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Science Feature Writing

Joemar L. Furigay
▪ Key Ideas
▪ Impression
▪ Style
▪ Form
The headline refers to
the title of your science
feature article.
The headline should present the
major ideas of your article.
-what is your topic all about
-what is the main point you want
to tell them
Medical Implants

Insect Wings Hold Antimicrobial Clues

for Improved Medical Implants
Detecting Odor Combinations

Making Sense of Scents

3D Videos Reveal How the Nose
Detects Odor Combinations
The headline should also sound
like a science story and not
some other journalistic genres.
The Abused, the Undernourished,
and the Obese

Links between Childhood Adversity and

Adverse Health Outcomes: Exploring the
Impact of Abuse, Undernutrition, and Obesity
List of New Orchids in the Philippines

Blooming Beauty: Discovering the

Dazzling Diversity of the Philippines'
New Orchid Species
➢ Repetition of letter sounds
Most Bird Feed Contains
Troublesome Weed Seeds
Cats Can Get Coronavirus, Study Suggests—
but Pet Owners Need Not Panic
➢ Play on words
Parasitic Worms Have Armies,
Produce More Soldiers When Needed
➢ Parody
When Birds of a Feather Don't Flock
Together: Exploring the Surprising
Benefits of Mixed-Species Bird Flocks
Birds of a feather flock together
➢ Humor
Not Just a Pretty Beak: The Harsh Reality
for Male Songbirds Who Rely on Their
-one to five short words
-written in ALL CAPS
-placed at the top center of the main head
-saying, clause, phrase, word
Disordered Eating Among Young Adults Found
to Have Long-Term Negative Health Effects

Novel Reversible Technique Produces
Acyl Fluoride Using Rare Metal
Drinking Hot Tea Linked
with Elevated Risk of Esophageal Cancer
-three to eight words
-aligned with the main headline
-either underlined or italicized
-written in down style
By tempting insects to their webs
Bright Yellow Spots Help
Orb Weaver Spiders Lure Their Next Meal

May help conserve PPEs
New algorithm aims to protect surgical team
members against infection with COVID-19

On genetic mutation
How Monarch Butterflies
Evolved to Eat a Poisonous Plant
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Intrigue or Surprise
Imagine a world where robots are no
longer limited to performing menial tasks but
are also able to provide emotional support and
companionship to humans. This may seem like
a far-fetched idea from a sci-fi movie, but it has
become a reality in Japan.
Situation – Question
When it comes to robotics, Japan is a country that often
comes to mind. With their rich history of technological
advancements, it's no surprise that the Japanese have
taken robotics to new heights. From humanoid robots to
animal-like companions, Japanese robotics companies
have been pushing the boundaries of what's possible.
But what exactly makes Japanese robots stand out from
the rest?
Disjointed Sentence
Japan is well-known for its cutting-edge technology and
groundbreaking advancements in various fields. One such field
is robotics, where Japan has established itself as a leader in the
development of futuristic and innovative robots. These robots
are not only programmable but also possess an incredible range
of features that have revolutionized the way we live and work.
Parts of a Science Feature
Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Bridging Component
1. Definition
2. Explanation
3. Clarification
4. Description
5. Backgrounding
Bridging Component
In recent years, the field of robotics has
made significant strides in creating more
advanced and intelligent machines. Emotional
support robots, also known as "companion
robots," are designed to provide companionship,
emotional support, and even therapy to people
who may be in need of it.
Bridging Component
-Any technical term mentioned in the
opening bite should be given meaning
in the succeeding paragraphs.
Herbivores are animals that eat mostly or
only plants. They can be tiny insects, such as
aphids and grasshoppers. But a diet of
plants can also sustain massive beasts, like
rhinos, elephants and moose. Even some fish
are herbivorous. For example, pacus–cousins
of meat-eating piranhas–nosh on plants.
Wilke, C. (2020, January 13). Scientists say: Herbivore.
Science News for Students.
Bridging Component
1. Definition
2. Explanation
3. Clarification
4. Description
5. Backgrounding
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Detailing Section
Patterns of Organization: Topical

-The use of subheads to divide the

topics into several sections
But, first, give a hint for the Detailing Section

The Premise
-a paragraph of one or two sentences
-a slight indication or suggestion on what
type of logical organization would be used in
the succeeding paragraphs
Japan has been at the forefront of
developing and implementing these emotional
support robots, and they have been embraced
by the Japanese people. In this article, we will
delve deeper into the world of Japanese robots
and explore the different ways they are being
used to enhance the lives of people.
Detailing Section
Organization Pattern: Topical
-If the article covers several topics, using only
one pattern might strike out other important
details; thus, develop the story by arranging
the details into their sub-themes.
Introduction to Japanese Robots
Japan has a rich history of technological advancements and
innovations, and robotics is no exception. Japanese companies have
been leading the way in the development of robots that can provide a
wide range of services, from manufacturing and construction to
healthcare and entertainment.

Companion Robots
One of the most significant contributions of Japanese robotics is
the development of companion robots. These robots are designed to
provide companionship, emotional support, and even therapy to
people who may be in need of it. They are particularly popular among
the elderly population, who may feel lonely and isolated.
Healthcare Robots
Another area where Japanese robots are making a significant
impact is in the healthcare industry. Robots are being used to assist in
surgeries, provide care to patients, and even help with rehabilitation.
These robots are designed to be precise and efficient, reducing the
risk of human error and improving patient outcomes.

Entertainment Robots
Japanese robots are not limited to practical applications but are
also being used for entertainment purposes. From robotic pets to
humanoid performers, Japanese robots are becoming a fixture in the
entertainment industry, providing audiences with unique and exciting
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Recapping Segment
-bring back the attention of your
readers to the premise of the article
-make them feel happy that they read
the story
Recapping Segment
Overall, Japanese robots have had a
significant impact on various industries and have
provided innovative solutions to everyday
problems. As the field of robotics continues to
evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting
and useful applications of these machines.
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Looping Piece
- provide a sense of closure for the
-bring your readers back to your
opening bite
-make your science feature article a full
Looping Piece
In conclusion, the development of emotional
support robots in Japan is a testament to the country's
commitment to using technology to improve people's lives.
With robots that provide companionship and emotional
support, we are moving towards a future where machines
are not only efficient but also empathetic. The possibilities
of Japanese robots are endless, and we can't wait to see
what innovations they will bring in the future.
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
-Opening Bite: Problem-Solution
Coughing can be a nuisance, especially
when it disrupts daily activities and affects sleep
quality. While cough medicines are readily
available, some people prefer natural
alternatives that are gentle on the body and
have fewer side effects. Herbal medicines for
cough have been used for centuries and are
known for their effectiveness in relieving cough
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
-Bridging Component
Herbal medicines are natural plant-based
remedies that have been used for centuries in various
cultures for medicinal purposes. These medicines are
made from plant extracts and are often consumed as
teas, tinctures, or capsules. Many herbs have anti-
inflammatory, antimicrobial, and expectorant
properties, making them effective in treating cough
and other respiratory symptoms.
The Premise
In this article, we will explore some of
the most effective herbal medicines for
cough and how they work to relieve
symptoms. We will also discuss some
important considerations when using herbal
remedies and their potential risks and side
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
-Detailing Section: Subheads
Licorice root:
Licorice root is a common ingredient in herbal cough remedies and is
known for its ability to soothe and coat the throat. It has anti-inflammatory
and antimicrobial properties that help reduce coughing and phlegm
production. Licorice root can be consumed as a tea or a supplement, but it
is important to note that excessive consumption can cause high blood
Ginger has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory
and analgesic properties. It is effective in treating coughs caused by colds
and flu as it helps reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract. Ginger can
be consumed as a tea or added to meals, and it is generally safe for most
-Detailing Section: Subheads
Honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for cough and sore
throat. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help
soothe the throat and reduce coughing. Honey can be consumed on its own
or added to tea, but it is not recommended for children under one year old
due to the risk of botulism.
Echinacea is an herb that has been used for centuries to boost the immune
system and treat respiratory infections. It has anti-inflammatory and
antimicrobial properties that make it effective in treating coughs caused by
infections. Echinacea can be consumed as a tea or taken as a supplement,
but it is not recommended for people with autoimmune disorders.
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
Recapping Segment
Herbal medicines for cough are natural
remedies that can effectively relieve cough
symptoms. Licorice root, ginger, honey, and
echinacea are some of the most effective herbs
for cough, and they work by reducing
inflammation, soothing the throat, and boosting
the immune system.
Parts of a Science Feature
-Opening Bite
-Bridging Component
-Detailing Section
-Recapping Segment
-Looping Piece
-Looping Piece
In conclusion, herbal medicines for cough
offer a natural and effective alternative to
traditional cough medicines. However, it is
important to note that herbal remedies may
have potential risks and side effects, and they
should be used with caution. If cough symptoms
persist or worsen, it is always best to consult a
healthcare professional for proper diagnosis
and treatment.
Open Discussion/
Audience Engagement

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