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Name: Demo Year Level: 9

The Design Process

Design Brief

and analysis

Production Designing

Read the information on Pages 5 and 6 and answer the following questions in the space
1. What is the design brief?

2. Why is a brief important?

A brief is important because it gives you the key ideas and thoughts on what you’re going
to prepare.

3. The design brief contains some important factors. The factors are listed below.
Explain what each of these terms mean.
a) Specifications

b) Constraints

Name: Demo Year Level: 9

The key points in a scenario that must be followed.

c) Considerations
Thoughts that should be considered when making a meal, depending on the time of year
or conditions of others.

4. Why is it important to write evaluation criteria questions?

It is important to write evaluation criteria questions so that you are remaining on track
/ so you know what your doing.

5. Activity 1.4: Read the Design Brief given below and complete the questions below:

You and your friends are planning a movie marathon for Saturday night. Your friends
have nominated you to organise the food, as you are an expert in the kitchen. They
have requested finger foods that are easy to eat during the movies, but do not want the
usual high fat high salt fast foods. They would like two savoury products- one to be
served hot and one sweet treat. You will need to prepare the food before the evening
but will be able to reheat the hot foot at the venue. There will be 4 others at the event
other than you.

a) Highlight the constraints in the brief

b) Underline the considerations in the brief
c) List out the specifications in the brief. (Who, what, where, when, why)

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