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(Internal Combustion Engine Principles)
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Information :
Division of Internal Combustion Engines
Faculty of Automotive Engineering Technology
Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
Engine classification
1. Introduction
Basic cycles
Combustion in SI engine Assigment 1#
Combustion in CI engine 5. Engine Combustion
Assigment 7#
Engine parameters
Engine work
Air pollution Mean effective pressure
After treatment Torque and power
6. Exhaust Emissions
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) 2. Operating Characteristics Air-Fuel ratio

Assigment 8# Specific fuel consumption

Engine efficiencies
Assigment 2#
Assigment 3#
7. Heat Transfer Internal Combustion Engine Assigment 4#

8. Air and Fuel Induction Otto cycle

Diesel cycle
3. Engine Cycles
Option Dual cycles
Assigment 5#

9. Exhaust Flow Gasoline fuel

Diesel fuel
4. Engine Fuels
Alternative fuels
Assigment 6# 2
III-1. Air-Standard Cycles
• Analysis of ICE is very complex due to:
Ø Many processes: Intake, Compression, Combustion, exhaust.
Ø An open system.
Ø Working fluid is continuously changed.
To analyze cycles of engine, real cycle is approximated with Ideal-Air-
1. Only air is used and as an ideal gas.
2. Closed system.
3. Combustion process is replaced by Qin; Exhaust process is replaced
by Qout.
4. Engine process is seen as ideal process:
- Pressures at intake, exhaust stroke are constant.
- Compression, expansion are isentropic (adiabatic).
- Combustion process is constant volume process (SI) or
constant pressure process (CI), or combination of both.
- Exhaust blowdown is a constant volume process.
III-1. Air-Standard Cycles (Cont.)
P𝜈 = RT P = gas pressure in cylinder
PV = mRT V = volume in cylinder
P = 𝜌RT 𝜈 = specific volume of gas
dh = CpdT (𝜈 = V/m)
du = CvdT R = gas constant of air
P𝜈k = constant; isentropic T = temperature
T𝜈k-1 = constant; isentropic m= mass of gas in cylinder
TP(1-k)/k = constant; isentropic
𝜌 = density
W1-2 = (P2𝜈2 – P1𝜈1)/(1 - k)
= R(T2 - T1)/(1 - k); isentropic h = specific enthalpy
u = specific internal energy
Cp = 1.108 kJ/kgK
Cv = 0.821 kJ/kgK Cp, Cv = specific heats
k = 1.35; [1.3 ÷ 1.4] K = Cp / Cv
R = Cp – Cv = 0.287kJ/kgK W= specific work

• 6➛1: Intake stroke, const P process. III-2. Otto Cycles
• 1➛2: Compression stroke, isentropic process.
• 2➛3: Heat input process (combustion), constant volume.
• 3➛4: Expansion (power) stroke, Power output, isentropic process.
• 4➛5: Blowdown, Const volume, heat rejection.
• 5➛6: Exhaust stroke, const P process

Fig. Indicator diagram of SI engine, 4-strokes Fig. Ideal air-standard Otto cycle
III-2. Otto Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Otto Cycle:

Fig. P-v and T-s of Otto Cycle

III-2. Otto Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Otto Cycle:
• 6➛1: Constant pressure intake air at Po. Intake valve open,
exhaust valve closed.
Specific properties
P1 = P6 = Po is properties/mass
𝜔6-1 = Po(𝜐1- 𝜐6) within cylinder

• 1➛2: Compression stroke, isentropic process, all valves closed.

• T2 = T1(𝜐1/𝜐2)𝑘-1 = T1(V1 / V 2)𝑘-1 = T1(rc) 𝑘-1
• P2 = P1(𝜐1/𝜐2)𝑘 = P1(V1 / V 2)𝑘 = P1(rc) 𝑘
q1-2 = 0
𝜔1-2 = (P2𝜐2 - P1𝜐1)/(1- 𝑘) = R(T2-T1)/(1- 𝑘) = (𝚞1-𝚞2) = C𝜐(T1-T2)

• 2➛3: Combustion, constant volume, all valves closed.

𝜐2 = 𝜐3 = 𝜐TDC
𝜔2-3 =0
Q2-3 = Qin = mfQhv𝜂c = mmC𝜐(T3-T2) = (ma+mf)C𝜐(T3-T2)
Qhv𝜂c = (AF+1)C𝜐(T3-T2)
q2-3 = qin = C𝜐(T3-T2) = (𝚞3-𝚞2)
T3 = Tmax ; P3 = Pmax 7
III-2. Otto Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Otto Cycle:
• 3➛4: Expansion (power) stroke, all valve closed.
q3-4 = 0
• T4 = T3(𝜐3/𝜐4)𝑘-1 = T3(V3 / V4)𝑘-1 = T3(1/rc) 𝑘-1
• P4 = P3(𝜐3/𝜐4)𝑘 = P3(V3 / V4)𝑘 = P3(1/rc) 𝑘
𝜔3-4 = (P4𝜐4 – P3𝜐3)/(1- 𝑘) = R(T4-T3)/(1- 𝑘) = (𝚞3-𝚞4) = C𝜐(T3-T4)

• 4➛5: Exhaust blowdown (heat injection), constant volume, exhaust

valve open, intake valves closed.
𝜐5 = 𝜐4 = 𝜐1 = 𝜐BDC
𝜔4-5 =0
Q4-5 = Qout = mmC𝜐(T5 - T4) = (ma+mf)C𝜐(T1 - T4)
q4-5 = qout = C𝜐(T5 - T4) = (𝚞5-𝚞4) = C𝜐(T1 - T4)

• 5➛6: Exhaust stroke, constant pressure Po, exhaust valve open,

intake valves closed.
P5 = P6 = Po
𝜔5-6 = Po(𝜐6- 𝜐5) = Po(𝜐6- 𝜐1)
III-2. Otto Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Otto Cycle: ated
Indic al
• Thermal efficiency of Otto cycle: Therm cy
effici le
Thermal for cy
for engine

Only temperatures
is need

Only compression ratio

is needed
𝜐1/𝜐2 = rc
• Open cycle, air-fuel, droplet+gas, loss of mass in
crevice piston,

• Intake valve opens before TDC and closes after

on stroke
BDC (cam profile), heat transfer (loss)

• Exhaust (gases, solid particles), not constant P or

V; CV & Cp depend on temp, heat loss, not at
stroke TDC.

Exhaust • Exhaust valve opens in 400-600bBDC and closes

stroke after TDC.

III-2. Otto Cycle

Fig. Indicator diagram of CI engine, 4-strokes

Fig. Indicator diagram of SI engine, 4-strokes

• 6➛1: Intake stroke, const P process. III-3. Diesel Cycles
• 1➛2: Compression stroke, isentropic process.
• 2➛3: Heat input process (combustion), constant pressure, aTDC.
• 3➛4: Expansion (power) stroke, Power output, isentropic process.
• 4➛5: Blowdown, Const. volume, heat rejection.
• 5➛6: Exhaust stroke, const P process
Fig. Ideal air-standard Diesel cycle

Fig. Ideal air-standard Otto cycle

III-3. Diesel Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Diesel Cycle (Constant pressure cycle):

Fig. P-v and T-s of Otto Cycle

III-3. Diesel Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Diesel Cycle:
• 6➛1: Constant pressure intake air at Po. Intake valve open,
exhaust valve closed.
Specific properties
P1 = P6 = Po is properties/mass
𝜔6-1 = Po(𝜐1- 𝜐6) within cylinder

• 1➛2: Compression stroke, isentropic process, all valves closed.

• T2 = T1(𝜐1/𝜐2)𝑘-1 = T1(V1 / V 2)𝑘-1 = T1(rc) 𝑘-1
• P2 = P1(𝜐1/𝜐2)𝑘 = P1(V1 / V 2)𝑘 = P1(rc) 𝑘
q1-2 = 0
𝜔1-2 = (P2𝜐2 - P1𝜐1)/(1- 𝑘) = R(T2-T1)/(1- 𝑘) = (𝚞1-𝚞2) = C𝜐(T1-T2)

• 2➛3: Combustion, constant pressure, all valves closed.

Q2-3 = Qin = mfQhv𝜂c = mmCp(T3 - T2) = (ma + mf)Cp(T3 -T2);
Qhv𝜂c = (AF+1)Cp(T3 -T2);
q2-3 = qin = Cp(T3 -T2) = (h3 - h2);
𝜔2-3 = q2-3 - (u3 - u2) = P2(𝜐3 - 𝜐2);
T3 = Tmax ;
III-3. Diesel Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Diesel Cycle (Cont.):
• 3➛4: Expansion (power) stroke, isentropic, all valve closed.
q3-4 = 0
• T4 = T3(𝜐3/𝜐4)𝑘-1 = T3(V3 / V4)𝑘-1;
• P4 = P3(𝜐3/𝜐4)𝑘 = P3(V3 / V4)𝑘 ;
𝜔3-4 = (P4𝜐4 – P3𝜐3)/(1- 𝑘) = R(T4 - T3)/(1- 𝑘) = (𝚞3-𝚞4) = C𝜐(T3-T4)

• 4➛5: Exhaust blowdown (heat injection), constant volume, exhaust

valve open, intake valves closed.
𝜐5 = 𝜐4 = 𝜐1 = 𝜐BDC
𝜔4-5 =0
Q4-5 = Qout = mmC𝜐(T5 - T4) = (ma+mf)C𝜐(T1 - T4)
q4-5 = qout = C𝜐(T5 - T4) = (𝚞5-𝚞4) = C𝜐(T1 - T4)
Texhaust = T4 (Pex/P4)(k-1)/k
• 5➛6: Exhaust stroke, constant pressure Po, exhaust valve open,
intake valves closed.
P5 = P6 = Po
𝜔5-6 = Po(𝜐6- 𝜐5) = Po(𝜐6- 𝜐1)
III-3. Diesel Cycles (Cont.)
v Analysis of Diesel Cycle (Cont.): ated
Indic al
• Thermal efficiency of Diesel cycle: Therm cy
effici le
Thermal for cy
for engine

Only temperatures
is need

Cut-off ratio is needed

𝛽 = V3/V2 = 𝜐3/𝜐2 = T3/T2
III-4. Dual Cycles
(Modern high speed CI engine)
v Analysis of Dual Cycle:
• Indicated Thermal efficiency of Otto Cycle and Diesel cycle:

Cut-off ratio is needed

Only compression ratio 𝛽 = V3/V2 = 𝜐3/𝜐2 = T3/T2
is needed
𝜐1/𝜐2 = rc

III-4. Dual Cycles (Cont.)
(Modern high speed CI engine)
v Analysis of Dual Cycle (Cont.):

• Inject fuel much earlier

in the cycle (around
• The first fuel then
ignites late in the
compression stroke and
some of combustion
occurs almost at
constant volume at

• The last of the fuel is still being injected at TDC and the
combustion of this fuel keeps the pressure high into the
expansion stroke.

III-4. Dual Cycles (Cont.)
(Modern high speed CI engine)
v Analysis of Dual Cycle (Cont.):
• 2➛x: Constant volume
heat input. All valves
Vx = V2 = VTDC
𝜔2-x = 0
Q2-x = mmCv (Tx - T2) = (ma+mf)Cv(Tx-T2)
q2-x = Q2-x / mm = ux – u2
Px = Pmax = P2(Tx / T2)

• x➛3: Constant P heat

input. All valves closed.
• T3 = Tmax • Thermal Efficiency of Dual Cycle
• P3 = Pmax
Qx-3 = mmCp (T3 - Tx) = (ma+mf)Cp(T3-Tx)
qx-3 = Qx-3 / mm = h3 – hx

• Total heat input:

Qin = Q2-x + Qx-3 = mfQHV𝜂c
Comparison of Otto, Diesel, and Dual cycles

v With same compression ratio

and inlet conditions: Otto



The area under the process lines

on T-s is the heat transfer.

Fig. Comparison of Otto, Diesel, and Dual cycles (same rc)
Comparison of Otto, Diesel, and Dual cycles

v With the same combustion

• Compression ratio of diesel engine or
dual cycle engine is higher than spark
ignition engine (SI)

Fig. Comparison of Otto, Diesel, and Dual cycles (same peak pressure and temp.)
~~~~~~~ Team leader Cooperation


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