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 With options, one pays money to have a choice in the future
 Kinds of option : calls (a right to buy, specified in the contract at a predetermined
price, uncommitted to buy) & puts (a right to sell)
 Calls berbeda dengan forward contract, karena kalau forward : having the option to
buy dan committed to buy
 Ketika option dibeli, buyer dari option compensated the seller (disebut juga writer
dari option). Writer option sekarang subject dari choice in the future
 Essence dari option : bukan free will. Orang beli pada tanggal dan harga tertentu
kalau option tersebut < harga beli di open market. Karna bisa dapet profit dari jual di
open market
 Contract of the option ada term : exercise date / strike date (date when the option
expires harus buy if it’s a call/ sell if it’s a put), ada definisi objeknya apa dan berapa
banyak kalo shares


 Ticker : abbreviation for the company name which is used in financial reporting
 Kalau option (di option market) cuma bayar $2.36 padahal harga per share nya $31.
Jadi kalau tau2 turun tidak akan rugi
 Jangan exercise options early, karena punya option value. Option value : value that
you get the upside without so much downside
 Bid ask spread : asking 15 cents more, cara dealer making money. Mau jual, dealer
offer $6.05. Mau beli, harga option nya $6.20.
 Ask : price to purchase an option
 Bid : price to sell the option back to the dealer
 Last : last price the option was sold for


 Major source of economic inefficiency is cured by options market
 Trade the risk in order to reduce the risk. Risk that a stock will go up abpve the strike
price, will go above another strike price, etc
 Behavioral finance : pay attention to salient things, overreact to the news.
 Options : insurance to a stock. Stock price might fall. Buy a put option on the shares i
own, strike way below the current price of stock. If the stock fails below that, can
exercise the option and sell at the option price

 Recourse state : buy a house and take out a mortgage to borrow, then stop paying.
Can garnish paycheck, do legal proceeding to make you pay
 Non recourse state : fail to pay, just evict and take the house but cannot go any
further. Really an option of sorts
 Investment derivatives : risky, might be subject to crashes in a crisis. Increased so
rapidly, regulators weren’t up to date on all the issues


 Value of the option (intrinsic value) : call option. Jika call option dan hari terakhir,
exercise/forget it. Harga $20. Kalau harga stock sekarang < $20, option worthless.
 Jika money on the last day, exercise day, option worth the difference between the
stock price and the option price. Kalau harga stock $25, maka exercise dan jual
stocknya, karna dapet $5.
 Puts option. Exercise jika option price < stock price.

 Parity relations : relations holds quite well if you do it exactly right in the options
 Price of an option on the last day : intrinsic value
 Price of an option before last day : worth more than intrinsic value, karna ada option
 No arbitrage : no sure profits
 If the stock price fall below the exercise price, lose the full amount if you own the
stock. But when own the option, still got something (option value)


 Stop loss order : insure yourself against losses on the stocks
 Sell if the stock falls under certain amount (ditentukan sendiri)
 Kalau stop loss oder, misal jual pas di bawah $20. Pas $19 dijual, kemudian besoknya
naik jadi $21, terus beli lagi. Kehilangan $2
 Harus compare option price sama losses di stop loss order

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