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sNAME:______________________________________________ SCORE: __________

Test I- Multiple choice.

Direction: Read and analyze each question carefully. ENCIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER.

1. Any instrument notarized by a notary public or competent public official with solemnities
required by law.
a. Private document
b. Public document
c. Commercial document
d. Official document
2. Any instrument issued by the government or its agents or its officers having the authority to do
so and the offices, which in accordance with their creation, they are authorized to issue and be
issued in the performance of their duties
a. Private document
b. Public document
c. Commercial document
d. Official document
3. Is a document that is questioned because of its origin, its contents, or the circumstances
regarding its production arousing serious suspicion as to its genuineness or it may adversely
scrutinized simple because it displeases someone.
a. Standard document
b. Collected document
c. Requested document
d. Questioned document
4. Standard specimen obtains from a file of document executed in the regular course of man`s
activity or a person’s day to day business, official, social, or personal activities.
a. Standard document
b. Collected document
c. Requested document
d. Questioned document
5. Is a standard document which is made upon request (prepared at one time). Are those which
are given or made upon request for purposes of making a comparative examination with the
request writing.
a. Standard document
b. Collected document
c. Requested document
d. Questioned document
6. Will entirely written in the handwriting of the testator
a. Wills
b. Notarial wills
c. Holographic wills
7. Signed by the testator acknowledge before a notary public with three witnesses.
a. Wills
b. Notarial wills
c. Holographic wills
8. Properties or characteristics of the unknown determined thought analysis are now compared
with the familiar or recorded properties of known items.
a. Evaluation
b. Comparison
c. Analysis
d. Verification
9. Similarities or dissimilarities in properties or characteristics will each have a certain value for
identification, determined by its likelihood of occurrence.
a. Evaluation
b. Comparison
c. Analysis
d. Verification
10. Properties of characteristics observed or measured.
a. Evaluation
b. Comparison
c. Analysis
d. Verification

Test ii: enumeration

1. Types of handwritings
2. Classes of signature
3. Major types of forgery
4. Methods of tracing


___________Is a forged signature where no attempt has been made to make a copy or facsimile of the
genuine writing of a person purported to sign the document. Also known as spurious signature .

___________ Is a forged signature which closely resembles the genuine made by some tracing process
or outline form.

___________ Is a forged signature which resembles the genuine signature written in free-hand. It is
considered as the most skillful form of forgery.

___________ Characteristics or properties which are common or which can be found in the specimen
writing of other person.

___________ Characteristics which are highly personal or peculiar.

___________ maybe actually on a ruled paper, it might be imaginary alignment of writing. Is the ruled or
imaginary line upon which the writing rest

__________ a curve formed inside the top curve of loop, as in small letters “h”, ‘m”, “n”, “p”.

__________ a loop made as a flourished which is added to the letters, as in small letter “k’ and “a” or in
capital letters “A”, “K”, “P”.

__________ a fully rounded oval or circular form on a letter complete into “O”.

___________ a bad writing

___________ the art of beautiful writing

___________ – the term applied to the irregular thickening of ink which is found when writing slows
down or stop while the pen take a stock of the position.

___________ – a gap occurring between continuous strokes without lifting the pen. Such as occurrence
usually occurs due to speed.

____________ the lower parts which rest on the base line.

____________ it is a minute curve or an ankle which often occurs at the end of the terminal strokes. It is
also sometimes occur at the beginning of an initial stroke.

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