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Level ENT104: Top Notch 1

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 Beautiful Adj You look beautiful in white. Xinh đẹp
2 Handsome Adj Her boyfriend is very handsome. Đẹp trai
3 Famous Adj She is a famous musician. Nổi tiếng
4 Terrific Adj Usain Bolt is a terrific athlete from Jamaica. Tuyệt vời,xuất sắc
5 Fantastic Adj Harry Potter is a fantastic novel. Tuyệt vời
6 Wonderful Adj Taylor Swift has a wonderful voice. Tuyêt vời
7 Great Adj Great to meet you, Kate! Tuyệt
8 Occupation N What’s your occupation? Nghề nhiêp
9 Nationality N He’s originally from India, but his nationality is Canadian. Quốc tịch
10 Birthplace N She was born in Busan. Busan is her birthplace. Nơi sinh
11 Hometown N Her hometown is Busan. She grew up there. Quê quán
12 Computer programmer N Paul wants to become a computer programmer. Lập trình viên máy tính
13 Interpreter N Susan acted as interpreter for us. Thông dịch viên
14 Graphic designer N Graphic designers create visual concepts by using computer Nhà thiết kế đồ họa
15 Salesperson N A good salesperson knows how to feel what their customers Nhân viên bán hàng
16 Publishing company N A company publishes books, magazines, software, etc. Công ty xuất bản
called publishing company.
17 Communicate V We use English to communicate with colleagues from other Giao tiếp
18 Keep in touch V We use Messenger to keep in touch with my friends and Giữ liên lạc
19 Financial manager N Financial manager is supposed to be careful. Giám đốc tài chính
20 Executive assistant N It is highly demanding to be an executive assistant. Trợ lý giám đốc
21 Tour guide N We looked for a tour guide. Hướng dẫn viên du lich
22 Opportunity N Take this opportunity! Cơ hội

Unit 2: Going Out

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 Classical Adj Classical music is awesome. Cổ điển
2 Movie soundtracks N These movie soundtracks are amazing. Nhạc phim
3 Folk N Folk songs are fantastic. Dân ca
4 Play N He has written three plays. Kịch
5 Concert N I went to his concert. Buổi hòa nhạc
6 A lecture N It was such fabulous lecture. Bài diễn thuyết
7 Art exhibit N There is an art exhibit next weekend. Triển lãm nghệ thuạt
8 On the right side Prep Choose a seat on the right side in the cinema. Phía bên phải
9 Across from prep It is across from the supermarket. Đối diên
10 Down the street from… prep Amy and I grew up down the street from each other. Trên cùng môt con
11 Around the corner Prep That shop is around the corner. Ngay góc đường từ…
12 Between…and… Prep It’s between Main Street and Mercer Avenue Giữa….và….
13 Avenue N That avenue is always crowded. Đại lộ
14 Date N Write down the right date. Ngày tháng năm
15 Time N What time is good for you? Thời gian
16 Location N They chose a crowded location. Địa điểm
17 Price N This price is reasonable. Giá cả
18 Seat N Have a seat. Chỗ ngồi
19 Unusual Adj It was unusual to see anyone out on the streets at this hour. Khác thường

20 Mostly adv I listen to music mostly at home. Hầu hết

21 Exciting adj I listen to exciting music when I exercise. Sôi động, hào hứng
22 Regular adj Online radio is much better than regular radio because you Thông thường
can skip songs you don’t like.

Unit 3: The Extended Family

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 Mother-in-law N The mother of your husband or wife Mẹ vợ, mẹ chồng
2 Father-in-law N The father of your husband or wife Cha vợ, cha chồng
3 Sister-in-law N The sister of your husband or wife Em chồng, em vợ ( nữ),
chị chồng, chị vợ, em
4 Brother-in-law N The brother of your husband or wife Em chồng, em vợ (nam),
em /anh rể
5 Uncle N The brother of your mother/father Chú, bác, cậu, dượng
6 Aunt N The aunt of your mother/father Cô, dì, mơ, thím
7 Cousin N Many of our distant cousins, whom we hadn't seen for Anh/ chị/em họ
years, came to my sister's wedding.
8 Niece N We bought our niece an annual subscription to the tennis Cháu gái ( của cô, dì,
club. cậu, bác…)
9 Nephew N They were murmuring about the boss's nephew getting the Cháu trai ( của cô dì, cậu
job. , bác…)
10 Twins The two countries are often regarded as economic twins. Anh chị em song sinh
11 Adopted Adj Matthew and Alexa aren’t Adain’s birth parents. He is Được nhận nuôi
12 Only child N It was a bit lonely being an only child. Con một
13 Birth parents N The woman who gave birth to a child or the man who Cha mẹ ruột
helped to conceive a child.
14 Engaged adj They got engaged. Đã đính hôn
15 Fiancé/fiancée N He/she is her/his fiancé/fiancée Hôn phu/hôn thê
16 Separated adj They got separated. Ly thân
17 Divorced adj They got divorced. Ly hôn
18 Ex-husband/ex-wife N Old wife/ husband Chồng cũ/vợ cũ
19 Widowed adj a woman who has lost her spouse by death and has not Góa
20 Stepfather/stepmother N Stepfather/stepmother faces a lot of prejudice unfairly. Cha kế/mẹ kế
21 Stepson/stepdaughter N A son/ a daughter of one's husband or wife by a previous Con riêng
22 Half-brother/half-sister N a brother with whom one has only one parent in common. Anh/ chị /em cùng cha
khác mẹ/ cùng mẹ khác
23 Look alike They look so much alike! Are they twins? Trông giống nhau
24 Look different They look different although they are twins. Trông khác nhau
25 The same kind of… These girls are twins. They always wear the same kind of Cùng loại …
26 Different kinds of… We should eat different kinds of food during the day. Loại…khác nhau
27 Both determiner We both like K-pop. Đều

28 Expect V Do you really expect me to believe you? Trông mong
29 Move out V I had to move out of home to study at university. Dọn ra riêng
30 Move back home V I will move back home when my exams finish. Dọn trở về nhà
31 Depend on… V Adult children don’t want to depend on their parents’ help. Phụ thuộc vào…
32 Household chores N I have to do some household chores around the house, such Công việc nhà
as mopping, dusting, and washing the dishes.

Unit 4: Food and Restaurants

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 Appetizer N Some green olives make a simple appetizer. Món khai vị
2 Salad N All main courses come with salad or vegetables. Món rau trộn
3 Entrée / main course N All main courses are served well in this restaurant. Món chính
4 Dessert N What’s for dessert? Món tráng miệng
5 Beverage N What kind of beverage is this? Đồ uống
6 Fried Adj KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Chiên
7 Grilled Adj Bún thịt nướng (Vietnamese grilled pork and rice noodles) Nướng
is my favorite dish.
8 Roasted Adj MM Mega Market sells lots of delicious roasted chicken. Quay
9 Soft drinks N Coca-cola, Pepsi and 7Up are some popular brands of soft Nước ngọt có gaz
10 Bottled water N Bottled water is drinking water packaged in plastic or glass Nước đóng chai
water bottles.
11 Fruit N Eat fruits and vegetables. Trái cây
12 Vegetables N Vegetables are essential. Rau củ
13 Meat N Eat less red meat. Thịt
14 Seafood N This restaurant serves the best seafood. Hải sản
15 Grains N Grains are good for health. Hạt
16 Dairy products N Dairy products include milk, cheese or butter. Sản phẩm từ sữa
17 Oil N Too much oil is bad for bad for health. Dầu
18 Sweets N Sweets are harm to teeth. Đồ ngọt
19 Juice N Juice is good for health. Nước ép
20 Pie N Eat this pie. Bánh nướng
21 Starving adj When’s dinner time? I’m starving. Rất đói
22 Healthy Adj Yogurt and fruit are both sweet and healthy. Tốt cho sức khỏe
23 Unhealthy Adj Avoid unhealthy food Không tốt cho sức khỏe
24 Fatty/high-fat Adj high-fat fast food Béo/nhiều dầu mỡ
25 Low-fat Adj Low-fat cheese Ít béo
A low-fat diet
26 High-calorie Adj He is advised to limit high-calorie diet. Giàu calo
27 Low-calorie adj He is advised to have low-calorie diet. Ít calo
28 Spicy Adj Thai food is usually spicy. Cay
29 Salty Adj I like salty potato. Mặn
30 Sweet adj This mngo tastes so sweet. Ngọt
31 Veggies N Eat a balanced diet of fruits and veggies, whole grains, fish, Rau củ (=vegetables)
and a little meat.
32 Skip / avoid V When you get fast food, skip/avoid the fries and other fatty, Bỏ qua/tránh
salty food.
33 Portion N Do you serve children’s portions? Phần ăn (cho 1 người)
34 Split / share V If you order a large meal, split/share it with someone else. Chia

35 Option N When shopping for food, you should avoid high-calorie Lựa chọn

Unit 5: Technology and You

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 Tablet N I bought a tablet last month. Máy tính bảng
2 Desktop N Click this icon on your desktop. Máy tính để bàn
3 Keyboard N The program locks the keyboard until a password is given. Bàn phím
4 Flash drive N The flash drive is compatible with all notebook PCs USB
running Windows.
5 Earbuds N Earbuds are very small headphones that are worn inside the Tai nghe nhét trong
6 Projector N He uses the projector to present these slides. Máy chiếu
7 Printer N Get a new printer. Máy in
8 Speakers N The car had a powerful sound system with four speakers. Loa
9 Broken Adj The TV is broken. Bị hư
10 Obsolete Adj With technological changes many traditional skills have Lỗi thời
become obsolete.
11 Up-to-date Adj We'll have to bring our equipment up to date. Được cập nhật
12 defective Adj If the products are defective you should get a full refund. Bị lỗi
13 Take a picture/photo V We took a lot of photos. Chụp hình
14 Upload a photo V Upload a photo into the social media.
15 Make a video V Make a video for our project. Làm video
16 Scan a document V Scan a document and send it immediately to me. Scan tài liệu
17 Make a photocopy V You are asked to make a photocopy. Photo
18 Photocopier / copier N Photocopier is a machine that makes copies of documents, Máy photo
etc. by photographing them
19 Scanner N Scanner is a device which copies pictures and documents so Máy scan
that they can be stored on a computer.
20 That’s a shame. N It's a shame that she wasn't here to see it. Thật đáng tiếc
21 A piece of junk N This photocopier is a piece of junk — it breaks down every Thứ vô dụng
22 Awful N I feel awful about forgetting her birthday. Kinh khủng
23 Horrible N He looks horrible with that new haircut. Tồi tệ
24 A lemon N His new desktop turned out to be a lemon. Đồ dỏm
25 Food processor N A piece of electric equipment used for cutting, slicing, or Máy xay thức ăn
mixing food quickly.
26 Hair dryer N Use hair dryer if you wash hair late. Máy sấy tóc
27 Pressure cooker N The hospital staff have been working in a pressure cooker Nồi áp suất
since the outbreak of the epidemic.
28 Dishwasher N This dishwasher even washes pots and pans. Máy rửa chén
29 Coffee maker N a machine that makes coffee. Máy pha cà phê
30 Rice cooker N We bought a new rice cooker. Nồi cơm điện
31 Fan N We bought a fan. Quạt
32 Stove N We bought a big stove. Bếp

33 Oven N We bought an oven. Lò nướng
34 Juicer N We bought a juicer. Máy ép trái cây
35 Washing machine N We bought a washing machine. Máy giặt
36 Dryer N We bought a dryer. Máy sấy
37 Blender N We bought a blender. Máy xay sinh tố
38 Freezer N We bought a freezer. Tủ đông
39 Refrigerator / fridge N We bought a refrigerator / fridge. Tủ lạnh
40 Air conditioner N We bought an air conditioner. Máy lạnh
41 Vacuum cleaner N We bought a vacuum cleaner. Máy hút bụi
42 Flush V If your toilet won’t flush, don’t call the plumber right away. Dội nước
43 Clogged Adj What should I do if my bathroom sink is clogged? Bị nghẹt
44 Convenient Adj A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. Tiện lợi
45 Popular Adj Ninh Kieu Quay is a popular tourist destination. Phổ biến / được nhiều
người yêu thích
46 Portable Adj The equipment is lightweight, portable and easy to store. Có thể mang theo
47 Affordable Adj The Macbook Air is more affordable this year. Giá phải chăng
48 Guaranteed adj All our electrical products are fully guaranteed. Được đảm bảo/cam kết
bảo hành hoặc đổi trả
49 Entire Adj The film is perfect for the entire family. Nguyên cả
50 Tiny Adj Look at his little tiny fingers. Aren't they cute? Nhỏ nhắn/nhỏ xíu
51 Easy-to-carry adj Our new lightweight 12-inch laptop is very easy-to-carry Dễ dàng mang theo

52 Promise V I've promised myself some fun when the exams are over. Hứa
53 Full refund N If the color or fabric is not to your liking, simply send it Hoàn tiền 100%
back for a full refund.

Unit 6: Staying in shape

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 Pool N They’re swimming at the pool in the park. Hồ bơi
2 Athletic field N I play soccer at the athletic field next to the school. Sân thể thao
3 Golf course N An area of land used for playing golf. Sân golf
4 Track N We crossed the rail/train track. Đường đua
5 Tennis court N It is the best tennis court in town. Sân tennis
6 Park N We went for a walk in the park. Công viên
7 Generally, Adv The plan was generally welcomed. Thường thường
8 Occasionally Adv We occasionally meet for a drink after work. Thỉnh thoảng
9 Hardly ever Adv She hardly ever calls me. Hầu như không
10 Frequency N Users will be able to rearrange their icons by frequency of
11 Habit N You need to change your eating habits. Thói quen
12 Burn V A small candle burned brightly Đốt nóng, đốt cháy
13 Routine N Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Thói quen hằng ngày
14 Fitness center N The hotel has a fitness centre with a sauna. Trung tâm thể hình
15 Lift weights V He lifts weights three times a week. Nâng tạ
16 Avoid V We must find a way to avoid similar problems in future. Tránh khỏi
17 Grain N Russia sold 12 million tons of grain abroad last year. Ngũ cốc
18 Dessert N a rich chocolate dessert Món tráng miệng
19 Stay in shape V Bruno likes to stay in shape. He swims 3 miles every Giữ dáng
19 Out of shape I’m so out of shape that I get out of breath climbing the Mất dáng, quá khổ
20 Fatty Adj Fatty food Béo
21 Junk food NP On a daily basis, the average child in America is exposed to Đồ ăn vặt
dozens of television advertisements for junk food.
22 Exercise V Swimming is good exercise. Tập thể dục
23 Decline V We politely declined her invitation. Từ chối
24 Invitation N I received an invitation to the party Lời mời, thiệp mời
25 Definitely Adv I definitely remember sending the letter. Rõ rang, dứt khoát
26 Portion N She cut the cake into six small portions. Khẩu phần
27 Pig out V We pigged out on all the delicious cakes and pastries. Ăn nhiều
28 Healthy Adj Stay healthy by eating well and exercising regularly. Tốt cho sức khỏe
29 Sugar N This juice contains no added sugar. Đường
30 French fries = chips N I’d like a hamburger and French fries. Khoai tây chiên
31 Soft drink N A soft drink can have 39 grams of sugar Nước ngọt
32 Candy N Did you buy some candy for us to eat during the movie? Kẹo
33 Sweet tooth N I have a sweet tooth - I can't say no to cookies. Người thích ăn ngọt,
hảo ngọt
34 Regularly Adv She regularly appears on TV talk shows. Thường xuyên

35 Couch potato N She's usually a couch potato on Sunday, just eat and watch Người chỉ ngồi trên sofa
TV. xem tivi suốt ngày (hàm
ý lười biếng, không
muốn động chân động
tay vào việc gì)
36 Participate V She didn't participate in the discussion. Tham gia
37 Successfully Adv She had already successfully completed these courses. Một cahs thành công
38 Common N Have in common. Điểm tương đồng
39 Accident N He was killed in an accident. Vụ tai nạn
40 Quadriplegic N, Adj A terrible accident made Zupan quadriplegic. Bị liệt cả chân tay
41 Wheelchair N Zupan uses his arm to move his wheelchair. Xe lăn
42 Quad N Zupan became a quad rugby. Sân
43 Medal N win a gold medal in the Olympics Huy chương
44 Paralympic games Zupan win a gold medal in the Paralympic games. Thế vận hội dành cho
người khuyết tật
45 Dream V, N I dream about running all the time.
46 Frequently Adv Buses run frequently between the city and the airport. Thường xuyên
47 Raise Zupan frequently raises money for his sport. Gây quỹ
48 Appear V Hamilton often appears on TV. xuất hiện
49 Concert N They're in concert at Wembley arena. buổi biểu diễn
50 Diet N, V I loved the Japanese diet of rice, vegetables and fish. ăn kiêng, khẩu phần ăn
51 Surf V They go surfing every weekend. lướt

52 Lose, lost V We always get lost in London. đánh mất
53 Attack V Hamilton was attacked by a tiger shark. tấn công
Shark N Hamilton was attacked by a tiger shark. Cá mập
54 Professional Adj She’s a professional competitive surfer. chuyên nghiệp
Competitive Adj She’s a professional competitive surfer. tính cạnh tranh
55 Direction N She’s going in the right direction. phương hướng
56 Prosthetic Adj She has a prosthetic arm. bộ phận giả
57 Give up Phr.V Never give up! từ bỏ
58 Prove V ‘I know you're lying.’ ‘Prove it!’ chứng minh
59 Surfboard N She’s standing on her surfboard. ván lướt
60 Compete V She competes regularly with the world’s top surfers. thi đấu, cạnh tranh
61 Baseball N He had a baseball and a couple of bats in his sports bag. bóng chày
62 Planner N A wall planner sổ tay kế hoạch
63 Breakfast N Jane never eats breakfast. bữa sáng
64 Do laundry V I've got to do my laundry. giặt giũ

Unit 7: Vacation

No. Words Part of Example Meaning

1 travel V We share a love of literature, food and travel. du lịch
2 vacation N I'm going on vacation for a couple of weeks. kỳ nghỉ
3 guarantee V The ticket will guarantee you free entry. cam đoan, đảm bảo
4 refund V, N If there is a delay of 12 hours or more, you will receive a full hoàn tiền
refund of the price of your trip.
5 flight N We met on a flight from London to Paris. chuyến bay
6 play N A play by Shakespeare vở kịch
7 ruin N We visited the ruins of a Norman castle. tàn tích
8 colosseum N The Octagon would hold four Roman colosseums. đấu trường
9 dessert N For dessert there's apple pie or fruit. tráng miệng
10 cruise N They're going on a cruise round the Med. chuyến hải du (đi trên
biển bằng tàu thủy)
11 heated Adj A heated swimming pool nóng
12 go snorkeling V We went snorkeling along the Great Barrier Reef. lặn có ống thở
13 scenic Adj a scenic drive/railway thuộc cảnh vật
14 natural beauty N Enjoy Hawaii’s natural beauty vẻ đẹp tự nhiên
15 culture N Cooking is a hugely important part of French culture. văn hóa
16 physical activity N Physical activity has significant health benefits. hoạt động thể chất
17 huge Adj The ship was huge. khổng lồ
18 ship N The ship was huge. con tàu
19 incredible Adj an incredible story không thể tưởng được
20 get back V If you get back in time, you can come with us. quay lại
21 fantastic Adj We had a fantastic time. tuyệt vời
22 awesome Adj Awesome scenery xuất sắc, tuyệt
23 cool Adj It was a lovely cool evening. ngầu

24 windsurfing N I went windsurfing most afternoons. lướt gió

25 view N A sea/mountain view cảnh vật
26 flight attendant N My sister was a flight attendant with a charter airline. tiếp viên hàng không
27 passenger N airline/cruise/rail/bus passengers hành khách
28 cousin N We're cousins. anh em họ
29 scary Adj A scary movie kinh hãi, rung rợn
30 bumpy Adj We drove along a narrow, bumpy road. gập ghềnh
31 comfortable Adj A comfortable bed/sofa thoải mái
32 absolutely Adv I believed him absolutely. chắc chắn, tuyệt đối
33 give so a hand Phr.V Could you give me a hand with these suitcases? giúp đỡ ai đó
34 introduce V The Russian leader wants to introduce further changes. giới thiệu
35 go skiing V We go skiing in France. đi trượt tuyết
36 terrific Adj I feel absolutely terrific today! tuyệt vời
37 relaxing Adj a relaxing evening with friends thư giãn

38 exciting Adj This is an exciting opportunity for me. sôi nổi
39 interesting Adj He had a lot of interesting things to say. thú vị
40 unusual Adj It's unusual for the trees to flower so early. kì lạ, lạ thường
41 well-being Adj We try to ensure the well-being of our employees. khỏe mạnh, hạnh phúc
42 favorite Adj, N This is one of my favorite restaurants. sở thích
43 client N She's a well-known lawyer with many famous clients. khách hàng
44 share V I share a house with four other people. chia sẻ
45 destination N We arrived at our destination tired and hungry. điểm đến
46 popular Adj She's the most popular teacher in school. phổ biến
47 package N A large package has arrived for you. gói, bưu kiện
48 time off N We need some time off. thời gian nghỉ
49 take care of Phr.V Take good care of that girl of yours! chăm sóc
50 meal N A hot meal bữa ăn
51 workshop N An engineering workshop hội thảo
52 meditation N She practises meditation. thiền
53 quiet Adj It's so quiet without the kids here. yên tĩnh
54 brilliant Adj The idea was quite brilliant. xuất sắc, thiên tài
55 locate, located V The school is located near the river. nằm, ở
56 border N Were you stopped at the border? biên giới
57 fall, fell V He fell badly and broke his leg. ngã, nhảy xuống
58 bungee N they do bungee jumping nhảy bung – gi
dare V Dare to be different! dám

59 adventure N Her adventures travelling in Africa cuộc phiêu lưu, mạo
60 sightseeing N A sightseeing tour of the city cuộc tham quan
61 souvenir N A souvenir shop cửa hàng lưu niệm
62 global Adj A global financial mang tính toàn cầu
64 project N My class is doing a project on medieval towns. dự án
65 prefer V Coffee or tea?’ ‘I'd prefer tea, thanks.’ thích hơn
66 top-notch Adj That restaurant's really top-notch. xuất sắc
67 horrible Adj That was a horrible thing to say! kinh khủng
68 awful Adj We had awful weather. tồi tệ
69 pretty Adv The house has four bedrooms, so it's pretty big. khá là
70 luggage N There's room for one more piece of luggage. hành lí
71 steal, stole V I'll report you to the police if I catch you stealing again. lấy cắp, trộm
72 find, found V We've found a great new restaurant near the office. tìm thấy, phát hiện
73 return V I must return some books to the library. trả lại
74 entertainment N There will be live entertainment at the party. sự giải trí, tiêu khiển

Unit 8: The Arts

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 outerwear N The latest in sports bras are colorful tops designed as outerwear quần áo khoắc ngoài
2 underwear N She packed one change of underwear. quần áo lót
3 lingerie N She wants to buy some lingerie on her way home. đồ lót nữ
4 hosiery N She bought many socks in the hosiery department. đồ dệt kim
5 accessory, accessories N We stock a large range of bicycle accessories. phụ kiện
6 sleepwear N You may need sleepwear that keep you cozy and warm. đồ ngủ
7 athletic wear N athletic wear has become popular. đồ chơi thể thao
8 jacket N I have to wear a jacket and tie to work. áo khoác
9 sweater N She wore jeans and a sweater. áo len
10 glove(s) N a pair of gloves gang tay
11 boxer(s) N a pair of boxers quần đùi nam
12 bras N "What size bra do you wear?" áo lót nữ
13 panties N Only one problem, where have my blue panties gone? quần lót nữ
14 sock(s) N a pair of socks đôi vớ, tất
15 tight(s) N She bought a new pair of tights. quần bó
16 pantyhose N She bought a new pair of pantyhose. quần bó
17 purse N a leather purse ví nhỏ của nữ
18 belt N I've had to loosen my belt. dây nịt

19 pajama N Later that night, there is a pajama party at the college lounge. bộ đồ ngủ
20 nightgown N Long silk nightgowns are a favorite for many. đầm ngủ
21 bathrobe N He removes his bathrobe, headphones and sunglasses, and walks áo choàng tắm
away happily.
22 shorts N She put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. quần sọc
23 running pants Which drawer do running pants go in? quần chạy bộ
24 convenient Adj Our local shop has very convenient opening hours. tiện lợi
25 inconvenient Adj It will be very inconvenient for me to have no car. bất tiện
26 price N The price of oil has risen sharply. giá cả
27 brand N I always buy the same brand of toothpaste just out of habit. nhãn hàng
28 selection N The larger stores are able to stock a wider selection of goods. sự lựa chọn
29 service N There is a very limited bus service on Sundays. dịch vụ
30 V-neck N I'm going to wear my black dress with the V-neck. cổ chữ V
31 crewneck N a cotton crew neck sweatshirt cổ tròn
32 large Adj a large house lớn
33 medium Adj a medium-sized book vừa, trung bình
34 small Adj That jacket's too small for you. nhỏ
35 wrap N, V She wrapped the present and tied it with ribbon. giấy gói, gói lại
36 sweatshirt N I like the design on your sweatshirt. áo nỉ
37 sweatpants N The dress code forbids sweatpants, sweatshirts, jeans, and hats. quần nỉ
38 polo shirt N Students wear normal school trousers, but also a polo shirt and a áo thun có cổ

39 T-shirt N We wear shorts and T-shirt for games. áo thun
40 turtleneck N I'd prefer a sweater with a turtleneck. cổ lọ
41 windbreaker N This windbreaker is perfect for spring. áo gió
42 cardigan N Put on your red wool cardigan - it'll be nice and warm. áo len đan
43 blazer N He wore a navy blue blazer and gray pants. áo cộc tay
44 oxfords N a pair of oxfords Giày thấp buộc dây ở
cổ chân
45 sandals N a pair of sandals giày xăng đan
46 loafers N Boys usually wear penny loafers or sneakers with this uniform. giày lười
47 pumps N a petrol pump giày cao gót
48 flats N Ballet flats are one of the hottest trends in Hollywood right now. giày búp bê
49 clerk N Take your purchases to the clerk, and he will wrap them for you. nhân viên bán hàng
50 cash N Will you pay by credit card or in cash? tiền mặt
51 credit N Will you pay by credit card or in cash? thẻ tín dụng
52 certainly Adv "This is rather a difficult question." "Yes, it's certainly not easy." chắc chắn
53 briefs N a pair of briefs quần lót
55 sleepwear N Her sleepwear today is pretty strange. đồ ngủ
56 store directory N Look up their number in the store directory. danh sách các cửa
57 pair N I can't find a matching pair of socks. cặp, đôi
58 heavy Adj This box is really heavy. nặng
59 light Adj a bright light nhẹ

60 dark Adj It was too dark to see much. tối màu, sẫm
61 tight Adj That jacket's too tight - you need a bigger size. chặt, bó
62 loose Adj He wore a loose pair of trousers. rộng thùng thình
63 pleasure N Coffee is one of my few pleasures. niềm vui, sự hân
64 floor N The bathroom floor needs cleaning. tầng, sàn nhà
65 basement N Our kitchenware department is in the basement. tầng hầm
66 top floor N The penthouse apartment is on the top floor. tầng thượng
67 ground floor N My office is on the ground floor. tầng trệt
68 casual Adj casual clothes tự nhiên
69 department N The shoe department is on the fifth floor. phòng, ban, gian
70 escalator N Sorry but the escalator is out of use; you'll have to take the stairs. thang cuốn
71 elevator N I took the elevator to her office on the fourteenth floor. thang máy
73 give direction V Can you give me directions to your house? chỉ dẫn
74 restroom N Do you need to use the restroom? toilet
75 self-service Adj a self-service salad bar tự phục vụ
76 appliance N electric/domestic/household appliances thiết bị
77 information desk N I asked at the station information desk where the taxi rank was. bàn tiếp tân
78 item N the last item on the list món đồ vật
79 formality N You'll have to sign the visitors' book, but it's just a formality. sự trang trọng
80 appropriateness N People disagree about the appropriateness of public funding. sự phù hợp

81 formal Adj a formal announcement tính trang trọng
82 informal Adj The two groups agreed to hold an informal meeting. tính than mật
83 appropriate Adj appropriate footwear for the country phù hợp, thích hợp
84 inappropriate Adj His casual behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such không phù hợp, thích
a formal occasion. hợp
85 liberal Adj Her parents were far more liberal than mine. tự do, thoải mái
86 conservative Adj She's very conservative in her eating habits. dè dặt, theo quy tắc
87 packing tip N The blog offered various packing tips. mẹo xếp đồ
88 safety N I'm worried about the safety of the treatment. sự an toàn
89 reservation N I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation. sự đặt chỗ trước
90 custom N It's a local custom. phong tục
91 modest Adj a modest size khiêm tốn, trung
bình, giản dị
92 blouse N a cotton blouse áo kiểu nữ
93 sleeves N short/long sleeves tay áo
94 sleeveless N a sleeveless blouse/dress/jacket không có tay áo
95 mosque N We were woken by the call to prayer from a nearby mosque. đền
96 dress code N My school had a very strict dress code. quy định trang phục
97 knee N He fell down and grazed his knee. đầu gối
98 shoulder N I rested my head on her shoulder. vai
99 head N Put this hat on to keep your head warm. đầu
100 cover N, V The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes. bìa, che, bao phủ

101 remove V It got so hot that he removed his tie and jacket. di chuyển, dời đi
102 flip-flops N a pair of flip-flops dép kẹp
103 normal Adj a normal working day bình thường
104 setting N This would be the perfect setting for a wedding. sự sắp đặt, bố trí
105 religious Adj religious education thuộc về tôn giáo
106 institution N a medical/educational/financial institution học viện
107 suit N She wore a dark blue suit. đồ com lê
108 tie N He always wears a jacket and tie to work. cà vạt
109 rule N the rules of golf/tennis/football luật lê, quy luật

Unit 9: Taking Transportation

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 departure N All departures are from Manchester. sự khởi hành
2 arrival N I need to check our arrival time. sự đến nơi
3 stop N, V I’m getting off at the next stop. Dừng
4 terminal N Terminal 3 is used mostly for domestic flights. Khu chờ
5 air conditioning N I wish my car had air conditioning. nhà ga xe lửa
6 aircraft N An aircraft maker/manufacturer/operator máy bay
7 arrive V What time will your train arrive? đến nơi
8 daily Adj, adv Exercise has become part of my daily routine. hằng ngày
9 coincidence N A series of strange/amazing coincidences sự trùng hợp
10 affordable Adj Nice clothes at affordable prices hợp lí (giá cả)
11 hurry Adj We need to hurry or we'll be late for school. vội vàng
13 rail N to travel by rail đường ray
14 direct flight N Is there a direct flight to Edinburgh? chuyến bay thẳng
15 one-way Adj How much is a one-way ticket to New York? một chiều
16 round-trip Adj I’d like a round-trip ticket to Baltimore, please. khứ hồi
17 aisle Adj Would you like an aisle seat or to be by the window? gần lối đi
18 local Adj, N Our children all go to the local school. địa phương
19 express V The quickest way to get here is to take the uptown express. tốc hành, hỏa tốc

20 board V At London airport she boarded a plane to Australia. lên máy bay
21 disappointment N Get tickets early to avoid disappointment. sự thất vọng
22 take off Phr.V When should we expect to take off? cất cánh
23 land V We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m. hạ cánh
24 go through V She went through security. thông qua
25 security N She went through security. an ninh
26 boarding pass N Here are your boarding passes . thẻ lên máy bay
27 gate N Passengers for Paris should proceed to gate 8. cổng
28 agent N A travel agent đại lí
29 departure lounge N please, wait in the departure lounge! phòng chờ khởi hành
30 announcement N We saw an announcement in the national newspaper. thông báo
31 instructions N Always read the instructions before you start. hướng dẫn
32 cancellation N We need at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation. sự hủy bỏ
33 overbook V The flight was heavily overbooked. đăng kí trước quá
34 mechanical Adj mechanical problems/defects thuộc về máy móc
35 reserve V These seats are reserved for the elderly and women with babies. đặt trước
36 volunteer N We're saving money by using volunteers. tình nguyện viên
37 Bump We bumped into her yesterday. Va vào
38 seasick Adj Anyone who has been seasick knows what that suffering is. say song
39 predictable Adj It was a fairly predictable result. có thể đoán được
40 limit V, N We set a time limit of 30 minutes for the test. giới hạn

41 confirm V Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday. xác nhận
42 get off Phr.V If we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be clearer. rời khỏi
43 compensate V The government maycompensate workers whose pensions have bồi thường, bù đắp
been lost.
44 global positioning system N GPS technology/device/system GPS
45 directly Adv Our hotel room was directly above a construction site. một cách trực tiếp
46 stick, stuck on V His car became stuck on the track. kẹt lại
47 abandon V He gave the order to abandon ship từ bỏ, rời bỏ
48 railroad N Railroad tracks đường xe lửa
49 afterwards Adv Afterwards she was sorry for what she'd said. sau đó, về sau
50 instruction N Always read the instructions before you start. sự hướng dẫn
51 death N The tragic death of a child cái chết
52 injury N No damage or injuries were reported. sự bị thương
53 pay attention to Phr.V You weren't paying attention to what I was saying. chú ý
54 commuter N They caught a commuter flight to Boston in the morning. người đi làm bằng vé
tháng (tàu, xe buýt)
55 ferry N We took the ferry to Calais. phà
56 helicopter N A helicopter pilot trực thăng
57 advantage N The advantage of booking tickets is to get better seats. thuận lợi
58 disadvantage N He's at a disadvantage being so shy. bất lợi
59 rental Adj A rental car cho thuê
60 own Adj He wanted an apartment of his own. thuộc sở hữu ai đó

61 board V At London airport she boarded a plane to Australia. lên tàu, lên máy bay

Unit 10: Spending money

No. Word Part of Example Meaning

1 exchange rate N A high/low exchange rate tỉ giá
2 currency N Foreign currency tiền tệ
3 expense N We need to cut down on our expenses. chi tiêu
4 fee N University fees phí
5 transaction N A business transaction sự giao dịch
6 accept V Do you accept credit cards? chấp nhận
7 stuff N What's this black stuff? món, thứ
8 bargain N, V Unions bargain with employers for better rates of pay each year. món hời, trả giá
9 vacuum cleaner N An electrical machine cleans floors, carpets, etc. máy hút bụi
10 juicer N I bought a juicer last flashsale. máy ép trái cây
11 available Adj Further details are available on request. có sẵn
12 range N There is a full range of activities for children. tầm, phạm vi, loại
13 microwave N Reheat the soup in the microwave. lò vi song
14 portable Adj The equipment is lightweight, portable and easy to store. dễ mang theo, xách tay
15 tip N To leave a tip tiền bo
16 customary N In my village, it is customary for a girl to take her mother's name. tục lệ
17 complicate Adj The rescue operation was complicated by bad weather. phức tạp
18 satisfy V They have 31 flavors of ice cream - enough to satisfy everyone! hài long, thoã mãn
19 consider V Please consider his recommendation? xem xét, cân nhắc
20 server N A client /network/file server người phục vụ
21 fare N Train fares are going up again. tiền vé
22 porter N The porter opened the door for me and then called a taxi. người xách hành lí
23 housekeeper N The housekeepers were asked to clean the floor. quản gia
24 handmade Adj handmade chocolates/paper/shoes làm bằng tay, thủ công
25 rug N The floor was partly covered with a dirty old rug. tấm thảm
26 merchant N a wine/grain merchant thương gia
27 handshake N He welcomed me with a wide smile and a warm handshake. bắt tay
28 antique Adj My mother collects antiques. cổ xưa
29 vase N a vase of flowers lọ hoa
30 guess V I didn't know the answer, so I had to guess. đoán
31 rip-off Adj $300 for that shirt? - That's a complete rip-off. đắt đỏ
32 fridge N Milk keeps much longer in a fridge. tủ lạnh


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