Sprout SEO - Metadata Levels and Priorities

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Metadata Level ➌ Global Metadata ➋ Section Metadata ➋ Section Metadata

Optimized Fields Meta Details Fields

Globals Settings Section Metadata Settings

Smart Metadata
Sprout SEO creates smart, extensive metadata with the content you're already editing. Optimized Metadata
Structured Data.

Optimized Metadata
Optimized Title ✎ Website Identity->Name ✎ Meta Title ←
Optimized Description ✎ Website Identity->Description ✎ Meta Description ←
Optimized Image ✎ Website Identity->Image ✎ Meta Image ←
Optimized Keywords ✎ Website Identity->Keywords ✎ Meta Keywords ←

Structured Data
Organization Schema ✎ Website Identity ← ←
Person Schema ✎ Website Identity ← ←
Website Schema ✎ Website Identity ← ←
Place Schema ✎ Website Identity ← ←
Main Entity Schema – ✎ Main Entity ←

XML Sitemap
Sitemap Priority – ✎ Sitemap Priority ←
Sitemap Frequency – ✎ Sitemap Frequency ←

Automated Meta Tags

These fields will all be generated dynamically based on the content in the fields above. Enable Advanced S

Search Meta Tags

title ✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title ✎ Search Meta->Title
appendTitleValue ✎ Customization->Append Meta Tit✎ Append Meta Title ←
description ✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description ✎ Search Meta->Description
keywords ✓ Optimized Keywords ✓ Optimized Keywords ✎ Search Meta->Keywords

Robots Meta Tags

canonical ★ Dynamic Value ← ←
robots ✎ Robots ← ✎ Robots

Geographic Meta Tags

region ✎ Website Identity->Address ← ✎ Geo->Region
placename ✎ Website Identity->Address ← ✎ Geo->Placename
latitude ✎ Website Identity->Longitude ← ✎ Geo->Latitude
longitude ✎ Website Identity->Latitude ← ✎ Geo->Longitude
Open Graph Meta Tags
ogType ✎ Customization->Open Graph Typ← ✎ Open Graph->Type
ogSiteName ✓ Optimized Title ← ←
ogUrl ★ Dynamic Value ← ←
ogTitle ✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title ✎ Open Graph->Title
ogDescription ✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description ✎ Open Graph->Description
ogImage ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image
ogImageWidth ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image
ogImageHeight ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image
ogImageType ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image
ogTransform ✎ Customization->Open Graph Ima← ✎ Open Graph->Image Trans
ogAuthor ✓ Optimized Title ← ←
ogPublisher ✓ Optimized Title ← ←
ogAudio – – ✎ Open Graph->Audio URL
ogVideo – – ✎ Open Graph->Image
ogLocale ★ Dynamic Value ← ←

Twitter Card Meta Tags

twitterCard ✎ Customization->Twitter Card Typ← ✎ Twitter Card->Type
twitterSite ✎ Social Profiles->Twitter ← ←
twitterCreator ✎ Social Profiles->Twitter ← ✎ Twitter Card->Creator
twitterTitle ✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title ✎ Twitter Card->Title
twitterDescription ✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description ✎ Twitter Card->Description
twitterUrl ★ Dynamic Value ← ←
twitterImage ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Twitter Card->Image
twitterTransform ✎ Customization->Twitter Image Tr← ✎ Twitter Card->Image Tran
twitterPlayer – – ✎ Twitter Card->Player
twitterPlayerStream – – ✎ Twitter Card->Player
twitterPlayerStreamContentType – – ✎ Twitter Card->Player
twitterPlayerWidth – – ✎ Twitter Card->Player
twitterPlayerHeight – – ✎ Twitter Card->Player

Google+ Meta Tags

publisher ✎ Social Profiles->Google+ ← ←

Bing Webmaster Tools ✎ Verify Ownership ← ←
Facebook App ID ✎ Verify Ownership ← ←
Facebook Page ✎ Verify Ownership ← ←
Google Search Console ✎ Verify Ownership ← ←
Pinterest ✎ Verify Ownership ← ←
Yandex Webmaster Tools ✎ Verify Ownership ← ←
Custom ✎ Verify Ownership ← ←

Automated Global Schema

These fields will all be generated dynamically based on the content in the Smart Metadata fields above. Add

Website Identity Schema Common fields used for both Organization and Person Schema
type ✎ Website Identity->Website Identit← ←
name ✎ Website Identity->Name ← ←
alternateName ✎ Website Identity->Alternate Nam ← ←
description ✎ Website Identity->Description ← ←
logo ✎ Website Identity->Image ← ←
url ✎ Website Identity->URL ← ←
email ✎ Website Identity->Email ← ←
telephone ✎ Website Identity->Telephone ← ←
address ✎ Website Identity->Address ← ←
contactPoint ✎ Contacts ← ←
sameAs ✎ Social Profiles ← ←

Organization Schema
foundingDate ✎ Website Identity->Founding Date← ←
openingHours ✎ Website Identity->Opening Hours← ←

Person Schema
gender ✎ Website Identity->Gender ← ←

Website Schema
type ★ Dynamic Value ← ←
name ✓ Website Identity->Name ← ←
alternateName ✓ Website Identity->Alternate Nam ← ←
description ✓ Website Identity->Description ← ←
keywords ✓ Website Identity->Keywords ← ←
image ✓ Website Identity->Image ← ←
url ✓ Website Identity->URL ← ←
author ✓ Website Identity ← ←
copyrightHolder ✓ Website Identity ← ←
creator ✓ Website Identity ← ←
sameAs ✓ Social Profiles ← ←
Place Schema
type ★ Dynamic Value ← ←
name ✓ Website Identity->Name ← ←
alternateName ✓ Website Identity->Alternate Nam ← ←
description ✓ Website Identity->Description ← ←
logo ✓ Website Identity->Image ← ←
telephone ✓ Website Identity->Telephone ← ←
address ✓ Website Identity->Address ← ←
sameAs ✓ Social Profiles ← ←

Automated Main Entity Schem

One Main Entity Schema can be selected per Section and can be overridden at the Element Type Level. W
would be implemented at a time on any given URL-Enabled Element page. Additional Main Entity Schema

Thing A base schema that can be extended or overwritten by more specific schema as needed
name – – –
description – – –
image – – –
url – – –
mainEntityOfPage – – –

Creative Work
headline – – –
description – – ←
keywords – – –
dateCreated – – –
dateModified – – –
datePublished – – –
author – – –
creator – – –
publisher – – –

Event Supports the same properties as Thing. Consider overriding to support your Event's location and startDate a
– – – –

Intangible Supports the same properties as Thing

– – – –

Organization Supports the same properties as Thing

– – – –

Person If a UserModel is detected, Person Schema will populate the following values. Otherwise the Person Schem
name – – –
givenName – – –
familyName – – –
email – – –

Place Supports the same properties as Thing

– – – –

Product If a Craft Commerce Commerce_Product Model is detected, Product Schema will populate the following val
offers.offer.sku – – –
offers.offer.price – – –
offers.offer.priceCurrency – – –
offers.offer.availability – – –
offers.offer.seller – – –
➊ Element Metadata ➊ Element Metadata ➊ Element Metadata Code
Existing Fields Optimized Fields Meta Details Fields craft.sproutSeo.meta() tag
Element Metadata Field Type OR Template Overrides

editing. Optimized Metadata will prepare your content for Search and Social Sharing (Open Graph & Twitter) and several types of

✎ Meta Title ✎ Meta Title ← ❯ Managed in Twig

✎ Meta Description ✎ Meta Description ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✎ Meta Image ✎ Meta Image ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✎ Meta Keywords ✎ Meta Keywords ← ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ✎ Main Entity ← ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

above. Enable Advanced Settings if you wish to manage all of these fields and have find-grained control over every single value.

✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title ✎ Search Meta->Title ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description ✎ Search Meta->Description ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Keywords ✓ Optimized Keywords ✎ Search Meta->Keywords ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Robots ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ✎ Geo->Region ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ✎ Geo->Placename ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Geo->Latitude ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Geo->Longitude ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Open Graph->Type ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title ✎ Open Graph->Title ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description ✎ Open Graph->Description ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Open Graph->Image ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Open Graph->Audio URL ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Open Graph->Image ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ✎ Twitter Card->Type ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Twitter Card->Creator ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title ✎ Twitter Card->Title ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description ✎ Twitter Card->Description ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image ✎ Twitter Card->Image ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Twitter Card->Player ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Twitter Card->Player ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Twitter Card->Player ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Twitter Card->Player ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ✎ Twitter Card->Player ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

t Metadata fields above. Add additional Schema Map integrations for more find-grained control.

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
← ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

the Element Type Level. While values about how to manage these schema are shown on every schema below, only one schema
ditional Main Entity Schema support can be added via a custom plugin integration.

✓ Optimized Title ✎ Optimized Title ✎ Optimized Title ❯ Managed in Twig

✓ Optimized Description ✎ Optimized Description ✎ Optimized Description ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Image ✎ Optimized Image ✎ Optimized Image ❯ Managed in Twig
★ Dynamic Value ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Main Entity ✎ Main Entity ✎ Main Entity ❯ Managed in Twig

✓ Optimized Title ✎ Optimized Title ✎ Optimized Title ❯ Managed in Twig

✓ Optimized Description ✎ Optimized Description ✎ Optimized Description ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Optimized Keywords ✎ Optimized Keywords ✎ Optimized Keywords ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ entry.dateCreated ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ entry.dateUpdated ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ entry.postDate ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ entry.author ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ entry.author ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Website Identity ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

ent's location and startDate attributes.

– – – ❯ Managed in Twig

– – – ❯ Managed in Twig

– – – ❯ Managed in Twig

Otherwise the Person Schema will fallback to use Thing Schema attributes
✓ user.fullName ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ user.firstName ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ user.lastName ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ user.email ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig

– – – ❯ Managed in Twig

ill populate the following values. Otherwise Product Schema will fallback to use Thing Schema attributes
✓ product.variant.sku – – ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ product.variant.price – – ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Commerce Settings->Payme
– – ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ product.variant.stock – – ❯ Managed in Twig
✓ Website Identity ← ← ❯ Managed in Twig
Metadata Level ➌ Globals ➋ Sections
Optimized Fields
Globals Settings Section Metadata Settings

Smart Metadata
Sprout SEO creates smart, extensive metadata with the content you're already editing. Optimized Metadata
prepare your content for Search and Social Sharing (Open Graph & Twitter) and several types of Structured

Optimized Metadata
Optimized Title ✎ Website Identity->Name ✎ Meta Title
Optimized Description ✎ Website Identity->Description ✎ Meta Description
Optimized Image ✎ Website Identity->Image ✎ Meta Image
Optimized Keywords ✎ Website Identity->Keywords ✎ Meta Keywords

Structured Data
Organization Schema ✎ Website Identity ←
Person Schema ✎ Website Identity ←
Website Schema ✎ Website Identity ←
Place Schema ✎ Website Identity ←
Main Entity Schema – ✎ Main Entity

XML Sitemap
Sitemap Priority – ✎ Sitemap Priority
Sitemap Frequency – ✎ Sitemap Frequency

Automated Meta Tags

These fields will all be generated dynamically based on the content in the fields above. Enable Advanced Se
you wish to manage all of these fields and have find-grained control over every single value.

Search Meta Tags

title ✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title
appendTitleValue ✎ Customization->Append Meta Title ✎ Append Meta Title
description ✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description
keywords ✓ Optimized Keywords ✓ Optimized Keywords

Robots Meta Tags

canonical ★ Dynamic Value ←
robots ✎ Robots ←

Geographic Meta Tags

region ✎ Website Identity->Address ←
placename ✎ Website Identity->Address ←
latitude ✎ Website Identity->Longitude ←
longitude ✎ Website Identity->Latitude ←
Open Graph Meta Tags
ogType ✎ Customization->Open Graph Type ←
ogSiteName ✓ Optimized Title ←
ogUrl ★ Dynamic Value ←
ogTitle ✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title
ogDescription ✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description
ogImage ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image
ogImageWidth ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image
ogImageHeight ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image
ogImageType ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image
ogTransform ✎ Customization->Open Graph Image T←
ogAuthor ✓ Optimized Title ←
ogPublisher ✓ Optimized Title ←
ogAudio – –
ogVideo – –
ogLocale ★ Dynamic Value ←

Twitter Card Meta Tags

twitterCard ✎ Customization->Twitter Card Type ←
twitterSite ✎ Social Profiles->Twitter ←
twitterCreator ✎ Social Profiles->Twitter ←
twitterTitle ✓ Optimized Title ✓ Optimized Title
twitterDescription ✓ Optimized Description ✓ Optimized Description
twitterUrl ★ Dynamic Value ←
twitterImage ✓ Optimized Image ✓ Optimized Image
twitterTransform ✎ Customization->Twitter Image Transf←
twitterPlayer – –
twitterPlayerStream – –
twitterPlayerStreamContentType – –
twitterPlayerWidth – –
twitterPlayerHeight – –

Google+ Meta Tags

publisher ✎ Social Profiles->Google+ ←

Bing Webmaster Tools ✎ Verify Ownership ←
Facebook App ID ✎ Verify Ownership ←
Facebook Page ✎ Verify Ownership ←
Google Search Console ✎ Verify Ownership ←
Pinterest ✎ Verify Ownership ←
Yandex Webmaster Tools ✎ Verify Ownership ←
Custom ✎ Verify Ownership ←

Automated Global Schema

These fields will all be generated dynamically based on the content in the Smart Metadata fields above. Add
Schema Map integrations for more find-grained control.

Identity Schema
type ✎ Website Identity->Website Identity ←
name ✎ Website Identity->Name ←
alternateName ✎ Website Identity->Alternate Name ←
description ✎ Website Identity->Description ←
logo ✎ Website Identity->Image ←
url ✎ Website Identity->URL ←
email ✎ Website Identity->Email ←
telephone ✎ Website Identity->Telephone ←
address ✎ Website Identity->Address ←
contactPoint ✎ Contacts ←
sameAs ✎ Social Profiles ←

Organization Schema
openingHours ✎ Website Identity->Opening Hours ←
foundingDate ✎ Website Identity->Founding Date ←

Person Schema
gender ✎ Website Identity->Gender ←

Website Schema
type ★ Dynamic Value ←
name ✓ Website Identity->Name ←
alternateName ✓ Website Identity->Alternate Name ←
description ✓ Website Identity->Description ←
keywords ✓ Website Identity->Keywords ←
image ✓ Website Identity->Image ←
url ✓ Website Identity->URL ←
author ✓ Website Identity ←
copyrightHolder ✓ Website Identity ←
creator ✓ Website Identity ←
sameAs ✓ Social Profiles ←
Place Schema
type ★ Dynamic Value ←
name ✓ Website Identity->Name ←
alternateName ✓ Website Identity->Alternate Name ←
description ✓ Website Identity->Description ←
logo ✓ Website Identity->Image ←
telephone ✓ Website Identity->Telephone ←
address ✓ Website Identity->Address ←
sameAs ✓ Social Profiles ←

Automated Main Entity Schema

One Main Entity Schema can be selected per Section and can be overridden at the Element Type Level. W
about how to manage these schema are shown on every schema below, only one schema would be implem

Thing A base schema that can be extended or overwritten by more specific schema as needed
name – –
description – –
image – –
url – –
mainEntityOfPage – –

Creative Work
headline – –
description – –
keywords – –
dateCreated – –
dateModified – –
datePublished – –
author – –
creator – –
publisher – –

Event Supports the same properties as Thing. Consider overriding to support your Event's location and startDate a
– – –

Intangible Supports the same properties as Thing

– – –

Organization Supports the same properties as Thing

– – –

If a UserModel is detected, Person Schema will populate the following values. Otherwise the Person Schem
Person fallback to use Thing Schema attributes
name – –
givenName – –
familyName – –
email – –

Place Supports the same properties as Thing

– – –

If a Craft Commerce Commerce_Product Model is detected, Product Schema will populate the following val
Product Otherwise Product Schema will fallback to use Thing Schema attributes
offers.offer.sku – –
offers.offer.price – –
offers.offer.priceCurrency – –
offers.offer.availability – –
offers.offer.seller – –
➊ Pages
Existing Fields
Element Metadata Field Type

ou're already editing. Optimized Metadata will

& Twitter) and several types of Structured Data.

✎ Meta Title
✎ Meta Description
✎ Meta Image
✎ Meta Keywords

nt in the fields above. Enable Advanced Settings if

ol over every single value.

✓ Optimized Title

✓ Optimized Description
✓ Optimized Keywords

✓ Optimized Title
✓ Optimized Description
✓ Optimized Image
✓ Optimized Image
✓ Optimized Image
✓ Optimized Image

✓ Optimized Title
✓ Optimized Description

✓ Optimized Image

nt in the Smart Metadata fields above. Add additional

overridden at the Element Type Level. While values

below, only one schema would be implemented at a

cific schema as needed

✓ Optimized Title
✓ Optimized Description
✓ Optimized Image
★ Dynamic Value
✓ Main Entity

✓ Optimized Title
✓ Optimized Description
✓ Optimized Keywords
✓ entry.dateCreated
✓ entry.dateUpdated
✓ entry.postDate
✓ entry.author
✓ entry.author
✓ Website Identity

pport your Event's location and startDate attributes.

wing values. Otherwise the Person Schema will

✓ user.fullName
✓ user.firstName
✓ user.lastName
✓ user.email

uct Schema will populate the following values.

✓ product.variant.sku
✓ product.variant.price
✓ Commerce Settings->Payment Currencies->Primary Currency
✓ product.variant.stock
✓ Website Identity
Example Icon and Label
Yellow Field
Grey Field

✎ Meta Title
✎ Search Meta->Title
✓ Customization->Append
✎ Optimized Title Meta Title
★ Dynamic Value
❯ Managed in Twig

Field needs to be edited to have a value
Value will be derived via another field value or programatically

Value is set by an editable field available at this level in the hierarchy. Fields
Value is setfor
a fieldMetadata
that existswill
bybe found in to
navigating theorGlobals
within section.
area of the
Global, Section, or Field sections. Global Metadata
Value is set by another field at the same level. has subareas for: Website
Value is set by Sprout SEO and cannot be modified directly.
If you need greater control, you can enable Template Overrides to modify the
inherited template, or you
from the next canupoverride
level values
(if it exists) dynamically
in the using the
list of priorities. If the
value is not found
Value not supported at the next level, it will keep looking up the list of priorities

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