Reflections The S.O.U.L

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REFLECTIONS: the State Of Our Lives (S.O.U.


Rarely do we ever do some deep soul searching to mine within ourselves some crucial knowledge about
WHO we are and WHY we are. Often, we are paying attention to everything else around us (the external
world) and neglecting to learn as much as we can about ourselves (the person within). Resultantly, our
worlds become bombarded with the worries and concerns of what the world around us ought to be like,
meanwhile we continue to live in ignorance of ourselves. Ignorance of self is the greatest form of
poverty! Show me a poor man and I will show you a person who hasn’t arrived at a knowledge of who
they are.

The ancient Greeks are one of the most civilized generations to exist on the earth. They came up with
inventions and ways of life that have stood the test of time and that will continue to be here long after
we are all gone. The Olympics, Astronomy, Medicine, Theatre, Science, Democracy and Philosophy are
just but a few of the remarkable contributions that the Greek civilization brought into the world. To
present day, an essential pillar of their thriving existence is how they continue to hold in high regard the
coming of each individual to a supreme knowledge of themselves. In this journey, we will explore why it
is a more noble thing to come to the knowledge of oneself and how to arrive at a knowledge of self.


For the very first time it became quite clear to me why i was in the habit of repeating the same mistakes.
And such is a problem that many struggle with. Knowing exactly what the right thing to be done is, its
shocking how it is that often we will still proceed and do the wrong thing. Its surprising the vital
knowledge of ourselves that is to be gained if we but just take the time to look beneath the surface and
search within ourselves why we are the way we are. The knowledge of self, which is to be valued above
gold and rubies will only avail itself to the soul that earnestly seeks to know itself. Here are three ways
to know yourself:


More gold has been mined in the hearts of man than will ever be mined in any of the gold-rich mines of
Africa. Within man lie unrevealed secrets on the complex but beautiful and unique nature of the human
man. Finding some solitary space in the course of the day to listen to oneself allows you to learn about
yourself. In today’s fast world, it is more likely that most people live as total strangers to themselves.
The business of daily life seems to deny many of the room to quiet themselves down and listen to
themselves. Solitary soul searching is a necessary tool to slow down the world and find out where we
really are in the world. Medical research has reviewed that people who are self-aware have an
increased satisfaction with life and are generally happier. Self-awareness also brings with it the
advantage of better decision making and thereby enriches life experience. Therefore, setting aside some
time to be alone and to attentively listen to yourself will bring about essential knowledge of oneself.



Close family and friends are an essential ingredient in arriving at a knowledge of ourselves. Let us rewind
a bit to how i eventually got to know why i would keep on repeating the same mistakes in my life. By far
one of the most valuable discoveries I’ve made is that, people will more likely repeat the same mistake if
they glorify and magnify in their minds the idea that ‘they’ll be another chance to start over again’. By
speaking out your weaknesses, you can increasingly come to a knowledge of how they originated. Such
truthful talk will allow you to know the prison you are in and how you can escape the prison. While
friends and family can offer useful insights about who we are, their insights should be used as a guide
and not to accept them as the absolute truth. Intentionality about wanting to know who you are will
lead you to a knowledge of the same.

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