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257609t2024toto Ro AJMER

Societies /trust /companies are required to run suhools without any profit motive in
aecordance with the provisions contained in these bye laws. The Schooi sFrall
endeavof to
charge fees to the extenl the expenses for running the School are mel. Schools shall follow
the following norms in respect of the fees chargecilrom pupils:
7.1 No SocietyiTrusVCompany/Schoot shall charge capitation fee or accept donalions
for the purpose of adnrissi6n for pupils.
7.2 Admission Fee and Fee charged under any other head are to be charged onty as
per the regulations of the Appropriate Goveinment.
7 '3 Fees shall be charged under the heads preseribed by the Department of Educatron
of the State/UTs.
ln case not othen/ise provided by the Appropriate Governrnent, jn the event of a
student disco,nlinulng the studies or wishing to migrate to some other Schoot, dues
shall be collected only up to the month of diseontinuance or migration and nor up
to the month iir which the transfEr certificate is applied for. This shall apply to ati
Heads of fee.

7.5.1 Fee revision of schools shatl be subject to laws, regulation anrj

directions of the Appropriate Government.
7 '5.2 Fee shall not be revised without the express approval of the School
Management committee or the process prescribed by the Appropriate
Government under any circumstances.
7.6 The acts and regulations of the Centrat and State/ur Governrnenrs
enacted/frarned in connection with regulation of fee in respecled of the vanous
categories of the schoots situated in the state will be applicable to the schooi
affiliated with CBSE atso"
7.V For schools situated in foreign countries a transparent process. as per the
applicable laws and regulaiions of the country where the schooi is situated, shall
be followed in respect of all maners related to fee and revision of fee etc.

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