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Student: Eduardo Yañez

Teacher: Alejandro Aguayo

In Concepción on April 29, 2024 between, Correcaminos Limitada, Rol Único Tributario
Nº 76.587.785-5 represented by Mr. Alex Díaz Vásquez, Chilean, identity card Nº
12.258.852-6, both domiciled at Calle Castellón 545, commune of Concepción, Region
Del Bio Bio, hereinafter, "the employer"; and Mr. Eduardo Yañez Rocha, Chilean, of
legal age, 31 years old, identity card N° 18.295.288-5, domiciled at Colo Colo 966,
Dept. 702, commune of Concepción, Region of Del Bio Bio, the following employment
contract has been agreed:
FIRST: The employee undertakes to perform the work and functions of a Legal
Technician. Among its functions:  Carry out procedures before the Labour Inspectorate
and labour courts under the supervision of the professional, demonstrating knowledge
of the general structure of labour law.
 Manage commercial and administrative documents, demonstrating knowledge of the
legislation on companies and credit instruments.  Drafting texts associated with legal
processes, managing documents physically and digitally, facilitating access to
information by users.
 Operate with the general structure of Civil Law in relation to the regime of assets and
obligations, with particular emphasis on contracts. And any activity related to the
profession. The work will be carried out at the premises of Correcaminos Limitada, at
545 Castellón Street in the commune of Concepción. Notwithstanding the fact that
he/she will have to carry out activities outside the office in public or private institutions
associated with the aforementioned procedures, by virtue of the exercise of the position,
when required by the employer.
SECOND: The working day will be 45 hours per week, distributed over 5 days and in
the following hours:- Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. El trabajador tendrá
un descanso diario de 60 minutos, de acuerdo a lo señalado en el artículo 34 del
Código del Trabajo.
The worker shall have a daily rest of 60 minutes, in accordance with the provisions of
article 34 of the Labor Code.
THIRD: The worker shall not be authorized to work overtime without the express
authorization of the employer.
FOURTH: The worker's remuneration will be the gross monthly sum of $900,000, paid
per calendar month, which will be settled and paid for overdue periods, at the
employer's domicile, on the first three working days of the following month. Both parties
agree that the remuneration includes the concept of gratuity referred to in article 50 of
the Labour Code. Taxes shall be deducted from the remuneration; social security
contributions, health contributions, unemployment insurance; and all those deductions,
with the legal limits indicated in article 54 et seq. of the Labor Code, that the worker has
expressly authorized by means of a signed letter of authorization.
FIFTH: The following are the essential obligations of the worker, the violation of which
the parties understand as a justified cause for termination of this contract: 1.- To carry
out his work to the full satisfaction of his employer, maintaining a permanent, timely and
due attention to his position;
2.- To fulfill with the greatest diligence, care and good will the duties imposed on him by
his functions or labors;
3.- To maintain the most absolute confidentiality and reserve of the antecedents,
documents or information, whatever their nature, of which they become aware in the
performance of the entrusted services, undertaking not to disclose them;
4. To maintain the strictest confidentiality vis-à-vis third parties with respect to the
employer's business; 5.- Maintain a personal presentation in accordance with their work;
6.- To report and report in a permanent and timely manner to their bosses on the work
they carry out, in detail;
7.- To take care of and maintain, in perfect condition, the machines, tools and other
assets of the company;
8. To carry out the instructions and orders given to him by any of his superiors;
9.- In cases of absence from work, due to illness, the worker must justify it -only- with
the corresponding medical certificate, within a period of 24 hours, from the time he or
she stopped attending work;
10.- Actively collaborate in all those tasks in which he/she performs on behalf of the
11.- Inform their direct supervisor of any anomaly and possible damage that could affect
the employer that could be mitigated or avoided if known;
12.- In general, any conduct that could damage the name and/or prestige of the
SIXTH: The worker is obliged to carry out his work with due care, avoiding
compromising the safety and health of the rest of the employer's workers and the
Environment. The infraction or non-compliance with any of the aforementioned
obligations will be considered as a serious breach of the obligations imposed by the
contract and, when appropriate, the company reserves the right to declare the
termination of the contract, without any compensation, in accordance with the provisions
of article 160 No. 7 of the Labor Code.
SEVENTH: It is expressly forbidden for the worker to conduct conduct that the worker
declares to know and accept: 1.-Carrying out business or activities within the line of
business in which the employer operates;
2.- To carry out, during the working day and/or on the premises of the Employer,
activities unrelated to his/her work for the Employer and/or to attend to particular
3.-. Withholding documents of any kind belonging to the employer, whether they are for
payment, representing money or any other kind;
4.- Remove documents, software, electronic equipment, or any other property owned
by the employer from the employer's offices, unless authorized in writing by the
EIGHTH: Both parties reiterate that they elevate the stipulations contained in the fifth,
sixth and seventh clauses above to the character of essential.
NINTH: This contract shall be an indefinite contract. The parties may terminate it by
mutual agreement, and only one of them may do so in the manner, under the conditions
and for the reasons set out in articles 159, 160 and 161 of the Labour Code.
TENTH: For all purposes derived from this contract, the parties establish their domicile
in the city of Concepción and extend jurisdiction to its courts of justice.
ELEVENTH: This contract is signed in three copies of identical wording, the worker
declaring that he has received a copy of it and that it is a true reflection of the
employment relationship between the parties. The other two copies remain in the
possession of the employer.

Correcaminos Ltda
P.P: Alex Diaz Vasquez 12.258.852-6

Eduardo Yañez

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