Course Reflection

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Julio Alvarez

Professor Bernal

Edu 1301.102

Spring 2024

In the months that I have been taking this education class, I have learned the basics of

education including ways students learn, theories, terms, and certain skills that will be helpful for

me in the future. I also got plenty of experience through my field experiences and taking a job

offer from Sheldon Isd from Professor Bernal. I did both of my field experiences at Nelda

Sullivan Middle School but with two different teachers. Both field experiences were days apart

and lasted the whole school day. I watched how the teachers taught and communicated with

their students as well as their co-workers and on top of that I saw how the students responded

back to the teachers. The interactions between the teachers and the students were constantly

happening and kept everyone busy. Many of the students asked questions and the teachers

would answer them. The field experiences were really fun and motivated me even more to be a

teacher in the future. As for the Sheldon Isd job, I work at Garrett Elementary School and I’m a

after-school teacher. I basically help with after-school activities and help the students the best I

can. This job puts me in an environment where I can get more experience while interacting with

students and teachers. The people there are welcoming and work with each other well and they

have a sense of respect for each other. So far, the job has been really fun and the students as

well as my co-workers are super nice. It’s an exciting opportunity that I took and I’m glad that I

took it. This education course gave me so much aspect on the process of being a teacher. The

course itself was an exciting and gave me the understanding of what I need to know on being a

teacher as well as becoming the best teacher I can be.

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