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NAME:_____________________________________ Date:_______ Period:______

Windchimes Rubric
Expectations D C B A Final
Highest Skill Possible 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-50 Teacher

Creativity: Demonstrated I earned:

their own creativity and /10 /10
ideas on their wind chime

Wind chime is well-built I earned:

and demonstrated a /10 /10
strong understanding of
how to use clay

Used at least one I earned:

building technique: Slab, /5 /5
Pinch, Coil

Glazed and/or I earned:

Underglazed the piece /10 /10
effectively. Demonstrates
a strong understanding of
how to apply

Name is I earned:
stamped/etched/painted /5 /5
onto the piece.
Remembers to label
work, always

Managed time I earned:

responsibly. Came to /10 /10
class regularly and
started working
immediately. Finished the
project on time (not too
fast and not too slow)

TOTAL: My total points earned are:

/50 /50
Write the number score in the blank section for each category that you know you
earned during the time we spent on this project. Honesty is your best policy.
NAME:_____________________________________ Date:_______ Period:______

Wind Chime Reflection

1. What is your transformative moment that you expressed in your wind chime? How did
you express that in your wind chime? (20pts)
Respond in Complete Sentences!
Example: My transformative moment was moving from the Philippines to the US. I expressed
it by making my wind chimes look like the ocean/islands and by using Narra (national tree of
the Philippines) leaves as the knocker.


2. What is your advice for someone who's doing this project for the first time? (10pts)
Respond in Complete Sentences!
Example: My advice would be to __________________.


3. What are you most proud of in your work? (10pts)

Respond in Complete Sentences!
Example: I am most proud of _____________ because it ____________.

NAME:_____________________________________ Date:_______ Period:______

Give Advice to Ms. B!

- 5 bonus points for this section! *Optional
1. What should I work on as a teacher?
a. You can also list any ceramic project ideas you wish you could have done


2. What did I do well as a teacher?


3. Any other comments for me:


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