviations/acronyms.
 There are various ways to express time of the day. The United States of America (USA) in first writing
Examples The USA in subsequent writing
He gets up at 4 a.m. to go to temple.  Each letter of the abbreviations may be followed by a
She will arrive here at 2:15. Or period, or may not be followed by it, but maintain
She will arrive here at two fifteen. consistency in one piece of writing.
She will arrive here at quarter past two. the U.S.A. Or the USA
 In decimals each figure after the point is said separately  Write acronyms without the period.
24.5: twenty-four point five SAARC
26.34: twenty-six point three four  The abbreviations such as A.D./AD, B.C./BC, B.S./BS.,
23. 135: twenty-three point one three five Dr./Dr, B.Sc./B Sc, etc. can be introduced first without
0. 342: (zero) point three four two their full forms.
 In telephone numbers all numbers are said separately
014335972: 0 one four three three five nine seven two
014331258: 0 one four double three one two five eight
18. Writing dates
British and American English have different ways to write
dates. Use any one style and be consistent with it.
British English
23 January 2019 or 23rd January 2019

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