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MKT 558





1. Introduction 1

2. Overview of the Website 2

3. Customer Characteristic 3

3.1 Customer Characteristic 1 3

3.2 Customer Characteristic 2 3

4. Macro-environment Factors 4

4.1 Macro-environment 1 4

4.2 Macro-environment 2 4

5. Match Between Customer Characteristic and Macro- 5


5.1 Customer Characteristic 1 and Macro-environment 5


5.2 Customer Characteristic 2 and Mac-environment 2 6

6. Conclusion 7

References 8
1. Introduction
Technology is regarded as one of the most innovative instruments for us to stay up with
in today's fast-paced environment. Without technology, communication would be
restricted to sending messages through the mail and conducting research using an
encyclopaedia. Many companies utilise websites to market their brand and spread
information about the company and its activities in order to keep up with the trend and
the fast-paced world. A website is a collection of web pages and related content hosted
on at least one web server and using a similar domain name. A good website is one that
allows people to easily access and comprehend the content and context that has been

2. Overview of the Website
Cotton On is an Australia company but every country that they work with have their
own websites and Malaysia do so. The homepage of the website is where they posted
all their product to impress customers. This is one of the features offered by Cotton On
team in attempt to attract users to visit the website. Cotton On makes every effort to
make their website user-friendly. They provide a quick tab search on the top right so
that visitors may find what they're seeking for more quickly. For example, if they want
to know more about Cotton On, they may scroll down and click "about us," which will
take them to a page that details the company's storey and history. From what I've seen,
Cotton On is serious about attracting customer’s attention. The website's design is
simple but attractive, with soothing colours and a variety of options that make it more
enjoyable to visit. Furthermore, while Cotton On has a physical location, they also have
a website with free shipping for those who sign up for a membership. Customers can
simply browse the categories presented, pick what they want, and pay right away using
the website's online payment system. Moreover, traffic sources for’s
marketing strategy is focused on Search with 58.56% of traffic, followed by Direct with
34.99%. Cotton On’s mission is to become the most innovative and responsive brand
within our market without compromising the values that have made us what we are

3. Customer Characteristics
3.1 Customer Characteristic 1
Based on my observation, what I gain from the website the first characteristic is income.
Cotton On’s product can be use or wear by people from any range of income. Not only
do adults have income in this day and age, but teenagers can also earn money by
working part-time or doing reviews. This is related to the reasons that the majority of
Cotton On's products are reasonably priced. This indicates that the website's users are
from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, including low, middle, and high income.
Cotton On shirts, for example, range in price from low to high, however they do have
monthly specials. People will buy and wear their things no matter what. Customers who
want to purchase Cotton On's on the website can simply click and pay through the
website. Nowadays, everyone does internet shopping, and it makes people's lives easier
by eliminating the need to go outside and look for ourselves.

3.2 Customer Characteristic 2

Second, the characteristic that I gain from the website is age of the visitors of the
websites. People in their 30s make up the majority of the website's visitors. This is
because, in today's modern environment, especially when it comes to technology,
persons of this generation can master this ability more quickly. Because of the website's
bright theme and sophistication, it's also meant for people around that age. If anyone
older than that utilise it, they may find it difficult to investigate and use the website.
Furthermore, Cotton On products, such as trend and fashionable clothing, are typically
worn by persons in their 30s and lower. This is one of the apparent reasons why the
majority of their website's visitors are in their 30s and younger.

4. Macro-environment Factors
4.1 Macro-environment 1
There are economic considerations must be made. Many people are currently affected
by the pandemic Covid-19 over the world, particularly those who manage businesses
and are unable to execute their operations correctly due to movement control orders
(MCO) or lockdown. Consumers' declining purchasing power, as well as the fact that
they must compete with companies that provide the same type of goods as them but at
much lower prices, make it difficult for them to succeed. Not only that, but as a result
of the pandemic, individuals prefer to cut back on their spending as much as possible
in order to prevent wasting money or purchasing items that are unneeded for them. This
will undoubtedly have an impact on all businesses around the world, as demand for
their products continues to decline, resulting in fewer sales. In order to address this
issue, the organisation always conducts sales through their own website. At the same
time, it will assist people who are experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the

4.2 Macro-environment 2
It is important for organisations to be able to stay up with technology in today's
environment, where it is constantly evolving. Technology encompasses not only
computers and IT services, but also products, manufacturing processes, and procedures.
Technological improvements can be extremely beneficial to a company, but if the
company's technology becomes obsolete or irrelevant, it can harm and endanger the
organisation. Because the globe is currently dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic,
corporate technology is critical. For example, many consumers choose to purchase
online owing to movement controls orders (MCO) or lockout, and many enterprises
have begun to do business online. To deal with it, the company promotes their items on
their own website. This will help them increase their business sales because people are
finding it difficult to travel around due to the pandemic, so they are turning to the
internet to buy whatever they want.

5. Match Between Customer Characteristic and Macro-environment Factors
5.1 Customer Characteristic 1 and Macro-environment 1
The globe continues to evolve, and the purchasing power of customers grows.
Economic issues have an impact on how customers spend and how much money they
have. Customers, as we all know, tend to spend more when their income level rises, and
those whose income level falls prefer to spend less than they did previously. Because
of the economic changes, sales of a specific product in the market will suffer as a result
of fewer buyers. The corporation should keep an eye on the situation and try to come
up with a solution, such as resetting the price level of their items based on market
research and analysis. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused serious problems for people
all across the world, and the global economy has changed as a result of it. People must
work from home due of the epidemic, and they cannot go out as frequently as they did
before the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only that, but the epidemic has put a strain on many
individuals who work, with some people being dismissed by their employers since the
company's revenues have been dropping, and as a result, the company is unable to pay
their employees' salaries, forcing them to cut the number of employees.

5.2 Customer Characteristic 2 and Macro-environment 2
As we all know, technology is now widely used by individuals all over the world.
Technology has made work more easier than it was previously. Even technology is an
important tool in business, and it will assist those who do company in effectively
marketing their products. Young people, as opposed to elderly ones, are more likely to
use technology. Young individuals have been exposed to technology use from an early
age, and they learn about it far more quickly than people over the age of 40. Technology
in business will not cause any problems for young people, but it will be difficult for the
elderly to deal with it, making it a struggle for businesspeople to target this
demographic. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, everything uses technology,
including work, where people can work from home using their laptop or smartphone.
Not only that, but technology is being used by young people to learn because schools
have been closed due to the outbreak. As a result of the epidemic, technology is
increasingly being used as a means for people to buy what they want, such as online
shopping. For the younger generation, it was not a problem, but for the older generation,
they require assistance from the younger generation in order to go online shopping. To
address this, the corporation simplified the website or platform rather than creating a
complex platform, so that people of all ages can use it without difficulty.

6. Conclusion
In conclusion, because of people are unable to leave due to a movement control order
(MCO) or lockdown, sales of their items will suffer, and something must be done to
prevent this. Cotton On must consider other options in order to keep their business and
relevance afloat throughout this pandemic. Covid-19. They need to come up with a
decent strategy to resurrect their sales, and one of the techniques is to maintain constant
contact with their target audience by maximising the benefits of social media and their
website. As we all know, social media and websites are the ideal tools to utilise in order
to reach a big number of people because they have no restrictions.


1. Cotton On /
2. Summer Nguyen, 2021 December 01. Understanding Of Micro And Macro Factors
That Affect Your Business. Retrieve from
3. Bush, T. 2016, July 9. PESTLE Analysis: Technological Factors Affecting
Business. PESTLE Analysis. Retrieve from
4. Douglas Queen, 2021 March 26. Technological Impact of Covid-19. Retrieve from
5. Saga Waykar, 2020 June 1, Why Website is Important For a Business. Retrieve
from /

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