Alive First Aid Level 1 Workbook

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After reading through your manual, please complete this workbook.

(You will find all the answers in the manual).
This workbook is to be completed and sent to the course facilitator at least 2 days prior to the scheduled
course. Completion of the course will not be possible if this workbook is not completed by the learner, as it
prepares one for the course and the assessments to be completed.


1. As a First Aider, list 3 ways you can protect yourself against disease transmission:
i) Hepatitis Vacine
ii) Personal Protective Equipment
iii) Hand Washing

2. What steps do we need to take in a first aid situation when assisting someone who is suspected of
having Covid-19?

Follow standard precautions. If possible, have the sick person place a face mask over their nose
and mouth, if they have not done so already, and limit contact by staying back at least 6 feet, if
possible, until that person has done so.

• Try to limit the number of individuals in contact with the sick person. Those who provide direct care
for someone who may have COVID-19 should wear respiratory protection (e.g. N-95 mask), eye
protection, disposable gloves and a disposable isolation gown, if possible. Updated CDC guidance
allows for alternatives to respirators (N-95) in communities where there is a shortage of respirators.
• Following care, first aid providers should perform hand hygiene as they would normally do and
discard personal protective equipment (PPE) following usual procedures.
• While wearing PPE, clean and disinfect items which have touched the patient. After cleaning,
dispose of PPE and perform hand hygiene.

3. What do we take note of when completing the Scene Survey?

• Are there any hazards?

• What happened?
• How many victims are there?
• What is the victim’s condition?
• Is it an injury of an illness
• Identify yourself as a First Aider
• Ask for consent if the patient is responsive

4. What 3 conditions are we looking for in a victim in the Primary Check?

Severe Bleeding

5. When performing CPR, if we don’t have a mouth-piece or if we don’t know the patient, what step
may we leave out?
Rescue breaths

6. What does D.O.T.S stand for when assessing injuries?

D: Deformity
O: Open Wounds
T: Tenderness
S: Swelling

7. When is S-A-M-P-L-E done? Scene Survey/ Primary Check or Secondary Check?

Secondary Check

8. What does the mnemonic “SAMPLE” stand for?

S:_Signs and symptoms
P:_Past Medical History
L:_Last Meal

9. What is the first step/method used to control external bleeding?

Using the D-I-E method: D-irect Pressure I-ndirect Pressure E-levation

10. What are 3 signs and symptoms of shock?

i) Cold, clammy, pale skin
ii) Dizzy/ confused
iii) Nausea/ vomiting

11. What is the purpose of bandaging a wound?

To apply pressure and to prevent infection
12. How do you care for an amputation?
2. Treat the major bleeding on the person at the site of detachment.
3. Treat for shock
4. Calm and reassure the person
5. Follow the amputation management procedure for the body part(s)
13. How do you care for impaled objects?
1. Place gauze around the base of the object
2. Make a ring doughnut with a bandage or triangular bandage or pack rolled up bandages on
either side of the object to stabilize it.
3. Treat for shock
14. How do you care for a first-degree or small second-degree burn?
1. Cool burn until pain free.
2. Apply antibiotic ointment.
3. Cover burn with dry, nonstick, sterile dressing or use a burn dressing
4. Seek medical care if pain relief is required or if a large area of blisters occur, as risk of infection
is greater

15. How do you treat a chemical burn?

• Brush/flush skin to remove chemical.
• Remove contaminated clothing.
• Cover burn with dressing. Seek medical care Treatment for burns:
1. PRIMARY CHECK 2. Secondary Check 3. Stop major bleeding 4. Use wet sterile dressings/
burn shield dressing/ LOTS of cold water, NOT ICE.

16. What does the mnemonic “RICE” stand for?


17. For which type of injuries will we use the RICE procedure?
Sprains and Strains

18. How do you provide care for a person with a possible spinal injury?
• Stabilize head and neck.
• Check responsiveness and breathing, and provide care if needed.
– If vomiting occurs, carefully roll the victim onto his or her side.
• Call for medical attention for the victim to be safely transported.
• Once a first aider has stabilised the head, that person cannot let go, unless
someone else takes over from them
• Make sure, if the person is combative, that they are immobilised to prevent further injury from thrashing
limbs. Secure the arms closely and tightly to their sides. Only move a person with a suspected spinal
injury if the area is not safe and their life is at risk.

19. What are 3 signs and symptoms of a brain injury/ concussion?

– Vacant stare – Slow to answer questions – Unaware of time and place

20. How do you provide care for a person having a seizure
1. PRIMARY CHECK- Call for help ASAP
2. During the seizure DO NOT restrain or put something into the person’s mouth
3. Prevent further injury
4. Put the person lateral into the recovery position during the seizure and support them
5. Keep airway open
6. Loosen tight clothing
7. Calm and reassure the person, even while they are having the seizure.
8. Full Secondary check
9. Suspect possible fractures if the seizure/ fit was very violent or the fell down
21. What are 3 signs and symptoms of a heart attack?
Chest pain
Pressure on the chest
Shortness of Breath

22. What are 3 signs and symptoms of a stroke?

• Severe headache
• Slurred Speech
• Blurred/ double vision

23. How do you care for a person experiencing a diabetic emergency with low blood glucose?
• Provide sugar.
– Sugar, soda, juice, glucose tablets or gel
If no improvement in a few minutes, call for medical attention

Learner Signature:_

Total /65

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