Kumud Class X Geo May 19

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Class X

Geography worksheet
Chapter -1

Answer the following question briefly: [1 mark]

1-What is the role of human beings in the development of a resources?

2- What are potential resources ?

3-Which resources are community owned resources?

4-What was Agenda 21 of Earth Summit of Rio de Janeiro?

5-Distinguish between Banger and Khadar.

6-Define the following terms:

Gully erosion,Bad land , sheet erosion and Contour Ploughing.

Answer the following question [3 marks]

1-What is the importance of soil as a resource?

2-Why do we need to conserve resources?

3-Give some important features of the black soil.

4-Explain the interdependent relationship between nature,technology and institutions.also

make a diagram to represent the same.

5-For what purposes are land resouces used?

Answer the following question [5 marks]

1-Classify resources on the basis of development with examples.

2-How can the land be saved from degradation?

3-Give any five characteristics of arid soils.

4- Do you think that resources are free gifts of nature as is assumed by many ?Explain.

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