Final Synopsis Research-1

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Ima Keithel (Women’s Market) – The Pulse of Manipur

Manipur, a paradise on the earth is adorned with a myriad of uniqueness – from lush
green hills to the world’s only floating national park; the birthplace of the modern polo game,
and Asia’s biggest market run entirely by women only. It is this market whom we revere and
called as the Ima Keithel (Ima literally means Mother and Keithel means Market). Ima
Keithel has not only shaped the course of Manipur’s history but also acts as livelihood for
hundreds of people. The Keithel reflects the changing political, social and cultural scenarios
of Manipur as well as the plight of each individual Ima who manes the Keithel from early
dawn to dusk. The Keithel is a symbol of resilience and indomitable spirit of Manipuris.
These Imas (Mothers) are nothing short of guardian angels who touch upon our lives
ceaselessly. It has stood the test of time.
As a person born and brought up in Manipur, I have seen Ima Keithel for more than
three decades. The Ima Keithel for me has a special attachment to me. My childhood is
marred by tumultuous events. Insurgency, corruption, drug menace, ethnic clashes- these
were the trademark of Manipur and still prevails. Imas of Keithel has been the frontrunner
against these social issues. Their voices reach all over the world. Their struggle to earn bread
and butter for their families and efforts to bring stability in the cursed land is one of its kind
in the whole world. My primary objective in this dissertation is to share their grief and
happiness in the form of paintings, drawings, photographs and short write ups. My artworks
based on Ima Keithel will be done with different media like Ink, Watercolour, Acrylics,
Charcoal and Photography. The vibrancy, the business activities, the role of Keithel Imas in
shaping the course of Manipuri history is one of its kind and it has inspired me to take up this
project. The project is an honest attempt to throw some light to the plight of the Imas of the
Ima Keithel by using different media platforms like canvas, paper, photographs.

It was the Ima Keithel (women’s market in the heart of Imphal), which was the
launching pad of the epoch making two Nupilan’s(women’s war) against the British. It is not
only an economic base of the Imas, but also their political base. This Nupilan (an exclusive
women’s movement) also marked the first people’s organised protest against the British.

The first Nupilan(women’s war) was in 1904(women organized a collective protest

against the imposition by the British demanding male members to rebuild the Bungalow of
British officials which was burnt down by unidentified miscreants, leading ultimately to the
government withdrawing its order) and the second Nupilan in 1939( this was directed against
the artificial scarcity of rice created by colonial policies and Marwari traders, and the
government ultimately had to ban the export of rice from the State). To this day, 12
December is celebrated as Nupilan day to mark women’s uprising of 1939.

In 1954 and 1959, women played an active part in every movement demanding
responsible government in Manipur, by which they implied the government of a full-fledged
state instead of the dependent government of a Union territory in line with the Statehood
movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

After independence, the responsibilities of women of Ima Keithel were increased

manifold. As the state was hit by insurgency problems and the public were trapped between
the state actor and the non-state actor. Behind the shadow of Armed Forces Special Powers
Act, 1958 to fight against insurgency groups, the number of human rights violation activities
were increased in the state. In such a scenario, the women stood in the front with a firm
determination to fight any inhuman activities from both the state actor and the non-state
actor. In the Naga Peace Talk, which affects the territory of Manipur, the women did not
remain silent. They strongly protested and agitated against the Government not to affect the
territory of Manipur. And more recently a turmoil of a huge magnitude struck Manipur. The
armed foreign Myanmar nationals who belonged to a particular community threatened the
territorial boundary and lives of the indigenous citizens of Manipur. This time too, the Imas
of Ima Keithel have transformed into a different avatar and took to the street. Their loud
voice reverberates the entire nation. The contribution of these women in the socio-economic
and political scenario of Manipur is immense. They are the symbol and embodiment of
women empowerment.
What I wish to bring to my canvas is to show the world the indomitable spirit of these
Manipuri Keithel Imas (Mother’s at the bazar) who work for their bread and butter as well as
to bring a social change, peace and stability in the strife torn region.

Methods, techniques and media to be employed:
I will use conventional media like, acrylics, inks, charcoal and other
digital media like photography.
Work schedule during the two-year research project:
Monday to Wednesday:
Spot Sketches, spot visits, interview, photography.
Time Schedule: 6:30 am to 9:30 am – Morning Shift
4:30 am to 6:00 pm – Evening Shift
Thursday to Saturday:
Thursday to Saturday will be confined to my studio for creative
activities on paper, canvas etc.
Time Schedule: 8:30 am to 1:00 pm – Morning Shift
5:30 pm to 10:00 pm- Evening Shift
Sunday will be entirely devoted for discussion with my two
respected Gurus, Shri Ch. Premananda Roy, Senior Artist and Shri Y.
Gunindro Singh, Senior Artist.
Research Project Completion Period:
The entire research project will be completed within two years
duration from the date of approval by the esteemed ministry.

Address for correspondence:
Facebook URL:
Instagram URL:
Phone no. 9612000344


Name: Hijam Satyabrata Singh

Date-of-birth: 01-02-78

Father’s name: (L) Hijam Devabrata Singh

Qualification: BFA(Painting), Manipur University

M.V.A.(Painting), Manipur University Of Culture


Manipur State Kala Akademi Award 2016-2017

Junior Fellowship in Painting 2014-2015 Ministry of Culture Govt. of India

4th MK Priyabrata Memorial Award 2018, Art Society Manipur

Jandhabi Devi Memorial Art Award 2015, Art Society Manipur

Honourable mention (Painting) Annual Exhibition of Art 2008 (Manipur State

Kala Akademi).

Honourable Mention (Drawing), 2005 (Manipur State Kala Akademi Annual



National Art Camp, Lalit Kala Akademi New Delhi, Patnitop ,Jammu , 2018

Lalit Kala Akademi Kolkata Regional Camp at Agartala, Tripura 2016

Art Festival 2015, Art Society Manipur, 2015

North East Painting Workshop (Organised by NEZCC, Dimapur), 2008

Manipur State Kala Akademi, Manipur State Museum, Private Institutions,
Private Apartments, NEZCC, Dimapur and USA.

Address for correspondence:
Facebook URL:
Instagram URL:
Phone no. 9612000344

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