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l/11• 1c1" 1""' ' ' '"' c k , 1, ,,J•h,I ,

n,~1c~, 1.. ,,, · ~ l lll I l n l ... ,1 01 , • • .,
1c11,pc r111,1rc

,,.,.-1"~>11,ht .,"'"
Nim,lll·Uu·1K' . 11 1•a k yc ll. ,"1,,p.,J
, 11. 1
\ Il l lrtt,.._1..,.t,ut"1 i11n,;,u
,, f,,r,u,·,I
\l ") ~ic-,,- u,,ri,,110 ,ut1, IHUlh\ll [ l)J /hl'"11!11illl lj lll1 .,1111 ci , d1l u1c11 ,1,,
(I)\ n,..-l">pl"h c , uh, 1m,to "n m·,d 1md,l,l111 c, ull111 1cau,J

,\ h,J,_...-a,t-.~ n~omarn , H7.8° oc•rl-.lo 1111, I ~ r d i : r , r . , 1hc ln ll " wi11 11 1ri h lc1< th<
1: i•. hJdroi,,cn h~ "'"" Ii. cmp iri,·a l 5hm, s !lie pl,'. _ ,11lu,· , "! th1<·c ,.,..• ,,.
f....,1ml:t IS ,.,n,po ,11ul,
Or,:•nk Cu 1111>ound
<lh C"I I,
l·1hu1111km:· id
(Cl C,11 ,
10 ) C,ll , l:!haoo / 15 '1

lll:.w..Jr., frf')l <> th,;fol/owi11winfonna1io t1

ol>o.1t.11 hydnxarbon l. l- o r \\hich '-'flhc IOll"""'i; pr"ll<'111n•«
1h.·,·umro1111Jsn,ul.,·,l 11,1h.· •·• •rrn·1,..,<k< ·
l!JJrocartxm Z has" rclaci,·e mo l«u lar
m11:,, o (&~ \\ h<,nO. I ~o f Z wn bt,,01 E11 ....., ut" los iu~ u pro t<>n I tha11<•J<
m o~, ~cn. 0 J l6 I' of carbon d ioxide ar,J "dd > l'hcuul ,,. Uha u.,J
o 118 i:,,,. .... ,.,, ""'"
r,,,,n~d Si,,hility : l.1/1< >.\ i,kio u · !'h,,, •. ,w..
inn s; h1h:u, .,,11cinn
n,., u,olccul• r forrn ul •,.,fZ i, Di ssol. imion I 1/ 0,n, .. 1 l'h,·••• I
l,11,.,.1 0icn,•1<J
c . 11,
Hl o C 0 lt ,. ( ,\ J 111,,.111 .,,,,.
iC) l. , 11., (II ) l cm<11 11 .,.,i ,
m, t .11.0
11,,, .. 1111,,,,i,
!ll 1 1.11 ,, .,,1,11 .
,_, ;u
< ::) J:
~ c 11 ,c11 , C ll ,CH,CI
•O, ~ •(§(

N"d<~phil i<a<kli1i0<1

;~: ~::.•=~:c,~:~1:~:n
( Il l Elcctrophi li<a<1J i1ion

An >kohol istr<al.:J"ith""idificdl..0 ,0 ,
1JtwJ..:1 re-for, to th< fo lio""'~ '""'"'"""I I~ .
•nd 1hcr< lungm ' ,tur• ~· ,c, ·1 r,o,'t.:
u ;.,odofor,nlc>t . Which uf 1hcf~lt.,.,in~
., ,rn<IUf< > UES r n.,p rcscnl> lh< •k ~h,,I
co,11 u<cJ"'
ll 1N - C - II
,A, Cll , - 011

,11, r 11, - c- c11,

1,\ I
: 1
) 6
,c, cn,- c - c - 11
111 !11,
~ H,

101 CH,- 1-CH,



"~~ I ' ll l " \1 1 < ,\l'I :

, 11 , , .. t, o.j•
,, 1 '•llhajl

,m ' •''''"'I'

1\ 1 1,i.....,....-,J.,..1,
1111 """"'"""''°"wJ""h
,, , 1.-..... ...,wJ. I•• .,,.1tt ,t1
11)1 r..,,...,.....,...,,J. lQ . ,w.t lt O

~•-rn,coc, - f.'oc",

,., f. .,.,,,oc, - ~• •rn, ,oo"

~-fg:~: : ;{i'.:fjj) ,
rlauJ ~1/ 1,.,,.,. • .,,...1 ,11.-. ,..,,,r,.,,...,,,
'i or,J\

t ,\I rJ,.-,.-" t~• • ' " hi t' n,~'"""

.' i ll ) !he n, l,1tu ,, t th e t,,,.,,, ,,. .. 1'

,l ,.,hui;c d ,.,,J • " '° " "
rn"' 'f'"!•l<' 0> lo rm cd
r h,· ~" '""' ,,r lh c b, .......... ,.
,l1 w haf![<',I l~a,111 1' a )d in,.
• y pH'<' IJlUal,•
(Ill lh c co lv ,u .,f •he)>,.,.,,.,. .. "
J,whnri;cJ u,ul n ,•u l,,.., k .,
,.,,,,,.,,,. ' ~;--,,.. J

,\ ,·.,11,p,:,u11J nh,orh,lo i;lu of tr.-,I'"'"'')

OJO Mlt , lh,• """' lrni,: 1h . in,•m ,., l1hc
lii,:111 ,ol>s.lfhc,li,1,· lu~ IU'n1, ' 1
I&. \lo l1<c h o f the f.:i ll o w inl' sta1cmcn1,
""l'•rJ,ul' tile, componcnl s nf X and Yi, 1A1 J l.•11
corn-er> <Ill .I ) ~I x IO
(Cl J 1.•11 x 10 •
(Af Xt>mon:,1r0<1gt)a<horbedby1hc, !Dl .11. 'II • 10 '
p.,pc,,1 hanY3ndXha,3largcr
R, ullJ('lhanY l'roa1111em ofu !11 OU l' -" '"'Pie ,·,.,11 amot1~
fli / X i, nw:,,,,sironsl~ a<horbedby 11>,; a ch lor ide \llh "•lh c, cc -, ""'Cr '""""
p;,porlhan\' anJXhas u smaller ,ol 111i,,,,p,oJ11cc,!K O~ l'" l"l,,·r•h l,,...,1.,
11., ,·al...., thar,Y IAg '" IOH. 0 • 35.S)
(C) Y i,n,orc >1ror111lyo.Jsorbodby1k
papr,1hanXandYha,a largrr Which of1hc lvll,,"'"l'"'l'"''""'"'""t..,
R, nluc1hanX """dn,calcula1,• 1h,·r<r.·c11,,.~,,•1 ,t, l.,n,J.,
/[) J , · ,. ,u<!fcs1ron11.l)ad><:>rt,,,db)!ho "' '"""""rlc''
papcr1hanXa11JY ha,:1,malkr
R, ,aluc1hanX

on11 111 01~IJICA PE 20!1

(,U() N ro 11 11"1'.I \ I l'A!ol
!,!!!!ill td,•r, ,.,,1,., 1"11""'" ~ '"'' '""""""

f.~7!D:f:~{~::;/::t:::·,: :~::~L?::i:·f:~·/i:'~:::··:.::::~.:::·: .:.:.:-:.~:::·:::::::::E::;

:II lh<N<l~,,_·,,l ,,1,.,,1,.,n 1,,, ,1,,, ,..,1,..,,ly,,,. ..,.,,1,..,1,. ,,,.,.,., 11>,,t,, , 1,1.. ,., "'"I"

:::: !I:::~;::'nit:::;:·;\i\::~::•'.i\:;;"
:1. \I h,,h"r1hc fo llnw;,.~,,,1,.,r,,~"~' ' ;,. 11,.. i!J.'.l!ill"'!<" '" 'l"' h, 11, ,.. ,,,~ ,.. 1.... ,,., •• ,
d;; ' r<". J""·'; ,v; '-" "' ·,,,, 11 "''' fl , ,.,.1,,,,, ""',l W'"'""""" """I)"' t, ,
,,ni<r ,,f INC l{ b\!<o lNt , " '" ·d,•r,~11,·• ,!<t< IUOI !'< n,~ p<«~ •>'• w• h ) ,,, ..... 1
'""' '" ""'' " "'' llw •""I,"" ,.,, wh<<I!
,,1 d ,11l • •1• l,li ,., ,1.,,,1,1 ,., 111 I tlo<u ll<~k, 1
i ill LIV,V IS.X-m}, IM ..,.. ""'""""""' "'"'"'" '" ,~""!'""'''
Ill ) X-m)·.U V,V IS. 11< 1hr ••• ld>< m "''" lh< I''"'''"'""' ""'
(Cl VIS , lJ\1. 111. . X-ru) 1,lo,wl, ,h,c, l ••• l"·••~IK d l"<""'"•w< !>)
,,,,.,.,.n, ohcn,.• lrnl•«•I ll" "'"""" I
101 Ill. . \IIS . IJ \I, X-rn~
"""""'' •'""' ,..., ,.., .. 1, ..1~.-,,.,1 ... , 1.... ,.•

:l. What 1r~n s i1i,u" "'" c,p,•;a•,I I'""" N. 1\ h«hol oh< 1,,11"" "'~ "'"'"''"' """'
C, H ,NO in a U\1-V IS •(>Cc lllull '! <"11 ld\""" l,l y ••·••~' "' To , 1h .. ,!,!l ew"<'

Ir, I l,,_., 11,plot< ,h~m~

1111 ' '""'l'l<'<!'"'' 'I""'" ""
ti"" .,1 ""' <1 Ul<'1<,1 ~I•" "'"ihk
\Ill O lh<• '"'" !" .. 'l""' " "V """' ,i,.,

1/11 ctha,,..1
111 1 cthan, ,1
(C) <1h:u,.·,,cu,,.\
(Ill ,·,u l~• II .iu,,,J,
,,,..,:-,: 1"1 111 's l \ ll'\' ,I

n.:1 1! 11111,'- 11 , l \l'I ,:11!1

2~ ln fr.a~ •l'" ""™-"'P' ",.,Jtl, 11w-,l h• l 1,
1non,,,., at mo.pho,n, f'l•ll111-.o ll h,,h
<1' 1hr(<Ml,o,,,"" "'"'"'f"'"" "">I""-·
.. ,01 .. , .... 11,_,,..,....t,,1"'""""
tlry,t,,IW lvpl.nol lvuno,,._...,
; ; J1mtth~ lhui•,..
t ll l lln•t,,,KM1<I hC'J>tlUlo>l lvpe,,, ..
;, ! •Jm..lh)lt'IIUIW
fl cpi•nol : ;.J ,mcth,lhuun,
lvun., .. ..-od lvp1,1111t
JI i i ; ; J,mcrh,ft>u1~nc hcfll•nc

odailhqu•d-olut""' t,,,h..o,·'°",
I ll ) f'Oo~l\cdc, ... klfltrumlu.,uh°,l1"
,(1 tvpr"<dc•11t10t11mrn lt.,., h ',ta, ,.
,1>1 11.. 1...,,..,,...,.,r..,.,...,.,..,.. ,. .,h(>lr' , ,.•1e,

ll~~l~lllO/ M )'( A l'I ~0! 1

l,,,, ,, I t o II U. ,J..\1 1' \ t.,I
11, h"h o1 1h r folio ""' ~ l~•nJ, " " uh!
,1,,,.. u... ,1111,s1,1,1 .~""''" '11
'l'C<C"'""''l"'. """I)""'
• arl••!! l,,.1,., ,rn

11! 1 'ulfw h ),b "~"'
C ll I '""'~<n ,h11lr,•-•"
t01 ••• >~•t1 -h) J"•-•11

A JO. n.,, ,,. ~ • c h , u,, co l ' ' "' '"'"

d1>prop._"1 M>n•11vn ",.. ,J1., ,o<cn1, ! 1t.,
\Al un:;:!.,'7,;,,~•><l•l""' l>tlt 11ol
!!I. In th<<hromarngra(lhic opu,mrnl , 1hc
..,.-,1,,1<,pha;.,us,;,dwns tcl....-hloromcthont rn1 ""!:!,'7,;,,:•Jocr,o,,t>ut11nr
W h,ch oftlw, foll,) wini; , 1a1cn1<nts on.,1ruc,~
IC I , · · ·, nn .,,,d.,m~ •~•Ill hul • "'
CQn>f)(>OemA i, n>0>1so!ubloin1hc, • n,ducu,~ •~c,u
sta !ionRr~· phase . (Of a.•> b t>oth "" 0~1d1 rn, ~ •~cul
o nd a ,cdu,: .. - ~c nl
Compo nc1111J i, morcl")lar,h3n
Co111poncn1 C
Ill Componcn1Cis 1hcmo,1polarof 31 . Whi,;h of 1Mfolluwin~i, r,,: Qfn~rcc11 •
1hc componcnh hou..,gu1

( A) l andllonl)' (A (
(8) Landlll o nl )' (IH Amm<>r11a
(C J 11 and lll onl} (C) Wa to r,·a p,;, ,11
10 ) l.ll1ndlll ( b\ Co,h., n d ,.»i <k

C,OON 10 IJI L 's L XrPM >I

0:2 1201 0 /MJ 'C APE :o: I

32. Whid, ,·ibnu iona l mo.Jo f,,. ,n,1,,.,., J .. ,.,Je " NOT cx~••J lfl contribulc 10 th,· tir,"<:nhou"'


~ ---

fhc"•ooquali,,n,below ,un,mari;.o, thcfcm,cnl;jlionprocessf0< 1hcprodu~1ion ufa kohol

X • ll ,O+ ln,.ct1•,-.,-2C fl)\,0.


ln1hcb,ilanccdc4 ua1in<>.Xa"UY" oulJI>.·

(A) C,,0 ,,11.,. CO,

(Bl C, H,.0 ,.2CO.

1c1 c ,,11 ,,0 ,,. co

tD ) C.,U,..O,, . 2CO.

;~; ~~i!:~'. At,O,. H,or,)-ll ,O(ll-OH1a<11 -

1C 1 ll)J•o~eu IA) Al , 11,0111
SoJ,umch lu"°'<i\'I
m1 1\ 11 01 1) , M

IL, •\ l , 10111, hl

•\ l i!Hl),( :, ql
11!:' I ~01,, ,tJ/( ,\l'I I
<,(}f1,•·1n 1111 ~~ .\ l! ' \! •I
lt11 hc- p,od..,; h ,., .,1 .,,l(uri,· o< Kl h) lh<
l ' ~""' ' I""«" 1h, '· " ~ • ><•lh<"" "

(II )
1D) N >1ur11l~a ,

11.'hKh ol" th< 1"11""·"'~ , , . ~lot •.n!• I ,.,sold

' · ,l,:f , _,Jr< V H• •·•
i/\\ "·111, ·n·um
(Ill Sod ium l
'·"" I""'°'"
E>«-, o•H"'
1C ) Su\for Ill Lu wl<mr<rnlu<c
11) \ A , ~un

1!h '"'''>
l • ""l l on l)
JS. Whichof thefollo" ·ingn,e1hod,arcu>td (( ) ll onJIU <><i l)
in .,oierpurifiu ,ion~ I D) 1.ll ond lll

I Di otill~•ion
II f iltration
111 . UV radintin"

(A) l and ll onl)'

\,\) l) i1umcn
(Bl I an.d ill only
lflJ Kcrol<'•><
(C ) !landlll<>nl)· (C l !li,,ol u,I
( [}l Ltlandll l (Dl Kdio,c'} ~•>

~1. In "h i<h I•>•• ,>f lhc • t111<" phc « ,:1.,.,,

o , onc•c1 0., ap,,l lu1 • 111'/

1k1 lroro•r,here
Ill) l.1uo,phcrc
1C1 Str•tn , phcr,c
iDI 11,enoo,phc «
Aa,,•lc1n,, , - - - ,
Ml'9tfndlodd.'- ,,. 1


I!. 11con btcontllf<kdfrom lh< 11111ph1h.a1

I 1ldrh~dr• and Oll>f\o are s.t<<>n<Ja')' J>Ollulani,

II h~drocarb.>n, are ><co nd.,ry r,olluton 1>
Ill nmo ~onmo no., idri,npri ma')J>OlluLOnl

I oo l~
18\ Ilion/)
1n lar.d lll o nli
11:and lll onl)

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