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Chap 14.

Interpersonal and Organizational Communication

I. Communication:
 Communication: the transfer and understanding of meaning
 Interpersonal communication: communication between two or more people
 Organizational communication: all the patterns, networks, and systems of communication
within an organization

Functions of Communication

 Control
 Motivation
 Emotional expression
 Information

Nonverbal communication: communication transmitted without words

Body language: gestures, facial configurations, and other body movements that convey meaning

Verbal intonation: an emphasis given to words or phrases that conveys meaning

B) Barriers

Information overload: when information exceeds our processing capacity

Filtering: the deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver

(chỉ 1 phần nhỏ thông tin)

Jargon: specialized terminology or technical language that members of a group use to communicate
among themselves

a) Fake news:

Reduces the impact of real news by competing with it.

Undermines trust in serious media coverage.

b) Propaganda: Information used to promote or publicize a particular point of view

Designed to influence an audience or further an agenda

Exist especially in societies with high governmental control

The information is not necessarily negative, and many campaigns have used positive propaganda

c) Spin: subtle form of propaganda that selectively presents facts and quotes that support a certain

 Public relations ( Ex: Matterhorn communication hcmc)

 Their jobs is to manipulate the new using comment that suits their cases.
C) Overcoming the Barriers:

 Use feedback
 Simplify language
 Listen actively

Active listening: listening for full meaning without making premature judgments or interpretations

 Constrain emotions
 Watch nonverbal cues

D) Formal Versus Informal:

Formal communication: communication that takes place within prescribed organizational work

Informal communication: communication that is not defined by the organization’s structural hierarchy

II) Direction of Flow:

Downward: communication that flows downward from a manager to employees

 Town hall meeting: informal public meetings where information can be relayed, issues can be
discussed, or employees can be brought together to celebrate accomplishments

Upward communication: communication that flows upward from employees to managers

Lateral communication: communication that takes place among any employees on the same
organizational level

(Important cause the real activities of company happen lateral)

Diagonal communication: communication that cuts across work areas and organizational levels

III) Networks

Communication networks: the variety of patterns of vertical and horizontal flows of organizational


Grapevine: the informal organizational communication network ( NOT telling the people give you the
information, regard as a rumour)
IV.Workplace Design and Communication:

Open workplaces: workplaces with few physical barriers and enclosures

The 24/7 Work Environment:

 IT has made it possible to stay connected around the clock, seven days per week.
 IT has made it possible for people in organizations to be fully accessible, at any time, regardless

where they are.

Working From Anywhere:

Wireless communication technology has the ability to improve work for managers and employees.

Social Media

 Devoting a channel for information exchange about a specific topic can help compartmentalize
the conversation.
 It can also start a useful conversation in which employees can share their experiences and make
suggestions for creating competitive advantage.

Balancing the Pluses and Minuses:

 Communication and the exchange of information among organizational members are no longer
constrained by geography or time.
 Constantly staying connected has its downsides, such as impeding creativity.
Choosing the Right Media:

It is important for managers to understand the situations in which one or more media facilitates
effective communication.

Managing Communication in a Digitally Connected World

Legal and security issues

Personal interaction

Managing the Organization’s Knowledge Resources

Managers need to enable employees to communicate and share knowledge so they can learn from each

Getting Employee Input:

Letting employees know that their opinions matter is an essential first step in building effective
suggestions systems.
I. Goals of Organizational Behavior

Employee productivity: a performance measure of both efficiency and effectiveness

Absenteeism: the failure to show up for work

Turnover: the voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s
formal job requirements, but which promotes the effective functioning of the organization

Job satisfaction: an employee’s general attitude toward his or her job

Counterproductive workplace behavior: any intentional employee behavior that is potentially damaging
to the organization or to individuals within the organization

II. Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment

Job involvement: the degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job, actively participates in
it, and considers his or her job performance to be important to self-worth

Organizational commitment: the degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization
and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in that organization

Perceived organizational support: employees’ general belief that their organization values their

contribution and cares about their well-being

III. Emotions and Emotional Intelligence

Emotions: intense feelings that are directed at someone or something

Emotional intelligence: the ability to notice and to manage emotional cues and information

IV. Shortcuts Used in Judging Others

Assumed similarity: the assumption that others are like oneself

Stereotyping: judging a person based on a perception of a group to which that person belongs

Halo effect: a general impression of an individual based on a single characteristic

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