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Congratulations! Based on your performance in the entrance test, You have been shortlisted for the personal
interview for the Undergraduate Programme 2024 for 4 Year at Azim Premji University.The details are as

Candidate Name : SUMIT KUMAR

Application number : 24UGBLR201232

Programme : BA Honours (History)

Date of interview : 2-May-2024 Thursday

Time slot : 9.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M

Interview mode : Online

Zoom link :

Candidates will be expected to have familiarity with the structure of their preferred major(s), the overall
undergraduate programme and aspects of residential and academic life at Azim Premji University. This
information is available at the University Webpage

To have a seamless experience during the online interview, please make sure that:

The zoom account profile display name is your name (We will not be able to identify you in the
waiting room, if you use any other name)
You have good Internet connectivity.
You are sitting in a well-lit indoor area with not much noise.
You use headphones with a mic.

We recommend installing the Zoom App on your desktop/laptop/smartphone in advance.

On the day of the interview, the coordinator will get in touch with you. Request you to please be available on
your registered mobile number in the given time slot.

We wish you all the best!

Team Admissions

Azim Premji University

Download Time : 04/30/2024 04:17 PM

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