Rhys Balasuit

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4601 College Boulevard Farmington, NM 87402 (505)566-3986 sjchs.sanjuancollege.


January 25, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

I taught Rhys as a first-year student at SJCHS and have also been his gifted case manager throughout his
second, third and fourth years here. Rhys is a well-rounded young man who excels academically and is
thoughtful about how he interacts with others. Throughout high school, he has taken on the challenges of a full
academic and extracurricular load; he has worked outside of school for the last two years, participated in
Science Olympiad, and also took on the role of president to the Asian American Representation Club, which he
has worked diligently to grow.

When I met Rhys, it was evident he was a high-achieving student who not only had the extrinsic motivation of
grades, but was also intrinsically motivated to glean all that he could from a rigorous high school curriculum.
What continues to impress me about Rhys has little to do with his academic feats and more to do with the path
to self-awareness and growth he has chosen. Rhys is often working to become more reflective of his own
practices academically and socially. There have been times when he was able to articulate an overly
perfectionistic attitude toward his work, and was working to find balance. He has tried different approaches to
modify his own behavior so that he was better able to enjoy the content of his coursework versus finding
himself immersed in details. Some of this experience is what I think contributes to his passion for psychology.
His interest in human behavior has always been present in his writing. During his first year in my English class,
it was immediately apparent that his writing skills far exceeded those of most other students. He carefully
selected topics of interest when given the opportunity, and continued to explore elements of the human
condition that appealed to him in new and interesting ways. For almost twenty years prior to teaching at SJCHS,
I taught AP LAnguage and Composition, as well as AP Research. Today I maintain that Rhys is one of the
strongest writers I have had the pleasure of teaching, and I am confident he will contribute greatly to whatever
profession he chooses to pursue in this and myriad other ways.

By the time students are in their fourth year at SJCHS, it is not uncommon for us to not see much of them
around campus; they are fully immersed in the college and rarely have need for their former high school
teachers. However, there have been several instances where Rhys stops by just to visit and tell me about his
classes. We often find ourselves discussing the intriguing and challenging aspects of giftedness, working to be a
reflective and present individual in society, the fear that comes with venturing into the wide world as a young
adult, and the life of someone who wishes to be of service to the greater community of which they are a part. I
appreciate this about Rhys; he shares some of his thought-provoking ideas and struggles with me and I am
therefore given the opportunity to learn a little more about both him and myself. These are the kind of
interactions that keep me coming back to education year after year.

Where Rhys is meticulous and perfectionistic, he can also be playful and easy going; he enjoys music and art
and I believe he will thrive in a multicultural and diverse environment, where he can experience the greater
world around him. I believe his options are endless and am confident he will find something that stirs his
passions while also providing him the safety and security he seems to crave in consistency. For Rhys to grow to
his potential I believe it is essential for him to be pushed by peers and professors who challenge him to take
both academic and personal risks. My instinct tells me Rhys has felt like an onlooker much of his time in
school; he is involved in extracurricular activities and sports but is more mature than most of his peers, which
unsurprisingly sets him apart from the herd. It will be wonderful for Rhys to experience a highly academic and
rigorous campus where he can challenge and be challenged to step outside the familiar into a world full of
opportunity and wonder. He comes to you very highly recommended with all of my faith that he will conduct
himself in commendable and magnificent ways.


Kelly Nichols

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