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Doane D.

Nadong PhD-ELT 1

As an English Language Teacher what is/are your best practice/s in

integrating social philosophy in your classroom?

Talking about integrating social philosophy into English Language Teaching

(ELT) at Dadiangas North High School, here's how I would approach it:
First, I carefully choose texts and resources that raise important social and
ethical questions relevant to our students' lives and experiences. This might include
literature, articles, or videos that explore topics like justice, equality, or community.
Next, I facilitate open discussions in the classroom where students can freely
express their opinions and engage in critical thinking. We analyze how language
reflects societal norms and values, encouraging students to think deeply about the
impact of language on our world.
I also incorporate reflective writing exercises that encourage students to
explore their own values and beliefs related to social issues. This helps them
develop their voice and express their thoughts effectively.
Collaborative projects are key to this approach. I assign group tasks that
require students to research and present on social issues, fostering teamwork and
exposing them to diverse perspectives.
Above all, I strive to create a safe and inclusive classroom environment where
every student feels respected and valued. By integrating social philosophy into our
English lessons, we empower our students at Dadiangas North High School to
become thoughtful, socially conscious individuals who can navigate complex issues
and contribute positively to their community.

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