Ied 413 ChainSprocket Launcher Operation

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Activity 4.1.

3 Chain and Sprocket Launcher Operation Guide

Introduction to Engineering Design

Activity 4.1.3 Chain and Sprocket Launcher

Operation Guide
This mechanical system can launch a
projectile (paper wad) in one of three ways.
Each option is driven by hand input through
the chain and sprocket mechanical system to
swing an arm through an arc from a fixed
starting position to a final stopping position.
The motion of the arm provides the energy to
launch a projectile.

1. Spool out four feet of tape from the tape measure and place it in a position to
measure the distance from the end of the taller end of the launcher to where the
projectile will land.
2. Launch from position A.
a. Place the two ½x Standoffs in the holes outlined with rectangles in Figure
b. Insert the pivot point of the Launch Arm onto the shaft also outlined with a

Figure 1. Option A Start Position

c. Add a paper wad projectile onto the Launch Arm, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Projectile on Launch Arm

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d. Launch the projectile as the team observes the resulting motion transfer.
i. One team member holds the Base Plate securely in place by hand
or clamps if available.
ii. Another team member twists the 1x3 Lock Plate on the opposite
side of the mechanical system to swing the arm from the start
position shown in Figure 1 to the final position shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Option A Final Position

e. Measure the distance from the end of the launcher to the first point of
contact with the floor.
3. Launch from position B.
a. Place the two 2x Standoffs in the holes indicated with rectangles in Figure
b. Insert the pivot point of the Launch Arm onto the shaft also indicated with
a rectangle.

Figure 4. Option B Start Position

c. Add a paper wad projectile onto the Launch Arm.
d. Launch the projectile as the team observes the resulting motion transfer.
i. One team member holds the Base Plate securely in place.

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ii. Another team member twists the 1x3 Lock Plate on the opposite
side of the mechanical system to swing the arm from the start
position shown in Figure 4 to the final position shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Option B Final Position

e. Measure the distance from the end of the launcher to the first point of
contact with the floor.
4. Launch from position C.
a. Place the two 2x Standoffs in the holes indicated with rectangles in Figure
b. Insert the pivot point of the Launch Arm onto the shaft also indicated with
a rectangle.

Figure 6. Option C Start Position

c. Add a paper wad projectile onto the Launch Arm.
d. Launch the projectile as the team observes the resulting motion transfer.

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i. One team member holds the Base Plate securely in place.
ii. Another team member twists the 1x3 Lock Plate on the opposite
side of the mechanical system to swing the arm from the start
position shown in Figure 6 to the final position shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Option C Final Position

e. Measure the distance from the end of the launcher to the first point of
contact with the floor.

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