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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics for Grade 2

Multiplication by 5

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion the pupils should be able to;

a. Identify the principles of multiplication of 5.

b. Participate and understand what multiplication actually does.
c. Observe the concept of multiplication.

II. Learning Content/Subject Matter

a. Topic: Multiplication by 5
b. Reference: Soaring 21st Century Mathematics
c. Author: Myrna S. Agratap
d. Page:213-214
e. Materials: Visual Aid(Power Point), Laptop, Marker, cotton balls, folder, scissor.

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Prayer

Please stand up and let us pray,

Heavenly Father, we come to you

today in prayer, asking for your
guidance and wisdom as we begin this Amen.
class. Help the pupils to stay focused as
we learn and grow together. May our
minds be open to new ideas and our
hearts be filled with understanding. In
Jesus’ name, Amen.

B. Greetings

Good Day Grade 2 students I am

your teacher for today and my name
is Precious Pearl S. Opiasa and you
can call me Teacher Pat.

Before you take your seats kindly

check your surroundings if there’s Okay, Teacher
any trash and put it in the trash bin
C. Setting of Classroom

RULE 1: Follow directions and

listen carefully.
RULE 2: Raise your right hand
for permission to speak.
RULE 3: Respect others. Be kind
with your own words and actions.

I want everyone to follow the classroom

standards, Is that clear class? Yes, Teacher

D. Checking of Attendance

Let’s check your attendance, if I

call your name please raise your right Yes, Teacher
hand and say present.

Very Good Grade 2 all of you are

present today.

E. Checking of Assignment/Drill

Who among you have

remembered or last topic? Multiplication by 4, Teacher

Very good, did you bring all of

your assignment class? Yes, Teacher

F. Review

Let’s review our last topic which is

the Multiplication of 4.

1. 3×4=? 12
2. 1×4=? 4
3. 6×4=? 24
4. 7×4=? 28
G. Motivation

Before we proceed to our next

topic let us first play a game, who wants Me, Teacher
to play?

Now all of you wants to play I

want everybody to participate, is that Yes, Teacher
clear class?

Our game toady is “Fill an Arrays

Grid with Cotton Balls” are you familiar No, Teacher
in this game class?

In this game, I will divide you into

two groups and show you some
equations and your task is to fill in the Yes, Teacher
grid of cotton balls of the result or the
answer. Are you ready?

H. Lesson Proper

Let us now proceed to the

multiplication of 5.

The table of 5 is one of the most

commonly used multiplication tables in
Mathematics. The multiplication table of
5 has distinct property where the last
digit of the product always ends in 0 or
5. It should be noted that the
multiplication table of 5 is the repeated
addition of 5.

1×5= 5 Product

For further explanation, to make
multiplication by 5 easier we can use our
fingers to multiply.

1 five is 5

2 five is 10

3 five is 15

I. Application

Write the correct answer of the

following questions.

× =? 1×5=5
× =? 2×5=10
× =? 3×5=15
× =? 4×5=20
× =? 5×5=25
× =? 6×5=30
=? 7×5=35
=? 8×5=40
=? 9×5=45
=? 10×5=50
J. Generalization

“What do we call the process in

multiplying the number?” Repeated addition, Teacher.

Very good, class.

“What do we call the numbers that we

multiply?” Factor, Teacher.

“What do we call the result or the

answer?” Product, Teacher

IV. Evaluation

Play a game called “Shade the grid”. In this game, pupils need to shade the
grid of what the result or the correct answer given from what their teacher’s
instruction. Everyone must participate and listen carefully so that nobody
will be disqualified.

V. Assignment
In a sheet of paper, answer the following questions.

1. 3.

X 5 =? X 5 =?

2. 4.

X 5 =?

X 5 =?

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