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Stop Him Cheating


©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

Stop Him Cheating

How To Prevent Your Man From Ever Cheating
By Sean Jameson
©2011, All Rights Reserved.
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

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©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

Table Of Contents"
(You can click the page numbers to go to each page)

Introduction" 7"
It’s Not A Logical Issue" 8"
Your Man" 8"
What kind of guy is your man?" 9"

What kind of people are his friends?" 10"

Listen To His Actions, Not His Words" 10"

Constant Maintenance" 11"

Kill Boredom!" 11"

Let Him Know That It’s Better When You Are Around" 12"
Give Him Positive Emotions" 12"

Be Indispensable" 12"

Great Sex " 13"

What You Must Avoid" 14"

Smothering Him" 14"

Maintain A Fun And Interesting Life" 15"

Men Are Like Cats" 15"

Nagging & Criticizing" 16"

Stay Attractive & Fun" 17"

So How Do You Stay Attractive & Fun?" 17"

Communication & Openness" 18"

Going Forward" 19"

©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

Finer Details" 19"

©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating


©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

Cheating is a really difficult subject to cover. It is the cause of so
much heartache and pain for so many people throughout the world.
Cheating is what sows the seeds of distrust and resentment in a
relationship, which is often why relationships fall apart.
Stop Him Cheating is a book that contains every single bit of advice
that you need on how to prevent your man from ever even thinking
about cheating on you. I strongly advise you to read this book a
few times to let it sink in. More importantly, to actually use the
advice to prevent cheating from ever actually happening in
the first place.
Getting into a relationship with a great guy is the easy part.
Keeping him loyal and faithful is the hard part.
What I have noticed is that there are 2 important elements that
stop a man from cheating:
1) Him Being In Love With You
2) Him Being Attracted To You
These are 2 distinct things. Have you ever loved someone, but not
been ‘in love’ with them. It’s the same for guys. If you have one
and not the other, then there is a high likelihood that your man is
going to cheat on you. Keeping him in love with you AND attracted
to you takes constant maintenance and work.
So I have written Stop Him Cheating with these 2 things firmly in
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

It’s Not A Logical Issue"

One of the most important things that you need to understand from
this book is that cheating is an emotional issue, not a logical issue.
Your man doesn’t wake up one morning and logically decide to
cheat. It’s a feeling. He literally starts to feel like being with
another woman.
So you may logically think that by looking attractive, having a great
body, wearing great clothes and doing things that your man says he
wants to do is going to prevent him cheating. It will help a bit to
prevent him cheating, but it’s not always going to work that well.
Instead of looking at cheating as a logical problem, I’m asking that
you look at it as an emotional problem. You need to ask yourself
what can you do to keep him emotionally invested in you and your
Your Man"
A lot of girls that I have taught and talked to waited until their man
cheated on them before they did anything about it. This is a bad
idea. A much better idea is to stop cheating from ever happening in
the first place.
But how?
Here are all the factors you need to look at:
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Stop Him Cheating

What kind of guy is your man?"

This is by far the most important factor in determining whether or
not your man is going to cheat on you. If your man is the kind of
guy who:
-Always looks out for other people
-Never tries to deceive you
-Doesn’t mysteriously turn off his phone
-Doesn’t arrive home late without explanation
-Is clearly attracted to you
-Is concerned about you
then you are probably dealing with a guy who is loyal and is
unlikely to cheat.
However, if your man is
-Always only looking out for himself
-Gets shifty and even angry when you ask him who he was hanging
out with
-Is OFTEN hard to reach for hours at a time (although obviously
people have problems with their phones from time to time)
-Doesn’t seem to care about you
-And is a bit too friendly and flirty with other girls
then you are probably dating a guy who is going to cheat on you.
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

What kind of people are his friends?"

It’s not just your man that you should be worried about. You should
also consider his social circle. If he hangs around with guys that
seem highly untrustworthy and shady, then what does that say
about him?
Warning: It does not automatically mean that your man is a good-
for-nothing cheater. But if he hangs around with highly
untrustworthy and shady people and he is quite shady too, then it’s
quite likely that he will be a cheater, which leads me onto the next
point on prevention…
Listen To His Actions, Not His Words"
If you don’t fully trust your man, then it’s not his words you should
be listening to. It’s his actions. It’s easy for your man to say,
-He Loves You
-He Will Always Remain Faithful
-That Cheating Never Even Enters His Mind
But does he show you that he loves you and cares about you? Does
he demonstrate that he will always remain faithful? Or is he always
looking at other girls when he is with you?
Words are cheap. But actually demonstrating that he cares deeply
about you takes a lot more effort and is a much better indicator of
whether you can trust a guy or not.
The last thing I want to say about guys, is that a certain small
percentage of them will cheat. No matter what. Even when they are
deeply in love and completely attracted to their girlfriend or wife,
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

they can’t help but cheat, it’s ingrained in them. My advice is to

stay away from these guys at all costs. Sometimes they are hard to
spot, but once you ask around, you’ll quickly be able to figure out
whether or not a guy is a serial cheater or not.
Constant Maintenance"
Like I said at the start of the book, a great relationship takes
constant maintenance. This constant maintenance is exactly what
will stop your man from ever thinking about cheating. It will also
keep him attracted to you AND in love with you. So what constant
maintenance must you take care of?
Kill Boredom!"
Boredom is the enemy of relationships. When you are bored, your
mind wanders and starts to think about other things. The same
happens to guys. When he starts to get bored of you or the
situation, his mind will start to wander. This is obviously bad news
for you and your relationship.
Boredom sets in when you get into a routine. Honestly ask yourself,
“Am I doing the same thing over and over again with my man.” If
you are, then it’s time to break the routine with something exciting.
It’s not good enough to change the routine from watching a movie
every Saturday night to cooking for him every Saturday night. It
has to be genuinely exciting and different.
It could be cooking for him while wearing something sexy and
revealing. Or maybe you could surprise him with tickets to see his
favorite sports team. The key is to constantly break the routine and
prevent boredom.

©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

I am not saying that every single day of the week should be
jammed packed with events and things for you to do. Instead, I am
saying that from time to time, you should try to do something that
is fun, exciting, sometimes sexy and is not something you normally
do. Hopefully your man is doing the same things to Kill Boredom.
Let Him Know That It’s Better When
You Are Around"
Letting your man know that things are better when you are around
is crucial to having a great relationship and preventing cheating.
But how can you subtly let your man know that things are better
when you are around?
Give Him Positive Emotions"
If you nag your man constantly, or criticize him or are very
negative when you are around him, then he is going to start
associating you with negativity and bad emotions.
But if you make your man feel good and have fun when you are
around, he will start to associate you with feeling good and positive
Be Indispensable"
Most men are very good at the typical guy stuff: fixing things,
assembling things and lifting things. However men often struggle
with other things that girls are usually much better at like:

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Stop Him Cheating

- Being social
- Organizing things
- Cooking a decent and healthy meal (turns out pop tarts are not a
proper meal!).
I am not saying that you should organize your man’s house
and be his personal chef. But what I am saying is that you most
likely possess a number of skills that your man struggles with. If
you can be the person that your man turns to when he is
organizing a party or the person your man turns to when he needs
help cooking a decent meal, then your man is going to really value
you and not want to lose you.
Great Sex "
Having great sex is crucial to having a great relationship. But you
probably already know this.
Having great sex is NOT about quantity. It’s not about having sex
every night and every morning with your man. It’s about quality.
It’s about learning the techniques in The Blowjob Bible, using them
AND getting better at them. If you want to have great sex with
your man then you have to remember that it’s process of
constantly trying new things and improving on things that you
already do.
For some men, their favorite thing may be roleplaying. Or it may
mean getting a long and super pleasurable blowjob. Or maybe it’s
you talking dirty. Or maybe it’s is a certain position.
They key is finding out what your man likes and giving it to him,
provided you are comfortable with it. This is incredibly powerful
as you are basically acting out his fantasies. If you can be the
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

woman that your man acts out his fantasies with, then you are
putting yourself in a very powerful position. If he can fulfill all his
fantasies with you, then he is going to have no reason to cheat.
Just remember that while sex is definitely one of the most
important aspects of any great relationship, it should not be the
only focus of your relationship.
What You Must Avoid"
Now that I have shown you what you need to do to keep your man
attracted to you and in love with you, I am going to show you the
things that you absolutely must avoid if you want to prevent him
from cheating on you.
Smothering Him"
You may be completely in love with your man and he may be
completely in love with you. You both may feel like spending every
single waking minute together. This is perfectly natural. However if
you overdo it, then you are going to smother him.
You may think that you need to show a guy how much you care by
spending all your time with him. It might sound logical, but
unfortunately it just doesn’t work like that in real life. It will slowly
but surely drive him away and lead him to potentially cheating on
you. Then as he is starting to drift away, you may start to think that
in order to get him back, you should spend even more time with
him. This will only drive him further away from you and increase
the likelihood of him cheating.
So if you shouldn’t smother him, then what should you do?
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

It’s actually quite simple...
Maintain A Fun And Interesting Life"
When you have a fun and interesting life, you won’t be able to
devote all your time to your man. This is actually a good thing,
although logically it might sound like a bad thing. When you have a
fun and interesting life, it will make you seem more valuable in
your man’s eyes.
Here’s another way of explaining it...
Men Are Like Cats"
Men are like cats (even though sometimes they act like dogs!).
Cats want what they can’t have. They want what’s just out of
reach. Take a piece of string and dangle in front of a cat’s face.
They’ll quickly start pawing at it and before you know it, they are
going crazy trying to grab it. They’ll run all over the room just to
get it. Once they can have it for as long as they like, they quickly
get bored and move onto the next shiny object.
This is exactly how your man will behave if he can have you
whenever he feels like it. He will start to take you for granted and
then slowly start to lose interest. Before you know it, he will be
cheating on you.
Warning: But if he can never have you, then he will also lose
interest and also potentially start to resent you too.
So the key to keep your man lusting after you and not losing
interest is to balance keeping a fun and interesting life outside of
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

your relationship while at the same time devoting some quality

time to him.
Nagging & Criticizing"
When your man does something that you find completely
unacceptable it’s important that you let him know that you don’t
appreciate it. It’s important that he respects your boundaries and
doesn’t insult you, belittle you or offend you.
While it’s very important that he knows not to step over the line,
it’s equally important that you aren’t too hard on him either. This
means that you shouldn’t constantly criticize him or nag him all the
time about small things or problems that have already been
When you repeatedly nag or criticize your man, you will start to stir
up negative emotions in him and he may even end up resenting
you. These negative emotions are what will lead him to potentially
cheating on you or even breaking up with you, which is the exact
opposite of what you want.
Warning: If your man does step over the line constantly, then
maybe you should consider whether he is the right guy for you.

©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

Stay Attractive & Fun"

Many girls think that once they are dating a great guy, the hard
part is over. I’ve got news for these girls, it’s not! Like I’ve already
said, great relationships take work.
A guy usually starts dating a girl because she is attractive and fun
to hang out with. If you stop being attractive and fun to be around,
then your man will obviously start to become less attracted to you.
So How Do You Stay Attractive & Fun?"
The Simple Answer: Keep doing what you did when you first met
your man. This means that if you went to the gym regularly or
played sports regularly, then keep doing it. It means that if you ate
healthy, keep eating healthy. It means that if you were a little
cheeky and teased him when you first met him, then you need to
keep doing it.
This sounds SO DAM OBVIOUS, but most girls forget it! You need
to keep doing the things that made your man attracted to you in
the first place. If you start changing and stop being attractive, then
you are increasing the likelihood that he will cheat.

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Stop Him Cheating

Communication & Openness"

If you want your relationship to work, then you need to be open
and honest with your man and you need to communicate well with
Now I am not saying that you need to immediately tell him about
every guy you have ever been with and I am not saying that you
need to tell him every one of your problems.
I am saying that you should constantly talk to your man about any
friction in your relationship. Maybe you feel that you spend too little
time together. Or maybe you feel that you spend too much time
together. It’s better to bring these problems up sooner rather than
later, otherwise they will start to fester and eventually become
major problems later on.
When you communicate properly with your man and really let him
know how you feel or what’s bothering you, he will respect you
more for it if he really does care about you.
The same goes for you too. When your man feels comfortable
telling you how he feels or what’s bothering him and he knows that
you are really listening, he is going to respect you and like you a lot
more for it.

©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

Going Forward"
So I have covered a lot in Stop Him Cheating. To really get it to
sink in, I recommend that you read it again at least once.
Remember that it takes more than just a great blowjob to keep a
guy attracted to you and to prevent him from cheating on you.
Great relationships take constant maintenance. It’s also vital that
your man knows that things are better when you are around. You
also need to keep being as attractive and fun as you were when
you first met him. And last but certainly not least, you need to talk
to your man about any problems either of you are having in your
relationship without unfairly nagging or criticizing him.
When you do all of the above you will be easily able to keep your
man in love with you and attracted to you.
Finer Details"
1) I do everything he wants, but he still cheats on me.
My Advice: This is a terrible situation to be in and I don’t wish it
for anybody, guy or girl. The problem is that if you are doing
everything your man wants, he may start to see you as a doormat
and actually have less respect for you, making him even more likely
to cheat on you.
It’s counterintuitive, but men will respect you more when you have
your own life and your own wants and desires. Men are less likely
to cheat on girls they respect.
©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson
Stop Him Cheating

2) I’ve followed your advice, but my man still cheated on me. What
did I do wrong?
My Advice: Here’s something that I don’t like to say, but it’s a
simple fact of life: Some guys cheat, no matter what. Some men
cheat, even if they are the nicest boyfriend in the world and even if
they care deeply about you.
The key is to find out quickly if your man is a cheater from people
you trust when you first start dating. This is so that you can quickly
learn whether or not he is a cheater. This will save you a lot of
heartache later on.
I hope that you enjoyed reading Stop Him Cheating.
You can learn more about the Blow Job Bible at this link:
You can learn more about the Dirty Talking Bible at this link:

©2011 All Rights Reserved - Stop Him Cheating - By Sean Jameson

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