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)/2024-LGE (DEC-M)
No. F. 5 (1

April 04, 2024
The Provincial Election Commissioner
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,

Subject: PuBLrcATroN/NorrFrcATroN oF FrNAL LrsT oF poLLrNG


Dear Sir,

I have the honour to refer to your office letter No.F.6 (l}ll2O24-LGE

(PEC) Vol-lV dated the l8th March, 2024 on the subject noted above and to state

that final List of Polling Stations are notified/published and send herewith along
with notification under sub-rule (2) of Rule 13 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Local
Councils (Conduct of Elections) Rules, 2O2l for the conduct of LG
Bye-Elections-2024 to the vacant seat of Chairman Tehsil Council Katlang,

Yours faithfully

Encl: As above

District Election ssioner/DRO

Copy forwarded for information to the Regional Election

Commissioner, Mardan Division.
(zrA uR RAHrM)
District Election Commissioner/DRO

Name of District, Mardan the 04 April, 2024

File No. F.5 (11/2O24-LGE (DEC-MI; In pursuance of the provision of

sub-rule (2) of Rule 13 of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Local Councils (Conduct of

Elections) Rule, 2021. Final list of Polling Stations of Tehsil Council Katlans are

hereby published and notified, for information of the general public, relating to

the Conduct of Bye-election of Chairman Tehsil Councils in respect of Tehsil

Council Katlane District Mardan.

By order of the Election Commission of Pakistan.

U M)
District Election issioner/ DRO
I see rule 13 (1)]


S.No. ofvotere on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Votere Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Pollinq Station
No. case electoral area
Name ofths Electoral Census Name of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
I Govt.Primary School, Gul Bahar P.S No.1 (Male) Jamal Garhi 7601 01 01 489 0 489
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 1 7 615 0 615
Total: 1104 0 1101 4 0 4
2 Govt.Primary School, Gul Bahar P.S No.2 (Female) Jamal Garhi 7601 01 01 0 399 399
Jamal Garhi 760101 17 0 497 497
Total:- 0 896 896 0 3 3
J Govt.High School, Sarfaraz Kalay (Combined) Jamal Garhi 7601 01 02 991 766 1,757
Jamal Garhi 76010'105 479 377 856
Total:- 1470 I 143 2613 2 4
4 Govt.Primary School, Sarfaraz Kalay P.S No.1 (Male) Jamal Garhi 7601 01 03 843 0 843
Jamal Garhi 76010106 373 0
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 04 676 0 676
Jamal Garhi 76010118 368 0 368
Total:- 2260 0 2260 4 0 4
5 Govt.Primary School, Sarfaraz Kalay P.S No.2 (Female) Jamal Garhi 760'10104 0 525

Jamal Garhi 760101 't8 0 294 294

Jamal Garhi 7601 01 03 0 632 632
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 06 0 276 276
Total:- 0 1t2t 1721 0 4 4
Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School, Jamal Ghari P S No.l
6 Jamal Garhi 7601 01 08 591 0 591

Jamal Garhi 7601 01 09 446 0 446

Total:- 1037 0 1,037 3 0
Govt. Gids Higher Secondary School, Jamal Ghari P S No.2
(Female) Jamal Garhi 7601 01 08 0 572
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 09 0 344 344 \t
Total:- 0 916 9t6 0 2 2
Govt. Primary School, Oarmandona Jamal Ghari P S No.1
8 Jamal Garhi 7601 0 1 07 373 0 373
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 1 3 476 0 476
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 16 890 0 890
Total: 1739 0 1739 4 0 4
Govt. Primary School, Darmandona Jamal Ghari P S No.2
I (Female) Jamal Garhi 760'10107 0 323

Jamal Garhi 760101 13 0 37'l 371

Jamal Garhi 76010'116 0 881 881
Total:- 0 1575 1575 0 3 3

Page 1 of 12
S,No, of voters on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Census Name of the Census Block is bifurcated Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral A.ea Code
Govt.Higher Secondary School, Jamal Ghari P.S No.1
10 Jamal Garhi 760101 10 0 522
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 1 9 689 0 689
Jamal Garhi 76010112 51 0 51

Jamal Garhi 76010121 315 0 315

Total:- 't577 0 1,577 3 0 3

11 Govt.Primary School, Jamal Ghari No.1, (Female) Jamal Garhi 7601 01 1 0 0 464 464
Jamal Garhi 760101 '19 0 517 517
Jamal Garhi 76010112 0 45 45
Jamal Garhi 76010121 0 204 204
Total:- 0 '1230 1,230 0 2 2
Govt.Higher Secondary School, Jamal Ghari P.S No.2,
12 Jamal Garhi 760101 1 1 475 406 881
Jamal Garhi 76010120 351 345 696
Jamal Garhi 760101 14 227 220 447
Jamal Garhi 7601 01 1 5 408 414 822
Total:- 't461 1385 2,846 2 2 4
13 Govt.High School Babuzai Katlang P.S No.1 (Male) Bilandi 7601113'l 306 0 JUb
Bilandi 76011134 283 0 283
Bilandi 7601 1 1 35 109 0 109
Bilandi 760',t1132 345 0 345
Bilandi 7601 1 1 36 255 0 255
Total:- 1298 0 1298 3 0

'14 Govt.High School Babuzai Katlang P.S No.2 (Female) Bilandi 7601 1131 0 326 326

Bilandi 76011134 0 245 245

Bilandi 7601 1 1 35 0 102 102
Bilandi 76011132 0 274 274
Bilandi 7601 1 '136 0 198 '198

Total:- 0 t't49 It49 0 3 3

'15 Govt.Primary School Bilandi (Combined) Bilandi 7601 1 847 630 1,477
Total:- 847 630 1,477 2 2 4
'16 Govl.High School Babuzai P.S No. 'l (Male) Babuzai Abakhel 7601 0601 496 0 496 F
Babuzai Abakhel 760106'14 371 0 371 f,\
Babuzai Abakhel 76010602 614 0 6',t4 t.
Babuzai Abakhel 7601 061 5 414 0 414
Total:- 1895 0 1895 4 0 4
17 Govt.High School Babuzai P.S No.2 (Female) Babuzai Abakhel 7601 0601 0 435 435
Babuzai Abakhel 7601 061 4 0 285 285
Babuzai Abakhel 7601 0602 0 481 4A'l
Babuzai Abakhel 760106'15 0 271 271

Tota l: - 0 1412 1472 0 4 4

18 Govt.Girls High School Babuzai (Combined) Babuzai Abakhel 7601 0603 285 247 532
Babuzai Abakhel 76010607 95'1 870 1,421
Total:- 1236 1111 2,353 2 2 1

Page 2 of Lz
S.No. of voters on
Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
s. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Census Name of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
19 Govt.Primary School No.2 Babuzai (Combined) Babuzai Abakhel 7601 0604 291 225 516
Babuzai Abakhel 760'10605 310 245 555
Total:. 601 110 1,071 2
20 Govt.PrimarySchool Miangano Babuzai (Combined) Babuzai Abakhel 7601 0606 473 396 869
Total:- 413 396 869 1 1 2
21 Govt.Primary School Roshan Abad (Combined) Babuzai Barat Khel 7601 0608 632 504 1 ,136
Babuzai Barat Khel 7601 0609 790 7't3 '1,503

Total:- 1422 1217 2,639 2 2 4

22 Govt.Middle School, Barat Khel (Combined) Babuzai Barat Khel 7601 061 0 529 378 907
Babuzai Barat Khel 7601061 1 595 456 1,051
Total:- 1124 834 1,958 2 2 4
23 Govt.Primary School Barat Khel (Combined) Babuzai Barat Khel 76010612 326 245 57',|
Babuzai Barat Khel 7601 061 3 206 153 359
Total:- 532 398 930 1 1 2
Govt.Higher Secondary School Badar Banda P.S No.1
24 Shamozai 7601 0701 634 0 634
Shamozai 760'10706 340 0 340
Shamozai 76010720 355 0 355
Total:- 1329 0 1329 4 0 4
Govt.Higher Secondary School Badar Banda P.S No.2
Shamozai 7601 0701 0 514 514
Shamozai 760'10706 0 254 254
Shamozai 76010720 0 278 278
Total: 0 1046 1 046 0 3 3
zo Govt.Primary School Chapal Abad P.S No.1 (Male) Shamozai 76010702 699 0 699
Shamozai 7601 071 6 646 0 646
Total: 1345 0 1,345 3 0 3

27 Govt.Primary School ChapalAbad P.S No.2 (Female) Shamozai 76010702 0 545 545

Shamozai 7601 071 6 0 495 495

Total:- 0 1040 1,040 0 2 2

2A Govt.Primary School, Khan Zamir Banda (Combined) Shamozai 7601 0703 300 190 490

Shamozai 76010717 509 388 897

Total:- 809 578 't,387 2 1

2S Govt.Primary School, Ghundo (Male) Shamozai 760',t0704 497 0 497

Shamozai 7601 07 1 I 653 0 653 II
Total:- I 150 0 1,150 3 0 3\
Govt.Girls Community Model School, Atiq Ullah Banda
(Female) Shamozai 7601 0704 0 383

Shamozai 7601 071 I 0 507 507

Total:- 0 890 890 0 , 2
31 Govt.Primary School, Pilagai (Combined) Shamozai 7601 0705 613 510 1,123
Shamozai 7601 071 9 59s 548 1,143
Total:- '1208 1058 2,266 2 2 4
Govt.High School Shamozai P.S No.1 (Male) Shamozai 76010707 282 0 282

Page 3 of 12
S.No. of votere on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Regist6red Votere Number of Polling Booths
s. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Census Nama of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
Shamozai 76010721 650 0 650
Shamozai 760'10708 983 0 983
Total:- 1915 0 191 5 4 0 4
JJ Govt.High School Shamozai P.S No.2 (Female) Shamozai 760't0707 0 262 262
Shamozai 76010721 0 557 557
Shamozai 76010708 0 1,033 1,033
Total:- 0 1852 1852 0 3
34 Govt.Primary School Shawa Banda (Combined) Mata Odigram 7601 0709 6'1'1 460 1,071
Total:- 611 460 1,O71 2 1 3

Govt.Girls Primary School Shawa Banda Mata (Combined) Mata Odigram 7601 071 0 524 387 9'11

Total:- 524 387 9't l 2 1 3

Govt. Girls Primary School Mata Baghi Shah Banda Spin
36 Mata Odigram 760107 1'l 607 465 1,O72
Khak (Combined)
Total:- 607 465 1,072 2 4
Govt.Primary School Baghi Shah Banda Spin khak
37 Mata Odigram 760107',t2 M5
Mata Odigram 76010722 100 64 164
Total: 545 446 991 2 2 4
Govt.Girls Middle School Landai Shah Mata Jadeed
Mata Odigram 7601 071 3 602 465 1,067
Mata Odigram 76010723 308 244 552
Total: - 910 709 1 ,619 2 2 4
39 Govt.Primary School Koti Shah (Combined) Mata Odigram 760107 14 639 514 1 ,153
Total:- 639 511 1,'153 2 1

40 Govt.Primary School Mata Dhera Kai (Combined) Mata Odigram 7601 071 5 578 417 995
Tota l: - 578 117 995 2 1 3
41 Govt.Primary School, Cheel Banda (Combined) Dheri 7601 0901 897 703 1,600
Total:- 897 703 1,600 2 2 4
42 Govt.Primary School, Gharib Abad (Male) Dheri 7601 0902 1019 0 1 ,019
Dheri 7601 091 4 579 0 579
Total;- 1598 0 1,598 3 0 3
43 Govt.Girls Primary School, Gharib Abad (Female) Dheri 7601 0902 0 816 816
Dheri 760109'14 0 430 430
Total:- 0 1246 1,246 0 3 3
44 Govt.Primary School No.1, Dheri (Combined) Dheri 760'10903 1 183 1.107 2,290
Total:- 1183 '1107 2,290 2 2 4
45 Govt.Girls High School, Dheri Lakpani P.S.No.1 (NIale) Dheri 76010904 683 0 683

Dheri 7601 0905 b95 0 bv5

Dheri 760109'15 388 0 388
Total:- 1766 0 '1,766 4 0 4
46 Govt.Girls High School. Dheri Lakpani P.S.No. 2 (Female) Dheri 7601 0904 0 552
Dheri 760'10905 0 511 51 't
Dheri 7601 091 5 0 311 311 \

Page 4 of 12
S.No. of voters on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
s. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of ths Electoral Cansus Name of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
Total:- 0 137 4 1,374 0 3
47 Govt.Girls High School, Saifor Kalay P/S No.1 (Male) Lakpani 76010906 827 0 827
Lakpani 7601 091 6 489 0 489
Total:- 13'16 0 1,316 3 0 3

48 Govt.Girls High School. Saifor Kalay P.S No.2 (Female) Lakpani 7601 0906 0 633 633

Lakpani 7601 091 6 0 393 393

Total:- 0 1026 1,026 3 3
49 Govt.Primary School, Lakpani (Male) Lakpani 7601 0907 423 0 423
Lakpani 76010908 652 0 652
Lakpani 760 1 091 I 526 0 526
Total:- 1601 0 1,601 3 0
50 Govt.Girls Primary School, Lakpani (Female) Lakpani 7601 0907 0 324 324
Lakpani 7601 0908 0 597 597
Lakpani 7601 091 8 0 469 469
Total:- 0 't390 I,390 0 2
5'1 Govt.Primary School, Charchur (Male) Charchur 7601 0909 /5J 0 753
Charchur 760'10910 556 0 556
Charchur 7601 091 I 623 0 623
Total: 1932 0 1,932 1 0 4
52 Govt.Girls Middle School, Charchur (Female) Charchur 76010909 0 601 601
Charchur 7601 091 0 0 421 421
Charchur 7601 091 9 0 493 493
Total:- 0 1515 1 ,515 4 4
Govt.High School, Kotki (Combined) Kotki 7601 091 1 470 1,O25
Kotki 7601 091 7 ,EE 196 451
Kotki 760'10912 4'16 281 697
Total:- 1226 s47 2,173 2 2 4
54 Govt.Primary School, No.1 Jangi Dher (Combined) Jangi Dher 7601 091 3 849 702 1,551
Total:- 849 102 1,551 2 2 4
55 Govt.Primary School Kati Garhi (Combined) Kati Garhi 7601100'l 616 529 1,145
Kati Garhi 7601 101 5 260 198 458
Total:- 876 727 1,603 2 1

Govt.Girls Higher Secondary School Kati Garhi P.S No.1

56 Kati Garhi 7601 1002 1 190 1 ,185 2,375
Total:- I 190 1'185 2,375 2 1 J

57 Govt.Higher Se@ndary School Kati Garhi P.S No. 1 (Male) Kati Garhi 7601 1 003 253 0 253 (;,
Kati Garhi 7601 1 005 462 0 462 V
Kati Garhi 7601 1 01 7 465 0 465
Total:- 1180 0 1 ,180 0 3
Govt.Higher Se@ndary School Kati Garhi P.S No. 2
58 Kati Garhi 7601 1 003 0 21A 218
Kati Garhi 7601 1005 0 3't 6 316
Kati Garhi 7601 1017 0 375 375

Page 5 of 12
S.No. of voters on
ln cas€ of urban areas Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Censu s Name of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
Total:- 0 909 909 0 2
Govt.Girls Higher Secondary School Kati Garhi P.S No.2
59 Kati Garhi 760't 1004 674 0 674
Kati Garhi 7601 '1016 620 0 620
Total:- 1294 0 1,294 3 0 3
Govt.Girls Higher Secondary School Kati Garhi P.S No.3
60 Kati Garhi 7601 '1004 0 574 574
Kati Garhi 7601 1016 0 454 454
Total:- 0 1028 1,028 0 2 2
ot Govt.Primary School, Salak (Combined) Shero 7601 1 006 166 136 302
Shero 7601 10't 8 99 48 't47
Shero 7601 1007 95 89 184
Total:- 360 273 633 1 I 2

62 Govt.Girls Middle School, Muzaffar Khan Banda (Combined) Shero 7601 1 008 232 '190 422

Shero 7601 1 01 9 322 231

Total:- 554 421 975 2 2 4
63 Govt: Primary School, Sadat Baba (Combined) Shamsi 7601 10'13 409 276 685
Shamsi 7601 '1014 528 424 952
Total:- 937 700 1,637 2 2 4
64 Govt.HighSchool, Salak (Combined) Shero 7601 1 009 292 227 5'19
Shero 760'l 1010 635 461 't,096
Total:- 927 688 1,615 2 2 4
65 Govt: Primary School, Shago Kaly (Combined) Shero 7601 1 01 1 870 644 1,514
Total: 870 644 1,514 2 2 4
66 Govt: Primary School, Chaman Abad Shero (Combined) Shero 760110't2 1098 943 2,O41

Total: 1098 943 2,041 2 2 4

67 Govt: Primary School, Monawar Khan Banda (Male) Katlang 7601 1 1 01 485 0 485
Katlang 760'l '1 'l '1
I 845 0 845
Total:- 1330 0 1,330 3 0 3

68 Govt: Primary School, Muneer Khan Shero Oheri (Female) Katlang 7601 1 '101 0 332 332
Katlang 76011119 0 839 839
Total:- 0 1171 1,171 0 J
69 Govt.High School, Katlang P/S No.1 (NIale) Katlang 7601 1 1 03 770 0 770
Katlang 7601',t104 1031 0 1,03'r
Katlang 7601't114 btt 0 622 ilt
Total:- 2423 0 2,423 4 0 4\
70 Govt.High School, Katlang P.S No.2 (Female) Katlang 7601 1 103 0 619 6'19
Katlang 7601 1 '104 0 844 444
Katlang 7601 1't14 0 577
Total:- 0 2040 2,O40 0 3 3
Govt.Girls Higher Secondary School, Katlang P.S No.1
71 Katlang 7601 1 105 892 0 892
Katlang 7601 1 1 06 792 0 792

Page 6 of 12
S.No. of votere on
ln case of rural areas Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Cens us Name of the Census Block is bifurcated Male Female Total Male Female Tota I
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
Total:- 1684 0 1,684 3 0 3
Govt.Girls Higher Secondary School, Katlang P.S No.2
72 Katlang 7601 'l 105 0 717 717
Katlang 760't 'l 106 0 673 673
Total:- 0 1390 1,390 0 2 2
73 Govt:lvliddle School, Mashal Khan Kaly (Combined) Katlang 76011102 1004 684 1,688
Total:- 1004 684 1,688 2 2 4
Govt. Middle School Glargo Chail (Gulab Sher Banda)
74 (Combined) Katlang 7601 1 107 762 559 1,321

Katlang 7601',t115 506 368 874

Total:- 1268 927 2,1 95 2 2 4
75 Govt.Primary School, Patorak (Combined) Katlang 7601 1 108 571 448 1,0'19
Katlang 76011116 476 333 809
Total:- 1047 781 1,828 2 2 4

Govt.Girls Middle School, lnzargy Katlang (Combined) Katlang 7601 1 1 09 697 577 1,274

Total: - 697 577 1,271 2 1 3

77 Govt.Primary School, Kunl (Combined) Kunj 76011120 556 525 1,081
Kunj 76011 121 314 224 538
Kunj 76011',t22 420 733
Total: 1290 1062 2,352 2 2 4

78 Govt.Primary School, Azi Khel Katlang (Male) P.S No.1 Katlang 7601 'l 1 10 3733 0 3,733

Total:- 3733 0 3,733 0 3

Govt.Primary School, Azi Khel Katlang (Female) P.S No.2 Katlang 7601 'l 1 '10 0 3,755 3,755

Total:- 0 3755 3,755 0 3 3

80 Govt.Primary School, Babo Zai Katlang P.S No.1 (N,lale) Katlang 76011111 580 0 580

Katlang 76011't17 430 0 430

Katlang 76011112 884 0 884
Total:- 1891 0 '1894 3 0

81 Govt.Primary School, Babo Zai Katlang P.S No.2 (Female) Katlang 7601111',| 0 503 503

Katlang 7601't117 0 302 302

Katlang 760't1112 0 720 720 n
Total:- 0 1525 1525 0 3 3lfI
82 Govt.Primary School, Ada Katlang (Combined) Katlang 7601 't 1 13 317 zoo
583 \t'
Katlang 76011118 737 576 ,313
Total:- 1054 842 1,896 2 2 4
83 Govt.[Iiddle School, Cheechar Farsh (Combined) Shakar Tangi 76011',t23 469 343 812
Shakar Tangi 76011127 171 140 3'1 'l

Total:- 640 483 1,123 2 1 3

84 Govt.Girls Middle School, Shikry baba (Combined) Shakar Tangi 76011124 370 3'19 689
Shakar Tangi 76011128 384 311 695
Total:- 154 630 1,384 2 2 4
85 Govt.Primary School, Tora Baz kalay (Combined) Shakar Tangi 76011125 428 285 7',t3

Page 7 ol 72
S.No. of vote6 on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Census Name of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
Shakar Tangi 76011129 309 244 553
Shakar Tangi 7601 1 1 30 122 90 212
Total:- 859 619 1,478 2 2 4
86 Govt.Primary School, Khurshid Abad (Combined) Shakar Tangi 7601',t126 705 635 1,340
Total:- 705 635 1,340 2 1 3

87 Govt.Higher Secondary School, Mian Khan P.S No.'l (Male) Mian Khan 7601 130'l 354 0 354

Mian Khan 7601 '131 1 361 0 361

Mian Khan 76011302 608 0 608
Total:- '1323 0 1,323 0 3
Govt.Higher Secodary School, Mian Khan P.S No.2
88 lvlian Khan 7601 1 301 0 250 250
lvlian Khan 7601 131 't 262 262
Mian Khan 7601',t302 0 510 510
Total:- 0 1022 1,022 0 2 2
89 Govt.Girls High School, Mian Khan P.S No.1 (Male) Mian Khan 7601 '1303 857 0 857
Mian Khan 7601 1304 281 0 281
Total:- 1'138 0 1138 3 0 3

90 Govt.Girls High School, Mian Khan P.S No.2 (Female) [/ian Khan 7601 1 304 0 261 261

Mian Khan 7601 1 303 0 805 80s

Total:- 0 1066 1066 0 3 3
It Govt. Primary School No. 1 [,4ian Khan, (Combined) lvlian Khan 760't 1305 667 522 1,1 89
i/ian Khan 7601 1 306 637 508 1,145
Total:- 1304 1030 2,334 2 2 4
92 Govt.Primary School No.1, Sangawoo (Combined) Sangawoo 7601 1 307 542 444 986
Sangawoo 760'1 1308 726 632 'l,358

Total:- .l076
1268 2,344 2 2 4
Govt.High School, Sangawoo (Combined) Sangawoo 7601 'r 309 524 496 't,o20
Sangawoo 7601 1 31 0 684 630 1,314
Total:- 1208 1126 2,334 2 2 4

94 Govt.Primary School, Madad Khan Banda (Combined) Qasmi 7601 0201 483 363 846

Qasmi 76010202 462 407 869

Total:- 945 170 1,7',15 2 2 4
95 Govt.Primary School, Qasmi, (Male) Qasmi 7601 0203 957 0 957 rft
Qasmi 76010204 399 0 399 ilt
Qasmi 760'10205 553 0 553 \
Qasmi 7601 0206 674 0 674
Total:- 2583 0 2,583 4 0 4
96 Govt.Girls Higher Secondary School, Qasmi (Female) Qasmi 76010203 0
Qasmi 76010204 0 294 294
Qasmi 76010205 0 437 437
Qasmi 7601 0206 0 605 605
Total: 0 2261 2,261 0 4 4

Page 8 of L2
S.No. of voteE on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Vote6 Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Cens us Name of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
97 Govt.Girls High School, Alam Gunj (Combinbed) Qasmi 76010207 693 477 1,'t70
Total:- 693 477 '1,170 2 I 3
98 Govt.Primary School,Faqir Korona (Male) Tazagram 76011401 342 0 342
Tazagram 7601',t402 s18 0 518
Tazagram 7601't403 ccr 0 555
Total:- I 415 0 't
,415 3 0 3
99 Govt.Gids Primary School, Faqir Korona(Female) fazaram 7601 1401 0 244 244
Tazagram 76011402 0 387 387
Tazagram 7601 1 403 0 342 342
Total:. 0 973 973 0 J
100 Govt.Primary School, Tazagram (Male) Fazagtam 76011404 343 0
Tazagram 7601 1405 1120 0 't,120
Total:- 1463 0 't,463 4 0 4
101 Govt.Girls Middle School, Tazagram (Female) Tazagram 760',t1404 0 249 249
fazag(am 760'11405 0 975 975
Total: 0 1224 1,224 0 3
102 Govt.Primary School, Sarobi (Male) Sarobi 7601'1406 803 0 803
Sarobi 76011407 275 0 275
Sarobi 7601 1 408 311 0 3'l't
Total:- 1389 0 1,389 2 0 2
103 Govt.Giris Primary School, Sarobi (Female) Sarobi 7601 1 406 0 669 669
Sarobi 76011407 0 '184 184
Sarobi 7601 1408 0 208 208
Total:- 0 1061 1,061 0 2 2
104 Govt.Primary School, Ghazi Baba (combined) Ghazi Baba 760'102't 5 513 412 925
Ghazi Baba 7601 021 6 368 284 656
Total:- 881 700 1,581 2 2 4
105 Govt.Primary School, lkram Pur (Combined) Kharki 7601 0301 640 419 1,059
Kharki 7601 031 8 204 142 342
Kharki 76010302 182 144 330
Kharki 7601 031 7 169 124 293
Total:- 1 191 833 2,024 2 4
106 Govt.Higher Secondary School, lkram Pur P.S No.1 (Male) Kharki 7601 0303 476 0 476

Kharki 7601 0305 436 0 436 fi'.

Kharti 7601 0306 48 0 48 Ii
Kharki 7601 0308 149 0 '149
Kharki 7601 0309 212 0 212
Kharki 7601 031 0 tJl 0 132
Total:- 1453 0 1453 4 0 4
Govt.Higher Secondary School, lkram Pur P.S No.2
(Female) Kharki 7601 0303 0 354 354

Kharki 7601 0305 0 318 318

Kharki 7601 0306 0 40 40
Kharki 7601 0308 0 131 131

Page 9 of 12
S.No. of votere on Number of Polling Booths
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Voters
the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Census Name of the Census Block is bifurcated Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
0 171 17',|
Kharki 7601 0309
76010310 0 117 117
0 '1131 1131 0 4 4
Govt.Giris Higher Se@ndary Pur P.S No.1 Kharki 7601 0304 975 0 975
0307 26s 0 265
Kharki 7601
1240 0 1240 4 0 4
School. lkram Pur P.S No.2 Kharki 76010304 0 718 714
0 186 186
Kharki 760'10307
0 904 904 0 2 2
172 'l t3 285
110 Govt Primary School Ridwan (Combined) Kharki 7601 031 1

236 165 401

Kharki 760'1031 2
Kharki 7601 031 3 851 587 1,438

1259 865 2,124 2 2 4

760'10314 829 0 829
111 Govt Primary School Zahir Abad (Male) Kharki
7601 031 5 633 0 633
Kharki 7601 031 I 141 3 0 'l ,413
2875 0 2,875 4 0 4
Kharki 76010314 0 610 6'10
L72 Govt.Primary School, Kalu Shah (Female)
760103'15 0 529 525
9 0 1,319 1,3'19
Kharki 7601 031
0 2158 2,458 0 3 3
7601 031 6 500 349 849
113 Govt.Girls Primary School No.2 Kalu Shah (Combined) Kharki

500 349 849 1 I 2

Muhammad Shafaqat Higher 760'1050'1 908 oJz 1,540
114 Kohi

7601 051 148 140 288

Kohi 1

'1056 772 't,828 2 2 4

0502 473 0 473
115 Govt.Primary School No.1,Kohi Barmol P/S No.1 (Male) Kohi 7601

745 0 745
Kohi 7601 051 2

7601 051 3 511 0 511

1729 0 1,729 3 0

115 Govt.Primary School, No.1,Kohi Barmol P.S No.2 (Female) Kohi 76010502 0 363 363
Kohi 76010512 0 588 588 lI
7601 051 3 0 429 429

0 1380 'r,380 0
76010503 1407 1 .366 2,773
tt7 Basic Health Unit, Kohi Bamol (Combined) Kohi
1407 '1356 2,773 2 2 4
Kohi 0504 630 432 1,062
118 Govt.Girls Primary School No.1,Kohi Barmol (Combined) 7601

7601 0508 521 389 910

1'r 51 821 1,972 2 ) 4

PaBe 10 of 12
S.No. of voters on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of the Electoral Census Name of the Census Block is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
119 Govt.Primary School, No.2,Kohi Barmol (Combined) Kohi 760'10505 122 98 220
Kohi 76010506 31'1 258 569
Kohi 7601 0507 378 284 662
Total:- 811 640 1,451 2 2 4
120 Govt.Girls Primary School, No.2, Kohi Barmol (Combined) Kohi 760'10509 831 627 '1,458

Barmol 76010510 401 924

Total:- 1354 1 028 2,382 2 2 4
t2t Govt.Primary School, Jamil Abad Jewar Alo(Combined) Alo 760'10801 685 524 1,209

Alo 76010A12 282 204 486

Total:- 967 728 1,695 2 2 4
722 Govt.Girls Primary School, Samandar Khan Korona (Male) Alo 760'10802 563 0 563

Alo 760108'13 125 0 125

Alo 7601 081 9 453 0 453
Total:- 1141 0 1,141 3 0 3

L23 Govt.Gids Higher Secondary School, Alo P.S No.'1(Female) Alo 7601 0802 0 434 434

Alo 7601 081 3 0 86 86

Alo 7601 081 9 0 354 354
Total:- 0 874 874 0 2 2
Govt. Shaheed Zeeshan Ali Higher Secondary School, Alo
724 Alo 7601 0803 '1300 0 'l,300
P.S No.1 (Male)
Alo 7601 0804 679 0 679
Total:- 1979 0 1979 4 0 4
Govt. Shaheed Zeeshan Ali Higher Secondary School. Alo
125 AIo 76010803 0 1,206 1,206
P.S No.2 (Female)
Alo 7601 0804 0 575 575
Total:- 0 1781 1781 0 4 4
126 Govt Primary School,Alo No.2 (Male) Alo 7601 0805 802 0 802
Alo 7601 081 4 498 0 498
Tota l:- 1300 0 1,300 3 0 3

127 Govt Girls Higher Secondary School, Alo P.S No.2 (Female) Alo 7601 0805 0 7',to 7'to

Alo 7601 081 4 0 365 365

Total: 0 1075 1,075 0 2 2
724 Govl.Giris Middle School, Yasin Korona (Male) Alo 7601 0806 283 0 243
Alo 750't 0818 826 0 826 It
7601 081 5 0 555 I
7601 0820 0 0 0
Total: 1664 0 't,664 4 0 4
729 Govt.Girls Primary School, Yasin Korona (Female) Alo 760'10806 0 20'l 201
Alo 76010818 0 668 668
Alo 7601 081 5 0 JbJ 363
Alo 7601 0820 0 0 0
Total:- 0 1232 'l,232 0 3 3

Page 11 of 12
S.No. of voters on
ln case of rural areas ln case of urban areas Number of Registered Voters Number of Polling Booths
S. the Electoral in
No. & name of Polling Station
No. case electoral area
Name of tha Electoral Cens us Name of the Census Btock is bifurcated
Male Female Total Male Female Tota I
Area Block Code Electoral Area Code
130 Govt. Primary School, Bakki Khel (Combined) Pipal 7601 0807 594 477 1,O71
Pipal 7601 081 6 812 74'l 1 ,553
Total: 1406 1218 2,624 2 2 4
131 Govt.High School, Pipal (Combined) Pipal 7601 0808 317 258 575
Pipal 76010417 406 337 743
Pipal 76010811 375 299 674
Total: 1098 894 't,992 2 2 4
732 Govt.Girls High School, Pipal (Combined) Pipal 76010809 717 569 1,286
Pipal 76010810 440 816
Total: 1157 945 2,102 2 2 I
6rand Total: 116630 95145 2Lr776 238 204 442

voter is left out.

R KHAN) District DRO
Planning Officer/

Tehsil Kattang '

tGE Bv Election-2024

Page 72 ol L2

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