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Architecture and Art

The architectural art of ancient Egypt has reached a level very high. Typical
architectural works are palaces and temples temples, especially the Pyramids. The
art and architecture of ancient Egypt is known to almost every person, as it is so
distinct from other cultures ' works

The Egyptians created temples for their gods and tombs for the pharaohs. Temples
are huge in the Egyptian world, as they represent the power of the rulers. One of
the most famous temples in Egypt is the Karnak Temple Complex. the pyramids
were created in the Old Kingdom as burial tombs for the pharaohs. The
construction of the temple complex required thousands of laborers, who served in a
rotating workforce. The construction fo the great pyramids show that the ancient
Egyptians were masters of engineering. .

When you think of ancient Egyptian artwork, stiffness in the human figures is very
apparent. All of the paintings are two-dimensional profiles mainly of various
pharaohs and gods. Egyptians created a lot of art on the walls of tombs. this was to
provide the person buried in the tomb with all of the objects shown on the walls.
Egyptian artists also created many sculptures. A sculpture is a statue or other piece
of art made of clay, stone, or other materials. Large statues of gods were created in
front of temples. Egyptians also created smaller sculptures of people to place in
tombs alongside their mummy. If something happened to the body, the sculpture
could serve as a resting place for the ka.

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