Reflection On Leader

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Kulay Rosas

My ideal servant leader is such an inspiration, not just for me but for many. She is a
dedicated servant leader who has several projects that aim to enhance the lives of poor and
underprivileged communities. She empathizes with them and is attentive to their needs. In a
country of corruption, she has good governance and is very transparent with her financial
transactions in her projects. With her working hands-on, I can see that she has a strong desire
to help the Filipino people. This person and I do not have a personal relationship, but I see her
as someone I respect and admire. And this person is Leni Robredo.

Cervantes (2022) wrote that in the Commission on Elections's PiliPinas Debate 2022,
Leni shared that her first executive order, if elected as president, would be a full disclosure
policy. Leni is known for being transparent with her projects, such as expenditures and taxes.
Furthermore, she encourages accountability with thorough information and frequent updates
on her initiatives. Her integrity made people respect her, and I think it became a breath of fresh
air when a politician is not corrupt. Other than being compassionate, Leni is also humble and
pragmatic. She lives a simple life and does not engage in activities that display her wealth. She
is approachable and interacts with people like she has known them her whole life. One of the
main reasons why I look up to her is because she recognizes her limitations. She regularly
consults experts to determine the best course of action when helping the underprivileged. With
this, she exhibits a strong desire for public service. Moreover, she also displays a courageous
and resilient personality. Despite getting backlash, being the center of misinformation, being
discriminated against for being a woman, and experiencing personal tragedies, she remains
composed throughout her campaign. She persevered because of her mental fortitude,
unwavering dedication, and attention to practical solutions. She has been through so much in
her entire career as a politician; however, she remained steadfast in serving the people.

I chose Leni Robredo as my ideal servant leader because of her commitment to making
this country a better place. She was like a light in the darkness of corruption and despair. Her
leadership style places a strong emphasis on community building and a service-oriented
mindset. I can promote leadership by emphasizing teamwork, fostering inclusivity and actively
listening to my members and the community. I can serve the people if I remain resilient and
persevere through the hardships it takes to own a business. Incorporating the lessons I've
learned from Leni can help me keep an optimistic mindset, have a positive impact on my
community, and cultivate a health environment where people can reach their full potential.
Cervantes, F. (2022, April 4). Robredo to initiate full disclosure policy as first EO. Philippine News

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