Histpath Paper Pihms 5 MLT Wit Key

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1. The person responsible for performing the Histotechniques is properly called as

a. Technologist
b. Histologist
c. Pathologist
d. Histotechnologist
2. Which statement is not true about the Tissue Tek System.
a) Handling of tissue block is very easy.
b) Embedding cassettes can also be used for processing of tissue biopsy.
c) Numbering of blocks is very easy.
d) This system give a wide variety of block sizes.
e) Transportation of blocks is very easy.
3. Eosin is a synthetic dye and is a type of ………..dye.
a) Basic
b) Neutral
c) Acidic
d) Nucleus staining stain
e) Both C & D
4. The first microtome was invented by George Adams and Alexander Cummings
a) 1790
b) 1780
c) 1770
d) 1760
e) 1750
5. Removal of gall bladder is called ……………………
a. Mastectomy
b. Appendectomy
c. Cholecyctectomy
d. None of the above
6. As soon as the tissue is removed from the body…………………… should be done
a. Gross examination
b. Fixation
c. Tissue processing
d. Freezing
7. The post-mortem changes due to the invasion of bacteria in to the tissue are termed as
a. Autolysis
b. Apoptosis
c. Putrefaction
d. Bacterial destruction
8. The autolysis is faster in …………… than in the other parts.
a. Liver
b. Spleen
c. CNS
d. Kidney
9. If some bacteria retain the crystal violet stain after alcohol treatment then the bacteria is
a) Gram positive
b) Gram negative
c) Gram resistant
d) The procedure is incomplete to answer
e) None of the above
10. CHO is the function group for ………….. Fixatives.
a. Oxidizing Agents
b. Aldehyde
c. Alcohol
d. Acids
11. Ethyl alcohol belongs to …………… class of fixatives
a. Oxidizing agent
b. Fixatives of unknown mechanisim
c. Aldehides
d. Protein denaturing
12. Counter stain used in gram staining is …………….
a) Safranin
b) Crystal violet
c) Carbol fuschin
d) Acetocarmine
e) None of the above
13. Fixation of fresh tissue is essential to……...
a. remove water
b. prevent deterioration
c. replace alcohol
d. clear the sections
14. In dehydration of the tissue we use different grads of………..
a. Formaldehyde
b. Alcohol
c. Xylol
d. Paraffin wax
15. Micrometer is equivalent to………..
a. 10-3 mm
b. 10-6 mm
c. 10-9 mm
d. 10-12 mm

16. Nanometer is equivalent to……….

a) 10-3 mm
b) 10-6 mm
c) 10-9 mm
d) 10-12 mm
17. In gram staining iodine is used as a …………………
a) Fixative
b) Mordant
c) Solubiulizer
d) Stain
e) Counter stain
18. The solubility of formal dehyde is only ……………….. In water.
a) 7%
b) 37-40%
c) 6%
d) 27- 32%
19. Decalcification is proceeded by………. and is followed by …………
a) Fixation, tissue processing.
b) Tissue processing, fixation.
c) Fixation, dehydration.
d) Fixation , gross examination
20. Correct sequence for tissue processing is …………
a) Dealcoholization ,Dehydration, Impregnation
b) Dealcoholization, Impregnation, Dehydration
c) Dehydration, Dealcoholization , Impregnation
d) Impregnation, Dehydration, Dealcoholization
21. Ethanol is chemical used commonly as a ……………….agent in histopathology
a) Dehydrating
b) Clearing
c) Fixative
d) Impregnating
22. The commonly used dealcoholization agent is …………..
a) Benzene
b) Xylene
c) Chlorophorm,
d) Toluene
23. Because of its carcinogenic properties ………………..Clearing agent is not used now a
a) Chloroform
b) Carbon Tetrachloride
c) Cedar Wood Oil
d) Benzene
24. The final step in tissue processing is …………………
a) Impregnation
b) Infiltration
c) Completion of fixation
d) Both A & B

25. The most commonly used solidifying medium in histopathology laboratory is

a) Celloidin
b) Paraffin wax
c) low viscosity nitrocellulose
d) Carbowax
26. For better processing the volume of the impregnating medium should be at least
……………..the volume of tissue.
a) 05 times
b) 15 times
c) 25 times
d) 35 times
27. Decalcification is opposite to …………………
a) Hydration
b) Fixation
c) Calcification.
d) Clearing

28. Histopathology is the study of ……………….

a) Cell
b) Tissue
c) Diseased tissue
d) Both B & C
29. The following are the properties of an ideal fixative except …………………….
a) It is non toxic and non irritant.
b) prepare the tissue for subsequent treatments
c) Less expensive.
d) Cause hardness and brittleness.
30. In …………………… tissue blocks are externally supported by the same supporting
a) Infiltration
b) Impregnation
c) Embedding
d) Fixation
e) clearing
31. In this microtome the Tissue block moves across a fixed knife edge in a vertical plane
a) Cambridge Rocking Microtome
b) Rotary Microtome
c) Base sledge Microtome
d) Sliding Microtome
e) Freezing Microtome
32. In Histology staining the stain used for nucleus is
a) Hematoxylin
b) Eosin
c) Schiff’s
d) Silver
33. In histopathology laboratory tissue is cut in a thickness of ………………… for
microscopic examination.
a) 2-3 micron
b) 3-5micron
c) 5-7micron
d) 5-10micron
34. Microtome is a machine which can produce…………………
a) Very thin section of animal tissue
b) Sections of uniform thickness
c) Facilitate the microscopic study of the tissue
d) All of the above
35. The removal of excess wax from the tissue surface is called……. ?
a) Cutting
b) Trimming
c) Fine sectioning
d) Tissue exposing
e) None of the above
36. In ………………… type of microtome the sledge is pushed against the horizontally fitted
a) Cambridge Rocking Microtome
b) Rotary Microtome
c) Base sledge Microtome
d) Sliding Microtome
e) Freezing Microtome
37. The microtome in which the block remains stationary while the microtome knife moves
during the process of sectioning is ……………………
a) Cambridge Rocking Microtome
b) Rotary Microtome
c) Base sledge Microtome
d) Sliding Microtome
e) Freezing Microtome
38. The …………..best obtion of preparing sections from unfixed tissue.
a) Freezing Microtome
b) Cryostat
c) Rotary Microtome
d) Base sledge Microtome
e) Both A & B
39. The picture is of …………….. Profile.
a) Wedge
b) Biconcave
c) Planoconcave
d) Chisel shaped
e) None of the above

40. The picture is of ………………. Profile.

a) Wedge
b) Biconcave
c) Planoconcave
d) Chisel shaped
41 The picture is of ……………….. profile.

a) Wedge
b) Biconcave
c) Planoconcave
d) Chisel shaped
e) None of the above

42 The process of knife sharpening in which the knife edge Is rubbed on an abrasive surface
is …………………
a) Rubbing
b) Foiling
c) Honing
d) Stropping
e) Both A & B
43 cleaning or polishing the knife edge on a softer material to remove the stocked metal
particles is termed as ……………………….
a) Honing
b) Stropping
c) Polishing
d) Cleaning
e) None of the above
44 The second step of floating is performed in a water bath the temperature of which is kept
blow ………………degree from the milting point of paraffin wax.
a) 3-5
b) 5-10
c) 10-15
d) 15-20
e) 20-25
45 The most basic stain used in histopathology laboratories is ………………..
a) PAS
b) Gram’s
c) Zn
d) H & E
e) Iron
46 Nuclei show a high affinity for ………….dyes.
a) Acidic
b) Basic
c) Natural
d) synthatic
e) Neutral
47 The most commonly used counter stain with Haematoxylin is……………………..
a) PAS
b) Irom
c) Prussion blue
d) Eosin stain
e) Giemsa stain
48 Haematoxylin stain is ………….. stain
a) Basic
b) Acidic
c) Neutral
d) Synthetic
e) Reacts with cytoplasm
49 H/E stain stains the cytoplasm ……………………
a) Blue
b) Pink to red
c) Orange
d) Black

50 What is the course code for histopathology?

a) 301
b) 302
c) 303
d) 304
e) 305

1D 2D 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9A 10B 11D 12A 13B 14B 15A 16B 17B 18B

19A 20C 21A 22B 23D 24D 25B 26C 27C 28C 29D 30C

31B 32A 33B 34D 35B 36C 37D 38B 39B 40C 41C 42C

43B 44B 45D 46B 47D 48A 49A 50C

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