Aksi Nyata Bahasa Inggris Topik 5

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Nama: Fitriana Salsabilsa Suriansyah

Class: PPG C PGSD Prajab Gel.1’23

NIM: 231135044


Function of talk Teacher Talk Which Language(s)
To start a lesson Selamat Pagi anak-anak, Good morning kids,
bagaimana kabar kalian? Apakah how are you? Are you
sudah siap untuk belajar? ready to learn?
To give instruction - Tolong buka bukumu halaman - Please open your
… books to page ...
- Silahkan bekerjasama dengan - Work in pairs
teman sebangku.
To control/discipline - Mengangkat tangan ketika - I appreciate your
ingin berpendapat. enthusiasm, but
- Fokus ke depan please raise your
hand before
- Please stop talking
and listen to me
To give feedback - Kerja bagus, tetapi … - That’s a great
- Kurang tepat, sebaiknya effort, but…
… - You’re on the right
track, but…
- I think you could
improve by…
- You might want to
- Have you thought
about trying…
To praise - Kerja bagus - “Nice work
- Hebat (everybody/ team
- “Great stuff (this
group/ Maria)”
- “Good job (on…)”
- “(You did a) great
- “You (all) did very
To ask for information - Bagaimana pendapat anak- - What do you think?
anak? - How can you tell?
- Adakah yang ingin
To provide examples of the Dalam pembelajaran, guru Learners will be able to
target language terlebih dahulu menyajikan understand the
bahasa sasaran, peserta didik difference between 'I
mempraktikkannya, kemudian didn't need to..' and 'I
ada tahap dimana bahasa sasaran needn't have..'.
digunakan dalam kegiatan yang
lebih bebas.
To give models of - Melihat video tentang suatu - See the video
procedures or strategies prosedur/materi. ahead, it’s an
- Memberikan contoh konkret. example of …
- This object is one
example of
application …
To check or test students’ One of the quickest ways to check Let’s play a short quiz!
understanding for understanding is to have your
kids hop on their devices and use
one of the awesome tech tools
like Quizlet, Kahoot , or Google
forms to show what they know.
To joke - Apa sebutan ayam betina - What do you call a
yang menghitung hen who counts her
own eggs? (A
To maintain a good - Memberikan Ice Breaking - Do They Match?
atmosphere In this activity, the
teacher says a
classroom phrase and
does an action that may
or may not match. If
they match, the
students do the action
too. If they don’t
match, the students
have to do what the
teacher says but not
what they do.
To close a lesson - Memberikan penugasan - Your homework is
- Berdoa due at the beginning
of the next class, so
please make sure
you complete it on
time! Let’s pray
begin. Good bye

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