Reflection Concepcion LWR

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Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

Life and Works of Rizal

Reflection on the Course and Evaluation of the Instructor’s Teaching Method: Life and
Works of Rizal
Embarking on the journey of the Rizal course has been more than a study of a national hero;
it's been a profound exploration of a bygone era and a visionary mind. From dissecting the socio-
political landscape of Rizal's Philippines to understanding his concept of education and nationalism,
the course became a conduit to a deeper appreciation of our nation's history.
Peeling back the layers of Rizal's early life revealed not just a child of promise but a keen
observer of diverse cultures, limited by the constraints of 19th-century travel. His insatiable thirst for
knowledge, mirrored in his literary works, uncovered a traveler not merely seeking sights but
understanding, weaving his observations into the fabric of our identity. Rizal's inspiration for his
novels, sparked by Harriet Beecher Stowe's influence, unveiled a desire to challenge societal norms.
The course's overarching concept, grounded in acknowledging Rizal's dedication and
bravery, acts as a beacon, urging us to remember the unsung heroes who shared in his fight for
freedom. As students, we navigate this course not just as a historical obligation but as an opportunity
to grasp the sacrifices that paved the way for our present freedoms. Ma'am Mila, our guiding light,
transforms each lesson into a vibrant narrative, seamlessly blending the past with its relevance to our
future. Her patience and passion imprint each class with a sense of purpose, underscoring the crucial
role of educators in shaping our understanding of the world.
This course, sometimes perceived as a stroll through the past, transcends nostalgia. It is the
key unlocking our curiosity, revealing truths, reasons, and timeless lessons. Just as Rizal's writings
echo through time, this course becomes a vessel to rekindle the memories that birthed our freedom,
reminding us that our struggles and dedication today are the seeds of a better tomorrow.
To our instructor in the course of Life and Works of Rizal, Ms. Mila Morata, I am
genuinely beyond grateful for your dedication and perseverance despite your age to teach us, the
college students, about Rizal’s past and the Philippines history. Frankly, there are days that her
classes are boring, but there are also days that her teaching and discipline in teaching are top-

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