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Learning Task 1: My Learning Strategy (20 points)

Come up with an effective learning strategy which you can adopt as a student.
Indicate the steps that you need to follow in order to help you make learning truly

As a learner in this pandemic situation, I have a lot of learning strategies in order to keep myself
to have a broader knowledge. There is one strategy that I usually use because this type of learning
strategy keeps my mind alert and also keeps me understand the subject better. This type of learning
strategy is the Self- explanation. It is a learning technique in which students explain to themselves
pieces of a learning material for the purpose of improving their understanding.

So the steps of self explanation:

*Becoming a self-regulated learner. Check your understanding.
Stage 1: Define the task. Practice defining the task.
Stage 2: Set goals and develop a plan.
Stage 3: Execute the plan with learning strategies.
Stage 4: Monitor learning and adapt if necessary.
Use what you've learned.

Also, Make research for further understanding. Nowadays, there is no spoon feeding type of
learning especially on college. This type of learning strategy can build you up into an effective student.

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