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Checklist/ Table of Contents


Title Page i
Certification ii
Acknowledgment iii
Table of Contents iv


A. Introduction 1
B. Pre-Immersion Orientation 2
C. Work Ethics 3
D. Webinars, Trainings and Workshop 8
E. Job Interview 12
F. Reflection on the Field of Experience
Week 1 13
Week 2 14
Week 3 16
Week 4 17
G. Summary of Learning 18


Appendix 1-Illustration of Activities Performed 19

Appendix 2-List of Tasks 20
Appendix 3-Evaluation Form 21
Appendix 4-Certifications 22
Appendix 5-Application Letter 23
Appendix 6-Curriculum Vitae (Resume) 24
Appendix 7-Parental Consent 25
Appendix 8-Daily Time Record 26
Appendix 9-Medical Certificate 27
Appendix 10-Grade 12 Academic Performance 28

We started a school-based immersion on March 22, 2023, and I was assigned to be at

ARH team this ARH teamwork or task is more focused to the environment and health. We help

the students to gain some knowledge, and we teach them what is the right thing to do about their

health and about the environment. We have 6 members in our team and our ARH adviser is

Madam Queenie Soriano which is she guides us in every duty that we do.

As a grade 12 student who needs to accomplish this work immersion duty in the first day,

I have a lot of nervous that I feel in myself because this is my first time doing this work

immersion. But the time goes by I certainly enjoyed doing this school-based work immersion


Doing this duty, I have gained greatly valuable knowledge, memories and happiness to

the people involve in this immersion. Doing this immersion helps me to practice my public

speaking when we are doing a talk to the students also it helps me to improve my critical

thinking and creativity doing PowerPoint that we need to present to the students. This work

immersion teaches me how to express myself more in terms of my thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

I learned a lot of things, especially about health and the environment. I learned how I treat

myself right and, I gained a knowledge on how I treat the environment right.

This work immersion is a truly enjoying duty. Also, I can share my thoughts with every

single student in our school and I hope I encourage them to do what the right and do not do the

wrong thing. I always be thankful to the people who involve in this duty especially my ARH

team that they are an easy-going people and to our work immersion supervisor and adviser sir


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