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A. Informed Consent

A feasibility study for a water refilling station business typically doesn't involve human subjects
in the same way that medical or psychological studies do. However, if your study involves
interactions with individuals (for example, surveying potential customers or interviewing
stakeholders), you might need to consider ethical considerations and obtain informed consent.
Here's how you could adapt the informed consent process for such a study:

A. Informed Consent Process:

1. Circumstances under which consent will be obtained:

● Consent will be obtained from individuals participating in surveys, interviews, or
any other form of data collection that involves personal interaction.
2. How Consent will be documented:
● Consent will be documented through written consent forms or verbal consent,
depending on the preference of the participant and the nature of the interaction.
3. Special Provisions for Vulnerable Populations:
● If the study involves vulnerable populations (such as minors or individuals with
cognitive disabilities), additional measures will be taken to ensure their
understanding and protection. This may include simplified language in consent
forms or obtaining consent from legal guardians.
4. Steps taken to minimize coercion:
● Participants will be assured that their participation is voluntary, and they have the
right to withdraw at any time without consequences. Any incentives offered for
participation will be disclosed upfront and will not be coercive in nature.
5. Who will be involved in obtaining consent:
● Trained researchers or representatives of the water refilling station business will
be responsible for obtaining consent from participants.
6. When will subjects be approached:
● Participants will be approached at a suitable time and place, ensuring their
comfort and convenience. The purpose and nature of the study will be clearly
explained before seeking consent.
7. Method used to ensure that subjects fully understand study procedures:
● Participants will be provided with clear and concise information about the study
objectives, procedures, risks, and benefits. They will have the opportunity to ask
questions and seek clarification before providing consent.

If requesting a waiver or alteration of consent:

● Explain why it is needed to complete the study:

● If requesting a waiver or alteration of consent, it would likely be due to the nature
of the study, such as anonymized data collection where individual consent might
not be feasible or necessary. In such cases, the study's ethical review board
would need to assess the risks and benefits and determine if a waiver or
alteration of consent is appropriate to ensure the integrity and feasibility of the

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In conducting a survey for a feasibility study on the establishment of Sinta Water

Refilling Station within the university, it is crucial to adhere to the principles of Informed
Consent, particularly when dealing with human subjects.

1. Informed Consent Process

a) Circumstances under which consent will be obtained. Before participating in the survey,
potential respondents will be informed about the study's purpose and objectives. The
respondents will be given ample time to review the information and ask any questions they may
have. Consent will only be obtained when they have a clear understanding of the study and
agree to participate voluntarily.

b) Documentation of consent. A consent form will be provided to each participant, detailing the
study's purpose, procedures, potential risks and benefits, and confidentiality measures.
Participants will be asked to sign this form, indicating their agreement to participate in the study.

c) Special Provisions for Vulnerable Populations. If any vulnerable populations, such as

students under the age of 18, are involved in the study, additional measures will be taken to
ensure their full understanding and willingness to participate and will ask the authorized
representatives to provide consent on their behalf.

d) Minimizing coercion: Participation in the survey will be entirely voluntary, and no penalties or
negative consequences will be imposed on those who choose not to participate. Respondents
will be informed that they may withdraw their consent and discontinue participation at any time
without any repercussions.

e) Persons involved in obtaining consent: The researchers will be responsible for obtaining
informed consent from participants and will ensure that participants have a clear understanding
of the study and its implications before providing their consent.

f) Timing of subject to be approached: The participants will be approached during a suitable

time and location within the university, such as common areas, offices and/or designated
meeting points. The respondents will be given ample time to review the study information and
ask questions before providing their consent.

g) Method used to ensure that the subject fully understands the study procedures: The
Researchers will use clear and concise language to explain the study's purpose and
procedures. The research assistants will also be available to answer any questions participants
may have to ensure their full understanding before providing consent.

2. Waiver or Alteration of Consent

In the event that a waiver or alteration of consent is needed to complete the study, the
researchers will explain the reasons for this request and how it aligns with the overall objectives
and benefits of the feasibility study. The focus will be on ensuring the protection of participants'
rights and well-being while providing detailed explanation of why the waiver or alteration is
necessary to complete the study.


D. Section: Costs to Subject for Feasibility Study Survey on Water Refilling Station
Business in a University

In this feasibility study, there will be no direct financial costs incurred by the participants. The
survey will be conducted online or through face-to-face interactions, and no monetary
compensation or reimbursement for internet load or any other expenses will be provided.
However, there will be minimal financial costs for participants which may include internet load or
data usage if they choose to participate in the online survey. This study will ensure to keep
these costs to a minimum.

a) Justification of Costs:

The decision to not impose any financial costs on participants is based on the minimal nature of
the study and the aim to gather general opinions and preferences about the proposed water
refilling station business. By keeping the survey free of charge, the researchers will encourage a
more diverse and representative sample, ensuring the study's results are more accurate and


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Section: Informed Consent for Feasibility Study Survey on Water Refilling Station Business in a
A. Informed Consent (Applies to studies using human subjects)

1. Informed Consent Process:

a) Circumstances under which consent will be obtained:

We will obtain informed consent from participants before they take part in the survey. This will
be done during the face-to-face interaction or online platform where the survey is conducted.

b) How Consent will be documented:

Participants will be asked to sign a consent form, either physically or digitally, indicating their
agreement to participate in the study. A copy will be provided to them, and another copy will be
retained by the research team.

c) Special Provisions for Vulnerable Populations:

In case of vulnerable populations such as students or staff with special needs, we will ensure
that their legal guardians or authorized representatives provide consent on their behalf.

d) Steps taken to minimize coercion:

Participation in the study will be voluntary, and the respondents will be informed that they can
withdraw their consent and discontinue participation at any point without any consequences.

e) Who will be involved in obtaining consent:

The research team will be responsible for obtaining informed consent from participants. They
will explain the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits to ensure the
respondents understand the study before providing their consent.
f) When will the subject be approached:

The research team will approach potential participants after explaining the study's purpose and
once they have agreed to participate in the survey.

g) Method used to ensure that the subject fully understands the study procedures:

The research team will use simple, clear, and non-technical language to explain the study's
purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. They will also be available to answer any
questions the participants might have.

2. Waiver or Alteration of Consent:

If the research team believes that obtaining informed consent might compromise the study's
objectives, they may request a waiver or alteration of the consent process. This could be due to
the study's anonymous nature or the need to maintain confidentiality. In such cases, the team
will provide a detailed explanation of why the waiver or alteration is necessary to complete the
study and ensure that the participants' rights and welfare are protected.

D. Section: Costs to Subject for Feasibility Study Survey on Water Refilling Station
Business in a University

In this feasibility study, there will be no direct financial costs incurred by the participants.
The survey will be conducted online or through face-to-face interactions, and no monetary
compensation or reimbursement for internet load or any other expenses will be provided.
However, there will be minimal financial costs for participants which may include internet load or
data usage if they choose to participate in the online survey. This study will ensure to keep
these costs to a minimum.

a) Justification of Costs:

The decision to not impose any financial costs on participants is based on the minimal nature of
the study and the aim to gather general opinions and preferences about the proposed water
refilling station business. By keeping the survey free of charge, the researchers will encourage a
more diverse and representative sample, ensuring the study's results are more accurate and
1. Financial Costs to Subjects:

In this study, there will be minimal financial costs for participants. The primary cost may include
internet load or data usage if they choose to participate in the online survey. However, the study
aims to keep these costs to a minimum.

a) Justification of Costs:

The financial costs incurred by participants are necessary to gather their opinions and insights
on the feasibility of a water refilling station business in the university. The data collected will
contribute to the overall understanding of the study and help in making informed decisions about
the potential establishment of such a business.

The research team will ensure that these costs are reasonable and do not pose any significant
burden on the participants. Furthermore, the study's benefits are expected to outweigh the
minor costs associated with participating in the survey.


Section: Costs to Subject for Feasibility Study Survey on Water Refilling Station Business in a

Costs to Subject (Applies to studies using human subjects)


In this study, there will be no direct financial costs incurred by the participants. The survey will
be conducted online or through face-to-face interactions, and no monetary compensation or
reimbursement for internet load or any other expenses will be provided. However, there will be
minimal financial costs for participants which may include internet load or data usage if they
choose to participate in the online survey. This study will ensure to keep these costs to a

a) Justification of Costs:

The decision to not impose any financial costs on participants is based on the minimal
nature of the study and the aim to gather general opinions and preferences about the proposed
water refilling station business. By keeping the survey free of charge, the researchers will
encourage a more diverse and representative sample, ensuring the study's results are more
accurate and reliable.

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