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Delacruz, Roselle E.


Occasional Paper #1: Valuation

Is the point of the work of art to be appealing or to be thought-provoking?

In my opinion, Poleteismo is a really thought provoking art. We all know that arts communicate through
visual and not by words and people have different levels of understanding. Poleteismo contrasts two
opposing ideologiesreligion and government in a single work of art that confuses me and definitely the
other people too.

Does the artist have an ethical obligation to the sensibilities of his audience?
The audience is really important, and we should keep that in mind. We must consider whether our art
respects or does not offend the beliefs of others. In Mideo’s Cruz art, the Catholic religion felt
disrespectful owing to the fact that Mideo Cruz used the image of what they believed of the Lord’s image.
Although artist are not obligated to their audience since artist is made art for themselves not for other
people. Nevertheless, they must know their limitation in their freedom of expression.

What constitutes offense, and at what point is offense severe enough as to require control?

Are there or should there be ethical restrictions to freedom of expression?

My personal opinion is that everyone should have the freedom to express themselves. One of this is the
Constitution’s ability to recognize people in our society by allowing them to be heard when expressing
their thoughts. Nonetheless, we must be conscious of our responsibilities when carrying out our tasks or
expressing our opinions, and we must consider whether doing so may harm others or lead to
misunderstanding. In addition, we have a responsibility to act responsibly and show respect for the rights,
cultures, and beliefs of others.

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