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Clauden D. Nalica
Exequiel A. Calimutan

1.Historical Context 2.Spartan Philosophy 3.Concept of their Philosophy
4.Social System 5.Cultural Values 6.Education System
7.Aims of Education 8.Mechanism of Education 9.Shortcomings

In ancient Sparta , the purpose of education was to produce a well-drilled, well-disciplined marching army. Spartans believed in a life
of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity. They were very loyal to the state of Sparta. Every Sparta, male or female, was required to
have a perfect body. When babies were born ,Spartan soldiers would come by the house and check the baby. If the baby did not
appear healthy and strong, the infant was taken away , and left to die in the hillside or taken away to be trained as slave
(helot).Babies who passed this examination were assigned membership in a brotherhood or sisterhood, usually the same one to
which the father or mother belonged.

Sparta was an ancient Greek- city, presently located in the region of Southern Greece called “Laconia”.
Known as warrior society that reached the height of its power after defeating rival city-state Athens(431-404 B.C.).
Spartan culture was centered on loyalty to the state and military service.
Sparta was unique in for its social system and constitution , which completely focused on military training and excellence.

 The legacy of the Spartan is rooted not only in their martial ability but in their ability to unite body and mind.
 Recognized as Warrior Philosophers
 Lycurgus _ legendary lawgiver of Sparta


 Wisdom derives from the following formula:
 Information without experience remains just information;
 Information combined with experience results in knowledge;
 Wisdom flows from the combination of knowledge and experience.
 Spartan philosophy was based on the theme of heart and nature
 The heart of each Spartan fused into a unity of culture and society where equally and community reigned supreme.
Life philosophy of oneness and equality made Spartans unique.
“Spartans are the best educated in philosophy and speaking”.
(Socrates and Plato)
Its inhabitants were classified;
1.Spartiates (Spartan citizens)-citizens with full rights
2.Mothakes (Non-Spartans)-primarily either the offspring of Spartiate fathers and helot mothers or children of
impoverished Spartiates.
3.Perioikoi (freedmen)-a group of free people within Spartan society. Though the perioikoi were not true Spartan citizens,
they were the only members of the society that were allowed to leave Sparta and trade with foreign lands.
4.Helots (enslaved non-Spartan local population)- responsible for agricultural duties and other day to day tasks that
supported the Spartans.Legally they are enemies of the state and subject to brutal treatment.

 All healthy male Spartan citizens participated in the compulsory state-sponsored education system, the Agoge, which
emphasized obedience, endurance, courage and self control. Spartan men devoted their lives to military service , and lived
communally well into adulthood.

 Education in Sparta was typical of the old Greek education.
 Dominantly physical and moral in nature.
 The government held the entire control of education in order to preserve their national existence- Agoge(Khalid,2005)
 The organizational structure of education comprised of school, family, church, and social life.
 Government appointed general superintendent of education called “Paedonomous” and his assistants.


 To give each individual such physical perfection, courage and habits of complete obedience to the laws.
 To make ideal soldier, fearless, cautious having enough stamina to bear all hardships and be an effective in the Spartan army. .

Mechanism of Education:
I till 7 years home
II 7-18 assistants
III 18-20 Irens
IV 20-30 warfare practice

 From the age of 7 until 18 they were subject to harsh training and discipline.Historical accounts tell of spartan to have no
shoes, very few clothes and being taught to take pride in enduring pain and hardships.Throughout their adolescent and
teenage years, spartan boys were required to become proficient in all manner of military activities. They were taught
boxing,swimming,wrestling,javelin-throwing, and discus-throwing.They were trained to harden themselves to the elements.
 At the age of 18, spartan boys had to go out into the world and steal for food.Getting caught would be result in hard
punishment,including flogging, which was usually a practice reserved only for slaves.The concept was that a soldier must learn
stealth and cunning.
 At age 20, Spartan men had to pass a series of demanding tests of physical prowess and leadership abilities. Those that passed
became members of the Spartan military, and lived in barracks with the other soldiers. They were , continue serving the
military, however until age 60.

 Sparta women ,of the citizenry class, enjoyed a status ,power, and respect that was unknown in the rest of the classical world.
The higher status of females in Sparta society started at birth ;were they fed the same food as their brothers. Sparta women
are literate and numerates, a rarity in the ancient world.
 Without a doubt, Spartan women were the most educated, athletic and outspoken progressive individuals of the Ancient Greek
FACTS about Sparta Women:
They were educated: ...
They could own land: ...
They could dress boldly: ...
The greatest honour was to die during childbirth: ...
They were married at an older age
.To produce good mothers of warriors. (Khalid,2005)

 Spartans did not place a high value on the arts, education or architecture.
 Spartans did not trade with others because they didn’t want to be influenced by any other cultures.
According to Duiker and Spielvogel,
“Spartan citizens were discouraged to study the ideas of literature, science, and philosophy fearing that these new ideas could
endanger the stability of the state”.

 Sparta was the first democracy in recorded history,
 Sparta was the only Greek city-state to introduce land reform aimed at equalizing wealth among its citizens.
 Spartan virtues: Equality (among citizens), military fitness , and austerity
 Spartan public educational system trained the mind as well as the body.
 Spartans were not only literate, but admired for their intellectual culture and verbal skills.

( Plato, Protagoras, 343b:366.)

“the most ancient and fertile homes of philosophy among the Greeks are Crete and Sparta, where are found more sophists than
anywhere on “
Khalid, (2005). An introduction to Educational Philosophy and History

THANK YOU and god bless!!!

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