Television Advertising Is A Great Way To Convince Consumers To Buy A Certain Product or Service

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Television advertising is a great way to convince consumers to buy a certain product or service, but

I disagree that television advertising could be directed toward young children.

First of all, children that are between the ages of two to five, are too young to be the target of this
type of advertising because they are in the process of developing their critical thinking skills and
are not able to properly discern if the advertising is truthful or in the other hand, if it could be
harmful. Also, even though children can be the consumer of certain products or services they will
not fully understand the benefits and disadvantages of it. Even more, they will not know if they
need that product, so advertising should be directed to their parents or caregivers. Therefore, they
can choose with more information and experience. And, advertising can be misleading and
inappropriate even for adults. It’s not unusual the use of graphic or sexual content in order to
propitiate consumption and in television advertising this type of practice is very common. If we
cannot regulate properly television advertising for adults how we think we can do the same for
young children.

In conclusion,

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