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NAMA : Achmad Aldi Yani

NIM : 112210594

Kopi Kenangan is a leading coffee chain that revolutionized the Indonesian coffee
scene with its unique blend of traditional flavors and modern convenience.
Established in 2017, the company has rapidly expanded its presence across
Indonesia, offering a diverse menu of high-quality, locally sourced coffee
beverages and snacks.
Kopi Kenangan prides itself on crafting specialty coffee drinks using premium
Indonesian coffee beans, combined with a touch of innovation to cater to the tastes
of the modern consumer. The brand emphasizes convenience without
compromising on the rich and authentic coffee experience.
With a commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, Kopi
Kenangan has become a beloved destination for coffee enthusiasts seeking both
classic and inventive coffee concoctions.
Kopi Kenangan was founded by two visionary entrepreneurs with a passion for
coffee and a desire to redefine the coffee culture in Indonesia. Inspired by the
vibrant local coffee scene, they set out to create a brand that not only celebrated
traditional flavors but also introduced new, exciting twists to Indonesian coffee.
Starting as a modest coffee stall in Jakarta, Kopi Kenangan introduced its signature
drinks, blending Indonesian coffee with various flavors and innovative ingredients.
The founders focused on creating a menu that resonated with the diverse
preferences of Indonesian coffee drinkers, offering personalized and trendy
Through relentless dedication to quality, customer service, and strategic marketing
initiatives, Kopi Kenangan rapidly gained popularity. Its unique beverages, such as
the "Kopi Kenangan Mantan" and "Es Kopi Kenangan," became instant hits among
customers, driving the brand's expansion into multiple locations across Indonesia.
The company's success is not only attributed to its delicious beverages but also to
its commitment to using locally sourced ingredients, supporting Indonesian
farmers, and implementing eco-friendly practices in its operations.
Kopi Kenangan continues to grow, introducing new menu items and expanding its
reach to serve more coffee enthusiasts. The brand remains dedicated to its core
values of innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, setting new standards in
the Indonesian coffee industry.
Present tense
Past tense
Future tense

WH Question
Question : When was Kopi Kenangan established?
Answer : Kopi Kenangan was established in 2017.

Question : What distinguishes Kopi Kenangan's specialty coffee drinks?
Answer : Kopi Kenangan prides itself on crafting specialty coffee drinks using
premium Indonesian coffee beans and a touch of innovation to cater to the tastes of
the modern consumer.

Question : Why did Kopi Kenangan rapidly gain popularity?
Answer : Kopi Kenangan rapidly gained popularity due to its unique blend of
traditional flavors with innovative ingredients, catering to the diverse preferences
of Indonesian coffee drinkers.

Question : Where did Kopi Kenangan start its journey?
Answer : Kopi Kenangan started as a modest coffee stall in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Question : Who founded Kopi Kenangan and what inspired them?
Answer : Kopi Kenangan was founded by two visionary entrepreneurs with a
passion for coffee. They were inspired by the vibrant local coffee scene and aimed
to revolutionize the Indonesian coffee culture.

Question : How does Kopi Kenangan maintain its commitment to quality?
Answer : Kopi Kenangan maintains its commitment to quality by sourcing
premium Indonesian coffee beans, emphasizing innovation, and providing a rich
and authentic coffee experience without compromising convenience
NIM : 112210594

Pak Roni: "Welcome to PT. Jaya Raya. I am Roni." (Selamat datang di PT Jaya
Raya. Saya adalah Roni.)
Dani: "Hello, it's nice to meet you." (Halo, senang berjumpa dengan Bapak.)
Pak Roni: "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the manager of our
engineering department here and we have an open position.
So, we have been interviewing applicants to fill the position as quickly as possible.
We currently have several ongoing projects and the team is working hard."
(Pertama-tama, izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Saya adalah manajer
departemen teknik dan kami sedang memiliki posisi terbuka. Jadi, kami
mewawancarai para pelamar untuk mengisi posisi tersebut. Saat ini, kami memiliki
beberapa proyek yang sedang berjalan dan tim sedang bekerja keras.)
Dani: "What are the essential qualifications required for the position?" (Apa
kualifikasi penting yang diperlukan untuk posisi tersebut?)
Pak Roni: "This is an entry-level engineering position. We do provide a lot of
training here. But, we do require that you have at least a bachelor's degree in
computer engineering. Previous experience in the field is a plus."
(Ini adalah posisi teknik tingkat pemula. Kami menyediakan banyak pelatihan di
sini. Tetapi, kami mengharuskan Anda memiliki setidaknya gelar sarjana teknik
komputer. Pengalaman sebelumnya di bidang tersebut merupakan nilai tambah.)
Dani: "Yes, I am a diligent person and a fast learner." (Ya, saya adalah orang yang
rajin dan cepat belajar.)
Pak Roni: "Do you have any questions for me?" (Apakah Anda memiliki
pertanyaan untuk saya?)
Dani: "No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the requirements." (Tidak,
saya pikir saya memiliki pemahaman yang cukup baik tentang persyaratannya.)
Demikianlah dialog interview 2 orang bahasa Inggris dan artinya. Semoga
membantu! (Ek)

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