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Lesson Topic: Exploring Exponents Grade level: 6th grade

Length of lesson: 30-45 minutes

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Content Standard(s):
Children will learn how to use exponents within expressions and solve them in

Understanding (s)/goals Essential Question(s):

Students will understand: • What is an exponent?
• Understand the concept of • What are the rules for exponents?
exponents and their applications. • How can mathematical equations
• Develop the ability to write and be simplified using exponents?
evaluate expressions with
• Apply exponent rules to simplify
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to define parts of exponents and the rules they have, while also
learning how to apply the rules in expressions.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s): Other Evidence:
- Create a simple notes sheet to • Students show their comprehension
show to the class. through problems on the white
- Create a worksheet with exponent board.
expressions for students to work on • Students work on problems
in class. independently in class.
• Students may use foam blocks to
show their understanding.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:

- Ask students how much they know about exponents.
- From their answers, define exponents and give a visual example of what an
exponent looks like.
- Give students an equation like 2*2*2*2*2 and ask them to solve it.
- After they have answered, introduce the idea of exponents and how they can
make solving that equation much faster.
- Explain what a base number is, and how an exponent contributes to it.
- Put same 2*2*2*2*2 equation in exponent form so the students can visualize
what is meant by it.
- Put some examples on the board, work through a couple to show the class, and
then ask for volunteers to try it out on the board.
- Then give an example of how an exponent expression could be used in an
- Give students their own worksheet that they can work on in class. (The
worksheet should include the simple expressions they learned, and introductory
problems to using exponent expressions in equations.)
- White board and white board markers
- Projector
- Exponent work sheets
- Foam blocks
Extensions & Enrichment:
- Ask them what they already know about exponents.
- Ask them what they have learned about exponents after the lesson.
- Ask them what questions they have through each step.
Differentiated Instruction:
- If some students find it easier to learn while visually and physically holding
something to represent the multiplication, use foam blocks for each part of the
exponent expression.
- For students with ADHD: Give them foam blocks they can use to represent
repeated multiplication (2*2*2*2*2) so they can stay focused while learning.
- For students with autism: Have them work with a partner or two while doing the
worksheet, and work with them one-on-one to make sure they comprehend the
- For students who are blind: Have them use the foam blocks as aids instead of
the visual ones on the projector. Put a signifier of some sort onto the foam
blocks to differentiate them. Work with them one-on-one also.
- Projector
- AZ State Standards
- ChatGPT (used for accommodations, pre-assessment, essential questions, and
student objectives.)
Reflection following Teaching

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