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Title: Here’s How to Find Out What You’re Good At


Everyone is good at something! What if you discovered that there’s something you can do so incredibly
well and that its only a natural part of who you are? Imagine the fulfilment and joy of discovering and
living in your gift. In this journey, we explore ways to help you arrive at a knowledge of the rich pool of
talents trapped within you as a young teen and therefore get to know what you are good at.

1. Attempt as Many Activities as Possible

“Experience is the best teacher”. Although it can be unsettling for some, venturing into the unknown
creates new but exciting experiences that are essential for self-discovery. By exposing yourself to as
many activities that align with your passions and interests, you generate an awareness of those activities
that you love. Moving out of the familiar will push you towards new experiences and challenges and
thereby allow you to discover your latent talents. Activities that can help to uncover hidden gifts are:

 Joining a club
 Registering for new courses
 Volunteering in different projects

2. Take Note of Repeated Patterns

Ever found yourself doing something repeatedly and not finding it boring? Well, that is potentially an
indication of something that you really might be gifted in. What you do repeatedly is indicative of your
talent in that field.

Repeated Thoughts

Your gift is as notable to you as your most frequents thoughts. Ask yourself,

 What are my most recurring thoughts regarding what I’d rather be doing?

More often, your gift is contained within what you perceive you’d rather be doing in your life.

3. Take Some Time to Self-Reflect

Self-reflection is a fundamental procedure in discovering your gifts and talent. Commit some time to
introspect about your interests as well as your experiences. Critical questions to ask yourself are:

- What activities make me lose track of time?

- What do I enjoy doing even without external motivation?

- What skills have I naturally excelled at in the past?

- What accomplishments am I proud of?

By introspecting and analyzing your past and present, you can gain valuable insights into your innate

4. Seek Professional Guidance

If you're struggling to identify your talents, seeking guidance from a career counselor, mentor, or coach
can be immensely helpful in developing talented teens. These professionals have expertise in guiding
individuals through the process of self-discovery. They can provide assessments, exercises, and
personalized advice to assist you in uncovering your gift and talents and aligning them with potential
career paths.

5. Embrace Continuous Learning

Learning new skills and acquiring knowledge in various domains opens up opportunities for self-
discovery. Be curious and open-minded. Take online courses, attend workshops, read books, and engage
in conversations with experts in fields that interest you. The more you learn, the more you expose
yourself to new talents and passions.

6. Pay Attention to Feedback

Feedback from others can provide valuable clues about your gifts and talents. Listen to what friends,
family, colleagues, and mentors say about your performance in various areas. They may notice talents or
skills that you haven't recognized in yourself. Additionally, their observations can help validate your own
perceptions and provide a more well-rounded perspective.


Discovering what you're good at is a journey of self-exploration that requires patience, perseverance,
and an open mind. Embrace self-reflection, explore new activities, seek feedback, and be open to
guidance from others. Remember, talents can evolve and change over time, so remain adaptable and
continue to nurture your skills. By uncovering your hidden talents, you can create a life that aligns with
your passions, leading to greater fulfillment and success.

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