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Information and Communications Technology (ICT), is an extended synonym, an umbrella term

which contains both Information Technology (IT) as well as Communications Technology under its
fold. In fact, it is a very broad term used to refer to the literally infinite areas of scientific studies and
techniques used in the handling of telecommunications; media management and broadcast;
intelligent systems; data handling, processing, storage and transmission; network based solutions; as
well as audio visual monitoring processes.

Information Communication Technology is important to our daily living as a human, Through this we
can communicate other people that living away from us. As you observe today’s century, there are
many differents technologies that we can use in our works. We live now in a world full of social
interest because we can work through the use of internet connections. In this century many of
students have a internet connections, because even they are in school they can communicate their
friends, and if the teachers give a assignments that needed to research they can do their task easier
and they don’t have to go in the library and look for a book and find the right page.

As a student I always attach wit to lot of essential things in my life, ICT help me for my studies and
to communicate to others. Everyday I need a internet connections even when I’m in the school since
there are lesson that are more thoroughly explained online.

ICT has a great impact to our society. In all walks of life, transactions become easy, fast, and reliable
like in sending messages, money transfer, delivery of services, relief and rescue operations providing
early warning in case of disasters and calamities to insure safety of the society. ICT is indeed
marvelous to mention the Global Positioning System (GPS) which is used in tracking the locations of
airplanes, ships, vehicles, and other forms of transportation for the purpose of giving immediate
response in cases of emergency.

ICT also help our society to grow more business, It give people’s opportunity to work even they are
in their home and also reducing the need of travel into their works or offices. It can also help other
big company to expand their business through the use of social media, dealing with their clients
through internet.

With the use of ICT, I can easier understand my chosen professional track (ABM). It help me to study
my lessons that I can’t understand. And it can help me to develop my skills to the field of my chosen
track. It has helped me gather information to answer my assignments, and to comply with my
projects. I feel more interested because ICT provides a lot of information, knowledge, and skills
related to ABM. Explorations and discovery are possibly answered through ICT thus enriching my
knowledge and experiences. With God’s help, through ICT, I am confident and positive that I can
finish my chosen profession successfully.

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