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Performance Analysis of AODV, DSDV And DSR in Vehicular Adhoc Network


Conference Paper · January 2019

DOI: 10.1109/ICREST.2019.8644313


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2 authors:

Zannatul Naim Md. Imran Hossain

Comilla University Comilla University


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2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

Performance Analysis of AODV, DSDV And DSR

in Vehicular Adhoc Network(VANET)
Zannatul Naim, Md. Imran Hossain
Dept. of Information & Communication Technology
Comilla University
Comilla, Bangladesh,

Abstract—Vehicular network is a network where vehicles

communicate through an ad-hoc network system which run on II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROTOCOLS
the basis of some specific ad-hoc routing protocols. The There are so many protocols which are used in VANET
vehicular ad-hoc network consists of two communication parts such as AODV, DSDV, TORA, DSR, VADD, GEOpps,
known as vehicle-to-vehicle(V2V) communication and vehicle- GEOcast, GPSR,GRANTS etc[4]. The protocols used in this
to-infrastructure(V2I) communication. Though the roads has
paper are AODV,DSDV and DSR. Here, we will introduce
become very crowded with a lot of vehicles ,it has become a
the above mentioned protocols.
crying need to control the movement of the vehicles.
Automated traffic control, critical moment notifications, post AODV is an on demand routing protocol. This protocol
accidental notifications, correct route selection has become finds routes for a node only when it has data packet for
very important and these can be implemented by using transmission. AODV routing consists of three phases: route
vehicular ad-hoc network system. For the proper discovery, data transmission and route maintenance
communication among vehicles, the vehicular ad-hoc [3].AODV responses to the link failure. So AODV can be
network(VANET) uses some protocols . The AODV,DSDV and applied to the large scale networks [4].
DSR are the mostly used protocols. In this paper, a
performance study of the above mentioned protocols has been The DSDV routing protocol is an enhanced version of the
stated by applying them on a specific network for some basic distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm where each node
criteria such as throughput, delay, jitter, packet ratio, dropped maintain a table that contain the shortest distance and the
packet, link-losses etc. This study helps to find the protocol first node on the shortest path to every other node in the
which will satisfy the basic needs of a VANET system. network. A single link break leads to the propagation of table
update information to the whole network [5].
infrastructure(V2I),AODV, DSDV, DSR, VANET The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol is an on-demand
reactive routing protocol. In DSR a node maintains route
I. INTRODUCTION cache which contains the source routes that it is aware of.
The node updates records in the route cache when a new
Now-a-days with the remarkable changes in the route is found. Route Discovery and Route Maintenance are
automobile industry and wireless communication the two main parts of DSR [6].
technologies vehicular ad-hoc network has become one of
most interesting research fields[1].VANET, literally which is
a successful descendent of MANET(mobile ad-hoc network) III. SIMULATION AND PERFORMANCE OF VANET USING
is used for vehicle-to-vehicle communication. VANET uses AODV, DSDV AND DSR
vehicles as the mobile nodes used in MANET to provide
communication among nearby vehicles and with nearby A. Simulation Critera
roadside infrastructure[1].VANET is different from other To optimize the performance of the most prominently
networking sectors. VANET specially works only on used routing protocols AODV,DSDV,DSR we use network
roadside topology when the vehicles are moving along with simulator ns-2 with its version 2.35 and to show the
the road. By communicating with other vehicles one can performance graphically and statistically we use the ns-2
know it's right position to avoid collisions, traffic jam and by visual trace analyzer 0.2.72.We examine the result for the
using GPS it can move to the correct direction. The vehicles same network when the nodes of the network are stable
which are used as nodes should carry some capabilities like means they are not moving and when the nodes are on a
significant computing, communication and sensing. For movement and compare the performance of the routing
proper communication among different types of vehicles the protocols for these two situation. Each simulation was run 5-
networks works on various types of routing protocol. The 10 times to obtain the proper result of performance analysis.
routing protocols help the vehicles to move in the correct The parameters used for these simulations are described as
direction, to obtain their perfect position and most follows-
conveniently vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to
infrastructure (V2I) communications to avoid different types
of hazards which may cause an adverse effect on human life.
The performance of the routing protocol degrades with speed
and size of the network, so designing of suitable routing
protocols are always challenging in high mobility
environment that is main characteristic of VANET [2].

978-1-5386-8014-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

TABLE I. SIMULATION CRITERIA The DSDV protocol provides a throughput around 34kB/s
Table 1:Simulation Criteria when the nodes are on a movement shown in the graphs in
Parameters Specifications
Propagation model Two-ray model
Network Interface model PHY /Wireless PHY
MAC type MAC/802.11p
Channel Type Wireless
Interface Queue Type Drop tail, Pri Queue
Antenna Model Omni antenna
Number of Nodes 4
Link Layer Type LL
Used protocols 3
Name of Routing Protocol AODV,DSDV,DSR
Simulation time 60s
Maximum packet in queue 256
Application Type FTP Fig. 3. Throughput of DSDV with movable nodes
Agent Type TCP
The throughput of the DSDV protocol with nonmovable
nodes is shown in Fig.4.It also allows a maximum
B. Throughput Analysis throughput of 34 KB/s like Fig.3.
The throughput provided by the three protocols AODV,
DSDV and DSR for the network when the nodes are
movable and nonmovable are given below –
The Fig.1 shows the throughput of the AODV protocol
when the nodes move with high speed. It gives a throughput
of 36kB/s.

Fig. 4. Throughput of DSDV with non-movable nodes

DSR also provides throughput around 34KB/s for both

the situations when the nodes are movable and nonmovable
which is very close to the DSDV’s throughput (from Fig. 5
& Fig.6).
Fig. 1. Throughput of AODV with movable nodes

The throughput of AODV protocol is shown in Fig.2 when

the nodes are not moving.It also give a throughput of
maximum 36 KB/s.The Fig.1 shows a fall in the graphs
whereas Fig.2 shows the graph which is close to static.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 5. Throughput of DSR with movable nodes

Fig. 2. Throughput of AODV with non-movable nodes

2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

C. Average end-to-end delay

The average end-to-end delay for these three protocols both
for the movable and non-movable nodes are shown below
through the graphical representation-
This figure represents that the end-to-end delay per packet
of the network based on AODV protocol. The network with
movable nodes using AODV protocol gives an average
delay of 0.10s shown in Fig.9.

Fig. 6. Throughput of DSR with non-movable nodes

From the merged graphs in Fig.7 it can be shown that

among these three protocols AODV,DSDV and DSR
AODV provides the maximum throughput when the nodes
are movable.AODV provides the throughput around
36KB/S which is higher than the other two protocols.

Fig. 9. AODV end-to-end delay with movable nodes

The network with nonmovable nodes using AODV

provides an average delay of 0.06s (Fig.10).The end-to-end
delay is more in the network where the nodes are movable
than the network where the nodes are stable.

Fig. 7. Merged throughput for the networks with movable nodes

The Fig.8 presents the graphical representation of the

throughput of the three protocols together when the nodes
are on a nonmovable state. The AODV provides the
maximum throughput .

Fig. 10. AODV end-to-end delay with no-nmovable nodes

The DSDV protocol provides an average delay of 0.059s

with movable nodes presented through the graph shown in

Fig. 8. Merged throughput for the networks with non-movable nodes

Fig. 11. DSDV end-to-end delay with movable nodes

2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

The Fig.12 shows an average end-to-end delay of 0.074s

with nonmovable nodes using DSDV protocol.

Fig. 15. Merged end-to-end delay with movable nodes

Fig. 12. DSDV end-to-end delay with non-movable nodes

The DSR protocol gives an average delay of 0.051s for

the network with movable nodes(Fig.13) and 0.081s for
non-movable nodes(Fig.14).

Fig. 16. Merged end-to-end delay with non-movable nodes

D. The Average Jitter

The average jitter for the three protocols
AODV,DSDV,DSR are given as follows-
Fig. 13. DSR end-to-end delay with movable nodes These figures represent the jitter per packet for the
AODV protocol. The first figure is about the network with
movable nodes which provides an average jitter of 0.009s
(Fig. 17) and the second one is for the network with non-
movable nodes provides 0.0037s (Fig. 18).

0.028 tcp
0.026 ack
jitter (Milliseconds)


Fig. 14. DSR end-to-end delay with non-movable nodes. 0.002

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
packet (id)
From the merged graphs (Fig.15 & Fig.16) it can be
shown that the average end-to-end delay per packets is
lowest in DSR protocol for the network with movable nodes. Fig. 17. Average end-to-end jitter for AODV with movable nodes
But for nonmovable nodes the AODV protocol gives the
minimum average delay. From the above graphical data we
can see that in the highly movable network it is efficient to
use DSR for lowest end-to-end delay.

2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

Fig. 18. Average end-to-end jitter for AODV with non-movable nodes
Fig. 21. Average end-to-end jitter for DSR with movable nodes
In the DSDV protocol, the jitter behaves the same way as
it behaves in the AODV protocol. It provides an avverage
jitter of 0.004s(Fig.19) with movable nodes. It also gives a
jitter of 0.0039s (Fig.20) with non-movable nodes.

Fig. 22. Average end-to-end jitter for DSR with non-movable nodes

Fig. 19. Average end-to-end jitter for DSDV with movable nodes From these graphs (Fig.23 & Fig .24) we can say that for
movable nodes the DSR algorithm provides the minimum
jitter and for nonmovable nodes AODV provides the
minimum jitter.

Fig. 20. Average end-to-end jitter for DSDV with non-movable nodes

In DSR, the network with the movable nodes gives an

average jitter of 0.0038s whereas gives a jitter of 0.0039s
with the non-movable nodes from (Fig.21 & Fig.22). Fig. 23. Merged average end-to-end jitter with movable nodes

2019 International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST)

Here in the paper, the different parameters are discussed
for the same network with three different protocols
AODV,DSDV and DSR. From the study of this research it
can be concluded that among the three protocols one is
suitable for one parameter or more. From the analysis of the
total research it is found that the AODV protocol is more
convenient for providing greater throughput and greater
packet ratio for applying on any network though it is stable
or non-stable. The DSR protocols is also suitable for some
parameters like less delay, less jitter and minimum dropped
packets. The DSDV provides minimum link losses.

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Fig. 24. Merged average end-to-end jitter with non-movable nodes and Rongfang Bie,” Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Architectures,
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protocol for the both situations when the nodes are movable computations on bioscience and engineering,august 12,2014.
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where the packet ratio fluctuates around 50% for all the Routing Protocol Using Mobility Parameters in VANET’’IEEE
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F. Dropped Packet Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 20– No.3, April 2011.
The number of dropped packet is 0 for both the movable [5]
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can use DSR.There is no packet drop for non-movable Pervasive Networks,Volume 7, No. 1 (2016) pp. 07-12

G. Total Link Losses

The total link losses is lowest for both the movable and
non-movable nodes network is in DSDV protocol. It has a
total 0 link losses for movable nodes. So if we want to select
the protocol with less link losses we can select DSDV


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