Report One Week CATIA Workshop 2-7 DEC

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Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research &

Technology, Chandrapur





Date: 2nd – 7th December, 2019

A one week workshop on “CATIA Software” has been organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering from
02-12-2019 to 07-12-2019.

CATIA software is a multi-platform software suite for computer-aided design, computer aided manufacturing.
The main aim of program was to make students able to draw 3D model of their project and acquire skills and
knowledge to get employment opportunities in the design area. The sole purpose of workshop is to get students
acquaint with the CATIA user interface which is currently dominating industrial design engineering industry.
Engineering drawing is the best way to express engineering concepts and exchange information. If any
component is to be specified, the information needed is: all the dimensions of the component, Description of the
material to be used, Parameters like weight, tensile strength, ductility, etc.

CATIA provides the capability to visualize designs in 3D. CATIA can be used at different stages of the design -
ideate, draw, test and iterate. The software comes with different workbenches (“modules”) that allow CATIA to
be used across varied industries – from parts design, surface design and assembly to sheet metal design. CATIA
can also be used for CNC. CATIA offers many workbenches that can be loosely termed as modules. A few of the
important workbenches were taught in workshop. Their functionality description is given below:
1. Part Design: The most essential workbench needed for solid modeling. This CATIA module makes it possible to
design precise 3D mechanical parts with an intuitive and flexible user interface, from sketching in an assembly
context to iterative detailed design.
2. Generative Shape Design: allows you to quickly model both simple and complex shapes using wireframe and
surface features. It provides a large set of tools for creating and editing shape designs. Though not essential,
knowledge of Part Design will be very handy in better utilization of this module.
3. Assembly: The basics of product structure, constraints, and moving assemblies and parts can be learned
quickly. This is the workbench that allows connecting all the parts to form a machine or a component.

In conclusion, The CATIA suite is a powerful design tool that is growing in popularity due to the powerful
functionality it offers. Since the software is vast, it is better to get professional training in CATIA to make
maximum use of its features.

This workshop had been arranged in two slots

1) Morning Slot (From 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM)
2) Afternoon Slot (From 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM)

Total 98 Students has registered for the course, the workshop has successfully completed at the best effort of
Prof. P S Buchunde & Prof. A R Vairagade under the guidance of Prof. P H Sahare with the immense support and
motivation by the Dr. P A Potdukhe, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department.
Day wise Completion of Topics:-

Day Date Topics Covered

Day-1 02/12/2019 Introduction, Sketcher, Sketcher Tools

Day-2 03/12/2019 Constraints, Sketched Based Features Tools- PAD/ POCKET

Day-3 04/12/2019 Reference Plane, Multi-pad, Multi-pocket

Day-4 05/12/2019 Sketched Based Feature- Shaft, Trim

Day-5 06/12/2019 Sketched Based Feature- Hole, Arrays

Day-6 07/12/2019 Sketched Based Feature-Draft, Stiffener, Fillet, Chamfer, Slot

09/12/2019 Multi-section of solids, Assembling

Detailed timeline of workshop is as follows. On day 1, our respected HOD sir started with a welcome speech to
students with remarkable mention on importance of knowledge of CAD and industrial design engineering in
today’s era. With a high note to that, Prof. P.H. Sahare sir also added the various software’s available in the
industry for CAD modeling and Analysis with special emphasis on role of mechanical engineer as design engineer
in industry. After orienting students about workshop, Prof. P.S. Buchunde and Prof. A.R. Vairagade started with
the first module-Part design in CAD designing. At the end of Day 1 students were well aware of various modules
in CATIA. Drawing parts (2D) was the main outcome of Day 1 followed by a practice session.

Session of day 2 started with practicing day 1 sketching module. Doubts of many students were cleared. On day 2,
students were taught about sketch based features namely padding and pocketing. In this students were taught to
add thickness to their respective sketches to make a 3D model. Similar to day 1, there was practice session at the
end of session.

Session of day 3 started with doubt solving and practice of previous day padding and pocketing. On day 3,
students studied about simultaneously pocketing and padding various sketches. Students were able to draw their
respective project parts.

On day 4, students were taught about shaft and trim sketch based features. Students were successfully
demonstrated modeling of cone pulley in 3D. Also pad drafting toolbar was taught. Day ended with practice
session and doubt solving session.

On day 5, students studied creating hole and grooves in part. Special emphasis on making patterns of selected
features and sketches made. Patterns (arrays) linear and circular were taught. Doubt solving and practice session

On day 6, sketch based features toolbars were completed and drawing repeated patterns were taught to the
students. Many sketch based features like chamfer, fillet, stiffener, ribs, slots, etc were taught to students.
On day 7, students were taught about multi-sections solids drafting and assembling of various parts designed
during the workshop schedule. Many students demonstrated assembly drawings of their final year projects.
Students seemed happy with the learning experience and gave satisfactory feedback for the program.

Head of the Mechanical Department Dr. P A Potdukhe delivering opening speech for one week workshop on
“CATIA Software”

Co-ordinator Prof. P H Sahare briefing about the importance of “CATIA Software” and its career opportunities.
Prof. A R Vairagade & Prof. P S Buchunde giving hands on training on “CATIA Software”

Students practicing “CATIA Software”

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