Sentence Structure

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Sentence Structures

Expressing a wish
Register: Formal and Informal
Form: If only / I wish + simple past
Example: If only I knew how to cook, I wouldn't have to rely on takeout all the time.


1. If only I had studied harder for my exams, I would have gotten better grades.
2. I wish I could attend the conference next week, but unfortunately, I have prior
3. If only I had more time, I would be able to finish this project by the deadline.
4. I wish the company could provide more training opportunities for its employees.
5. If only the government would take stronger action on climate change, we could prevent
further damage to the environment.
6. I wish I could have a more flexible work schedule, as it would allow me to better balance
my personal and professional life.
7. If only I had invested in that stock, I would have made a significant profit.
8. I wish I could speak more languages, as it would enable me to communicate with people
from different cultures more easily.
9. If only I had known about this opportunity earlier, I would have applied for it.
10. I wish my boss would recognize my hard work and give me a promotion.


1. I wish I had gone to that concert last night, it sounded amazing!

2. If only I had a million dollars, I could retire early and travel the world.
3. I wish I didn't have to work on weekends, I would love to have more free time.
4. If only I could eat pizza every day without getting fat, life would be perfect!
5. I wish my parents would let me stay out later with my friends.
6. If only I had a better memory, I wouldn't forget important dates and appointments.
7. I wish I could sleep in every day, mornings are the worst!
8. If only I could meet my favorite celebrity, I would be over the moon.
9. I wish I didn't have to pay rent, it's such a big expense every month.
10. If only I could go back in time and change some things, my life would be so much
different now.
Expressing regret
Register: Formal and Informal
Form: If only / I wish + past perfect
Example: If only I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.


1. If only I had listened to my parents' advice, I wouldn't be in this difficult situation.

2. I wish I had been more proactive in addressing the issue before it became a major
3. If only I had taken the time to thoroughly research the matter, I wouldn't have made
such a costly mistake.
4. I wish I had apologized for my behavior sooner, instead of letting the situation
5. If only I had known about the potential risks beforehand, I would have made a
different decision.
6. I wish I had completed the task on time, instead of procrastinating and causing delays.
7. If only I had communicated more clearly, the misunderstanding could have been
8. I wish I had prioritized my health and well-being, instead of neglecting it for the sake
of work.
9. If only I had sought help earlier, the problem could have been resolved more easily.
10. I wish I had been more considerate of others' feelings, instead of being insensitive and


1. If only I had gone to that party last night, I wouldn't be so bored right now.
2. I wish I had bought that shirt when I had the chance, it's sold out now.
3. If only I had studied for the exam, I wouldn't have failed it.
4. I wish I had told my friend how much they mean to me before they moved away.
5. If only I had known how bad the traffic was, I would have left earlier.
6. I wish I had gone to bed earlier last night, I'm so tired now.
7. If only I had saved some money, I wouldn't be broke right now.
8. I wish I had taken up that hobby earlier, I could have been really good at it by now.
9. If only I had listened to my gut feeling, I wouldn't have gotten into that bad situation.
10. I wish I had kept in touch with that old friend, I wonder what they're up to now.
Register: Formal and Informal
Form: I wish / if only + would + verb
Example: I wish my friend wouldn't cancel plans at the last minute all the time.


1. I wish my colleagues would take their responsibilities more seriously.

2. If only the management would listen to our suggestions, we could improve the
company's performance.
3. I wish the government would invest more in education and healthcare.
4. If only the supplier would deliver the goods on time, we wouldn't have to face
production delays.
5. I wish the customers would treat our staff with more respect and courtesy.
6. If only the IT department would fix the technical issues promptly, we wouldn't have to
waste so much time.
7. I wish my neighbour would stop making so much noise late at night.
8. If only the public transport system would run more frequently, we wouldn't have to
deal with overcrowding.
9. I wish the company would provide better employee benefits and compensation.
10. If only the weather would cooperate, we could carry out our outdoor activities without
any disruptions.


1. I wish my roommate would clean up after themselves, it's not that hard!
2. If only my boss would give me a break, I wouldn't be so stressed out all the time.
3. I wish my phone would stop ringing, I need some peace and quiet.
4. If only my parents would let me make my own decisions, I wouldn't feel so suffocated.
5. I wish my internet connection would be faster, it's so slow and frustrating.
6. If only the restaurant would serve bigger portions, I wouldn't have to order extra.
7. I wish my neighbours would stop parking in front of my house, it's so annoying.
8. If only my teacher would explain the concept more clearly, I wouldn't be so confused.
9. I wish my favourite band would come to my city for a concert, I would love to see them
10. If only the traffic would clear up, I wouldn't be stuck in this jam for hours.

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