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Activity 4.1.

3 Worm and Spur Gear Sketch Tool Operation Guide

Introduction to Engineering Design

Activity 4.1.3 Worm and Spur Gear Sketch

Tool Operation Guide
This mechanical system allows you
to analyze two distinct motion
transfers while creating a sketch. The
system is driven by hand by twisting
a 2x2 Lock plate to move the sketch
pad. A second input in the form of a
crank moves a pen across the sketch

1. Cut a piece of paper into a rectangle 2 inches x 2¼ inches.
2. Use ¼-wide pieces of tape to secure the wider end of the paper rectangle to the
Rack Gears as outlined in the red rectangles in Figure 1. The tape cannot
protrude past the edges of the Rack Gear teeth so the gears can move freely.

Figure 1. Paper Taped to the Rack Gears

3. Install a pen into the sketch tool.

Figure 2. Tape on Sketch Tool Arm Figure 3. Pen Installed on the Sketch
Tool Arm

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a. Place a 6-inch piece of tape on the 2x Wide, 2x2 Corner Connector as
shown in Figure 2.
b. Hold a pen so that it contacts the sketch pad but does not mark errant
marks on the sketch pad as shown in Figure 3.
4. Sketch the specified shape as the team observes the resulting motion transfer.

Figure 4. Completed Sketch

a. One team member holds the Base Plate securely in place.
b. Another team member twists the Worm Gear Drive Handle and the Paper
Rack Gears in a coordinated way to produce a sketch like the one shown
in Figure 4.

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