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Your responsibilities towards the guest do not end with the registration and allocation
of room. He may require various information
regarding hotel, city, state, country,
etc. There may be messages for him or he may leave some message for some
one. He may require some odd assistance like
packaging, un-packing bags,
secretariat services, etc. At times he may fali sick and may require Doctor's
assistance. It is also your job to make sure that his bill is kept up to date. The
guest is staying avway from his city and country and will be looking at you for all
kind of assistance which may or may not be directly related with you. As a
receptionist you must have answer and solution for all his needs and queries. Log
book is one of the key books maintained by senior receptionist in providing better
services to the guests. The front office employees refer to log book to know the
important events that occurred during previous shifts. A log book contains the
information regarding unusual events, guest complaints, requests, etc. Any important
packet received on behalf of the guest is also recorded in the log book. The next
shift receptionists read and sign the log book. Any complaint received from the
room, which has not been carried out due to any reason is also recorded in t
log book. Suppose, guest complained in the morning that my phone is not working
and due to some reason it has still not been
repaired/replaced and this fact along
with the room number and action taken by the previous shift will be recorded in
the log book. If guest needs extra furniture in the evening for a small get together
than this also is recorded in the log book with a note that house keeping is already
intimated. The names and room numbers of all VIP's checked in during the shift
are also noted. They should be aware of all
important happenings in the previous
shifts. The senior receptionist and his team must sign the log book before
over the shift.

As mentioned earlier the guest, away from his home may ask even a small
like where to go for evening walk or sight seeing It is one of the duty and
requirement of front office staff to know about the city and state very well. Common
guest queries includes.
1 The best place to enjoy Indian classical music
along with Indian food.
2. Can you get me a cab?
3. What souvenirs do you recommend and from where can I
buy them?
Way to restaurant, cloak room, conference hall, banquette hall, house phone,
5. What recreational facilities are available in and around hotel?
6. How to reach important offices like P.M.
office, Ministries, etc.?

What are the tourist interest places in and around the city? He may ask
specifically like monuments in the city, shopping arcades, any beach near by.
golf course, casino, etc.
Where is the theatre, stadium, course, etc.?
9. Where is a bank or from where can I change my foreign traveller's cheques
or currency notes?
10. Where is the nearest temple, gurdwara, church, mosque, etc.?
11. Can you call a doctor or can
you guide me to a near by hospital?
12. Can you tell me train, bus, air timings, fares and how to reach railway station,
bus stand, airport, etc. and how long does it take to reach there? How
hours before departure time one has to reach to catch a domestic or
international flight, etc.? Can you help me getting reservation?
13. Can you tell which movie is running at which theatre?

Receptionist may not be always able to answer all the above queries. He should
know to whom to contact to get all these in-formations. He must find out all the
details and inform the guest preferably immediately but if not
possible immediately
then guest should be informed by receptionist with in the shortest possible time say
three to five minutes.

Some hotels install computers in public areas. These computers are essentially
an electronic equivalent of the front desk information directory. These computers
can be easily accessed by guests with the assistance of hotel's employees. In Delhi
hotels, a booklet by the name Delhi diary is circulated and contains all the relevant
information a guest may require. Like this hotel can also make a booklet containing
the list of today's events and special events and a copy of this can be sent to all
the rooms and kept at all public places. In some hotels the close circuit television
gives all the information regarding today's events and can be viewed by the guests
either in their rooms or any where in the public areas.


Receiving messages for resident guests in their absence from the hotel, recording
them and delivering them immediately on their arrival in the hotel is an important
function of the reception. The proficiency and efficiency is judged by the perfection
and speed the message is recorded and delivered to the guest. The moment a
call is received at reception (usually operator checks the room before transferring
the call to reception), receptionist checks if the key is at the key and mail rack. If
the key is at the key and mail rack that means the guest is out of the hotel. If the
key is not there then at times guests leaves a message about his where about and
if there is no message from the guest (location form) than it is assumed that the
guest might be some where in the hotel. The caller is informed and if he desires


to hold then the page boy is sent with the paging board to all the public areas to
locate the guest. Some hotels use public address system to locate the guest. In
case caller does not want to hold for that long or if the guest is not located in the
public area then the message is taken in duplicate. The caller's name and phone
number date and time message received are very important columns to be filled
and should be noted down immediately. At times after giving the message the caller
disconnects the phone and does not give enough time to reception to ask the callers
name and dhone number. The original copy of the message slip is enveloped and
inserted through door in the guests' room. The carbon copy is kept at the key and
mail rack and as soon as guest comes to the hotel the message is conveyed to
him. Some hotels make one more copy and retain it for records; in case guest nas
misplaced the message, it can be given to him again. These days the key and ma
rack is kept under the front office counter and guest can not see the rackfrom out
side. Hotels have a message board against the wall just behind receptionist and
room on
guest can see the message board from lobby. If the light of guest's
message board is on that means there is a message for him. One message light
gets simultaneousily on in the guest's room as well. Immediately after delivering
the message to the guest, the receptionist switches off the light from the message


Connaught Circus, New Delhi


Name of the Guest Mr./Ms.
Room No. ...


T. No.



Will Call Again
Please Call Back
In Person



In case while leaving the room guest intimates reception about his where about
mail rack. When
these are noted on guest location form and kept at the key and
about his where
ever guest is expecting any message, he usually informs reception
about in the ho'ei or outside. He may leave a phone number or inform that he wil
room. Before going
be sitting in the bar, swimming pool, coffee shop or his friend's
back to his room.
back to his room he usually intimates reception that he is going
visitor and his instructions
In case of any visitor, the guest is informed about the
are followed. If he wants to send the visitor
to him only then the visitor is
that if Mr. Y comes then
about his where about. In case guest leaves a message
he is send straight to swimming
send him to swimming pool and if Mr. Y comes then to
is asked before directing the visitor
pool and if any body else comes then he


Name of the guest Mr./Ms...
Room No.

From To

O Swimming Pool
Business Centre
Health Club
O Beauty Parlour * * *

' * * * * ' * ° *


Message ** '' **********'*''



All the written messages may be in any form, like letter, telegram, fax, telex, etc.
are taken under the head mail. The mail may be an incoming or outgoing. Mail
handling is an important function of the reception and the way the mail is handled
shows the attitude and promptness of the department.

The mail is received at time office and for registered mail, received on behalf of
the guest, isformally received by reception department. The mail can be broadly
divided into three () Hotel mail (i) Staff mail (ii) Guest mail. All mail received by
time office is stamped date and time of receipt. Registered mail is entered in the
register before delivering
it to hotel staff and departments, time office
get their
signature. The guest's registered mail is received by reception only if the guest
is either staying or is expected to arrive. The hotel mail is directly delivered to
respected departments after recording them in diary. The staff mail is kept at time
office and is handed over to the employees either at the time ot joining
duty or while
going off duty. Some senior staff member's mail is delivered to them in their offices.
In this chapter we will discuss in detail about the guest mail.

The guest mail can be broadly divided into two: () ordinary mail (i) registered mail
Ordinary mail for all guests is received and handed over to receptionist. The
registered mail is received by the receptionist if the guest is staying in the hotel
or if there is a booking of the guest. Otherwise registered mail is sent back to sender
with remark that neither the guest is staying nor there is any reservation for him.

All guest mail can be divided into

1. Guests staying in the hotel
2. Guests not yet arrived
3. Guests already checked out.

Mail received for guests who are already staying in the hotel is
directly sent to them
through bell boy after informing them on phone. If the guest is not in his room then
mail is kept at reception and a message ftorm is sent to his room with a note
there is a mail for him. In case of registered letters guest is requested to sign the
mail delivery register.

In case guest is yet to arrive then mail for that quest is kept at the reception in
the mail rack (maintained alphabetically) with the expected date of arrival written
on envelope. A note is made in
his reservation that there is a mail at
This note reminds reception to hand over recepuo
the mail to quest immediately on arrival.
In fact the mail should be delivered to him
before getting him registered. If
is no booking then ordinary mail is received and
kept at the alphabetically maintained
mail rack and every day receptionist checks if the guest has checked in or not. This
mail might be kept for one or two weeks and if the guest does not arrive then
is send back to sender. If there is no sender address then it is send to nearest
G.P.O. and at G.P.0. mail is opened and seen if there is any sender address to
be forwarded. Under no circumstances the mail of guest should be opened by the
hotel staf. Registered mail of guests who are not holding any reservation is not
received at all.

Guests, at the time of checking out leaves behind forwarding address. Mail received
after their check out is re-directed to forwarding address and in case no
address is left behind then the mail is re-directed to guest's permanent address.
And if the permanent address is incomplete then mail is send back to sender and
if sender's address is missing then it is forwarded to G.P.O.


If guest wants to send any mail then he contacts bell captain. At bell desk a weighing
Scale, stamps, etc. are kept. And if guest wants then bell captain can affix the
stamps on envelopes and post them on behalf of the guest. Bell captain knows
the value of stamp to be affixed on letters for both domestic and foreign mail. Either
guest pays in cash for the stamps or he may debit it to his room after making a
Visitor's paid out voucher (VPO). Some hotels keep franking machine to stamp the
The guest room key's movement is controlled, so that un-authorized persons can
not get assess of guest room keys. Immediately on allotment of room, guest is
handed over the key and welcome/key card is also issued which is signed by both
receptionist and guest. The guests are requested not fo leave the room key out
side their door and if any hotel employee sees guest key hanging out side the door
then he hands over the key to guest, if guest is in his room and if he is not in his
Oom then room is locked and key is nanded over to reception. When ever guests
go out of the hotel they are requested to drop the key in the key box and never
leave the key on the reception counter. In case any guest leaves the key on the
reception counter then receptionist immediately pickS up the key and keeps at the
Key and mail rack. From key bOx also receptionist takes out all keys and places

key and mail rack. The guest room key is only handed over to the guest
and in case of any doubt the guest should be requested to show the welcome/key
card. In case guest loses the room key then guest is charged and the lock of the
room is replaced and hotel never gets the duplicate key made.

The duplicate keys of the rooms are always kept under lock and key either by the
security department or by any authorized manager. Hotel also has Master and
Grand Master keys: Master key can open all the guest rooms of one floor. But
if the door is double locked then it can not be opened with the master key. Master
key is given to floor supervisor and floor supervisor while on duty never hands over
this key to any un-authorized person. When she hands over the hift she also hands
Over the master key to the floor supervisor.

The grand master key is either with the general manager or under the charge of
executive house keeper. The grand master key can open all the doors of the hotel
even if they are double locked. This key is always kept under lock and key and
is used only in case of emergencies.

An electronic locking system replaces traditional mechanical locks. The keys are
programmed and can open a guest's room, in case guest loses the card key then
receptionist changes the key program of the door and new card key can be handed
over to the guest. The old key becomes use less a moment the door's key program
is changed. Some times key can be programmed to open the door only for the
number of days the room is booked by the guest. In case guest wants to extend
his stay then again he has to ask the receptionist to program the key to open the
door for a few more days. The hotels which sell their rooms through computer issue
only card keys and are programmed to open the door for the number of days for
which guest has already paid. If guest tries to open the door after the expected
date of departure then the door will not open. For the security of both guest's
valuables and hotel property, the guest room keys movement is strictly controlled
so that any un-authorized person is not able to enter the room and steal guest and
hotel's belongings. The hotel's security personnel keep a strict watch on every one
moving in the hotel under suspicious movements. They are also assigned to have
rounds of all floors.


In large hotels guests relation executive, normally a lady is appointed. This is a
supervisory post but some guest relation executive's may be of an assistant manager
cadre. She maintains the public relations with all the
guests and also maintains
the guest history cards. The job of guest relation executive and
of hospitality desk
is quite similar and some hotels
appoint either quest relation executive or hospiay
assistant. If both of them are appointed then they assist each other.
The hospitality desk extends the
hospitality of the hotel by extending servicesN
welcoming vIP'S, groups, regular guests, etc. by traditional Indian ways lIKe
garlanding. aard, tIKKa, etc. The
foreigner's appreciate it the most. In some o
even traditional music instruments like sitar, folk
songs dr may be folk dances,
are played in the back ground. Apart from welcoming certain other services erc. like
stationery with guests name printed it, baby-sitting, complimentary fruits, Tiowers,
cookies, cakes, free or
charged pick-up and drop to airport, railway station,
assistance in shopping, etc. are provided. Hotels may provide these services
complimentary or may charge a nominal fee. The basic motive of this department etner
is to extend a personal touch. The hospitality is normally looked after by a lady
staff member and is designated as hospitality assistant. She may be expected to
escort the guests to their rooms, especially VIP's, regular guests, etc.

Hospitality means a concept of anticipating and satisfying the guest's needs. We

should first find out the needs of a guest. The need may not just include comfortable
bed, good food and service but also includes important psychological benefits. The
hospitality assistant makes guest psychologically happy by trying to give a time. May
be some people if are listened feel happy, a few others may prefer to be enquired
about their stay and comfort, yet a few may like to be attended by some senior
person and like to get personal attention. And hospitality assistant understands the
guest's psychology and ensures that the guest feels at home.


Guest who is not satisfied of services provided by the hotel may complaint to the
hotel showing his dissatisfaction. But always remember that all guests despite of
being dissatisfied do not complaint. These guests who do not complaint are more
harmful to the hotel then those who complaints. Dissatisfied guest does not come
back to the hotel. He may also tell his friends about the bad services and advise
them not to visit the hotel. So complaints should be taken more sportingly. In fact
guest complaining is giving you chance to serve him better and improve upon your
mistakes. Hotels should anticipate guests complaints and devise strategies to
resolve the situation. Guests complaints can be broadly divided into four categories
and these are bad services, bad attitude, mechanical faults and others.

but at times guest finds food or the service

Though does not happen very frequentiy
of the hotel not up to standard. These guests may be very fussy and may be getting
or expecting much higher standard and personalized service. The special attention


A L e d to these guests and all departments are informed about the guest. So
that guest gets personal attention and he may ignore a small short coming.

wnen the guest feels that he has been insulted by rude or bad Denaviour of the
hotel staff; he complaints to the front office. No matter what ever the reason may
DE, tnis Kind of complaint must be taken very seriously and handled by senior staft
members. As for as possible the employee against whom the complaint is made,
Gner asked to go on leave or his shift, department, etc. is changed so he does
not come in contact of the guest. The guest is apologized and is assured that such
tning will never happen again and is also informed that action has been taken against
the employee.

Mechanical faults are the most common cause of complaints. The most common
faults are room or public area climate control, door knobs/keys, W.C. system, running
hot and cold water, electricity point or light, television, telephone, music system,
etc. The equipments must be checked before allotting a room. The proper entry
should be made in the log book so that all faults are either rectified or the equipment
replaced immediately.
Guest may complaint for things where hotel is helpless. He may complaint about
the bad weather, bureaucracy, bad public transportation, no health club or swimming
pool in the hotel etc.

The receptionist is usually the person who learns or receives the guest's complaints.
The guest's complaints get aggravated, if he feels that his complaint has been
ignored, overlooked or discounted by the hotel staft. It is a human psychology that
one likes to listen the complaint but receptionist must remember that it is his
primary duty to satisfy the guest and if he does not attend his complaint or if guest
does not complaint then he will check out dissatisfied. Dissatisfied checked out
guest may do more of negative sellingfor the hotel. When guests find it easy to
express their opinions, both the hotel and the guests benefit.

The following points should be remembered while handling

a guest
LISTEN: The guest should be given patience hearing and be attentive.
If required make notes of his complaints and guest must be assured that
you are paying attention to him and do not interrupt in between. ATter
listening to his complaint show your regret.
2. APOLOGIES: Apologies the guest and assure him that such thing Wil!
not happen again.
3. CORRECTIVE MEASURES: Pass the complaint to the concerned
department and ask them to contact the guest and assure him your best

apology. This
assures the quest that
did not go to
deaf ears and his complaining at
A4. WRITTEN APOLOGY corrective
: If the
measures have been
take as
made bya viP then an complaint was serious or the
complain wd
and assurance from himapology
letter or a phone from
general manager
improve pays high dividendS.
The following statements should never be made
1. Never say that this mistake
to me and was not made by him
or this does not relate
2 complaint
Never criticize other
to other
employees are habitual of about the complaint is made.
saying oh bad food, Sir, I am fed up almost
every day we get
complaint to general complaints about bad food. Please make a written
33 Never argue with the manager may be only then the food will improve
guest. Never say, sir, no it is always done like
Suppose guest complaints about slow this.
long time to serve during peak hours butservice, do not say sir, it takes
Inform restaurant or room say sir we will be more prompt.
service to inform the guest while
about the time
required for serving a particular dish so taking order
it will take long to serve a guest knows that
Never do other thing while particular order.
are. If possible do not
guest is complaining no matter how busy you
attend phones in between.
colleague to attend calls or inform operator to not to Either calls tell your
transfer the calls to other give you and
Complaints and complainant both help you improve and provide better services so
the complaints should be
always taken positively
All information received
regarding regular guest is entered in the Guest history card
and this card is updated every time
guest comes and stays in the hotel. Most of
the information recorded is taken from the reservation
department, guest registration
card filled for the guest and all information given by the
guest during his stay like
ikings or a particular color or a floor, credit cards used by the guest, etc. All
Comments made by guest and events are recorded in the guest history card. This
guest history card is handy to extend a personal touch to the guest.

in case the regular guest is expected, a car with his favourite valet or some senior
anager or guest relation executive ill be at the airport to receive and welcome
the guest to make him feel more at home. He is offered a favourite drink in the
car. The check-in formalities are completed in the car itself. The moment he reaches
e l he is taken straight to his favourite room. Each and every small liking of his


like channel, his favourite food, drink, Turnishing, coloor

Channel, piped music
Omoination, fruits, flowers, etc. are taken care of. The stationery in his room has
S name printed, general manager may phone or come in person tO welcome and

assure him the comfortable stay.

gueSt history card is made manually. In case of fully computerized tront office,
soft ware is designed to prepare the guest history card for all regular guests and
update them electronically. As a policy matter hotel may offer a special diSCount
to regular guests. The computer on seeing the guest registration card of regular
guests may remind hotel to extend discount. For manually operated guest history
card format please refer to chapter 'arrival' in earlier chapters.


in case of loss of property by a guest, he usually contacts reception. The found
properties may be handled by any of the departments like house keeping,
personnel, front office. No matter who looks after this department, the queries come
to reception from
guest and the front office must be able to either direct the guest
to concerned
department or may arrangé to get the guest's belongings to the guest
and after completing the formalities hand over his belongings. In fact all other
departments, listed above to handle the found belongings are in non
and hotel usually does not want a public areas
guest to go to non public area.
To avoid giving conflicting informationto the guest, no one else but
the authorized
department should discuss lost and found items
with the
be requested to describe the
article lost and the
guest. The guest should
belongings were lost. Only after getting satisfied approximately
that the
place and time the
guest, are returned to him after belongings belong to the
include getting a formal letter and completing the formalities. The formalities
formalities may
getting his may
that the goods have been
received in
signature on the register which states
good condition.
The guest's belongings found in
by any employee is deposited in the guest's room after check-out or from
lost and found public area,
in the lost and found department.
department are entered in the lost and All articles deposited
receipt is made and given to the finder. found register. A
room after his check out In case, the
article is found in the
then a letter is
lost or forgotten any written to guest with a guests
confirming with him, his belongingsbehind and if he query that if he has
describes the item then after
articles are kept in sate dispatched
custody for a period as to him.
Otherwise all found
per management policy.
AIlL found articles are disbursed in one of the
management policy. following methods as per the
1. The articles found
aregiven to the finder as an
2 The articles
found are auctioned amongst theappreciation.
hotel stair and
highest bidder is given the
The articles product.
found are auctioned but the founder can buy at discount
(decided by the management) of the
the preference over highest bid and the founder gers
other bidders.
Though al guests in the
hotel are welcome, who are in a
but there are still some who are not position to pay the price,
welcome on one ground or the other. The
list containing the names along with
aliases of all persons who are not welcome
at the hotel is printed and circulated to
all concerned departments including
office. This is a highly confidential list. front
Usually the defaulters, skippers, tipsy, habitual
misbehavers to stat or other guests
listed as black listed. At times offender's
against whom non bail able warrants are pending in the court should not be offered
accommodation and police should be informed about their presence. The guests
who regularly default in settling bills or habitual
skippers are also included in the
black list. The list of these guests is either circulated by other member hotels or
by police department. The list of black list is to be circulated among the employees
only and under no circumstances it should be made public or told or shown to
outsiders. It may become a cause of embarrassment for the hotel. The
accommodation to black listed guest is refused on some different ground than on
that they are not welcome in the hote!. Before adding the name of a guest on black
ist the general manager or any other manager authorized by him is to be consulted.
Along with the name, the description of the guest is also mentioned in the black
list and in case of doubt the receptionist must reier to the black list and make sure
that the person standing in front is black listed before refusing him the

Hotel is not responsible for the loss of guest's valuables either from the room or
from any where irom the hotel. Most of the hotels provide safe deposit boxes or
a safe for the storage of guest's valuables. Liability is contingent on whether the
hotel notifies the guest that safe deposit lockers are available. The safe deposit
lockers are provided free of cost.

stored in the front office cash and are

Some hotels have small bank like lockers
valuables free of cost. In case there are not
allotted to the guests to keep their
are sealed in envelope and both guest and
Sufficient lockers then guests valuables
the cashier signs the sealed packet/envelope and is stored in the front office chest.
A$ and when the guest wants his packet
hotel proVIdes the properly sealed envelope/

Dacket and takes the

guest's signature that packet is received back in proper order.
hese days hotels have started keeping an electronic locker in the guest's room
and this locker can be operated by the guest himself. This locker can be opened
by a code selected by the guest himself.

The lockers placed in the front office cash

department can be operated by two keys.
One key is with the front office cashier and the second key is given to the
Both the keys are the locker. Before
required to
open opening the locker guest
Signs the locker register and records the date and time.

In case the key of the locker is lost

by the guest, then the locker is drilled and opened
in front of the guest and at least two more witnesses. The guest is charged for
ali the damages. These rules are mentioned in the locker allotment form
and guest
s required to before
sign issuing him the locker.


Locker No.





I here by acknowledge that all property in my safe
deposit locker
removed. The key is hereby surrendered.
No. has been

Date .Time Guest's signature Manager's signature

Wake up calls are recorded either by the
telephone operator or the bell
duplicate. But the guest is woken up by telephone operator. The wake up captain
call sheet
is prepared. On the lert side the time
starting from 3 a.m to 3.15 a.m. and then
from 3.15 a.m. to 3.30 a.m. and so on till 9 a.m. is
printed (refer to wake
Rooms requesting to be woken up at a specific 'time block' are written up sheet).
time. The tifteen minutes gap is taken because it is against the
not possible
to wake
up many guests at sharp specific time say 6 a.m.

The telephone operator wakes up the guest at the

wishing the time of the day she says it is your wake up time and
also wishes the
time and
nice day. The cashier is also informed about the wake
up list so that he can keep
the bills ready.

In some hotels wake up call is

given by computers. All the room numbers along
with the specific time are fed to the
computer and computer can simultaneously
wake up all the rooms. The computer
keeps on announcing good morning sir/madam
it is your wake up time. The
computerized wake up does not give any personal
touch and it is always better to wake up a
guest with apleasant human touch and
wish the guest a wonderful day. Some also
guests order a cup of tea or break
along with the wake up cal. The tea/break fast can be served by the room


Please wake up the following
3.00 A.M. TO 3.15 A.M
3.15 A.M. TO 3.30 A.M.


3.30 A.M. TO 3.45 A.M

3.45 A.M. TO 4.00 A.M.

8.45 A.M. TO 9.00 A.M.


Bell captain signs the wake up call sheet and hands over to the telephone operator
the original sheet and retains the carbon sheet with telephone operator's signature
as a proof that wake up call sheet has been handed over to the telephone exchange.
The tour leader may give the wake up call tor the group members. The bell captain
has to refer to the rooming list and note down their rooms and the wake up call
has to be given to all the members. All the members will be woken up as per the
tour leader's instructions unless notified differently by any group member. In case
of airlines crews the crew members are
given wake up call after confirming the
departure time of air lines. Usually air line crew requests to be woken up four hours
before the actual departure time. The telephone operator is supposed to check
the departure time from the air lines before the
giving wake up to crew members.
This is more important especially during winters or foggy days when a lot of
get delayed due to poor visibility. In case any guest wants a wake up call before
3 a.m. then it can be recorded by writing the time on the sheet and if
any guest
wants wake up call after 9 a.m. then also time can be written and against the time
room number is entered.


The front office uses various racks for the smooth
The following are the racks used at front office
functioning of the department.
1. Bill rack
2. Key and Mail rack
3. Mail rack
4. Information rack
5. Room rack
6. Whitney rack

Bill Rack: Bill rack is maintained at bills

department. This rack is kept numerically
For each room a pigeon whole is made. All the vouchers (signed guest's bill) are
kept in this rack after posting them to the respective bills. When guestchecks out,
then all vouchers are handed over to the guest along with the master bill for

Key and Mail rack: Key and mail rack is placed at reception either against the
wall behind
reception counter or just under reception counter. This rack is also
maintained numerically. For each room a pigeon whole is made. Each pigeon whole
may be divided into two parts. The smaller portion is used to keep the guest's room
key and in the larger pigeon whole guest's mail and messages are placed.
Mail rack : This rack is also
placed at reception and can not be viewed by guests
from lobby. This rack is maintained
alphabetically. The mail of expected guests
is kept in this rack. If there is mail for Mr. Aggarwal then the letter is kept in the
'A' pigeon (the first
alphabet the name). If the expected date of arrival is Known
then it is written on the
envelope. The moment guest check's in the mail from mail
rack is taken and handed over to the
Information rack: This rack is also kept at
reception and is maintained
alphabetically. The names of guests are typed on information slips and kept in this
rack alphabetically. In case receptionist wants to
see in which room a
guest is staying then he can refer to the information rack. The moment particular
out, his slip is removed from the information rack. guest checks-

Room rack : Like information rack room rack is also used to check that in which
room a particular guest is staying. This rack is maintained numerically. All the
names are typed on information guests
slip and these slips are placed numerically on this

Whitney rack: This rack is maintained at room reservation department. This rack
is maintained if hotel is
having Whitney rack system of reservation. All reservations
are typed on the
Whitney slips and placed in the Whitney rack. This rack is
maintained date wise, month wise and year wise and for the
also be maintained following week it may
if there is a booking for a
From this rack reservation assistant can know
particular person for a specific day or not.
NOTE: For format of all the above racks please refer to the
lobby and front office, reservation and arrivals. chapters: hotel entrance,

Due to some un-avoidable circumstances a
guest may have to be moved from one
room to the other. This movement of guest is called
room shifting. The room can
be shifted either on the request of guest or
by the hotel.
Guest may request for shifting of room under the
1. At the time of check-in, he was not allotted following circumstances.
the room as per his choice.
2 Either an extra person is joining him or earlier
some one was sharing

room and now the other guest is checking out.

There is mechanical defect in one or more appliances of his room.
4 The guest does not like the room due to any reason like bad View
color scheme, floor, location, size, etc.
no balcony,
The immediate next door neighbor is disturbing so guest wants to get
his room changed.

Hotel wants guest to shift under the following circumstances.

1. At the time of check-in he was not allotted the room as per his choice.
Guest was allotted a double suite where as he was holding a confirmed
booking for single room and he is charged the tariff of single room. The
Single room is available and hotel wants guest to shift to Single room or
pay for double suite.
Guest wants to extend his departure date and the room is already
confirmed to some other guest.
3. Hotel wants to take the room under maintenance due to some

unavoidable circumstances.
The room of the guest can be changed if both guest and hotel are willing to change
and the alternate accommodation is available. The receptionist
the room
before shifting the room that the room to be shifted is ready to welcome the guest
The reason for shifting the room is mentioned and approval from lobby manager
or senior receptionist as authorized by the hotel is to be obtained before moving
the guest. Un-necessarily guests are not moved. The following departments are

intimated by reception regarding the shifting of guest.

House keeping: House keeping can take the room as occupied
and clear and
clean the room vacated by the guest. All services including night service
to be provided to the new room.
Bill department: Bill folio of the guest has to be changed to the new room.
2 All vouchers received for the old room with the guest's signature, are debited
to the guest's new room. Bill department also notes the change in tariff so
that the new tariff can be debited to the guest.
Bell desk: Bell desk can move the luggage of the guest and can make an
amendment in his arrival register.
Room service: Room service is intimated about the change of room so that
the bills can be raised for the new room and if any bill signed by the guest
to the old room can be debited to the new room.
5 Telephone department: Telephone department updates the room rack and
information rack and also notes down the telephone meter reading of both old
and new room so that guest can be charged for the telephone calls. The room
rack and information racks are updated so that guest's calls can be directed
to the new room.










ROOM SHIFTED BY . . ***°**°°'*°.

' *




Q1. Explain the process of Safe Deposit as used in hotels.

02. Ditferentiate between the following: () Card key and key card (i) Stay over
and over stay (ii) Walk in and walking a guest

Q3. Give the format of the following () Message form (i) Guest location form ()
Wake up call sheet (iv) room shifting voucher/slip (v) Guest history card

Q4. As a good receptionist how Would you handle the following situations:
(a) The room key is lost by the guest
(b) A guest with confirmed reservation has arived but his room is not ready
(c) After rooming a walk in guest, you find that he is black listed.

(d) A guest suddenly reporting ill at midnight.
Q5. Draw neat formats of (i) Visitor's
paid out (ii) Bell captain's control sheet
(ii) Bellboy's Errand Card (Arrival)
Q6. Explain the various tools used for
checking room availability position.
Q7. What are guest histories? How
and customer satisfaction?
can they be used to enhance
guest services

Q8. What is the role of a GRE in a hotel?

Q9. How will you handle the
Mail (c) Employee's mail
following at front office desk? (a) Guest mail (b) Hotel

Q10. Guest complaint handling is a true skill of the well trained front
Describe the desk agent.
procedures usually adopted in dealing with guest
Q11. Explain the various steps involved in handling guest complaints.
Q12. What are the different types of racks maintained at front office?


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