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Amazon vs

Martha Sánchez
Katherine Retavizca
Angie. D. Gutiérrez
Johanna Vargas


Leidy Nataly Benitez Guerrero

Año 2024
Differences between Facebook and Amazon
Facebook is an application that has different ways of use apart from commerce, such as
communicating with friends, family and acquaintances who are far away, publishing fun
content, sharing photographic memories, music, and it also has its area where it is carried out.
carry out the trade without cost and very easy.
Amazon, unlike Facebook, is only intended for commerce, buying and selling products, it is in
exchange if it has a price to be used and a commission for each sale for this reason that the
products can be more expensive.
Both applications help the development of the Internet since they are creating an increase in
the use of this network and allow technological advances over the years, additionally they have
allowed the growth of e-commerce and improve the income of their users.
Amazon and Facebook are part of a very similar model in its determinants to maintain their
activity in electronic commerce which has its name as GAFA, a model which is also responsible
for popularizing this platform and social network to generate in company with GOOGLE AND
APPLE an alliance in your strategy.
For example, Facebook connects those who have content with those who have media; and
Google, to people who have questions with people who have answers
That model becomes incredibly powerful. That is to say, Facebook and Amazon do not have
much difference in their market position strategy, but they do have much difference in their
management scope.
Platforms like Facebook and Amazon invest in technology tools or
e-commerce to boost their business, they make use of social commerce to find more users to
buy products through the applications; these tools have exploded and continue to explode the
revenue generated.
Not to mention that the development of technology has boosted retailers' sales, it has also
made it easier for customers to communicate with vendors; both platforms have enabled
vendors to promote their products.
Facebook is a platform that is conquering E-commerce, in 2020 it was the platform with more
social commerce, as it has become a digital shopping environment.
Core Offerings Facebook is primarily a social media platform that enables users to connect,
share content, and communicate with each other. Its core offering revolves around fostering
social interactions and facilitating the exchange of user-generated content.
Amazon: Amazon is the world's largest online retailer, offering a vast selection of products
across various categories, including electronics, books, clothing, and more. Its core offering is
centered around e-commerce and providing a convenient platform for buying and selling goods.
E-commerce and Social Netwoking The internet has facilitated the growth of e-commerce and
social networking as prominent online activities. Facebook has capitalized on the internet's
connectivity to build a massive user base for social interactions, while Amazon has leveraged it
to become the go-to destination for online shopping

Advantage Facebook Disadvantages Facebook

This application could be an advertising tool taking Taking into account that it is an application widely
into account one of the most visible to the public used by everyone and easily accessible, one of its
around the world and has a great advantage which disadvantages may be that there are many
is the very low advertising costs that can be advertisements and content that are from the
acquired by entrepreneurs so that they can begin same market niche, which will make it difficult to
with an adequate segmentation of audience for your stand out among the competition and Advertising
market. work must be carried out with more effort.

It is an excellent tool to sell products or create a One of the disadvantages of Facebook can be
company, in addition to facilitating the interaction of fake profiles, which can be used to steal, extort or
customers with different products and contact with for false advertising.
the seller. It allows you to upload photos, videos and
descriptions, in addition to its new tools that allow
you to create groups, get followers and share
products with the public; it has a section designed
only for the trade of products (Marketplace).

An advantage of Facebook is its ability to connect A disadvantage of Facebook is concerns about

people from all over the world and facilitate the privacy and security of user data. The platform
communication and information sharing between has faced criticism and controversy for its
them. This has allowed friends, family and handling of users' personal information, including
communities to stay in touch, share experiences and the use of data for advertising purposes and
support each other, even over long distance privacy management. This has generated distrust
among some users and led to debates over the
regulation of the company's data collection and
use practices.

Companies also have their site on Facebook.

People can follow your corporate pages to find out
the latest news about a brand.
Your business can use this social network to
establish a direct and personal link with your
potential clients and increase its visibility thanks to Becoming addicted to Facebook can be
their interaction in the publications. detrimental to your life. Although it may sound
In order for them to measure the performance they harsh, many people become dependent on this
are having, they can use two tools: tool and their only vision of the world is what this
• Facebook Audience Insights: allows you to obtain social network tells us. When connecting you must
information about the audience levels of a brand's have control of the time you spend on it.
• Facebook Ads: Allows you to post ads that will
appear on the walls of the rest of the profiles.
Amazon Advantages Disadvantages Amazon

If we take into account all the factors and costs Users of this platform must pay a subscription and
involved in creating our own e-commerce, it is an a monthly fee, in addition to a cost or commission
investment for entrepreneurs, but if we start our for each product sold, which causes the price of
market on Amazon we have the great advantage of the product to increase, and the consumer is the
having an already created and accredited page that one who pays this additional price.
will make the start and growth of our business faster.
small companies.

One of the best advantages of using Amazon is that Some disadvantages of using this platform could
you don't need a warehouse, you have the option to be the competition, given its huge audiences,
send the products to Amazon, and they take care of sellers always risk having higher prices than the
storing your inventory; in addition to this Amazon is a competition and be at a disadvantage with the
platform that has reduced marketing costs that allow competition; Finally it is important to be aware of
you to invest in brand awareness and build trust with correctly coordinate the products with the
users. Ecommerce platform, to keep them updated in the
order management system.

An advantage of Amazon is the variety it offers A disadvantage of Amazon is its impact on small
consumers. Users can find a wide range of products businesses. Amazon in the online retail market
in one place, from books and electronics to clothing, can make it difficult for small businesses and local
appliances and groceries. Additionally, Amazon stores that compete with the platform to survive.
offers fast and convenient shipping options, such as Additionally, some criticism focuses on the
Amazon Prime, which allows members to receive working conditions of Amazon's warehouse
their orders in one to two business days. This employees and its business model that often
convenience and variety make Amazon an attractive prioritizes efficiency and profit margins over other
option for online shoppers. social and environmental considerations.

The inability to touch and feel products in real time

You can purchase your purchase in an easy and creates doubt, making traditional purchasing
simple way from wherever you want, either through methods preferable for those seeking certainty in
the website or the app. This means that you can product quality. Buying on Amazon involves some
purchase any product from the sofa at home. risk, as the perceived product may not always
meet expectations upon delivery.

Santos, D. (2023, junio 5). Facebook en 2023: qué es, ventajas y cómo iniciar en esta red.

Ventajas e inconvenientes de vender productos en Amazon. (2023, junio 1). nuteco web &
marketing digital & posicionamiento SEO.

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