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1. Bird’s eye view – An overview

2. At snail’s pace – To do things very slowly
3. To blow one’s own trumpet – Praise one’s own abilities and achievements
4. To feel like a fish out of water – To be in an uncomfortable situation
5. To add fuel to fire – To worsen the matter / To incite
6. Carrot and stick – Reward and punishment policy
7. Caught red handed – At the time of committing crime
8. Green thumb – To have a natural interest or talent for growing plants.
9. Go through fire and water – Undergo any risk
10. Turn a deaf year – Disregard/ignore/refuse
11. Fair and square – Honest
12. A bed of roses – A pleasant or easy situation
13. To shed crocodile tears – To pretend grief
14. A Red-letter day – An important day
15. Like a phoenix – With a new life/rebirth/reincarnation
16. Scapegoat - A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or
faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency / Fall guy
17. Off and on – Occasionally
18. Stole the show – Win everyone’s praise
19. The acid test- a true test
20. Keep sb/sth at arm’s length- To maintain distance
21. An open book – One that hold no secrets
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22. Born with a silver spoon – Born in a rich family

23. A cakewalk – An easy achievement
24. Beat about the bush – Speak in a roundabout manner
25. To hit the jackpot – To make money quickly
26. Out and out – Totally
27. Take a leap in the dark – To take risk
28. Casting pearl before swine – Offering good things to undeserving people
29. Achilles’s heel – Weak spot
30. Reading between the lines – Understanding the hidden meaning
31. Pros and cons – Advantages and disadvantages
32. Bite the dust- to be defeated
33. In the good books –In favor with boss
34. To be always one’s beck and call – At one’s disposal (ready to serve one’s
35. Flogging a dead horse – Wasting time in useless effort
36. Within a stone’s throw – At a short distance
37. To fight tooth and nail – To fight in a determined way for what you want
38. Good Samaritan – Helpful person
39. Around the clock – Day and night
40. Spilling the beans – Revealing the information indiscreetly
41. Ins and outs – Full details
42. All and Sundry- every one
43. In high spirits – Full of hope and enthusiasm
44. Shake in shoes – Tremble with fear
45. Cock and bull story – A concocted or absurd story
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46. Hobson’s choice – No real choice at all

47. To give the devil his due – to give encouragement even to the enemy
48. Apple of one’s eye – special/favorite/beloved person.
49. Apple of discord- something that causes trouble
50. An axe to grind – A private interest to serve
51. By leaps and bounds – Very Quickly
52. Sowing wild oats – Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age
53. A bolt from the blue – Something unexpected and unpleasant
54. To set the themes on fire- To do a heroic deed
55. Die in harness – To die at one’s work
56. Fair- weather friend – A friend that deserts in difficulties
57. To be at cross swords – have on argument or dispute.
58. Burn one’s boat – Leave no means of return
59. Make one’s flesh creep – Horrify
60. Up to the mark- According to the required standards
61. To take into account – To consider
62. Blue-eyed boys – Favorites
63. Dropping names – Hinting at high connections/To mention famous people
you know or have met in order to impress others.
64. Give the game away – Give out the secret
65. End in a fiasco –A Total/Utter failure
66. High and dry – Neglected/ To leave someone helpless
67. Strom in a tea cup – Commotion (angry/worry) over a trivial matter /A
small problem which is treated as much more serious than it really is
68. The man in the street – An ordinary man (common man)
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69. Throw down a glove – To accept defeat

70. Let the cat out of the bag – To utter a secret carelessly or by mistake
71. To have Too many irons in the fire – To get engaged in too many
enterprises at the same time
72. Cut one off, without a shilling – Disinheriting / To expel from fraternal
73. In cold blood – A murder done without intention
74. To blaze a trail – To lead the way as a pioneer
75. To get one’s own back –To get one’s revenge
76. A dark horse – An unforeseen competitor
77. To give a piece of mind – To reprimand
78. Go to the winds - Disappear
79. To take to one’s heel – To run away
80. By fits and start – Irregularly
81. To face the music – To bear the consequences
82. To take someone to task – To scold someone
83. To play to the gallery – To behave in an exaggerated way to attract
people’s attention
84. Sitting on the fence – Hesitating which side to take
85. Blood running cold – Become very frightened
86. A golden mean- Middle course between two extremes.
87. Come out of one’s shell – To appear suddenly
88. Lay down arms – To surrender
89. Making hay while the sun shines – Taking advantage of a favorable
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90. Bone of contention – Matter of dispute

91. Yeoman’s service – Social work
92. To move heaven and earth – to try everything possible
93. A damp squib – A disappointing result
94. To bite the dust – To be defeated
95. Adams ale – water
96. Hit the nail on the head – To do or say something that is exactly right.
97. To keep level head- to maintain calmness
98. To show a clean pair of heels – to escape/run away
99. Don’t put all eggs in one basket –Don’t put all the efforts/resources on
one thing
100. To give one a cold shoulder – To intentionally ignore someone or to treat
someone in an unfriendly way
101. Sailing in the same boat – Being in the same difficult situation
102. Gift of the gab – Ability to speak well
103. Wear and tear - Damage
104. Fool’s paradise – feeling happy based on mistaken beliefs or false hope.
105. To make a mountain of a molehill – To exaggerate the importance of
something trivial.
106. To speak one’s mind – To be frank and honest
107. At the eleventh hour – At the very last moment
108. To feather one’s nest – To make oneself rich (in position or in monetary
109. Standstill – Complete halt
110. Grease anybody’s palm – To give bribe
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111. Leave in the lurch – Abandon in the midway/difficult situation

112. Played havoc – Caused destruction
113. A close shave – Narrow escape from danger
114. Cool as cucumber – Not nervous or emotional
115. Wears heart on sleeves – Express feelings openly
116. To pay off old scores – To refund old dues
117. In the nick of time – At the last possible moment.
118. Sweeping Statement – Thoughtless statement
119. Doctor the accounts – To manipulate the accounts
120. Take French leave – Leave without permission
121. In lieu of – Despite of
122. All at sea – Puzzled
123. Sit in judgement – To pass judgement (or comment on someone)
especially when you have no authority
124. Alma mater- The university/school/college that one formerly attended.
125. Look down upon – Hate intensely
126. Pay through nose – Pay an extremely high price
127. By fair or foul means – In honest or dishonest way
128. Status quo – As it is/ unchanged position
129. To burn candle at both ends – To be extravagant/ Spend without any
130. Run riot – Act without restraint
131. To bring to light – to reveal
132. to call it a day – stop doing what one is doing
133. Bad blood – Angry feeling
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134. To miss the bus – To miss an opportunity

135. Jump on the Bandwagon – Join others in doing or supporting fashionable
or likely to be successful.
136. To call spade a spade – To be frank
137. Cry over spilt milk-Cry over irreparable loss
138. Birds of same feather – Persons of same character
139. High handed – Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing
140. Too fond of one’s own voice – To like talking without wanting to listen to
other people/Very selfish
141. Dropping like flies – Collapsing in large numbers
142. Rat race – Fierce competition for power
143. Out of the blue – suddenly/unexpectedly.
144. Not my cup of tea – Not what somebody likes or interested in
145. Make a clean breast – Confess without reserve
146. No love lost between – Not on good terms
147. Enough rope – Enough freedom for action
148. To foam at one’s mouth – To be very angry
149. Bury the hatchet – To make peace / To stop being unfriendly and become
friends again
150. Once in a blue moon - Rarely
151. Through thick and thin – Under all circumstances
152. Take to heart – To be very upset by something that somebody says or
does / Serious
153. Point blank – Very definite and direct
154. Rest on laurels – To be complacent
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155. Bag and baggage – completely

156. A sacred cow- A person never be criticized
157. No hard and fast rules – Easy regulation/ no strict rules
158. Part and parcel – An essential part of something
159. Stand by – To help/support somebody or be friend, even in difficult times
160. In black and white – In writing
161. At a loss – Unable / Not knowing about what to do or say
162. Lame excuse – Unsatisfactory explanation
163. Hand in glove – Working closely with someone / Very intimate
164. A hard nut to crack – A difficult problem or situation to solve or deal with
165. In a nutshell - Brief
166. A shot in the dark – An attempt to guess something
167. Banana Republic – A country that is small, poor, corrupt and politically
168. Water under the bridge – Something that happened in the past and is now
forgotten or no longer important
169. Stick to guns – Hold on to original decisions
170. Out of hand – Out of control, at once, immediately
171. Herculean task –A work requiring very great effort
172. Talking through hat – Talking nonsense
173. Cut coat according to one’s cloth – Live within your means
174. Iron will – Strong determination
175. Null and void- Empty
176. Let the grass grow under the feet – Delay in getting things done
177. Tighten one’s belt- to spend less money than you did before.
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178. To play second fiddle – Take a subordinate role

179. A close-fisted man- a miser
180. Putting the cart before the horse – Doing things in the wrong way
181. Not fit to hold candle – Not so good as somebody or something else
182. Heads will roll – Transfers will take place
183. Going places – Talented and successful
184. A white elephant – Costly or troublesome possession
185. At one’s wit’s end – Puzzled/confused/perplexed
186. Let sleeping dogs lie – Not to bring up an old controversial issue
187. Take with a grain of salt – To listen to something with considerable doubt.
188. Wet one’s whistle – To have a drink / Moistens one’s throat
189. A man of straw – a weak or cowardly person.
190. Live-wire – A person who is lively or energetic
191. Keep an open house – Welcome all members
192. Teething problems – Difficulties at the start
193. Plain sailing – Very easy
194. Bite/hold one’s tongue – to refrain/ to keep quite/remain silent.
195. The Alpha and Omega – Beginning and end
196. Salt of the earth – Good, honest and ideal
197. Strain every nerve – Make all efforts / Try all tricks
198. To get into hot water – To get into troubles
199. Barking up the wrong tree – Trying to find someone ay wrong place
200. On the same page – Thinks in a similar way
201. Living in ivory tower – place or situation where you are separated from
the problems and practical aspects of normal life
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202. To the letter – Paying attention to every detail / Doing or following exactly
what somebody something says
203. Does not hold water – Cannot be believed
204. Balloon goes up – The situation turns unpleasant or serious
205. Watching grass grow – Very boring
206. Nine day’s wonder – A dazzling short-lived spectacle of no real value
207. All ears - Attentive
208. on cloud nine- Extremely happy.
209. A black sheep – A person with bad reputation
210. At draggers drawn - Enmity
211. Stir up a Hornet’s nest - To create a lot of trouble
212. Feather in one’s cap – An achievement
213. A dog’s breakfast – A total mess / A thing that has been done badly
214. Bite of more than one can chew – try to do more than you are able to do
215. Take the bull by the horns – to face a difficulty courageously
216. Get on some one’s nerves-to annoy
217. In two minds – To be undecided
218. Have a finger in every pie – To be meddlesome / To involved in a lot of
different activities and having influence over them
219. To take after – To resemble an older member of family
220. Flying visit – Very short visit
221. Telling upon – Showing effectively / Having strong effect
222. Kith and kin - Relatives
223. itching palm – A desire for money, greed, wanting a bribe.
224. Snake in the grass – A hidden enemy
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225. Rise with the lark – Get up early / To get out of bed very early in the
226. To beat black and blue – To beat mercilessly
227. Horse sense – Basic common sense
228. Shot in the arm – Something that gives encouragement
229. Beside the mark- Irrelevant
230. Dog in a manger – To prevent other people from using or enjoying
something that they cannot use or enjoy themselves.
231. Give a wide berth to – To stay away from or avoid someone
232. Bell the cat – To do heroic act.
233. Arm Chair Critic- A person who gives advice based on theory and not on
234. Drag one’s feet – Be reluctant to act
235. Icing on the cake – Something that makes a good situation even better
236. Break the ice – Start the conversation.
237. A chip of the old block- An experienced person
238. Throw cold water - Discourage
239. Couch potato – A person who prefers to watch television
240. Carry the ball – Be in charge
241. Weal and woe – Good times and bad times
242. A drop in a bucket – A very insignificant amount
243. Evening of life – Old age
244. Donkey’s year – A long time
245. Leave no stone unturned – To try every possible way
246. A man of letters - Scholar
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247. To nip in the bud – To stop something in the starting

248. To put a spoke in one’s wheel – To hinder
249. Taste one’s own medicine- Experience the unpleasant situation that they
themselves have given to someone.
250. seamy side -unpleasant and immoral side of life
251. To cut the gordian knot- To perform a difficult task.
252. Gut feeling- Strong instinct (based on feelings and emotion rather than
thought and reason.)
253. To have a finger in every pie- Be involved in so many activities at once.
254. Play ducks and drakes- to squander/ spend lavishly.

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