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 Do/Does tergolong kata kerja tidak beraturan (irregular verb) yang artinya mengerjakan atau melakukan atau menyelesaikan. Bentuk verb-2 dan
verb-3-nya berturut-turut adalah DID, dan DONE.

 Do/Does hanya ada pada kalimat simple present tense

 Do/Does hanya ada pada kalimat negatif (don't/doesn't) dan tanya/interrogative (?)

Kalimat Negative dengan Do dan Does

 Dalam bentuk negatif harus ditambahkan not sehingga menjadi do not dan does not. Rumusnya seperti ini: S + Do/Does + Not + Verb
(-) Do
 I do not eat the pudding in the fridge! (aku tidak memakan puding di kulkas!)
 I do not know where your wallet is. (aku tidak tahu dimana dompetmu)
 I do not want to lose you again (aku tidak mau kehilanganmu lagi)
(-) Does
 She does not want to eat all day (dia tidak mau makan sepanjang hari)
 He does not drink alcohol (dia tidak minum alkohol)
 She does not teach English everyday (dia tidak mengajar bahasa inggris setiap hari)
 Mr. Alan does not go to Bandung every week (pak alan tidak pergi ke bandung setiap minggu)
Kalimat Interrogative (?) dengan Do dan Does
(?) Does
 Does she eat her dinner every night? (apakah dia memakan makan malamnya setiap malam?)
 Does she bring her wallet to her office? (apakah dia membawa dompetnya ke kantor?)
 Does Lisa get a good grade in mathematics? (apakah lisa mendapatkan nilai bagus pada pelajaran matematika?)
 Does he drink milk every night? (apakah dia minum susu setiap malam?)
Please make 5 sentence about (do) 5 sentence about (does)

Answer the question !

1. Mr. Clark asked me to ……. the school assignment.

2. Sita and I do the group project together, I do the research, and she ….... the writing.

3. My parents ........ the house work together.

4. My cat ……. its funny habit, it catches her tail.

5. My brother cooks for dinner, and I ....... the dishes to help him.
6. We ........ not want to buy the snack.

7. Dad ....... not know that I am home.

8. I want to go the Italian restaurant, but she ....... not want to go there.

9. William does like spaghetti, but I .......not like it.

Isilah titik-titik pada soal cerita ini dengan Do atau Does!

Jossi and Lorens are classmates. They (16) ……….. school project together. They want to make article about History of Their School. Jossi (17) ……... the book

research and Lorens (18) ........ the teacher interview. Then, they (19) …... the article writing together and (20)……. the project successfully.

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